• Title/Summary/Keyword: Science Curriculum

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A Study on the Digital Content Development of Korean Kimchi Culture (한국 김치문화의 디지털 콘텐츠 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Je-Joong
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.1 s.59
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2005
  • With the upcoming Digital age, it is time to develop digitalized contents based on cultural basis. in this respect, Kimchi is one of the most primal cultural content signifying Korean culture. It's no doubt the time to initiate the movement to digitalize the contents concerning Kimchi by gathering materials on the origin of Kimchi culturally and a great value to revive digital contents regarding Kimchi. Therefore, in this research, it is regarded that Kimchi is one of the most prominent cultural value that is possible to inherit from generations and should be stratified on the database. A method explaning Korean Kimchi culture is sought in this paper. And It is focused on the culture of Korean Kimchi profoundly and focus on detailed context and varied styles of he digital contents. It is organized on the basis of various aged volumes regarding Kimchi classified by seasons, ingredients, Jonga Kimchi (Kimchi inherited from the oldest family by generations), 24 seasonal divisions of the year, and 8 regional divisions of the nation. It is planned to set up digitally-focused library regarding cultural origin of contents and to present solidity and a feeling of being dynamic The results could be used in a variety of Industries in tourism, education, Kimchi and building basic infrastructure in entertainment industry. It is also applied to specialized industry by providing cultural contents and it could contribute to activation of Kimchi industry with e-Market and portal site regarding Kimchi. Moreover, it may re-establish the cultural value of Kimchi and provide the infrastructure in Kimchi-related industry such as Kimchi cyber museum, Kimchi Expo, Kimchi town by using educational materials in Education industry fields (regular curriculum and experience tour).

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A Study on the Constituents of Engineering Basic Competency based on the Recognition of Engineers In the Field (공학전문가가 인식하는 공학기초능력의 구성요소에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Young;Kim, Ki-Soo;Kim, Pan-Wook;Rho, Tae-Cheon;Ryu, Chang-Yol;Choi, Won-Sik;Choi, Yu-Hyun;Ku, Jin-Hee;Rho, Hee-Jin;Lee, Jin-Woo;Lee, Chang-Hoon;Jung, Su-Jin;Kang, Hyun-Moo
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.34-51
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    • 2006
  • In knowledge based society of 21c, engineers require not only their own speciality but also engineering basic competency such as creative thinking, the ability of working together, the ability of communication. Engineering colleges responsible for educating engineers consider developing curriculum including Engineering Basic Competency which is reflecting the needs of the times. By utilizing the accreditation programs of engineering education, UK-SPEC of UK Engineering Council, EA(Engineering Australia) standards/handbook of the Institute of Engineers Australia, O*NET of U.S. Occupational Network, this study generates core elements of engineering basic competency to prove the capability of engineering basic competency required to desired engineers. Core constituents derived from the study were categorized into 3 major areas of the basic engineering literacy in Humanities and Social Sciences(HSS), the ability of Creativity Engineering Design, Career development and each category and constituents were surveyed and checked by engineers in the field to deduce engineering basic competency that should be educated in the engineering college.

A Design and Effect of STEAM PBL based on the History of Mathematics (수학사를 활용한 융합적 프로젝트기반학습(STEAM PBL)의 설계 및 효과 분석)

  • Lee, Minhee;Rim, Haemee
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.159-177
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    • 2013
  • This study is a case study of STEAM education. We have developed teaching and learning materials, suggested teaching method, and analysed the result for exploring the potential and effect of STEAM. The content of this study is based on the history of mathematics. Science (S) is related to the 24 divisions of the year, the height of the sun, the movement of heavenly bodies. Technology (T) is related to the exploration with graphic calculators. Engineering (E) is related to design sundial and research on the design principles. Art (A) is related to literature review about mathematical history, the understanding of the value of the mathematics. Mathematics (M) is related to the trigonometric functions. We have considered that Project-Based Learning is proper teaching and learning for STEAM education, we have designed the STEAM PBL and analysed the results focused on the developing integrative knowledge, mathematical attitude including mathematical value, the competencies of 21 century. The result of this study is as follows. We find that STEAM education activates students' collaboration, communication skills and improves representation and critical thinking skills. Also STEAM education makes positive changes of students' mathematical attitudes including the values of the mathematics.

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The Effects of Mathematical Activities using 4D-Frame on Young Children's Mathematical Ability and Attitude towards Mathematics (포디프레임(4D-Frame)을 활용한 수학활동이 유아의 수학적 능력과 수학적 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Hyo-Sook;Park, Young-Suk;Cho, Kwang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.146-159
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Mathematical Activities using 4D-frame on 5-year-old children's mathematical ability and attitude towards Mathematics. For the study, E, K, and Y preschools located in S city were selected: 28 children from Y preschool as the experimental group(I: n=14, II: n=14) and 28 children from E and K preschool as the comparative group(III: n=14, IV: n=14). During the 8 weeks, the experimental group performed Mathematical Activities using 4D-frame and in the comparison group, Nuri-Curriculum's mathematical activities and mathematics-science integration programs were conducted. The analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) was conducted with the pre-test scores of the experimental group(I, II) and the comparison group(III, IV) as covariance. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the experimental and comparative groups. Mathematical Activities for Young Children using 4D-frame enhanced 5-year-old children's mathematical ability and attitude towards Mathematics. The results of this study provide an understanding of the efficiency of early childhood mathematical activities using the 4D-frame in early childhood education and provide basic data for the improvement of mathematical ability and attitude of young children and the applicable educational methods at the field.

University Green Campus Policy & Evaluation Criteria -Focus on Comparison of Korea, US AASHE, UNEP & ISCN-GULF- (대학 그린캠퍼스 정책과 평가기준에 관한 연구 -한국, 미국 AASHE, UNEP & ISCN-GULF 간 비교를 중심으로-)

  • Oh, Joon-Gul;Yeom, Dae-Bong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.577-586
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    • 2018
  • In Korea, sustainability is mandatory in every field. University campuses are educational facilities that consume considerable amounts of energy. Therefore, many universities have tried to take advantage of the last opportunity to prepare students with sustainability and leadership. This study compared the green campus policy and evaluation criteria among Korea, US AASHE, UNEP, and ISCN-GULF to vitalize the green campus movement and suggest recent research data for the Korea green campus accreditation. The results are as follows: 1. new evaluation criteria need to be added to the certified green building total floor area ratio instead of adapting the G-SEED system in the Campus Resource & Environments category; 2. Korean Green Campus Evaluations need to be improved when expressing the campus individuality by choosing an increased number of credits and criteria; and 3. new evaluation criteria are required to secure the result, feedback, and products from curriculum updates in the Campus Education category.

Analysis on Kindergarten Teachers' Stage of Concerns about Software Education: An Application of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model(CBAM) (유치원 교사의 소프트웨어 교육에 대한 관심도 분석: 관심중심수용모형(CBAM)을 중심으로)

  • Park, Sun-Mi;Jung, Ji-Hyun;Kang, Min-Jeng
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.462-471
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    • 2018
  • Even though software (SW) education has not been considered part of the current national kindergarten curriculum, in practice there is growing interest in adopting it. Teachers would be expected to play a key role in the successful introduction and implementation of new educational changes, such as SW education. In preparation for its adoption in ECE, it would be useful to determine ECE teachers' perception and attitudes toward early childhood software education. For this study, 219 ECE teachers' level of concern toward SW education was surveyed using the Stages of Concern Questionnaire. It was found that the teachers' level of concern was the highest at stage 0-Unconcerned and that they had high levels of stage management, personal and informational concern. Thus, a non-user pattern was mostly indicated. However, compared to the typical non-user pattern, the pattern aspect close to critical non-user ever appeared to some extent. In addition, a significant difference in the level of concern was shown at all stages depending on the awareness of the necessity for SW education. The teachers with SW training experience showed a higher intensity only at stage 0. There was a statistically significant difference in stages 0 and 6 depending on the future implementation decision. These results will be utilized as a resource in building an ECE teachers' support system according to their level of concern about SW education.

The Research of the Development of Security Industrial and Proffessional Certificate in the Private Security (민간경호${\cdot}$경비 산업의 발전을 위한 전문교육 및 인증제도의 필요성 제고)

  • Gong, Bae-Wan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.9
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2005
  • Recently the demand for civil bodyguards and security guards shows rapid growth. However the supply and training system have some limitations. Educational and training systems for civil body and security guards are in the basic level and private organizations trained the professional work force. University level training started recently. To protect individual life and property, body and security guards have to be trained professionally. For it the role of professional training organizations is emphasized. The purpose of this article is to analyse current situation of civil body and security guard training industry and to seek an educational model. For it, the following questions will be examined. ${\cdot}$ Do the professional training organizations meet social demand for the body and security guards? ${\cdot}$ What kind of training has to be provided for the body and security guards? ${\cdot}$ What tare the qualifications of the trainers? ${\cdot}$ What are the differences in training courses between private organizations and universities? ${\cdot}$ Is there any differences in the job placement among the trainees of private organizations and universities? In summary to meet the social demand common curriculum for the body and security guard will be drawn from the analyses of diverse training organizations with different training courses in contents, training periods, educational value, and social aim.

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A Study on the Institutional Improvement Arrangement of the Private Security in Korea (한국 민간경비 교육${\cdot}$제도의 문제점과 발전방안)

  • Gong, Bae-Wan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.12
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    • pp.51-72
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    • 2006
  • Recently the demand for civil bodyguards and security guards shows rapid growth. However the supply and training system have some limitations. Educational and training systems for civil body and security guards are on the basic level and private organizations trained in the professional work force. University level training started recently. To protect individual life and property, body and security guards have to be trained professionally. For it the role of professional training organizations is emphasized. The purpose of this article is to analyse current situation of civil body and security guard training industry and to seek and educational model. For it, the following questions will be examined. ${\cdot}$ Do the professional training organizations meet social demand for the body and security guards? ${\cdot}$ What kind of training has to be provided for the body and security guards? ${\cdot}$ What are the qualifications of the trainers? ${\cdot}$ What are the differences in training courses between private organizations and universities? ${\cdot}$ Is there any differences in the job placement among the trainees of private organizations and universities? In summary to meet the social demand common curriculum for the body and security guard will be drawn from the analyses of diverse training organizations with different training courses in contents, training periods, educational value, and social aim.

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A Study on the Curriculum Development for the Professional Hospice Nurse in Korea (한국 호스피스 전문간호사 교육과정 개발을 위한 기초조사)

  • 최의순;노유자;한성숙;김남초;김희승;박호란;안성희
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.1027-1035
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the first domestic professional hospice educational program. We investigated the present condition of Korean hospice education and analyzed the prerequisite need for a dedicated hospice course in the professional education process. Research was conducted between June and November 1996 for nursing professors teaching at each nursing education institute to find out how much hospice is being discussed and by whom, in which course it is being discussed, and also to find out the contents that needed to be included in the professional education process. From a total of 49 colleges(29 three year colleges, 20 four year colleges) out of 99, 162 nursing professors replied, the collection rate was 49.5%. The conclusions are as follows ; 1. The present condition of the hospice nursing education. 1) Whether hospice is included in the education program. \circled1 89.65% of 3 year colleges and 90% of 4 year colleges included hospice education in their education program. \circled2 In graduate studies three schools included hospice in their program and three schools expressed their plans to include hospice education 2) Hospice related education were commonly discussed in adult nursing(26.3%), fundamental nursing(22.8%), and psychiatric nursing(20.2%). In 3 year colleges its commonly discussed in the first and second year and in 4 year colleges it is taught in the second and third year. 3) Hospice related theory/practical education hours were averages of 6.5/7.0 hrs in 3 year colleges and 14.2/11.3 hrs in 4 year colleges. 4) The majority of professors in charge of hospice education were in the following order adult nursing, psychiatric nursing, and fundamental nursing. 5) The courses that are thought to be adequate to manage hospice related education were adult nursing(29.3%), community health nursing(21.7%) and the desired method of education was the method currently being used (36.5%). 2. The demand for hospice nursing education. 1) Over 70% demanded professional hospice education program, the highest demand was for the value and meaning of life followed by the role and qualification of the hospice team and the mental maintenance of a dying patient. 25 categories showed over 90% demand. 2) The highest demand was for the value and meaning of life (98.2%) and the lowest demand were for danjeon breathing(71.0%)and acupuncture(71.0%). 3) Other contents that need to be discussed in the professional hospice education program were hospice nursing, the attitude and reaction of death, bereavement care, and the prospects of hospice.

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Deriving Priorities of Competences Required for Digital Forensic Experts using AHP (AHP 방법을 활용한 디지털포렌식 전문가 역량의 우선순위 도출)

  • Yun, Haejung;Lee, Seung Yong;Lee, Choong C.
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.107-122
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    • 2017
  • Nowadays, digital forensic experts are not only computer experts who restore and find deleted files, but also general experts who posses various capabilities including knowledge about processes/laws, communication skills, and ethics. However, there have been few studies about qualifications or competencies required for digital forensic experts comparing with their importance. Therefore, in this study, AHP questionnaires were distributed to digital forensic experts and analyzed to derive priorities of competencies; the first-tier questions which consisted of knowledge, technology, and attitude, and the second-tier ones which have 20 items. Research findings showed that the most important competency was knowledge, followed by technology and attitude but no significant difference was found. Among 20 items of the second-tier competencies, the most important competency was "digital forensics equipment/tool program utilization skill" and it was followed by "data extraction and imaging skill from storage devices." Attitude such as "judgment," "morality," "communication skill," "concentration" were subsequently followed. The least critical one was "substantial law related to actual cases." Previous studies on training/education for digital forensics experts focused on law, IT knowledge, and usage of analytic tools while attitude-related competencies have not given proper attention. We hope this study can provide helpful implications to design curriculum and qualifying exam to foster digital forensic experts.