• Title/Summary/Keyword: Serum protein

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Comparison of Protein Electrophoresis Fractions in Diabetes Patient Serum (당뇨병 환자의 혈청단백 전기영동 분획 비교)

  • Kim, Chong-Ho;Park, Seok-Tae;Park, Hyea-Rim;Park, Seung-Taeck
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.61-64
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    • 2005
  • We compared the serum protein electrophoresis patterns in sera of diabetes patients (n=166) which showed more than 150 mg/dL of glucose. The concentrations of total protein, albumin, ${\alpha}1$-globulin, ${\alpha}2$-globulin, ${\beta}$-globulin and ${\gamma}$-globulin in sera of patients were $6.3{\pm}1.2g/dL$, $40.3{\pm}6.4%$, $4.9{\pm}2.3%$, $13.5{\pm}3.8%$, $15.5{\pm}3.9%$, and $25.9{\pm}5.8%$, respectively. The frequency of patients showed lower levels of total protein, albumin, ${\alpha}1$-globulin were 48.5%, 96.4%, and 33.7%. The frequency of patients showed higher levels of ${\alpha}2$-globulin, ${\beta}$-globulin, and ${\gamma}$-globulin were 56.6%, 47.0%, and 90.4%, respectively. This data suggests that the high concentration of glucose in blood may damage the kidney and liver. Also, the decrease of albumin and ${\alpha}1$-globulin and increase of ${\alpha}2$-globulin, ${\beta}$-globulin and ${\gamma}$-globulin shows that the concentration of glucose in blood will have an effect on the variation of serum protein electrophoretic patterns.

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Effects of Soybean Protein on Bone Mineral Density and Bone Mineral Content in Ovariectomized Rats (난소절제 쥐에서 콩단백질의 섭취가 골밀도와 골무기질 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi Mi-Ja;Jung Ji-Won
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.279-288
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to examine whether soybean protein isolate with rich isoflavones which was the same amount as used for earlier study prevents bone induced by ovarian hormone deficiency. Forty female Sprague-Dawley rats (body weight 210 $\pm$ 5 g) were divided into two groups, ovariectomy (OVX) and sham surgery groups, which were each randomly divided into two subgroups that were fed casein and soybean protein isolate with rich isoflavones (isoflavones 3_4 mg/g protein). The diets were fed for 9 weeks after operation. The results of this study indicate that body weight gain and food intake were higher in OVX groups than in SHAM groups regardless of diets. Weight gain were higher in soy isolate groups than in casein groups. Serum Ca concentration was lower in OVX rats than in SHAM rats when fed casein diet. Within the OVX groups, serum Ca concentration was higher in rats fed soy isolate diet than in rats fed casein diet. Serum ALP were higher in OVX groups than in SHAM groups. Within the OVX, soy isolate groups, indices of serum osteocalcin, were a trend for greater than those of the OVX casein group. Crosslink value were increased in ovariectomy groups. Spine BMD and femur BMD of ovariectomy groups were significantly lower than SHAM groups. However, soy isolate with rich isoflavones group in ovariectomy groups, spine BMC and femur BMC were significantly increased after 9 weeks. In conclusion, the soy protein with rich isoflavones was beneficial for bone in ovareiectomized rats and the results were similar to the findings of our previous study which showed a beneficial effect on bone in growing rats.

Expression of the C-terminal of 34kDa protein of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (Mycobacterium paratuberculosis의 34kDa C-terminal 단백질의 발현)

  • Kim, Doo;Park, Hyung-wook
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.86-93
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    • 2000
  • Paratuberculosis (Johne's disease), a chronic enteritis produced by Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, affects a large proportion of ruminants in all continents and causes important economic losses. The identification of well-characterized and species-specific components of M paratuberculosis would provide the means to improve the specificity and sensitivity of immunodiagnostic assays for Johne's disease. The aims of this study were to express the recombinant C-terminal of 34kDa protein (rC34P) of M paratuberculosis in E coli and to investigate the effectiveness of this protein in detecting antibodies to the native protein in sera from paratuberculosis infected cattle. The C-terminal of the gene encoding the 34kDa protein was amplified by polymerase chain reaction from the chromosomal DNA of M paratuberculosis (ATCC 19698) and cloned into vector pGEX-4T-2. Then, cloned plasmid was transformed into E coli DH5${\alpha}$ and the rC34P was overexpressed. The rC34P was purified by affinity chromatography and gel filtration. The rC34P was examined antigenicity by Western blot. The rC34P was reactive with culture positive bovine serum and hyperimmune rabbit anti-M paratuberculosis serum but was not reactive with culture negative bovine serum and tuberculin positive bovine serum in Western blot. In conclusion, the rC34P produced in this study is expected as a useful candidate for antigen in serological diagnosis of Johne's disease.

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The Serological Studies for the Korean Bovine Serum of Vaccinated with Black-leg living Vaccine [I] Analysis of Immune Serum by Paper Electrophoresis (기종저(氣腫疽) 예방주사(豫防注射) 한우(韓牛)에 대(對)한 혈청학적(血淸學的) 연구(硏究) [1] 여지전기영동법(濾紙電氣泳動法)에 의(依)한 기종저(氣腫疽) 면역혈청단백(免疫血淸蛋白)의 분석시험(分析試驗))

  • Seo, Boo Kap
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 1968
  • 1. The albumin, ${\beta}-globurin$ and ${\gamma}-globurin$ fractions of non-vaccinated bovine serum (Control) int declined, and a total protein and ${\alpha}-globurin$ level are advanced on the reversible rather than of vaccinated immumized bovine serum. (Table 5.) 2. Some few exists the to bring about changed in the individuals and sexual in a vaccinated bovine serum, however, Male serum globurin fractions are higher than Female globurin fractions percentage. (Table 1 and 3.) 3. Albumin fractions are Age-ablly variable, so that, younger's are rather lower than adult's such reported as in the another litratures. 4. In the monthly analysis of immunized bovine serum the first week to at dulation for third weeks were slowly advanced as variablly in serum-protein fractions of ater by the Black-leg No. 2 vaccination, then, albumin fractions were illustated as maximum ratio (42.73 3.49%) and increased much as 14.9% more than non-vaccinates, and ${\alpha}-globurin$ fractions indicated the minimum ratio(15.11 2.35%) at for 4th month after vaccination decrease much as about 7.71 % rather non-vaccinated normal bovine serum. (Table 4. and Fig 3.) Next, continuous advanced the ${\beta}-globurin$ fractions at first month as primary crisis in a diagram, and indicated the maximum ratio at 8th months as the second crieir on the its diagram of after vaccinati on, however, few changed in non-vaccinated bovine serum. (Figs 4.) Especially, ${\gamma}-globurin$ fractions are advanced the maximum ratio as 41. 45% 4.48% anp advanced to be widely range much as about 22.55% more than control serum at 5th months of after the vaccination. That is one of the most considerable evalution in Black-leg No. 2 vaccination to Korean calevs as great presence of the maximum immune antibodies at for 5th month after the vaccination. (Table 4. and Fig 4.) 5. In the relationship between vaccinated rabbit and Korean calves, serum protein fraractions were to be changed within the 3 weeks, so that albumin fractions of vaccinated immune bovine serum are increased as directly ratio, while vaccinated rabbit immunized serum showed the decrease as to reciprocal ratio. Although, conclude that ${\gamma}-globurin$ fractions are increased gradually by and large on the vaccinated immune bovine serum(B. P. S.) and vaccinated immune rabbit serum(R. P. S.) together. (Table 6).

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Effects of Dietary Protein Levels on Protein Metabolism in Ethanol-Administered Rats (에탄올을 투여한 흰쥐에서 단백질 섭취수준이 단백질 대사에 미치는 영향)

  • 고진복;정복미
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.327-333
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    • 1992
  • This study was performed to investigate effects of ethanol and dietary protein levels on protein metabolism in 15-week-old male rats given a normal diet. Rats were divided into 8 groups : control group (165 protein, 16 PC) and 8%(8PE), 16%(16PE) and 24% protein groups (24PE) to which was given 5% ethanol mixed into their drinking water after 4 weeks and 10 weeks. Body weight gain, organ weight, serum glucose concentration and liver protein concentrations were not affected by either ethanol or dietary protein levels. Serum total protein concentrations after 10 weeks were significantly increased in the 16 PE and 24PE groups compared with that of control group. Serum albumin concentrations after 10 weeks were significantly increased in all the ethanol-administered groups than that of control group. Fecal and urinary nitrogen metabolism wee not affected by ethanol.

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The Role of Fatty Acid Binding Protein in the Fatty Liver Induced by Alcohol or High Cholesterol Diet in Rats (알코올 및 고콜레스테롤 식이로 유도된 흰쥐의 지방간에서 지방산 결합단백질의 역할 및 특성)

  • 김혜경
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.628-636
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    • 1999
  • There is a marked increase in geriatric disease, especially liver disease, due to the continuous increase in alcohol and fat consumption. Since the fatty liver, induced by alcohol or fat, is basically from abnormalities in the lipid metabolism, it is possible that fatty acid binding protein(FABP) which is related to the fatty acid metabolism may also be abnormal in these livers. FABP is a small molecular weight protein family present in cytosol in high concentration. It has been proposed as a fatty acid transfer protein and as a binding protein responsible for controlling intracellular free fatty acid concentration. In this research, we have examined the relationship between liver FABP and fatty liver induced by alcohol or high cholesterol diet. Rats were fed one of either semipurified liquid diets; control diet containing 65% carbohydrate, 20% protein, and 15% fat or high cholesterol diet containing 1%(w/w) cholesterol or alcohol diet containing 37% of alcohol instead of carbohydrate. After 5 weeks of feeding period, all rats received commercial chow diet for 5 weeks to examine recovery effect. Liver and blood samples were collected at 0, 1, 3, 5 and 10 weeks to analyze lipid compositions. FABP was purified from liver cytosol and injected to rabbit to obtain antiserum. Liver FABP amount was determined by SDS-PAGE and western blotting methods. Fatty acid binding capacity was determined by binding of 14Cpalmitate with the delipidated liver cytosol. Consumption of alcohol increased serum cholesterol, triglyceride concentration and decreased HDL-cholesterol concentration after 5 weeks. Serum apolipoprotein B concentration increased after 3 weeks and LDL-cholesterol and apolipoprotein A concentration changed after 1 week. Liver cholesterol and triglyceride concentration increased after 3 weeks. Consumption of high cholesterol diet changed liver and serum lipid composition after 3 weeks. Swiching to normal diet for 5 weeks did not normalize most of lipid composition in serum and liver except serum and liver except serum cholesterol, triglyceride and liver cholesterol. Liver cytosol FABP content and the fatty acid binding capacity decreased dramatically after 1 week with alcohol consumption. This results indicate that FABP content changes before the changes before the changes of blood or liver lipid composition, suggesting changes of FABP may cause development of the fatty liver induced by alcohol and can be used as an index of detecting a early development of fatty liver.

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Effects of Dietary Protein and Magnesium Levels on Ca and Mg Metabolism in Rats (단백질과 마그네슘 공급수준이 흰쥐의 칼슘과 마그네슘 대사에 미치는 영향)

  • 정복미;배송자;정해옥
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.936-942
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    • 1997
  • The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of dietary protein and magnesium levels on calcium and magnesium metabolism in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Forty-eight male rats(average weight, 210g) divided into six diet groups; protein 8% and Mg-free diet, protein 8% and Mg 400mg/kg diet, protein 8% and Mg 900mg/kg diet, protein 20% and Mg-free diet, protein 20% nd Mg 400mg/kg diet, and protein 20% and Mg 800mg/kg diet group. After the rats were fed with experimental diets concentration were examined. Kidney weight was significantly higher in protein 8% and Mg-free group compared with other groups. Serum calcium concentration of protein8% group tended to decrease with the increase of the level of magnesium. Serum magnesium concentration in protein 8% and 20% group was lower in Mg-free group than that in other groups(p<0.05) and it also increased as the dietary magnesium level was increased. Urinary calcium and magnesium concentration in Mg-free group were significantly lower than those of other groups.

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Comparison of Nutritional Status and Inflammational Markers in DM and nonDM Hemodialysis Patients (당뇨와 비당뇨 유지 혈액투석 환자의 영양상태와 염증지표의 상관성 비교)

  • Kim, Su-An;Sohn, Cheong-Min;Chae, Dong-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.693-699
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    • 2005
  • Protein-calorie malnutrition is common in maintenance dialysis patients. Indeed, diabetic patients with chronic renal failure are considered to be at increased risk of malnutrition. The aim of this study was to compare the nutritional status and markers of inflammation of hemodialysis patients with and without type 2 diabetes. We compared nutritional parameters and C-reactive protein (CRP) as a marker of inflammation in 30 type 2 diabetic patients and age-matched 30 non-diabetic patients with hemodialysis. Serum albumin was significantly lower in patients with type 2 diabetes $(3.45\pm0.43g/dL)$ than in non-diabetic patients $(3.64\pm0.36 g/dL)$ (p<0.05). In contrast, the concentration of serum CRP was significantly higher in type 2 diabetes $(1.42\pm1.8mg/dL)$ (p<0.05). There were significant negative-relationships between serum albumin and CRP level in both diabetic (r=-0.553, p<0.01) and non-diabetic (r=-0.579, p<0.01) patients. In diabetic patients, serum albumin level was significantly correlated with hemoglobin (r = 0.488, p < 0.01) and hematocrit (r=0.386, p < 0.01). Diabetic patients as compared to non-diabetic patients showed a significant (p < 0.01) increased serum triglyceride (TG) $(153.1\pm80.1mg/dL\;vs\;101.6\pm62.4mg/dL)$ and decreased serum HDL cholesterol $(36.89\pm13.48mg/dL\;vs\;47.00\pm14.02mg/dL,\;P<0.05)$. There were significant correlations in the intake of calorie and serum albumin levels in both diabetic (r=0.438, p< 0.05) and non-diabetic (r=0.527, p<0.05) patients. Serum CRP level was negatively correlated with calorie (r= -0.468, p < 0.05), protein (r=-0.520, p < 0.01) and fat intakes (r=-0.403, p < 0.05) in diabetic patients and calorie (r=-0.534, p<0.05) and protein intakes (r=-0.559, p<0.05) in non-diabetic patients. The prevalence of protein malnutrition and the risk factors of cardiovascular disease were significantly higher in type 2 diabetic patients than in non-diabetic hemodialysis patients. Thus, we can suggest that the higher comorbidity and mortality rate in diabetic hemodialysis patients are partially explained by malnutrition and inflammation.

Study on the Comparison of Serum Protein Composition and Serum Tryptophan Content of Farming-, Fishing- and Mountain Villagers with their Nutrient Intakes (농(農), 어(漁), 화전부락민(火田部落民)의 혈청단백조성(血淸蛋白組成) 및 혈청(血淸) Tryptophan 함량(含量)과 영양섭취상태(營養攝取狀態)와의 비교연구(比較硏究))

  • Lee, Yong-Ock;Kim, Jae-Bong;Shin, Jung-Rae
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.51-54
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    • 1969
  • Total amount of feed and calory intakes of mountain villagers show higher level than those of farming and fishing villagers, however, total amount of protein intakes of mountain villagers was much less than that of other villagers. Blood specific gravity, serum protein content and serum tryptophan content were low in inhabitants of mountainous area than those of other villagers, but in the serum protein fractions, the A/G ratio show higher value in inhabitants of mountainous area than those of other villagers. It is interesting result that serum protein tryptophan content presented a significant positive correlation with that of serum gamma globulin and a significant negative correlation with that of serum albumin. And the data obtained in the present study could be established by the result of animal experiment (rat experiment) reported by Koyanagi et al.

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The Binding of Food Dyes with Human Serum Albumin

  • Yoon, Jung-Hae;Mckenzie, Mc-Kenzie, Duncan;F.Elizabeth-Prichard
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 1996
  • The binding interactions between human serum albumin (HSA) and the edible food dyes amaranth, tartrazine and sunset yellow have been studied. Intrinsic association constants and the free energy changes associated with dye-protein binding at physiological pH for amaranth and tartrazine, and at two different pH values for sunset yellow have been calculated from ultrafiltration data. The temperature dependence $(20-40^{\circ}C)$ of the intrinsic association constants at pH 7.4 for amaranth-HSA and tartrazine-HSA mixtures have been measured, from which a plot of the van't Hoff isochore exhibits a marked change in slope around $30^{\circ}C$ indicating a possible change in protein conformation. The number of dye binding sites on HSA is reported for all the above conditions. HSA-ligand binding enthalpies have been used in conjunction with the N-B transitional binding enthalpy for HSA, to calculate the enthalpy for the N-B transition when ligands are bound with the protein.

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