Recently, worldwide to respond to climate change and secure sustainability. Korea aimed to increase water use efficiency by implementing integrated management according to the water management unification policy. Therefore, the necessity of establishing and operating governance is expanding to ensure the sustainability of agricultural water. In this study aims to evaluate the importance of agricultural water governance components and provide essential data for the participation of stakeholders in the efficient use of agricultural water in Korea. For this study, a total of 19 respondents to the ANP survey for this study were composed of experts in agricultural water and governance in Korea. As a result, the ranking for the main components was in the order of law, policy, and systems(0.222), core subjects(0.191), information sharing and communication(0.180), budget support(0.178), mutual learning(0.124), and external experts(0.105). The most important components for the operation of agricultural water governance are laws, policies, and systems. Since Korea's agricultural water management is a public management system, national standards are considered the first priority. This study, which is the purpose of the agricultural water governance model, evaluated the importance of the constituent components for participating in demand management with a sense of responsibility. Moreover, if agricultural water governance is expanded nationwide by reflecting agricultural and water resource policies in the future, it is believed that positive effects can be achieved in increasing utilization efficiency and securing sustainability through agricultural water saving.
It is becoming more essential than ever for office professionals to become competent in information collection/gathering and problem solving in today's global business society. In particular, office professionals do not only assist simple chores but are also forced to make decisions as quickly and efficiently as possible in problematic situations that can end in either profit or loss to their company. Since office professionals rely heavily on their tacit knowledge to solve problems that arise in everyday business situations, it is truly helpful and efficient to refer to similar business cases from the past and share or reuse such previous business knowledge for better performance results. Case-based reasoning(CBR) is a problem-solving method which utilizes previous similar cases to solve problems. Through CBR, the closest case to the current business situation can be searched and retrieved from the case or knowledge base and can be referred to for a new solution. This reduces the time and resources needed and increase success probability. The main purpose of this study is to design a system called COKRS(Case-based reasoning Office Knowledge Recommender System) and develop a prototype for it. COKRS manages cases and their meta data, accepts key words from the user and searches the casebase for the most similar past case to the input keyword, and communicates with users to collect information about the quality of the case provided and continuously apply the information to update values on the similarity table. Core concepts like system architecture, definition of a case, meta database, similarity table have been introduced, and also an algorithm to retrieve all similar cases from past work history has also been proposed. In this research, a case is best defined as a work experience in office administration. However, defining a case in office administration was not an easy task in reality. We surveyed 10 office professionals in order to get an idea of how to define a case in office administration and found out that in most cases any type of office work is to be recorded digitally and/or non-digitally. Therefore, we have defined a record or document case as for COKRS. Similarity table was composed of items of the result of job analysis for office professionals conducted in a previous research. Values between items of the similarity table were initially set to those from researchers' experiences and literature review. The results of this study could also be utilized in other areas of business for knowledge sharing wherever it is necessary and beneficial to share and learn from past experiences. We expect this research to be a reference for researchers and developers who are in this area or interested in office knowledge recommendation system based on CBR. Focus group interview(FGI) was conducted with ten administrative assistants carefully selected from various areas of business. They were given a chance to try out COKRS in an actual work setting and make some suggestions for future improvement. FGI has identified the user-interface for saving and searching cases for keywords as the most positive aspect of COKRS, and has identified the most urgently needed improvement as transforming tacit knowledge and knowhow into recorded documents more efficiently. Also, the focus group has mentioned that it is essential to secure enough support, encouragement, and reward from the company and promote positive attitude and atmosphere for knowledge sharing for everybody's benefit in the company.
In the estuary where the structure such as river-mouth weir has been installed, the flow is developed very complicatedly due to river water from upstream, tide of the sea and floodgate operation. Especially, if basin outlets more than one exists in one estuary, the boundary conditions will be significantly more complex form. Saemangeum(SMG) project area in Korea is the most typical example. There are Mankyung river and Dongjin river in upstream. The water of them inflows into SMG project area. In the downstream, river flow was drained from inland to sea over the SMG sea dike through the sluice. The connecting channel was located between Mankyung and Dongjin basins. It functions not only as transportation by ship in ordinary period but also as flood sharing by sending flood flow to each other in flood period. Therefore, in order to secure the safety against flood, it is very important to understand the flood sharing capacity for connecting channel. In this study, the flood control effect was analyzed using numerical simulation. Delft3D was used to numerical simulation and simulated period was set up with neap tide, in which the maximum flood stage occurred due to poor drainage. Actually, three connecting channels were designed in land use plan of the SMG Master Plan, but they were simplified to a single channel for conciseness of analysis in this study. According to the results of numerical analysis, the water level difference between two basins was increased and the maximum flood stage at dike sluice was also upraised depending on decrease of conveyance. And the velocity induced by same water level difference was decreased when the conveyance became smaller. In certain conveyance above, there was almost no flood control effect. Therefore, if the results of this study are considered for design of connecting channel, it will be expected to draw the optimal conveyance for minimizing dredging construction cost while maximizing the flood control effect.
Purpose - Because of the emphasis on the necessity of academic-industrial cooperation between companies and universities, there are various ongoing academic-industrial cooperation programs led by the government. As government actively supports such cooperation as policy,and universities vitalize new technology development, academic-industrial cooperation between companies and universities is being recognized as an important growth engine for companies the competitiveness of academic-industrial cooperation is also attracting more interest. The government has vitalized human resource fostering, practical R&D, and technology transfer to companies since 2012 by executing a "leading university fostering project for academic-industrial cooperation." Based on an organic interlink among universities, industry, and research institutes, the government also created and is promoting several models of such cooperation between companies and universities to support shared growth of industry and local universities. The purpose of academic-industrial cooperation is growth and benefit fromtechnology development, technical cooperation, and technology transfer between companies and universities. Research design, data, and methodology - As more academic-industrial cooperation efforts are ledby companies due to the limitation in technology-focused commercialization cooperation, the academic-industrial cooperation system became fragmented and it is losing the potential for future advancement. Specifically, as differences between universities grow, academic-industrial cooperation between companies and universities based on new technology from universities is finding difficulty advancing,while systematic support from companies to enhance the performance of businesses created by academic-industrial cooperation is also insufficient. Accordingly, this study established a growth model for the advancement of academic-industrial cooperation between companies and universities and suggested a plan to strengthen the competitiveness and promote the future advancementof academic-industrial cooperation between companies and universities by analyzing the current situation of such cooperation and diagnosing its issues. Results - This study explored the concept and current status of academic-industrial cooperation relationships and analyzed related issues. For such cooperative organizations to be competitive, the employment environment of professional human resources for academic-industrial cooperation should be improved and measures to secure professional resources should be taken as early as possible. Though the academic-industrial cooperation now is being led by government, there is a limitation based on business models, which require creation of profit; however, an academic-industrial cooperation model still cannot stand alone without the support of government. This study also pointed out that a having only a plan to build competitiveness of companies and universities for academic-industrial cooperation is not sufficient. Conclusions - In order to increase the competitiveness of academic-industrial cooperation, a detailed growth-sharing model for academic-industrial cooperation should be developed, and there should be more joint development processes for the advancement of such cooperation in which the need for technology development can be verified in advance. In addition, beyond focusing on technology-focused academic-industrial cooperation, a network between companies and universities searching for ideas for academic-industrial cooperation in the fields of human and social aspects should be created. A new academic-industrial model linking current cooperation between companies and universities to the local area should be built based on such academic-industrial cooperation in human and social fields.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
Recently, the knowledge industry center has played a role as a facility that creates economic added value because of the high-tech companies related to the knowledge industry, information, and communication. On the other hand, support facilities that are provided in the knowledge industry center are meant to support the company in the center and improve the working conditions of laborers. On the other hand, the support policy established by the government applies to some companies, and none of the support policy is carried out in supporting facilities in the knowledge industry center. In this study, multiple analysis was performed, focusing on the support facilities in the knowledge industry center that aims to improve the working environment of laborers. This study suggests the introduction of guidelines to secure adequate area, depending on the type of supporting facilities in the Knowledge Industrial Center. The sharing of facilities, such as cultural and commercial use for Knowledge Industrial Center, corresponding to poor provision, is recommended. Because the analysis of IPA indicates that the area of commercial support facilities are higher than others and cultural facilities are more important and preferred, it is necessary to compose support facilities that consider the user's individual characteristics. Facilities impacting the working environment need to be planned carefully through a district unit plan at the initial stages of development, thus assisting the production activity of workers.
The thesis examines genealogical study of various aspects to overcome lots of problems which come by when we execute SWIFTNet TSU BPO. Practical implications regarding the innovation of electronic trade infrastructure are as follows. First, the shipping documents in the SWIFTNet TSU BPO are directly sent to an importer by an exporter after the baseline is confirmed. With this process itself, therefore, the bank cannot secure the account receivable. When initiating the SWIFTNet TSU BPO deal, it is needed to set regulations on the bank's account receivable security in the contract. Second, the SWIFTNet TSU BPO should also have an institutionally unified sharing platform with security, stability and convenience. It other words, it is needed to develop services which meet e-payment paradigm and international environments through continued analysis on market changes and flow. Third, the SWIFTNet TSU is useful in terms of promptness, reduction of risk in foreign exchange payment, cost reduction. Therefore, the SWIFT should be perfectly united and linked among the banks, importer and exporter to make the SWIFTNet TSU more convenient in countries around the world. Fourth, the SWIFT should be approached from the aspect of expansion of network and creation of a new business model through analysis on these problems with a worldwide perspective. At the same time, it is necessary to build a cooperative system to share information and promote comprehensive management for efficient operation.
Chun Eunmi;Doh Inshil;Oh Hayoung;Park Soyoung;Lee Jooyoung;Chae Kijoon;Lee Sang-Ho;Nah Jaehoon
The KIPS Transactions:PartC
We can obtain useful information by deploying large scale sensor networks in various situations. Security is also a major concern in sensor networks, and we need to establish pairwise keys between sensor nodes for secure communication. In this paper, we propose new pairwise key establishment mechanism based on clustering and polynomial sharing. In the mechanism, we divide the network field into clusters, and based on the polynomial-based key distribution mechanism we create bivariate Polynomials and assign unique polynomial to each cluster. Each pair of sensor nodes located in the same cluster can compute their own pairwise keys through assigned polynomial shares from the same polynomial. Also, in our proposed scheme, sensors, which are in each other's transmission range and located in different clusters, can establish path key through their clusterheads. However, path key establishment can increase the network overhead. The number of the path keys and tine for path key establishment of our scheme depend on the number of sensors, cluster size, sensor density and sensor transmission range. The simulation result indicates that these schemes can achieve better performance if suitable conditions are met.
This paper is to analyse the necessity and development direction of the ROK's maritime security strategy white paper. To this end the paper is composed of 5 chapters titled introduction; the necessity of the ROK's maritime security strategy white paper; the ROK's actual situation in relation to maritime security strategy and cases of major advanced oceanic countries; the vision, goals, strategic tasks, and implementation system of the ROK's 'national maritime security strategy'; and conclusion. The achievement of the national marine strategic vision, such as the 'Ocean G5,' is of course possible when Korea can maintain and strengthen the maritime safety and maritime security of the people. The Sewol Ferry incident reminds us that we need a 'national maritime security strategy white paper' like the advanced marine countries. In order for the national maritime security strategy to be carried our efficiently, as in advanced oceanic countries, mere should be a dedicated department with sufficient authority and status to mobilize the cooperation of related organizations including naval-coastal cooperation. It would be good to set up a tentatively named Maritime Security Council, an organization of minister-level officials involved under the National Security Council, and an executive body composed of working-level officials from related ministries. In order to successfully carry out the national maritime security strategy for the maritime safety and maritime security of the people like the United States and the United Kingdom, we need to further strengthen our domestic cooperation and cooperation system, international cooperation, and maritime security. We have to promote the establishment and promotion of maritime security strategies by the Navy; strengthening the operational link between the Navy and the Coast Guard; strengthening the maritime surveillance capability at the national level, and promoting sharing with the private sector, etc.
In the paper we study key agreement schemes when a party needs to establish a session key with each of several parties, thus having multiple session keys. This situation can be represented by a graph, tailed a key graph, where a vertex represents a party and an edge represents a relation between two parties sharing a session key. graphs to establish all session keys corresponding to all edges in a key graph simultaneously in a single session. A key agreement protocol of a key graph is a natural extension of a two-party key agreement protocol. We propose a new key exchange model for key graphs which is an extension of a two-party key exchange model. using the so-called randomness re-use technique which re-uses random values to make session keys for different sessions, we suggest two efficient key agreement protocols for key graphs based on the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption, and prove their securities in the key exchange model of key graphs. Our first scheme requires only a single round and provides key independence. Our second scheme requires two rounds and provides forward secrecy. Both are proven secure In the standard model. The suggested protocols are the first pairwise key agreement protocols and more efficient than a simple scheme which uses a two-party key exchange for each necessary key. Suppose that a user makes a session key with n other users, respectively. The simple scheme's computational cost and the length of the transmitted messages are increased by a factor of n. The suggested protocols's computational cost also depends on n, but the length of the transmitted messages are constant.
Moonlighting or second-jobs will increase shirking of the primary job. This paper analyzes the motives for moonlighting so that the means of reducing these motives could be explored. The traditional theory claims that a worker who cannot fully realize his work potential will look to moonlighting. In a two-period model, however, the following motives are more important. The precautionary savings motive : A worker has an incentive to save for fear of losing his job and his income in the second period. The worker could save more by working more during the first period, and this additional motive for working is the precautionary savings motive. The insurance motive : When a worker is unemployed, he cannot expand his moonlighting hours according to his needs since the moonlighting hour is upward rigid. Therefore, a worker has an incentive to secure additional moonlighting hours in the first period so that quick adjustment can be made during the unemployment in the second period. Two policy measures to remove those motives for moonlighting are recommended, for these measures will enhance the productivity in the primary job. First, a firm should guarantee that there will be no layoffs in a downturn in the economy and that the employment level is adjusted to the economic states by work sharing among workers. Second, as unemployment insurance benefits compensate a portion of the income in case of unemployment, it substitutes the motives for moonlighting. A generalization of this argument can be found in Ehrlich and Becker(1972) where self-insurance(moonlighting) and market insurance(in this case, unemployment insurance) serves as substitutes. The two policy measures in the above have a spill-over effect : A decrease of labor supply in the moonlighting market will ease job search, and therefore will help those who have their primary job in the moonlighting sector.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
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① 당 사이트 및 협력기관이 정한 유료서비스(원문복사 등)는 별도로 정해진 바에 따르며, 변경사항은 시행 전에
당 사이트 홈페이지를 통하여 회원에게 공지합니다.
② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.