• Title/Summary/Keyword: Service quality evaluation

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The Related Factors with Improvement of Long-term Care Need of Residents and Quality of Service in Long-term Care Facility (노인요양시설 입소자의 장기요양등급 개선과 서비스 질 관련요인)

  • Chin, Young-Ran;Choi, Kyoung-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among staffing, occupancy rate, upward level change of long-term care need, and evaluation grade of facility. Data were obtained from National Health Insurance Corporation Database. Occupancy rate and evaluation grade were highest in National/public operating facilities, while they were worst in individual operating facilities. The percents of A or B grade in evaluation grade (by newly enforced law) is highest in National/public operating facilities. Multiple regression analysis showed that upward level change of care needs was very weakly associated with the number of doctors. Evaluation grade showed a weak and significant association with occupancy ratey(by old-version law)(r=.20, p<.01), upward level change of care need in group home(r=.23, p<.01) Staffing in facility did not show significantly consistent association with upward level change of care needs, evaluation grade, and occupancy rate.

A Study on the Service Quality Evaluation of Older Persons in Public Libraries by the Use of LibQUAL+: The Case of G-gu in Seoul (LibQUAL+를 적용한 공공도서관 노인 서비스 품질 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Bo-il;Kim, Seon-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.319-344
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    • 2017
  • As the social environment changes, the public library's services for older persons need to be improved from a new perspective. Therefore, this study analyzed the relationships among user satisfaction of major services, overall service satisfaction, service quality components (i.e., service affection, information control, and library as place), and re-use intention according to demographic characteristics by evaluating the public library's services for older persons with applying LibQUAL+ and surveying the user satisfaction. This study proposed to provide appropriate information and service according to the changes of the elderly user environment, develop the library collection according to the diversified information needs by older users, and allocate personnel who could offer a service to older people.

The Performance Evaluation on Service Organization using the Priority-Constrained DEA Model (우선순위제약 DEA모델을 이용한 서비스조직의 성과평가)

  • Seo, Sang-Beom;Park, Myung-Sub
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.93-107
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    • 2006
  • This paper attempts to improve the typical DEA model that is often used as a performance evaluation method for service firms. The after-sales service system in a Korean electronic company is chosen as a sample case. The performance evaluation method currently practiced in the firm was reviewed and some critical issues of the current method were discussed. DEA model would be considered a solution for solving those Issues. However, typical DEA models has various drawbacks in determining the weights over evaluation criteria. Proposed is the priority-constrained DEA model that accommodates the strategic Importance of each evaluation criterion. The results of the proposed model are compared with those of typical DEA models. It is shown that the priority-constrained DEA model is superior to the others in terms of evaluation quality.

Behavior-Structure-Evolution Evaluation Model(BSEM) for Open Source Software Service (공개소프트웨어 서비스 평가모델(BSEM)에 관한 개념적 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Chang;Park, Hoon-Sung;Suh, Eung-Kyo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - Open source software has high utilization in most of the server market. The utilization of open source software is a global trend. Particularly, Internet infrastructure and platform software open source software development has increased rapidly. Since 2003, the Korean government has published open source software promotion policies and a supply promotion policy. The dynamism of the open source software market, the lack of relevant expertise, and the market transformation due to reasons such as changes in the relevant technology occur slowly in relation to adoption. Therefore, this study proposes an assessment model of services provided in an open source software service company. In this study, the service level of open source software companies is classified into an enterprise-level assessment area, the service level assessment area, and service area. The assessment model is developed from an on-site driven evaluation index and proposed evaluation framework; the evaluation procedures and evaluation methods are used to achieve the research objective, involving an impartial evaluation model implemented after pilot testing and validation. Research Design, data, and methodology - This study adopted an iteration development model to accommodate various requirements, and presented and validated the assessment model to address the situation of the open source software service company. Phase 1 - Theoretical background and literature review Phase 2 - Research on an evaluation index based on the open source software service company Phase 3 - Index improvement through expert validation Phase 4 - Finalizing an evaluation model reflecting additional requirements Based on the open source software adoption case study and latest technology trends, we developed an open source software service concept definition and classification of public service activities for open source software service companies. We also presented open source software service company service level measures by developing a service level factor analysis assessment. The Behavior-Structure-Evolution Evaluation Model (BSEM) proposed in this study consisted of a rating methodology for calculating the level that can be granted through the assessment and evaluation of an enterprise-level data model. An open source software service company's service comprises the service area and service domain, while the technology acceptance model comprises the service area, technical domain, technical sub-domain, and open source software name. Finally, the evaluation index comprises the evaluation group, category, and items. Results - Utilization of an open source software service level evaluation model For the development of an open source software service level evaluation model, common service providers need to standardize the quality of the service, so that surveys and expert workshops performed in open source software service companies can establish the evaluation criteria according to their qualitative differences. Conclusion - Based on this evaluation model's systematic evaluation process and monitoring, an open source software service adoption company can acquire reliable information for open source software adoption. Inducing the growth of open source software service companies will facilitate the development of the open source software industry.

A Study on The Evaluation for Quality Factors of SNS and SNS Media by Using AHP (AHP 기법을 적용한 SNS 품질요인 및 SNS 매체 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Li, Nan;Park, Deuk
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.299-307
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    • 2014
  • Nowadays, SNS media has become one of the most common and economic communication methods in the modern word. With the rapid development of communication technology, a variety of SNS media makes easier for us to reach other people everywhere and people are getting more and more reliant on them. The surge in SNS media users and SNS media diversity gets more important every day, but academic research on SNS media evaluation program is scanty. In order to present an evaluation program on the SNS media, this study selected some applicable measurement factors based on reference research, and then evaluate major SNS medias by using AHP analysis method. With these purposes, Kakaotalk, Twitter and Facebook, are the three major SNS medias that were chosen for the analysis. Through collections and analysis of usability evaluation factors about SNS quality from related literature, some factors were concluded: system quality, information quality, interface quality and service quality, to build an AHP frame. And to achieve these purposes, this study applied comprehend mutual questionnaire survey for experts and users to gather research date. Empirical studies about the results were performed using AHP method with Microsoft Office Excel 2010. In this study, the final SNS media evaluation result is that Kakaotalk ranks first of the three SNS media, Facebook is in the second place, and Twitter as least. When SNS media are evaluated, system quality, information quality, interface quality and service quality should be considered. Among all factors, service quality is the most important.

Study on Development of Medical Software Evaluation Criteria (의료용 소프트웨어의 평가기준 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Hae-Sool;Pyon, Ung-Bum;Lee, Jeong-Rim;Ryu, Gyu-Ha
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.10D no.5
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    • pp.781-792
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    • 2003
  • We medical software is becoming important means to secure competitive power of medical service by explosive increase of medical device based on software, and the quality of medical service is affected to quality of medical software as well as medical devices. But domestic related study and development is not sufficient for quality of medical software, and a falling-off in medical software quality can induce a falling-off in quality of medical service. Therefore, it is necessary to raise qualitative level of medical service by progress and quality improvement of medical devices. Therefore, in this paper, we developed test module and qualify inspection table which can test medical software and produce result based on ISO/1EC 12119.

A Study on the Impact of Satisfaction Level with Automobile Service Quality on Word-of-mouth intention (자동차구매 후 서비스품질 만족도가 자동차의 구전의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Chang-Sun;Yang, Hae-Sool
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2014
  • In terms of service quality evaluation, consumers think that the product they have bought is of good quality only when they are provided with satisfactory service. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of service quality on customer satisfaction, repurchase intention and word-of-mouth intention in the automobile service industry and the possible mediating effects of Parameters by obtaining empirical data. A survey was conducted to gather data, and the collected data were analyzed by a statistical package SPSS. As a result, it's ascertained that the quality of service was one of integral factors for customer behavioral intention, and Parameters turned out to have strong mediating effects on the quality of service and customer behavioral intention as well.