• Title/Summary/Keyword: Service Level Management

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Reinforcement leaning based multi-echelon supply chain distribution planning (강화학습 기반의 다단계 공급망 분배계획)

  • Kwon, Ick-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.323-330
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    • 2014
  • Various inventory control theories have tried to modelling and analyzing supply chains by using quantitative methods and characterization of optimal control policies. However, despite of various efforts in this research filed, the existing models cannot afford to be applied to the realistic problems. The most unrealistic assumption for these models is customer demand. Most of previous researches assume that the customer demand is stationary with a known distribution, whereas, in reality, the customer demand is not known a priori and changes over time. In this paper, we propose a reinforcement learning based adaptive echelon base-stock inventory control policy for a multi-stage, serial supply chain with non-stationary customer demand under the service level constraint. Using various simulation experiments, we prove that the proposed inventory control policy can meet the target service level quite well under various experimental environments.

Effective Demand Selection Scheme for Satisfying Target Service Level in a Supply Chain (공급망의 목표 서비스 수준 만족을 위한 효과적인 수요선택 방안)

  • Park, Gi-Tae;Kwon, Ick-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.205-211
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    • 2009
  • In reality, distribution planning for a supply chain is established using a certain probabilistic distribution estimated by forecasting. However, in general, the demands used for an actual distribution planning are of deterministic value, a single value for each of periods. Because of this reason the final result of a planning has to be a single value for each period. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to estimate a single value due to the inherent uncertainty in the probabilistic distribution of customer demand. The issue addressed in this paper is the selection of single demand value among of the distributed demand estimations for a period to be used in the distribution planning. This paper proposes an efficient demand selection scheme for minimizing total inventory costs while satisfying target service level under the various experimental conditions.

Distribution Planning for a Distributed Multi-echelon Supply Chain under Service Level Constraint (서비스 수준 제약하의 다단계 분배형 공급망에 대한 분배계획)

  • Park, Gi-Tae;Kwon, Ick-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2009
  • In a real-life supply chain environment, demand forecasting is usually represented by probabilistic distributions due to the uncertainty inherent in customer demands. However, the customer demand used for an actual supply chain planning is a single deterministic value for each of periods. In this paper we study the choice of single demand value among of the given customer demand distribution for a period to be used in the supply chain planning. This paper considers distributed multi-echelon supply chain and the objective function of this paper is to minimize the total costs, that is the sum of holding and backorder costs over the distribution network under the service level constraint, by using demand selection scheme. Some useful findings are derived from various simulation-based experiments.

The Effects of Service Level Provided by The Staffs in the Dental Clinic on The Purchasing Behavior of Customers in South Gyeongnam Province (경남지역 치과병.의원 직원들의 서비스제공수준이 고객의 구매행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Yu-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.149-159
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research is to provide an available basis for marketing strategy by defining the cause-effect relation between the service level of staff members in dental clinic and purchasing behavior of the customers. This study was done in 10 days from November 2, 2009 to November 11, 2009 and the total 172 copies were used for the analysis. As a result of the correlation analysis, a significant positive correlation among all the measured variables was found. As a result of the structural model analysis, I found that the fair service among the variables of the service level significantly affects the building of relationship and the hospital image. The building of relationship and the hospital image significantly affect the positive oral spread. The building of relationship significantly affects the repurchase intentions but the hospital image does not affects the repurchase intentions. To sum up the result of this study, I found that the fair service and the building of relationship with patients are important variables in order to attract new patients and maintain existing customers. I recommend that the hospital continues to motivate staffs through internal marketing and conduct regular trainings. It is necessary to have patients satisfied with broadening responsibility and authority and set marketing strategy for the relationship with patients.

A Study on DRP System for Logistics Improvement - A Case of a Multi-sourcing Logistics System (물류개선을 위한 DRP시스템에 관한 연구 - 복수공급원이 있는 물류시스템을 중심으로-)

  • 장융남
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.73-90
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    • 1994
  • Recently the recongnition of Logistics becomes important to enterpries as a means for improving their competition, but the Korea enterpries falls for far behind in management techniques for analyzing realities and problems in the Logistics compare to the advanced countries. Especially the function of inventory control which is most undeveloped in them should be improved in Korea. Inventory is very important in Logistics, but there exists trade-off between inventory level and customer in the service level. It is difficult to coordinate both the reduction in the inventory level and the enhancement in the service level. Its effective technique is a DRP system. In general, it deals with arborescent distribution network in which a given channel member has a single source of supply. This article aims to present a DRP system, and more a DRP system which is flexible and responsive in the multisourcing, multi-echelon distribution network. Related research issues are discussed. Finally, using a DRP system on logistics and the management performance. So we can help the physical distribution improvement of the Korean enterprises.

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A Study on the Recognition and Needs of Hospital Management Diagnoses Indicators (병원경영자의 병원경영진단 지표에 관한 인식과 요구도)

  • Park, Jae-Woo;Hwang, Byung-Deog
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to provide hospital management diagnosis status and basic data required for the future development of hospital management diagnosis program. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey on administrative staff of manager level or over of medical institutions in B metropolitan city. Results: As a result of analyzing the relative influence of the needs by hospital management diagnosis indicator, the effect of financial analysis indicator, patient treatment record indicator and medical revenues indicator were high in the medical institutions with number of beds of 100 beds or over and general hospital level or over both on a hospital level and on an individual level. Conclusions: Since the existing laws or systems are centered on large major hospitals, the management environment is very unfavorable for small and medium hospitals as can be seen from the results of this study. Therefore, the government should improve the transparency and rationality of the hospital management environment in Korea through regulation and system reforms that can be applied to all medical institutions.

Improvement direction of safety management level evaluation on construction technology service providers by FGI (FGI에 근거한 건설기술용역사업자 안전관리 수준평가 개선방향에 대한 연구)

  • Seo, Jae Shin;Yoon, Younggeun;Lee, Jaeyun;Oh, Taekeun;Won, Jeonghun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.351-358
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the fatality rate in the construction industry has not decreased any more and is in a stagnant state, and there are efforts by various construction participants such as ordering, design, and construction, management to improve it. In order to reduce serious accidents in the construction industry, which is higher than in other industries, the government evaluates the safety level of construction participants and announces it to raise awareness. However, in the items, standards, and procedures of the safety management level evaluation, there are points that do not match the site situation, and it is necessary to improve them. In this study, in order to improve the safety management level evaluation for construction technology service providers who are in the worst situation for safety management, the safety management level evaluation result analysis and Focus-Group-Interview(FGI) were conducted. improvement direction was suggested.

Related Factors to the Service Level of Aged Care Facilities in Korea (노인요양시설 서비스 제공 수준의 관련 요인 분석)

  • Jung, Eun-Wook;Jeong, Seung-Won;Seo, Young-Joon;Choi, Dae-Bong
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.22-44
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this study is to examine relevant factors of the service level of aged care facilities. The sample used in this study consisted of 357 aged care facilities in Korea. Data were collected with self-administered questionnaire and 140 returned questionnaire were analyzed by SPSS Version 12.0. The major findings of the study are as follows: First, there was no significant mean difference in the service level by the facility characteristics, except the length of operation. Second, it was found that both administrative characteristics and employer characteristics were positively associated with the level of nursing and supportive services. Third, the study results revealed that the following three variables of employee education and training, community networks, and employer's philosophy and management principles had significant positive effects on the level of nursing services. Meanwhile, the following two variables of employee education and training, and community networks had significant positive effects on the level of supportive services. In conclusion, in order to improve their service level, the managers of aged care facilities in Korea should make efforts to provide more employee education and training, establish networks with the community stakeholders, for example, local clinics and hospitals. It is also recommended for the government to make a policy inducing more qualified private investors to enter the aged care market, as well as to strengthen the qualification of the managers of the public aged care facilities.

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A study on Risk-based Bridge Performance Evaluation Method for Asset Management (위험도 개념을 적용한 교량 자산관리의 성능평가방법 연구)

  • Choi, Hyun-Ho;Sun, Jong-Wan;Park, Kyung-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2013
  • Generally, asset management procedure consists of exact information collection, decision of service level, analysis of aspiration level, analysis of financial condition and available budget, preparation of asset management plan, and value of modified asset. In this study, for the risk-based asset management, condition assessment and performance measuring, assessment of failure modes and risks, evaluation/selection of treatment options, and implementation of optimum solution are additionally included. For this, bridge inventory and performance measure considering risks are classified and method of quantitative/qualitative performance measure is suggested. Also, evaluation method of risk analysis for bridge asset management is suggested and basic research is carried out for applicable method of risk-based asset management. Using suggested risk procedure and method of risk-based bridge service level evaluation, it is possible to perform resonable asset management. Moreover, it is concluded that the proposed applicable method of risk-based asset management will provide a solution to contribute the development of systematical asset management for optimal decision making and prototype asset management system.

Research on the Relationship between the Service Discretion Acts of Customer-encountering Employees and Trust Management (호텔 고객 접점 종업원의 서비스 재량 행위와 신뢰 경영간의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Nam-Jae;Lee, Sang-Jung
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.12 no.3 s.30
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    • pp.201-218
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    • 2006
  • This research has attempted to asses the relationship between trust management, the element of service discretion act, and the quality of the service. The research model and assumption have been set up based on such a theoretical research and the demonstrative analysis of the customer-encountering employees of five-star hotels in Seoul. The results of the study are as follows; First, the rationalization of management can be achieved by improving the service through having a command of trust management as a management strategy. Second, there has been significant differences between variables such as the degree of importance and accomplishment of trust management. And it tells us that it is necessary to improve the range of service discretion acts up to the level where the difference between importance and accomplishment is not in existence. Third, the variable changes according to demographic characteristics show us the necessity of providing individualized education by recognizing the differences among groups. Fourth, the trust management has a considerable effect on the quality of the service, and this indicates that the quality of the service can be improved through expanding the range of service discretion acts of customer-encountering employees.

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