• Title/Summary/Keyword: School Social Capital

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Risk Allocation of Private Port Development with Hierarchical Fuzzy Process

  • Seong, Yu-Chang;Youn, Myung-Ou
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.317-323
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    • 2007
  • As economic trade between Korea and China has been encouraged with the rapid growth of Chinese economy and port competition in Northeast Asia, Korean government is trying to promote development and consolidation of ports to cope with the lack of facilities. Thus, many projects for port development have been propelled including the enactment the 'Private investment promotion law for social overhead capital 1994.' However, there are still some unsettled issues since considerable part of risk is still allocated to the Government when it has to support the private businesses in these port investments whenever unexpected problems arise. Allocation of risk among the participants - in this case especially - is a very subtle issue, however, it was revealed that not many precedent researches were done on the subject. In my previous research, I classified and analyzed 4 principle risks i.e, construction, management, financial and social risk. This research investigates the reasonable allocation of the risks among the participants using the Hierarchial Fuzzy Process. In the result of analysis, responsibility of private party is the most important and it must put the responsibility before Government' roll concerned. Also, this research displayed and proposed the direction of management method on port development in a view of minimizing risk and maximizing initiative of a private party.


  • TaeHoon Hong;Sangyoub Lee
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.855-861
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    • 2005
  • Every public agency governing infrastructure has to plan effectively for rehabilitation of existing facilities within the constraints of the capital program. Numerous technical, social, political, financial, and management constraints govern the decision to rehabilitate a facility. However, without a systematic procedure for selecting facilities for rehabilitation, within the prevailing constraints, it is possible that the funds available for rehabilitation might be suboptimized. Therefore, a decision support system that assists the user in selecting facilities for rehabilitation while considering the technical, social, financial, and political and management constraints will be useful in the decision-making process. This paper compares the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the Swing Weight method used to prioritize functional criteria for suburban station rehabilitation. This paper also contains a brief discussion about the relevance of the Multi Attribute utility theory in developing a decision model for the problem at hand. The results of this paper provides the user with a decision support system that would prioritize the stations in order of their weights obtained by a systematic evaluation of various criteria and sub-criteria involved in the decision making process

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Investigating the Effect of Social Learning about Entrepreneurship on Creativity (기업가정신의 사회적 학습이 창의성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Yoon Min;Lee, Kun Chang
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 2016
  • Recently, global economic recession has a significant influence on promoting launch of start-ups around the world. As is often the case, powerful and bright entrepreneurship is required so that the start-ups may be successful in their target markets. Despite the fact that numerous studies about impact of the entrepreneurship on start-ups exist in literature, there is no study attempting to recognize importance of social learning about entrepreneurship on individual creativity of those who have intentions to become entrepreneurs of start-ups. In this sense, this study proposes a new research model in which social learning about entrepreneurship is assumed to have an influence on individual creativity of start-ups candidates. For the sake of proving the proposed research model more rigorously, we include those constructs such as para-social interaction, imitation of role model, and internal motivation. We garnered 89 valid questionnaires from college students who were invited to the experiments designed for this study. Results proved that para-social interaction and imitation of role model affect internal motivation significantly, which in turn affects individual creativity positively. These results also provide theoretical directions revealing the embedding process of entrepreneurial capital among society.

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Innovative Advanced Technology through University-Industry Collaboration: Role of Venture Capitals, Entrepreneurs and Process Management in Japan

  • Nakajima, Yoji;Miyashita, Shuto;Sengoku, Shintaro
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.564-580
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    • 2018
  • The creation of academic start-up firms is an important and practical issue in the management of technology in Japan. The present study designs a model for creating academic start-up firms that fits into the social context. It focuses on the case of FIRST Program, an initiative that consists of 30 projects in innovative arenas, analyses the presence of large-scale public funding, and investigates the role of venture capitalists as support personnel in each project. As a result, the presence and significance of 'long-term escort' by an 'entrepreneurial venture capitalist (EP-VCist)' were confirmed as common features across the cases observed. EP-VCist refers to a person who can maintain and fulfil dual roles at a university and a venture capital firm, and who can take the lead throughout the venturing process as a risk taker. 'Long-term escort' is a form of support that reduces risks in the venturing process by supporting university researchers in the pre-entrepreneurial stage and by exerting a robust bridging role between a university and an industry.

Occupational stress in dental hygienists: A systematic review (치과위생사의 직무스트레스에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰)

  • Yi-Seul Kim;Seul-Gi Kim;Soon-Ryun Lim;Su-Jung Cho
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.411-421
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study aimed to analyze research literature, created over the past 10 years, on occupational stress among domestic dental hygienists and identify the major factors affecting occupational stress. Methods: Of the 192 articles found through literature searches, 26 were selected for the analysis after reviewing titles, abstracts, and full texts. General characteristics of each study, measurement tools employed, and data related to pertinent factors were systematically analyzed. Results: Seven instruments were utilized to measure job stress. Among the variables exhibiting positive correlation with occupational stress, turnover intention was the most prevalent, while variables showing negative correlation were predominantly associated with job satisfaction. Factors influencing occupational stress included emotional labor, workload, organizational social capital, and experiencing verbal abuse. Conclusions: With regard to the most influential factors, "emotional labor" and "turnover intention" had the greatest impacts on job stress and occupational stress, respectively. Based on the findings of this study, follow-up research needs to be conducted to suggest ways to prevent, manage, and reduce occupational stress among dental hygienists

A Study on Connecting Childcare Certification Management System with Korea E-government System (보육자격관리시스템과 전자정부시스템 연계 방안 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Ho;Chung, Yon-Dohn
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.739-741
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    • 2008
  • 급변하는 정보기술의 발달로 국제적인 이슈로 떠오르고 있는 전자정부는 국내 정보통신분야에서도 많은 관심을 보이고 있다. 그러나 국가자격증의 경우 전자정부와 연관성이 많지만 전자정부를 추진하는데 있어서 국가자격증과 관련한 내용은 언급되고 있지 않다. 본 논문에서는 국가자격증의 하나인 보육자격증 중심에서 국내 전자정부와 보육자격증의 연계방안을 제시 하고자 한다. 보육자격증 연계방안의 목적은 전자정부에서 제공 받을 수 있는 주민등록등본, 지방자치단체에서 관리하는 경력 정보를 기반으로 학교, 교육원의 정보를 제공받아 고객중심의 서비스 행정을 구현 할 수 있으며 접근성의 제고를 통해 투명성과 신뢰성이 있는 열린 행정을 구현 할 수 있다. 또한 이러한 통합망은 국가존립 및 발전을 위한 하나의 큰 아젠다(Agenda)인 보육의 체계적 발전을 위한 사회간접자본(SOC:social overhead capital)으로서의 역할을 기대할 수 있다.

The Network Analysis for Community Voluntary Organizations and Its Implication for Community Capacity Building Toward Health Promotion (지역사회 자발적 결사체의 연결망과 지역사회 역량)

  • Jung, Min-Soo;Cho, Byong-Hee;Lee, Sung-Cheon
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.54-81
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    • 2007
  • The paradigm of health promotion requests community participation and its active problem-solving. Community is conceptualized as a resource pool to be organized. Such resource is called community capacity. Community participation is a process of capacity building. Community voluntary associations are considered as valuable resource to be used for health promotion. This paper tried to identify the network structure among community voluntary associations and to infer the possibility to make such network of organizations participate in health promotion programs. Two survey data were used for this research: 1) Measurements and Evaluations of Community Capacity on Dobong-gu (N=94) 2) A development plan of health medicine service to be Healthy Gangdong-gu (N=69). The questionnaire included such variables measuring community capacity as leadership, membership, organizational resources, and inter-organizational network, etc. Both regions had the following common characteristics: 1) There were positive correlations between the organization's budget and membership. 2) Organizational types were associated with their founded years. Two regions showed the following differences: Dobong displayed the high density of community organizations, but Gangdong showed the low density. Dobong community organizations were able to be classified into three network clusters such as women & environments, youth & adolescent, and sports organizations. Each cluster of organizations favored the different type of health promotion programs. Gangdong community organizations were less developed, and not possible to be clustered. Depending upon the level of community capacity or community organizations' differentiation, the strategy of community participation could be settle down in different ways. Particularly the health agency had to pay more attention to support the growth of civil organizations.

Multiple Implications of the Restoration of Coastal Wetland Ecosystem and the Establishment of a Strategic Restoration Framework (갯벌복원의 함의와 복원추진체계 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Nam, Jungho;Son, Kyu-Hee;Khim, Jong Seong
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.211-223
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    • 2015
  • Korean society has been recently promoting the restoration of coastal wetlands. These efforts might become the basis of a policy framework that compensates for the limitations of a regulation-oriented policy such as the designation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The shift in government policy could contribute to strengthening the socioeconomic infrastructure of coastal development through the accumulation of ecological capital. Although our scientific efforts and social demands in regard to the ecological restoration of the coastal wetlands have increased during the past years, the bases for restoration in Korea requires that scientific, technological, financial, social and legal aspects be enhanced. The present study re-examined the concept and attitudes behind coastal wetland restoration in the light of changing circumstances in Korea. Herein, we first defined coastal wetland restoration as "An act of recovering the functions of the ecosystem of coastal wetlands to a state that resembles conditions prior to being damaged." Next, this study discussed the limitations and future directions of such restoration efforts based on the descriptive analyses of recent restoration practices from social, economic, and technological aspects. Finally, we suggest future policy directions regarding coastal wetland restoration on the basis of a PFST (Policy, Financial, Social, and Technological) analysis; 1) re-arranging legal mechanisms, 2) setting multi-dimensional restoration goals, 3) establishing a multi-discipline- and convergence based R&D system, 4) linking spatial management and local development to the restoration, 5) building restoration governance at the local level, 6) implementing an ecosystem service payment system, and 7) applying test-bed projects in accordance with proper directions.

The effect of parents'socioeconomic status on academic achievement: Focusing on the mediating effect of parental emotional support and student's ego resilience (부모의 사회경제적 지위가 학업성취에 미치는 영향 : 부모의 정서적 지지와 학생 자아탄력성의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Young-Eun;Um, Myung-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.5-30
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and empirically evaluate a theoretical model that delineated the processes whereby parents' socioeconomic status affected students'academic achievement via parental support and students' ego-resilience. The proposed model was tested with the first and second wave of a cohort sample of the first grade middle school students from the Korean Children Youth Panel survey by using linear structural relations techniques. The results of analysis showed firstly that parents' socioeconomic status, parental support and students' ego-resilience directly affected the level of students'academic achievement with statistical significance. Secondly, parental support, the proxy of social capital of the family, was contingent upon the parents'socioeconomic status. Thirdly, in addition to its direct effect, parents'socioeconomic status gave indirect effect on students' academic performance through parental support and ego-resilience. Based upon these results implications for social work intervention were provided.

Difference of Collaboration·Empathy Skill and Adaptation of School Life according to School Bullying Types (집단따돌림 유형에 따른 협동 및 공감기술과 학교생활적응의 차이)

  • Park, Wan-Sung;Jeong, Goo-Churl
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.399-408
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    • 2016
  • This research was conducted to analyze the relationship among school bullying types, collaboration empathy skills, and adaptation of school life. A survey was conducted for the research, and asked 213 adolescents in middle and high schools in capital area(middle school: 106, high school: 107). Data Analysis was used a two-step cluster analysis to classify the type of bullying, explanation of a prediction variable according to the groups were analyzed by a multiple logistic regression analysis. The results of analysis of the research are as in the following. First, experience of afflicting or suffering from school bullying had negative correlation with collaboration empathy skills, and also with school life adaptation. Secondly, assailant group and victim group of school bullying was related to the lack of collaboration skill, and also related with empathy skill. Thirdly, collaboration empathy skills was influential factor on the adaptation of school life. Based on the results, collaboration empathy skills reduce the experience of bullying, and have a positive impact on the adaptation of school life. It confirmed the need for a social skills training program and discussed the implications.