• Title/Summary/Keyword: Simulation Efficiency

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Evaluation of Flotation Efficiency and Particle Separation Characteristics of Carbon Dioxide Bubbles using Collision Efficiency Model (단일포집자충돌(SCC) 모델을 이용한 이산화탄소기포의 입자분리특성과 부상효율 평가)

  • Lee, Jun-Young;Kim, Seong-Jin;Yoo, Young-Hoon;Chung, Paul-Gene;Kwon, Young-Ho;Park, Yang-Kyun;Kwak, Dong-Heui
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2012
  • In this century, scientists realized that carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere cause a greenhouse effect which affects the planet's temperature. Therefore lots of attempts have carried out to decrease the discharge of carbon dioxide gas in the field. The dissolved carbon dioxide flotation (DCF) process was developed as an alternative of DAF process to decrease the discharge and reuse of carbon dioxide as well as to save energy consumption. To investigate the particle separation characteristics and the flotation efficiency of carbon dioxide, SCC model was employed in the DCF process which has been applied extensively for the evaluation and simulation in the DAF process. The simulation results by the SCC model revealed the predicted curve of flotation efficiency became decreased gradually over the optimal pressure range of saturator about 1.6 atm in accordance with the experiment results of the DCF pilot plant and the size distribution and the bubble volume concentration of $CO_{2}$ bubbles depending on the operation pressure of saturator. The findings through the simulation results led to the conclusion that there was no significant difference between $CO_{2}$ bubbles and air bubbles, affecting on the practical flotation efficiency, in terms of the initial collision and attachment efficiency.

Photon Extraction Efficiency in InGaN Light-emitting Diodes Depending on Chip Structures and Chip-mount Schemes (InGaN LED에서 칩 구조 및 칩마운트 구조에 따른 광추출효율에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Song-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.275-286
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    • 2005
  • The performance of the InGaN LED's in terms of the photon extraction efficiency has been analyzed by the Monte Carlo photon simulation method. Simulation results show that the sidewall slanting scheme, which works well for the AlInGaP or InGaN/SiC LED, plays a very minimal role in InGaN/sapphire LED's. In contrast to InGaN/SiC LED's, the lower refractive index sapphire substrate restricts the generated photons to enter the substrate, minimizing the chances for the photons to be deflected by the slanted sidewalls of the epitaxial semiconductor layers that are usually very thin. The limited photon transmission to the sapphire substrate also degrades the. photon extraction efficiency especially in the epitaxial-side down mount. One approach to exploit the photon extraction potential of the epitaxial-side down mount may be to texture the substrate-epitaxy interface. In this case, randomized photon deflection off the textured interface directly increases the number of the photons entering the sapphire substrate, from which they easily couple out of the chip and thereby improving the photon extraction efficiency drastically.

Assessment of Influx Efficiency at By-Pass Fishway Using Two-Dimensional Physical Habitat Simulation Model -Focused on Zacco Platypus- (인공하도식 어도에서 2차원 물리서식처 모형을 이용한 어류 유입 효율 평가 -피라미를 대상으로-)

  • Baek, Kyong Oh;Park, Ji Hyun;Kim, Young Do
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.629-642
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the efficiency of the by-pass fishway installed at Kangjung-Goryong Weir in Nakdong River was assessed by using River2D which is a two-dimensional physical habitat simulation model. The model was calibrated and validated through the measured water elevation. The assessment was performed according to flow condition such as flood, normal, and low flow. Especially the low flow condition was focused on because the target fish, Zacco Platypus, have moved frequently up and downstream at the spawning season from April to June. From simulation results, it can be deduced that the influx efficiency and the passage efficiency of the fishway in the low flow is higher than that in the flood and normal flow due to occurrence of proper velocity at fishway entrance.

Study on the Effect of Product Line Pricing on Loading Efficiency and Logistics Cost (상품라인별 가격결정이 적재효율 및 물류비에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Sung-Tae;Yoon, Nam-Soo;Han, Kyu-Chul
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.55-69
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - Despite the importance of price, many companies do not implement pricing policies smoothly, because typical price management strategies insufficiently consider logistics efficiency and an increase in logistics costs due to logistics waste. This study attempts to examine the effect of product line pricing, which corresponds to product mix pricing, on logistics efficiency in the case of manufacturer A, and analyzes how logistics performance changes in response to these variables. Research design, data, and methodology - This study, based on the case of manufacturer A, involved research through understanding the current status, analyses, and then proposing improvement measures. Among all the products of manufacturer A, product group B was selected as the research object, and its distribution channel and line pricing were examined. As a result of simulation, for products with low loading efficiency, improvement measures such as changing the number of bags in the box were suggested, and a quantitative analysis was conducted on how these measures influence logistics costs. The TOPS program was used for the Pallet loading efficiency simulation tool in this study. To prevent products from protruding out of the pallet, the maximum measurement was set as 0.0mm, and loading efficiency was based on the pallet area, and not volume. In other words, its size (length x width) was focused upon, following the purpose of this study and, then, the results were obtained. Results - As a result of the loading efficiency simulation, when the number of bags in the box was changed for 36 products with low average loading efficiency of 73.7%, as shown in

    , loading efficiency improved to 89.9%. Further, from calculating logistics cost based on the cost calculation standard of manufacturer A, the amount of annual logistics cost reduction amounted to 101,458,084 KRW. Given that the sum of the logistics cost of the product group B of manufacturing enterprises A is 400,340,850 KRW, it can be reduced by 25%, to 298,882,766 KRW. Although many methods improve loading efficiency, this study proved that logistics cost could be reduced by changing the number of bags within boxes. If this measure is applied to other items, visible logistics cost reduction effects will be realized through improvements in loading efficiency. Conclusions - Future pricing policies should consider their correlation with quality, loading efficiency, product specifications, and logistics standardization to prevent logistics waste, enabling management to improve earnings for companies. Thus, when companies decide pricing policies for new products, the aspects of merchandising and marketing should take priority; however, the aspect of logistics also needs to be considered as significant. Measures revealed by the study results are not only the responsibilities of manufacturing enterprises. Pricing policy agreements between manufacturing enterprises and distribution companies, and logistics factors related to price determination should be considered; further, governments should also support them for their collaborations. This will enable consumers to purchase quality products with low prices.

  • A Study on Domestic Standard Parameter Setting for BIM-based Energy Performance Evaluation - Focused on Possession Area per Person of Occupants in Government Offices - (BIM 기반 에너지성능평가를 위한 국내 표준 매개변수 설정 방안에 대한 연구 - 공공청사 업무시설의 재실자 1인당 점유면적을 중심으로 -)

    • Lee, Yun-Jeong;Lee, Kweon-Hyoung;Kim, In-Han;Choo, Seung-Yeon
      • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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      • v.20 no.1
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      • pp.11-21
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      • 2015
    • Currently, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia etc. are actively utilizing energy simulation for efficiency evaluation of building energy. However, domestic energy efficiency assessment system doesn't use energy simulation system properly at present: parameters based architecture plans and Ashrae Standard are inputted for the evaluation, because the input parameters for the simulation haven't been established yet. This fact causes poor reliability during energy simulation, as the values of the two standards are different from each other. Therefore, the aim of the study is to set domestic standard parameter for BIM-based energy performance evaluation, focusing on possession area per person of occupants at government office in Korea. We found that the difference among the result values occurred approximately 3% in the energy simulation. As a result of the analysis, possession area per person of occupants in Government office is $31.87m^2$. Other input parameters may be set based on this. This will increase the reliability of energy simulation through a domestic standard parameter.

    Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis Case of the Valves installed in the Hydraulic Driving Motor (사판식 구동모터에 장착된 밸브의 설계변수 민감도 해석 사례)

    • Noh, Dae-Kyung;Jang, Joo-Sup
      • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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      • v.22 no.3
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      • pp.81-87
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      • 2013
    • This paper is about study how to decrese surge pressure that is occurred in excavator driving motor. We used computer simulation program SimulationX. It is also about the way finding design problem and approaching a solution through interpreting shape design sensitivity analysis. Programmes are below. First of all, finding shape fault by analyzing dynamic behavior of valves installed in hydraulic driving motor which is designed now. And drawing variable which is considered sensitive to improve dynamic efficiency among a lot of shape variables. Then, targeting that variable and examining dynamic efficiency stabilization tendency with controlling it. Finally, suggesting the most effective tuning method through variable combination as there are a lot of sensitive variables.

    dynamic Pattern Abstraction of a Logic Circuit Simulator and Its speed UP (논리회로 시뮬레이터에 있어서 실행상태의 동적패턴 추출과 고속화)

    • Lee, Phil-Woo;Kozo Itano
      • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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      • v.5 no.8
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      • pp.2179-2189
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      • 1998
    • This paper presents the methodolog~- to improve the computatIon efficiency of the simulation by developing the concept of the dynamic preservatIon and reurilization of the state transitions. The computation COst is emormous for the simulation of hardware described in hardware description languages including VHDL Analyzing the process of simulation precisely, we have found that the number of the pattems for the state transition is limited if the sizes of hardware modules are determined properly. The pattems are preserved dynamically when they appeared first, and are utilized in later simulation in order to reduce the simulation costs. In this study, the efficiency of the present method was verified using case studies for the simulation.

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    Analysis and Modelling of Dynamically Variable Topology of Low Earth Orbit Satellite Networks (저궤도 위성 네트워크의 동적 토폴로지 해석 및 모델링)

    • Vazhenin, N.A.;Ka, Min-Ho
      • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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      • v.8 no.2
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      • pp.155-162
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      • 2004
    • Recently, significant interest is shown to creation rather inexpensive global systems communications on base of Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Networks (LEOSN). One of problems of design and creation LEOSN is development of the stream control methods and estimation it's efficiency in such networks. The given problem is complicated, that the topology of the satellite networks varies in time. It essentially hinders the analytical decision of the given problem. An effective way of overcoming of these difficulties is simulation modeling. For realization of research experiments on learning the information streams routing algorithms in LEOSN a special program complex SANET was developed. In the given paper principles of development of LEOSN simulation models and architecture of the manager by the process of a simulation modeling of the unit are considered. Methods of promotion of modeling time and architecture of a simulator complex offered in the article allow to boost essentially efficiency of simulation analysis and to ensure simulation modeling of the satellite networks consisting of several hundreds space vehicles.

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    Performance Characteristics of a Turbo Blower Having the Various Shapes of a Volute Casing (볼류트 케이싱 형상에 따른 터보블로어 성능특성 고찰)

    • Jang, Choon-Man;Yang, Sang-Ho
      • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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      • v.34 no.9
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      • pp.843-850
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      • 2010
    • This In this paper, we describe the performance characteristics of a turbo blower as a function of the shape of the volute casing: expansion diameter and width of the volute casing. The turbo blower considered in the present study is mainly used in a refuse collection system. The flow characteristics inside the turbo blower were analyzed by a three-dimensional Navier-Stokes solver and compared with experimental results. The distributions of pressure and efficiency obtained by numerical simulation were in good agreement with those determined experimentally. Throughout the numerical simulation of the turbo blower, the blower performance was enhanced by decreasing the local losses in the blade passage and the outlet flow. The efficiency and pressure for the design flow condition were enhanced by about 3% and 2%, respectively, compared to the efficiency and pressure of the reference blower. Detailed flow analysis was performed using the results of the numerical simulation

    Performance Improvement of ASIP Assembly Simulator Using Compiled Simulation Technique (컴파일방식 시뮬레이션 기법을 이용한 ASIP 어셈블리 시뮬레이터의 성능 향상)

    • 김호영;김탁곤
      • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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      • v.12 no.2
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      • pp.45-53
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      • 2003
    • This paper presents a retargetable compiled assembly simulation technique for fast ASIP(application specific instruction processor) simulation. Development of ASIP which satisfies design requirements in various fields of applications such as telecommunication, wireless network, etc. needs formal design methodology and high-performance relevant software environments such as compiler and simulator In this paper, we employ the architecture description language(ADL) named ${HiXR}^2$ to automatically synthesize an instruction-level compiled assembly simulator. A compiled simulation has benefit of time efficiency to interpretive one because it performs instruction fetching and decoding at compile time. Especially, in case of assembly simulation, instruction decoding is usually a time-consuming job(string operation), so the compiled simulation of assembly simulation is more efficient than that of binary simulation. Performance improvement of the compiled assembly simulation based on ${HiXR}^2$ is exemplified with an ARM9 architecture and a CalmRISC32 architecture. As a result, the compiled simulation is about 150 times faster than interpretive one.

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