• Title/Summary/Keyword: School Social Capital

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Effects of Song-Based Group Music Therapy on Exercise Stress and Positive Psychological Capital of Youth Soccer Players (노래중심 집단음악치료가 유소년 축구선수의 운동스트레스와 긍정심리자원에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hee Jin;Moon, So Young
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.25-49
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    • 2018
  • This study examined the effects of song-based group music therapy on the exercise stress and positive psychological capital of youth soccer players. Eighty youth soccer players were assigned to either a song-based music therapy group or a control group. For the analysis of the effects of song-based group music therapy, the Exercise Stress scale and the Athlete Positive Psychological Capital scale were administered before and after the intervention. The collected data were analyzed using an independent sample t test and paired t test. The results were as follows. First, the experimental group showed a significantly lower posttest score on the exercise stress measure than the control group (p < .01). The control group showed a significant increase from pretest to posttest on the exercise stress measure (p < .05). Second, the experimental group scored significantly higher at posttest than the control group on the positive psychological capital measure (p < .01). The control group demonstrated a statistically significant decrease from pretest to posttest on the positive psychological capital scale (p < .05). The results suggest that song-based group music therapy is an effective treatment method that lowers exercise stress and raises positive psychological capital of youth soccer players.

Understanding the Entrepreneurial Intention in the Light of Contextual Factors: Gender Analysis

  • RAHAMAN, Md. Atikur;ALI, Md. Julfikar;MAMOON, Zahidur Rahman;Al ASHEQ, Ahmed
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.9
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    • pp.639-647
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    • 2020
  • Entrepreneurial intention is receiving immense recognition in entrepreneurship researches, as it motives an individual to become an entrepreneur. Still, the interplay between gender perspective and contextual factors (i.e., access to capital, business information, social network, educational support, structural support) are not fully investigated in understanding the entrepreneurial intention in developing countries like Bangladesh. Therefore, the paper aims to examine the gender difference and educational discipline difference in the university's students' entrepreneurial intention in relation to contextual factors in Bangladesh. In this study, sample has been particularly taken from the different disciplinary students of private universities. Five-point Likert scale-based survey questionnaire was developed based on past researches. 280 online survey forms were distributed among the university students and finally 225 students' response were found correct as the study sample size (final survey response rate = 80%), after eliminating the incorrect survey responses. For statistical analysis SPSS 23.0 version is used. One-way ANOVA is used to measure the gender and discipline difference on entrepreneurial intention among male and female students. The results show that business information and social network will have more influence on male students' entrepreneurial intention, and comparatively, business students have more willingness to become entrepreneurs than other departmental students.

The conceptualization of reading capital and the search for its components from the career perspective: Using Big Data Analysis (진로적 측면에서 본 독서자본의 개념화 및 구성요소 탐색 : 빅 데이터 분석 활용)

    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.414-426
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to conceptualize reading capital in the career context and to provide basic data for further study by exploring the components of reading capital. For this purpose, previous studies and literature were reviewed. In addition, we conducted big data analysis regarding 209 papers concerning various activities related to reading, and explored the components of reading capital. Through this study, reading capital can express personal, intangible ability such as literacy, experience, and attitude embodied through reading, and enable understanding persons, looking at the world positively, and creating personal, social and economic values. The components of reading capital are reading competency and humanistic knowledge; the former was conceptualized to be reading literacy, reading activity, reading attitude, reading ability, and the latter was conceptualized to be emotional intelligence, relationship, self-identity, creativity, adaptability, self-directedness and values. The definitions and components researched of the reading capital derived through this study are thought to be highly useful as basic data for the expansion of research between related studies.

Possibility Study about Digital Media Art as a social Capital (디지털 미디어아트의 사회자본으로서의 가능성 연구)

  • Lee, Min-Soo;Chang, Geun-Oh
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02b
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    • pp.462-467
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    • 2006
  • 이 연구는, 대중매체를 미술에 도입한 미디어아트가 대중에게 긍정적인 평가를 받고 있고 콘텐츠의 범위가 증대되고 있는 시점에서 총체적 의미의 사회자본이 된다는 가능성의 연구이다. 이러한 가정 하에 현시점의 미디어아트와 대중의 유대관계, 그 커뮤니케이션의 변화 양상에 대해 몇 가지 사례를 중심으로 살펴보고자 한다. 미디어아트가 사회자본으로서 영향을 미치기 위한 전제를 세가지로 분류하였다. 첫 번째, 사회 참여적인 미디어 장치로서 저널리즘의 속성을 가진 미디어아트, 두 번째는 다양한 문화활동의 프로토타입이 되는 미디어아트, 세 번째로는 일상공간에서의 미디어아트이다. 대중매체의 이용이 사회자본의 구성 요소인 신뢰와 사회적 연계 망에 미치는 효과에 대해서는 기존에 발표된 연구들과 2003년 수행된 대규모 매체 이용행태 자료에서 이미 검증되었다. 디지털미디어아트가 사회자본의 하위구성 요소인 신뢰와 정치참여, 문화적 아이콘으로서의 역할 및 예술생산품으로서의 기능에 대해서는 현재 국내에서 대중과의 소통을 위한 미디어아트의 시도가 점차 증가되고 있는 추세이다. 웹 아티스트, 미디어 아티스트로 알려진 '장영혜중공업' 은 온라인미디어를 통해 현대사회의 정치적, 사회적 이슈와 화두들을 강력하게 표현하고 있고, 대중매체의 조명을 받고 있는 아티스트 '낸시랭' 은 'SSAMZIE' 브랜드를 통해 예술의 문화적, 경제적 활동에 새로운 모델을 제시하였다. 사용자에게 총체적인 경험을 제공하는 일상 생활공간 속에서의 미디어아트는 예술의 대중화를 실현하고 있으며, 일상에서의 경험으로 인하여 대중에게 시각적, 과학적, 심미적 즐거움을 주고 있다. 이처럼 디지털미디어를 이용한 예술은 인터넷을 비롯한 대중매체를 통해 디지털미디어아트의 공적 신뢰를 확대시키고 콘텐트의 범위와 가치를 증대 시키며, 사용자경험의 폭을 확대시켜 점차 새로운 가치체계를 형성해 나갈 것이다. 이는 디지털미디어아트가 사회자본으로서 아직은 미약하지만 사용자의 조작과 참여의 경험으로 인해 디지털 세대에게 적합한 문화아이콘을 만들어 나가며, 사회의 새로운 이용자 패턴, 참여 의식의 확대, 예술의 대중화로 인하여 미래 우리의 삶을 구성하는 사회자본이 될 것으로 그 가능성을 전망해본다.

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The Effects of Job Characteristics and Organizational Characteristics on Social Welfare Worker's Turnover Intention (직무 및 조직특성이 사회복지사의 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Hyun, Kang-Gil;Hong, Son-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate what affect social welfare workers' want of career change. The structural equation modeling(AMOS 16.0) was used to examine if job characteristics and organizational characteristics have direct affect on turnover intention or the indirect affect of organizational commitment. A survey was conducted on the social welfare workers of private social agencies in the capital area and 256 of 297 questionnaires that showed clear intentions on turnover were scrutinized. According to the analysis, job autonomy(job characteristics) and fairness in promotion (organization characteristics) influences organizational commitment. Job demand, job instability, wage level, and organizational commitment have and effect on turnover intention. The results of this study suggest that in order to reduce the turnover intention among social welfare workers, empowerment, systematic organization of tasks and active communication should be reinforced.

Generation Comparison of the Factors Affecting Life Satisfaction of One-person Households (1인가구의 세대별 삶의 만족도 영향요인 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Meesook;Kim, Anna
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.15-31
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    • 2020
  • Background and objectives: One-person households are the fastest growing family type in Korea. They bring social concerns such as weakened social integration, increasing poverty and social isolation. They are not homogeneous but heterogeneous groups depending on their socio-demographic characteristics including generation. This study compared the life satisfaction level as well as factors affecting it among the three one-person household generations Methods: The 13th wave of the Korea Welfare Panel dataset with 1,187 respondents was utilized. For data analysis Chi-square test, analysis of variance and hierarchical regression analysis were employed. Generations are divided into three, namely young adult (20-39), the middle-aged (40-64) and the elderly (65 and over). Result: The life satisfaction level was highest among the young adult one-person household generation, followed by the middle-aged and the elderly generation. The common factors affecting life satisfaction of the three generations were physical as well as mental health, including self-esteem and depression. However, there were more factors different from generation to generation. As for the young adult, age, religion, and smoking were significant. As for the middle aged and the elderly, gender (male) and income were significant. Additionally, age, home-ownership and drinking were significant to the elderly generation. Conclusions: As there are differences as well as similarities among the three generations, policies for one-person households need to be devised considering these findings. For all generations, both physical and mental health policies are needed. For young adult strengthening social relations, providing decent jobs, and promoting anti-smoking policy are major agenda, and for the middle-aged and the elderly, assisting in social capital accumulation (for male), providing stable jobs and diverse leisure activities, and securing income. Additionally, for the elderly, expanding the social security system and housing support are needed.

The Effects of Health Promotion Initiatives with Community Participation and Parterships: The Case of Sabong-Myeon in Jinju City (지역사회참여와 파트너쉽에 기반을 둔 지역건강증진사업의 효과: 진주시 사봉면 사례)

  • Jeong, Baekgeun;Kim, Jang-Rak;Kang, Yune-Sik;Park, Ki-Soo
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.209-221
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: The objective of this study was to identify the effects of area-based health promotion initiatives with community participation and partnerships conducted in Sabong-Myeon, Jinju City for three years. Methods: We used data from the '2008 Sabong-Myeon Health Survey' and the '2011 Health Plus Happiness Plus Community Health Survey'. The study comprised 520 systematically sampled individuals, composed of 300 adults in 2008 and 200 adults in 2011. We compared some health behavior and mental health indicators as well as social capital levels between these two surveys. Results: The prevalences of smoking and walking exercise in 2011 were significantly higher than those in 2008. The prevalences of high risk alcohol consumption in men, stress perception, depressive symptoms experience, and suicide ideation were significantly lower than those in 2008. The proportion of people having a high level of social capital in 2011 was significantly higher than that in 2008, regardless of sex or marital status. However, the difference in the proportion was not statistically significant among people with a high educational background. Conclusions: This study suggested that the 3 years' implementation of area-based health promotion initiatives conducted in Sabong-Myeon might help to improve the mental health and social capital level of this community. The long-term health effects of area-based health promotion initiatives with community participation and partnerships need to be studied further, and lessons from these initiatives can be obtained by adapting proper evaluation methods.

Role of Project Owner in OSS Project: Based on Impression Formation and Social Capital Theory (오픈소스 소프트웨어 운영자 역할이 성과에 미치는 영향: 인상형성과 사회적 자본 이론을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Saerom;Baek, Hyunmi;Jahng, Jungjoo
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.23-46
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    • 2016
  • With the increasing socio-economic value of an open collaboration over the Internet, it has become significantly important to successfully manage open source software development program. Most of the previous research have focused on various factors that influence the performance of the project, but studies on how the project owners recognized as "leader" affect the outcome of the project are very limited. This research investigates how individual and governance characteristics of an owner influences the performance of project based on impression formation and social capital theory. For a data set, we collect 611 Repositories and the owner's data from the open source development platform Github, and we form knowledge sharing network of an each repository by using social network analysis. We use hierarchical regression analysis, and our results show that a leader, who exposes a lot of one's personal information or who has actively followed and showed interests to communicate with other developers, affects positive impacts on project performance. A leader who has a high centrality in knowledge sharing network also positively affects on project performance. On the other hand, if a leader was highly willing to accept external knowledge or is recognized as an expert in the community with large numbers of followers, the result show negative impacts on project performance. The research may serve as a useful guideline not only for the future open source software projects but also for the effective management of different types of open collaboration.

A Study on the Effects of Positive Psychological Capital and Social Support on Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention: Comparative Analysis of North Korean Refugee Workers and South Korean Workers (긍정심리자본과 사회적 지지가 조직몰입과 이직의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 북한이탈주민 근로자와 남한 근로자의 비교분석을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Myung-chul;Dong, Hak Lim
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.191-206
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    • 2020
  • Although several studies have been conducted on unification and the life of North Korean refugees, there have been few studies comparing the characteristics of North Korean refugees with South Korean workers, in terms of human resources in business administration. By considering the limitations of these prior studies, this study analyzed whether there are differences in factors affecting organizational commitment and turnover intention through a group comparative analysis between North Korean refugees and South Korean workers. For a comparative analysis between the two groups, we recruited 145 workers from North Korea and 213 South Korea-born workers. We found the following results with a multi-group structural equation model. We confirmed the measurement homogeneity by ensuring that both groups were equally aware of the measurement tools affecting organizational commitment and turnover intentions. As a result of testing the homogeneity of measurement, we also confirmed that there was a significant difference in optimism between the two groups; optimism affects organizational commitment and among social supports, affectionate support and interaction support affect organizational commitment. Analyzing the path between the two groups, we first were able to find that optimism influenced organizational commitment for both groups, in relation to positive psychological capital. However, in terms of degree, South Korean workers were found to be strongly affected. Second, with regard to social support, we were not able to find that affectionate support and interaction support have a significant impact on organizational commitment for South Korean workers, while for North Korean refugees, we confirmed that both supports have a significant impact. Third, we were unable to find any differences between the two group, in terms of other sub-components of positive psychological capital (self-efficacy, hope, and resiliency) or the sub-components of social support (informational support, tangible support). These results suggest that companies or managers employing North Korean refugee workers need to create an organizational environment that allows them to perceive social support, especially affectionate support and interaction support.

Reconceptualizing Online Free Spaces: A Case Study of the Sunflower Movement

  • Au, Anson
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.145-161
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    • 2016
  • Using the Sunflower movement as a case study, this article seeks to articulate a theoretical framework to evaluate online "free spaces" as tools for political mobilization. To this end, this article conducts a thematic and content analysis of 151 posts on the official Facebook page of the Sunflower movement. Key results uncover four thematic functions among posts - expressive, informative, informative-support, and promotional - that overlap, in which the expressive theme prevails, and two thematic topics discussed by posts - damages by protesters and their ideology of freedom. I conclude that: (1) combining the logistic and thematic dimensions of posts enables a specific understanding of an online free space's political viability and anticipates the campaigns it will connect itself to; (2) the networked nature of the Sunflower movement page prompts the reconceptualization of (i) online free spaces as nodes through which various political campaigns and struggles are thematically connected by a political ideology; (ii) inactivity as a strategy where protest capital and followers accumulate to prepare and empower future mobilizations.