• 제목/요약/키워드: Simulation Efficiency

검색결과 6,348건 처리시간 0.037초

Realistic simulation of reinforced concrete structural systems with combine of simplified and rigorous component model

  • Chen, Hung-Ming;Iranata, Data
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제30권5호
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    • pp.619-645
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    • 2008
  • This study presents the efficiency of simulating structural systems using a method that combines a simplified component model (SCM) and rigorous component model (RCM). To achieve a realistic simulation of structural systems, a numerical model must be adequately capturing the detailed behaviors of real systems at various scales. However, capturing all details represented within an entire structural system by very fine meshes is practically impossible due to technological limitations on computational engineering. Therefore, this research develops an approach to simulate large-scale structural systems that combines a simplified global model with multiple detailed component models adjusted to various scales. Each correlated multi-scale simulation model is linked to others using a multi-level hierarchical modeling simulation method. Simulations are performed using nonlinear finite element analysis. The proposed method is applied in an analysis of a simple reinforced concrete structure and the Reuipu Elementary School (an existing structure), with analysis results then compared to actual onsite observations. The proposed method obtained results very close to onsite observations, indicating the efficiency of the proposed model in simulating structural system behavior.

A Practical Exciter Model Reduction Approach For Power System Transient Stability Simulation

  • Kim, Soobae
    • 조명전기설비학회논문지
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    • 제29권10호
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2015
  • Explicit numerical integration methods for power system transient stability simulation require very small time steps to avoid numerical instability. The EXST1 exciter model is a primary source of fast dynamics in power system transients. In case of the EXST1, the required small integration time step for entire system simulation increases the computational demands in terms of running time and storage. This paper presents a practical exciter model reduction approach which allows the increase of the required step size and thus the method can decrease the computational demands. The fast dynamics in the original EXST1 are eliminated in the reduced exciter model. The use of a larger time step improves the computational efficiency. This paper describes the way to eliminate the fast dynamics from the original exciter model based on linear system theory. In order to validate the performance of the proposed method, case studies with the GSO-37 bus system are provided. Comparisons between the original and reduced models are made in simulation accuracy and critical clearing time.

Flutter and Buffeting Control of Long-span Suspension Bridge by Passive Flaps: Experiment and Numerical Simulation

  • Phan, Duc-Huynh;Nguyen, Ngoc-Trung
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.46-57
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    • 2013
  • Flutter stability and buffeting response have been the topics of most concern in the design state of long-span suspension bridges. Among approaches towards the aerodynamic stability, the aerodynamic-based control method which uses control surfaces to generate forces counteracting the unstable excitations has shown to be promising. This study focused on the mechanically controlled system using flaps; two flaps were attached on both sides of a bridge deck and were driven by the motions of the bridge deck. When the flaps moved, the overall cross section of the bridge deck containing these flaps was continuously changing. As a consequence, the aerodynamic forces also changed. The efficiency of the control was studied through the numerical simulation and experimental investigations. The values of quasi-steady forces, together with the experimental aerodynamic force coefficients, were proposed in the simulation. The results showed that the passive flap control can, with appropriate motion of the flaps, solve the aerodynamic instability. The efficiency of the flap control on the full span of a simple suspension bridge was also carried out. The mode-by-mode technique was applied for the investigation. The results revealed that the efficiency of the flap control relates to the mode number, the installed location of the flap, and the flap length.

전기자동차 및 내연기관 자동차의 최대 주행 거리 비교 분석 (Comparative Analysis of Maximum Driving Range of Electric Vehicle and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle)

  • 김정민
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, EV (Electric Vehicle) and ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicle simulators are developed to compare maximum driving range of EV and ICE vehicle according to different driving patterns. And, simulations are performed for fourteen constant velocity cases (20, 30, 40, ${\ldots}$, 150 km/h) and four different driving cycles. From the simulation results of constant velocity, it is found that the decreasing rate of maximum driving range for EV is larger than the one for ICE as both the vehicle velocity and the driving power increase. It is because the battery efficiency of EV decreases as both the velocity and the driving power increase, whereas the engine and transmission efficiencies of ICE vehicle increase. From the results of four driving cycle simulation, the maximum driving range of EV is shown to decrease by 50% if the average driving power of driving cycle increases from 10 to 20kW. It is because the battery efficiency decreases as the driving power increases. In contrast, the maximum driving range of ICE vehicle also increases as the average driving power of driving cycle increases. It is because the engine and transmission efficiencies also increase as the driving power increases.

LED Backlight Driving Circuits and Dimming Method

  • Kwon, Oh-Kyong;Jung, Young-Ho;Lee, Yong-Hak;Cho, Hyun-Suk;Nam, Ki-Soo;In, Hai-Jung
    • Journal of Information Display
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, light-emitting-diode (LED) backlight driving circuits and dimming method for medium-sized and large liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are proposed. The double loop control method, the intelligent-phase-shifted PWM dimming method, the fast-switching current regulator, and the current matching techniques are proposed to improve not only the current regulation characteristics and the power efficiency but also the current matching characteristics and the transient response of the LED current. The brightness of the backlight using the proposed local dimming method was determined from the histogram of the local block to reduce the power consumption of the backlight without image distortion. The measured maximum power efficiency of the LED backlight driving circuit for medium-sized LCDs was 90%, and the simulation results showed an 88% maximum power efficiency of the LED backlight driving circuit for large LCDs. The maximum backlight power-saving ratio of the proposed dimming method was 41.7% in the simulation with a high-contrast image. The experiment and simulation results showed that the performance of LEDs as LCD backlight units (BLUs) improved with the proposed circuits and method.

나노미터 패턴 회절격자 도광판의 광특성 (Optical Characteristics of LGP with Nanometer-patterned Grating)

  • 홍진수;김창교;이병욱;이명래
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.353-360
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    • 2008
  • The LGP with nanometer structures resulted in enhancement of optical efficiency. Its fundamental mechanism is to recycle the polarized light via one round-trip through QWP(Quarter-Wave Plate) but the maximum efficiency to reach with this method is limited up to 2. To get the larger efficiency than this limited one a LGP with nanometer-patterned grating is suggested. For its optimum design the computer simulation is performed and suggests a grating that the spatial frequency between adjacent patterns is 500nm, its height 250nm, duty cycle 50%, and its cross section is rectangular. On the basis of simulation results the LGP with nanometer-patterned grating is fabricated and its optical properties such as angular intensity distribution and CIE color coordinates are characterized. The angles of transmitted light are nearly the same as the results expected from the generalized Snell's law. Thus the Mathematica code, developed in this experiment, will be applied to designing the optimized LGP. The LGP with nanometer-patterened grating shows the enhancement of transmitted intensity distribution up to 4.9 times.

열 교환 소자 형상의 CFD 시뮬레이션을 통한 판형 전열 교환기 성능평가 (A Performance Evaluation of Plate Type Enthalpy Exchanger through CFD Analysis of Elements)

  • 강인성;안태경;박진철
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2017
  • In order to better save energy, many buildings have been constructed with high levels of insulation and airtightness in recent years. Additionally, having high quality indoor air has become more relevant, necessitating a ventilating system. This study is aimed at evaluating the performance of a humidity exchanger through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of elements for the purpose of providing comfortable indoor air and reduced energy consumption. The simulation was conducted with three different shapes (triangle, rectangular, and curve) of heat exchanger elements, in order to find the most effective element. A follow-up simulation then proved the efficiency of the chosen humidity exchanger, which was selected by analyzing the results of the preceding simulation, comparing study data with measurement data from the Korea Testing Laboratory (KTL). The resulting analysis revealed that the rectangular element showed the lowest level of efficiency in both heating and cooling, while the curved element showed the highest level of efficiency in both heating and cooling.

2상 흐름계에서 유로설계에 따른 전해조 분리판의 전산모사 연구 (A study on the channel design of bipolar plate of electrolytic cell by flow dynamic simulation in the two phase flow system)

  • 조현학;장봉재;송주영
    • 한국응용과학기술학회지
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.415-420
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    • 2010
  • This study is focused on the channel design of bipolar plate in the electrode of hydrogen gas generator. The characteristics of hydrogen gas generation was studied in view of efficiency of hydrogen gas generation rate and a tendency of gas flow through the riv design of electrode. Since the flow rate and flow pattern of generated gas in the two phase flow system are the most crucial in determining the efficiency of hydrogen gas generator, we adopted the commercial analytical program of COMSOL MultiphysicsTM to calculate the theoretical flow rate of hydrogen gas from the outlet of gas generator and flow pattern of two phase fluid in the electrode. In this study, liquid electrolyte flows into the bipolar plate and decomposed into gas phase, two phase flow simulation is applied to measure the efficiency of hydrogen gas generation.

선박엔진 부품의 성능 향상을 위한 초기 마모 및 윤활 해석 연구 (Simulation of the Initial Wear and Lubrication Performance of Marine Engine Components)

  • 차수빈;이향;정구현
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • 제38권6호
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the demand for improving energy efficiency has rapidly increased because of the growing concerns over environmental issues. In this work, the tribo-test and simulation for the initial wear and lubrication performance were performed for the piston pin in the small end system of the connecting rod of a marine engine, to obtain useful data for improving the efficiency of marine engine systems. In addition, a diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating was applied to the piston pin to explore feasibility of eliminating the bush used in the system. The initial wear and lubrication characteristics between the uncoated piston pin and bush were compared with that between the DLC-coated piston pin and connecting rod in the tribo-test. The simulation for the wear and lubrication performance according to the wear progression was conducted based on the data obtained from the test. The wear characteristics were quantitatively assessed by the wear depth and wear volume, and the lubrication performance was characterized with the change of pressure and minimum oil film thickness with respect to the crank angle. It was found that the DLC-coated piston pin may provide better initial wear characteristics and lubrication performance. The results of this work may provide fundamental information for marine engines with improved efficiency.

Lightweight Floor Systems for Tall Buildings: A Comparative Analysis of Structural Material Efficiencies

  • Piyush Khairnar
    • 국제초고층학회논문집
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2023
  • Typical floor systems in contemporary tall buildings consist of reinforced concrete or composite metal deck over framing members and account for a majority of the structural weight of the building. The use of high-density materials, such as reinforced concrete and steel, increases the weight of floor systems, reducing the system's overall efficiency. With the introduction of high-performance materials, mainly mass timber products, and fiber-reinforced composites, in the construction industry, designers and engineers have multiple options to choose from when selecting structural materials. This paper discusses the application of mass timber and carbon fiber composites as structural materials in floor systems of tall buildings. The research focused on a comparative analysis of the structural system efficiency for five different design options for tall building floor systems. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method was adopted to develop a simulation framework, and parametric structural models were simulated to evaluate the structural performance under specific loading conditions. Simulation results revealed the advantages of lightweight structural materials to improve system efficiency and reduce material consumption. The impact of mechanical properties of materials, loading conditions, and issues related to fire engineering and construction were briefly discussed, and future research topics were identified in conclusion.