• 제목/요약/키워드: Sketch Based Design Tool

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An Internet-based Hybrid Design Methodology for Collaborative Virtual Design Studio (인터넷 기반 가상 디자인 스튜디오에서 하이브리드 건축 협업 설계 방법론에 관한 연구)

  • 박재완;최진원
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.40
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    • pp.158-164
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    • 2003
  • The rapid development of information technology has much influence on architectural design. Collaboration beyond time and space has been possible by networking the work environment and digital products. Thus, the virtual design studio on architectural design is getting more important than ever before. This research investigates a virtual design studio methodology for effective collaboration. The building design process and the communication model are studied and possible modes of design collaboration are defined. This paper proposes an internet-based Virtual Reality(VR) communication tool as well as new design methodology that we call the 'Hybrid Design Methodology'. We expect that this design methodology will dramatically increase design feedbacks, and thus results in better design alternatives. There are two issues involved in developing the collaborative virtual design studio: 1) an intuitive interface that presents collaborative relations, and 2) three-dimensional computer-mediated communication tool using sketch as a modeling method. Further research issues identified at the end of the research include developing algorithms that translate mapping images to polygons for the drafting phase in the design process.

Development of educational software for beam loading analysis using pen-based user interfaces

  • Suh, Yong S.
    • Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2014
  • Most engineering software tools use typical menu-based user interfaces, and they may not be suitable for learning tools because the solution processes are hidden and students can only see the results. An educational tool for simple beam analyses is developed using a pen-based user interface with a computer so students can write and sketch by hand. The geometry of beam sections is sketched, and a shape matching technique is used to recognize the sketch. Various beam loads are added by sketching gestures or writing singularity functions. Students sketch the distributions of the loadings by sketching the graphs, and they are automatically checked and the system provides aids in grading the graphs. Students receive interactive graphical feedback for better learning experiences while they are working on solving the problems.

m-shaper: A Sketch Drawing System for Musical Shape Generation (m-shaper: 음악적 형태 생성을 위한 스케치 드로잉 시스템)

  • Kwon, Doo-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1381-1387
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    • 2015
  • This paper proposes a sketch drawing system called m-shaper for musical shape generation. Through simple sketch drawing, users can generate musical shape configuration which can be played by a computer. One key ingredient of the process is a unique concept for the interactive musical shape generation that combines shape and sound based on the designers' manual inputs. m-shaper captures the numerical values of drawing characteristics and determines how the musical notes and shapes can be generated. Using a tablet, four sketch movements are captured such as pressure, tilt, rotation and speed. Each point of a shape corresponds to a certain musical note that represents a type of instrument, duration, pitch, and octave. The current m-shaper has been developed as a computational tool for supporting the schematic design process. Designers in m-shaper draw geometric sketches with a musical inspiration and explore possible conceptual forms. They also can control the parameters for results and transform their sketch drawing.

A Study on the creativity of the editorial design through the DTP-Focus on the stagnation of idea according to the standardization of the tool environment- (전자출판(DTP) 편집의 Creativity에 관한 고찰-Tool 환경의 정성화 따른 아이디어의 정체성을 중심으로-)

  • 김경만
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.21
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 1997
  • DTP is an innovation of publishing arts act up to the social environmental change followed by the development of the computer and using a word processer. which makes us more convenient and economical. beside. consumer's various desires for design. DTP is getting more practical owing to convenience and economization. but. There is a limit on creativity by the typical working environment. Especially. A convenient tool environment has reduced the field of creativity on account of its consistency with only solving design problems. Result of study. The tool environment has rapidly improved in working environment and process compared with the handwork editing in the past. Particularly. Accidental creations caused by the computer program probably could narrow down the idea world with consistency which is expressed as a pleasure creation. Therefore. A design idea and process should be examined sufficiently by idea sketch before using a computer for original editing. And. As editorial design is based on the aesthetic formative principles. there should be not only how to operate by the tool but also a basic editing design instruction sufficiently for the electronic page design.

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The development direction and Analysis on Graphic authoring tool according to Design work frame -Focused on Interface design- (디자인 업무 유형에 따른 그래픽 저작도구의 사용 현황과 발전 방향 -인터페이스 디자인 분야를 중심으로-)

  • Jung, Da-young;Kim, Seung-In
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.233-240
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, graphics authoring tools have evolved into a variety of formats in line with the rapidly changing digital design field. However, in the field of interface design, screen shape and size depending on the user's environment, it needs more flexible and scalable authoring tools. Along with the emergence of variety of new tools, work processes are also changing. This study investigates what kinds of graphic authoring tools are currently used by designers and compared the result to the case of overseas and examined the difference in the environment of graphic authoring tool. This study looked at criteria and satisfaction of designers choosing authoring tools and how the choice depends on the type of company we are working in and the type of project we are involved in. Research shows that the choice of authoring tools depends on the type and efficiency of the project. Based on this, a reference is provided to establish the standard and working environment for designers and companies to select graphic authoring tools and propose the future direction of graphic authoring tool environments.