• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satisfaction with Personal Relationship

검색결과 281건 처리시간 0.028초

The Relationship Between Job Retainment and Job Satisfacion of Hospital Nurses. (병원 간호사의 장기근무유인과 직무만족과의 관계)

  • Lee, Hea-Won
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study was to describe the job retainment factors and the level of job satisfaction, and to identify the relationship between job retainment and the level of job satisfaction among the registered nurses working in hospitals. Four hundred eight registered nurses currently employed at 8 hospitals in Seoul were surveyed for the study. The 39 item, 5 point likert scale questionnare was developed by the researcher. The internal consistency of job satisfaction was. 86 and that of job retainment was. 90 in Cronbach's alpha test. The data sas collected from July 15 to July 30, 1993. The SPSS/PC+statistical program was used for data analysis. The descriptive analysis of the characteristics of the subjects, the level of job satisfaction and the job retainment factors was done. The relationship between the job satisfaction level and the job retainment factors was tested with. the Pearson Correlation Coefficient analysis, and thd differences of job retainment scores among the sample was tested with t-test and ANDVA. The results of the study were summarized. 1. The mean age of the subjects was 29.7 years, 41.7% of them were married. 71.1% of them were 3 years course graduates, 71.8% of them were staff nurses, and the mean duration of experience was 6 years. 2. The factors related to professionalism(3.43), society(3.31), and interpersonal relationship(3.29) were significant in job retainment. The maximum score was 5.0 Two other factors, personal(3.05) and organization(2.83) factors, also showed relatively high scores. 3. The factors to the job satisfaction showed similar pattern as job retainment: professionalism (3.47), society (3.33), finance(3.31), interpersonal relationship(3.02), and organization(2.72). 4. Society related factors(r=.7420, p<.00l) and professionalism(r=.7249, p<.00l) had high correlation with job retainment. Personal(r=.6372, p<.001) and organizational(r=.3597, p<.001) factors had moderate relationship to job retainment. Finance(r=.3597, p<.00l) had significant but weak relationship to job retainment. 5. Age, marital status, job position, departmental involvement, experience, and continuity of employment of the sample showed significant differences in job retainment. However, the period of job retainment, number of children, educational level, type of hospital, previous employment experience were not significant. 6. lndiviuals older than 40 years of age, who were married, who held the position of charge or head nurse position, who worked in central supply or nursing administration showed significantly high job retainment score. This research indicates that the professionalism is the most significant factor in job retainment. In order to retain more experienced nurses, it is important to improve the profesionalism among nurses.

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A Correlation Study on the Relationship between Motivation for Achievement and Satisfaction on Clinical Practice in EMT students (응급구조과 학생의 성취동기와 임상실습 만족도와의 상관성 연구)

  • Park, Dae-Sung;Nam, Kun-Woo
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.47-64
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : This study examines satisfaction of students at the department of Emergency Medical Technology with clinical practice and relationship between motivation of achievement and satisfaction with clinical practice and aims to provide basic materials contributing to the improvement of clinical practice education. Method : It selected 237 students in the second and third grade at the dept. of Emergency Medical and having experience in clinical practice as the subjects, collected data from Sept. 1 to 30, 2007 and analyzed 237 questionnaires collected with SPSS 12.0 program. Result : 1. Degree of motivation of achievement scored 3.46 of full marks of five points and they showed motivation of achievement over average score. Students who entered the dept. of Emergency medical after beginning social career(3.78) showed higher motivation of achievement in the period of entrance and group having will to be volunteer(3.66) showed the highest motivation of achievement in selecting this major. The better personal relationship they have, the greater hospital grade and the higher their transcript, the higher motivation of achievement they have. In the desired area of employment after graduation, first-aid staffs at the field of industry group(3.85) showed the highest motivation of achievement. 2. Degree of their satisfaction with clinical practice scored 3.53 of full marks of five and they showed satisfaction with it over average score. They showed the highest satisfaction in the contents of practice(3.64). 3. There was statistically significant positive correlation between motivation of achievement and satisfaction with clinical practice(r = .165, p < .05). Conclusion : There was statistically significant positive correlation between motivation of achievement and satisfaction with clinical practice. Repeated research through sampling based on probability to generalize relevance of motivation of achievement and satisfaction with clinical practice is needed and further researches on developing program to inspire motivation of achievement in theoretical learning as well as in clinical practice are required.

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The Effects of Mothers' Parenting Stress and Parental Satisfaction on Attachment Formation with Their Children (어머니의 양육스트레스 및 부모역할만족도가 0-3세 자녀와의 애착형성에 미치는 영향)

  • Noh, Ji-Young;Hwang, Hae-Shin
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the factors related to mothers' attachment formation with their children. For this research, mothers' attachment formation with their children was examined based on the relationship involving three factors: personal variables, parenting stress, and parental satisfaction. A survey instrument was administered to 114 mothers who had 0~3 year-old children attending day care centers in Seoul. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression using the SPSS+12 version. Major findings were as follows: First, the degree of mothers' parental stress rated relatively low and the degree of parental satisfaction rated relatively high. Among the three variables that were measured, parental satisfaction was the most influential factor on mothers' attachment formation. Finally, 'burden and stress of parenting', 'feelings of guilt for others taking care of their children', 'general satisfaction', and 'parent-child relationship satisfaction' were powerful factors in explaining attachment formation.

Causal relationship among quality factors, emotional responses, and satisfaction of school food service in Henan province, China

  • Miaomiao Li;Young Eun Lee
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.356-370
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    • 2023
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: School food service has played an important role in promoting the health and physical condition of students by providing students with a balanced and nutritious diet. Therefore, boosting the quality of school food service and improving the students' satisfaction is critical. For this purpose, this study examined the structural causal relationship among the quality of school food service factors, emotional responses, and satisfaction in China. SUBJECTS/METHODS: This study was conducted with 4th-6th-grade students from 6 junior high schools in Henan province of China, with 590 questionnaire responses (87.3%) collected and statistically analyzed. RESULTS: The school food service quality factors (including menu management, dietary education, facilities management, price and food distribution management, and personal hygiene during meals) must be enhanced to boost the students' satisfaction. In addition, the study used questionnaire survey data to validate the full mediation of students' emotional responses between school food service quality factors and student satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: Students' emotions also play an important role in influencing the quality of school food service, all of which affect the emotional responses of students. Therefore, students' positive emotions are an important indicator for improving the quality of school food service. A national support policy is necessary for the ongoing maintenance and development of various programs that drive students' satisfaction and promote the adoption of education guidelines for school food service in China.

The mediating effect of grit and social support on the relationship between self-determination and life satisfaction in nursing students (간호대학생의 자기 결정성과 삶의 만족도 관계에서 그릿과 사회적 지지의 매개효과)

  • Oh, Seojin;Cho, Hyeyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.281-291
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to confirm the relationship between nursing students' self-determination and life satisfaction in order to clarify the mediating effect of grit and social support, which can have a mutual influence on self-determination and life satisfaction. Methods: The data collection for this study was conducted from January 1 to 31, 2022, with nursing students enrolled in nursing departments at six universities located in three regions. The data collected in this study were analyzed using the IBM SPSS statistics 25.0 program. Results: The study found correlations between life satisfaction and self-determination (r=.64, p<.001), grit (r=.41, p<.001), and social support (r=.46, p<.001). Grit (B=0.06) and social support (B=0.06) showed a mediating effect in the relationship between self-determination and life satisfaction. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, it is suggested that a program that can enhance the life satisfaction of nursing students be developed and implemented by focusing on social support, which is an external resource, and self-determination and grit, which are internal resources.

A Study on the effect of Friend-praise activity program of Elementary students for Self-esteem and Personal Relationship (초등학생의 또래 칭찬활동 프로그램이 자아존중감 및 대인관계에 미치는 효과)

  • Oh, Eun-Ju
    • The Korean Journal of Elementary Counseling
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.159-184
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    • 2006
  • Lately, the rapid social and family system change, the entrance examination-centered circumstance in education have a negative influence not only on making up the affirmative self-esteem but also on building up the personal relationship through mutual communication with friends of the same age. Making children adapt well to school life and develop a good relationship in the class is an important subject in educational field. Thus, various school activities should offer lots of opportunities to increase their affirmative self-esteem and more specified performance-centered programs are required toform a harmonious relationship among parties of students. The purpose of this study is to improve an affirmative self-esteern and a desirable personal relationship of children through developing friend-praise program and adapting it to children. Based on the above purpose, the following subjects for this study 'are suggested. Firstly, is the friend-praise program effective in forming an affirmative self-esteem of elementary students? Secondly, is the friend-praise program successful in improving a desirable personal relationship in an elementary school? In addition, two hypotheses of study are decided on the basis of theoretical background and the former study. Hypothesis 1. The friend-praise program will have a meaningful effect on improving an affirmative self-esteem. Hypothesis 2. The friend-praise program will have a meaningful effect on improving a desirable personal relationship. In order to improve the above hypotheses, the experiment was carried out with two classes on the fourth grade in M elementary school in Wonju with being divided into one experimental group and the other comparative group. The friend-praise program which was adapted to the experimental group was composed with four steps as 'introduction', 'preparation', 'operation' and 'closing'. This program which has twelve categories was executed once or twice in a week and each class was continued for forty or sixty minutes. Contrastively, comparative group had no application of the main program. For the purpose of proving the hypotheses after adapting the program to students, I have executed both self-esteem test and personal relationship test. The tests were performed with using SPSS/Windows V10.0 and the statistic was conducted through independant sample t-test for the difference between groups and contrastive sample t-test for the individual difference in each group. The results of this study can be summarized like the followings: Firstly, from the result of previous and after tests, there was no meaningful change in the comparative group, but the experimental group showed meaningful difference in all categories of self-esteem(t=-4.496, p=.000). Especially, the general self-esteem(t=-3.216, p=.003), social self-esteem(t=-2.680, p=.012), homely self-esteem(t=-3.732, p=.001), and school self-esteem(t=-3.902, p=.000) showed a meaningful difference. At the same time, the experimental group also showed meaningful difference with the comparative group in self-esteem(t=-4.758, p=.000). Especially, the general self-esteem(t=2.581, p=.017), social self-esteem(t=3.160, p=.003), homely self-esteem(t=4.283, p=.000), and school self-esteem(t=4.110, p=.000) showed a meaningful difference. As a result of this experiment, the friend-praise program will have a meaningful effect on improving an affirmative self-esteem was proved. Secondly, there was no meaningful change in the comparative group, but the experimental group showed meaningful difference in all categories of personal relationship(t=-4.131, p=.000). Specifically, satisfaction(t=-2.113, p=.045), communication(t=-3.381, p=.002), confidence(t=-3.517, p=.001), intimacy(t=-3.958, p=.000), sensibility(t=-2.955, p=.006), openness(t=-4.318, p=.000) and interest(t=-2.941, p=.000) showed a meaningful difference. In the same instant, the experimental group also showed meaningful difference with the comparative group in all categories of personal relationship(t=3.897, p=.000). Especially, satisfaction(t=2.257, p=.003), communication(t=3.527, p=.001), confidence(t=3.704, p=.001), intimacy(t=3.904, p=.000), sensibility (t=4.382, p=.000), openness(t=2.648, p=.013) and interest(t=2.944, p=.006) showed a meaningful difference. Accordingly, the friend-praise program will have a meaningful effect on improving a desirable personal relationship was proved. Judging from all these results, we should provide primary students with various opportunities to take part in active programs which help them to set up their righteous sense of value, to solve their own problems and to develop their potentials. Consequently, many kinds of practice-centered program like the friend-praise program should be developed more systematically and teachers should apply all those programs to students according to their individual level and developmental stage.

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An Analysis of Relationship Between Personal Factors of Radiological Technologists and Job Stressors (방사선사의 개인적 요인이 직무스트레스원에 영향을 주는 관련성 분석)

  • Jung, Hong-Ryang;Kim, Jeong-Koo;Lim, Cheong-Hwan;Kim, Myeong-Soo;Kwon, Dae-Cheol;Lee, Man-Koo
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2005
  • This study is aimed at analyzing the relationship between personal factors of radiological technologists and their job stressors. For this aim, a survey was conducted by means of 890 questionnaires from the middle of July to the end of August 2003 to the subjects of radiological technologists who are working for 44 general hospitals in 16 cities and provinces across the country. The results of the survey could be summed up as follows: 1. The biggest stressor that affects a radiological technologist personally under the working situation turned out to be position, job satisfaction and physical symptom(p<0.001), while job satisfaction and physical symptom also played an important role in personal relationship(p<0.001). 2. In terms of job conflicts, colleagues, immediate seniors, job satisfaction and physical symptoms appeared to exercise great impact(p<0.001), As for job autonomy, age, position and job satisfaction were known to be heavily influential(p<0.001). 3. With regard to job load, job satisfaction and behavioral symptom turned out to have great influence while, in job stability, position and job satisfaction seemed to be immensely influential(p<0.001). The present study has a limit in that it covers only radiological technologists who are working at the 3rd reference hospitals but excludes those who are working at the first and second reference hospitals. The findings, however, are surely believed to be able to serve as basic data to improve the medical service quality as they will help reduce the stressors of and enhance mental and physical health for radiological technologists who play important roles as teammates with expertise in the medical field. These outcomes could also be referred to in future studies in this area.

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A Study on the Job Satisfaction and It's related Variables (직무만족(職務滿足)과 관련(關聯) 변인(變人)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Seog-Soon
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.99-122
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    • 1991
  • This study was conducted to investigate the job satisfaction of the dental technicians and evalate the relationship between it’s scores and certain variables. One hundred eighty dental technicians were sampled from 300 among the 2552 dental technicians by wide distribution method, in September 1990. Data were collected by administering the instrument, the researcher developed for measuring the independent and dependent variables. The statistical methods utilized in this study were one-way analysis of variance, correlation and multiple regression analysis. The data were analyzed by SPSS(Statistical Package for Social Science), utilizing PC. The statistical significance was tested at 0.05 level. The major findings of the study were as follows : 1. The job satisfaction measuring instrument, the researcher developed, could measured the job satisfaction of dental technicians. The Maximum score of the instrument was 125, the highest score of dental technicians was 106, the lowest score was obtained 38, the mean score was 72.228 and standard deviation was 12.804. 2. The personal variables of dental technicians were related with the job satisfaction scores. The job satisfaction scores were positively correlated, at 0.01 level, with the scores of age(r=0.379), year(r=0.218), aptitude(r=0.415), marry(r=0.202), income(r=0.381), career(r=0.316). 3. The family variables scores of dental technicians were not correlated with the job satisfaction scores. 4. The personal characteristics of dental technicians were related with the job satisfaction. The job satisfaction score were positively correlated beyond the significant level, with the cheerfulness scores(r=0.398) and stability scores(r=0.224). 5. The job-related variables of the dental technicians were related with the job satisfaction scores. The correlation coefficient between job satisfaction scores and turnover scores was r=0.23, and quantity scores was r=0.300.

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An Evaluation for Quality of Life in Seoul Metropolitan's Countryside (수도권 근교농촌의 삶의 질 펑가)

  • 김봉원;김유일
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 1997
  • Kim, Bong-won * · Kim, Yoo-ill *1 Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Sungkyunkwan Univ. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Quality of Life with a sample set collected from 37F residents in Seoul Metropolitan's countryside. Collected data were analyzed by means of regression analysis. Research results indicated that the predictors of Quality of Life had a relationship with'job satisfaction','self satisfaction','residential satisfaction','income satisfaction'and other variables(Ra= .48). The residents who strongly satisfied with those variables were likely to satisfy with their life. Also, the existence of toyon office and the educational level emerged as a significant factors for the life satisfaction. This means that the residents located at toyon office or educated higher level satisfied more on their life. Thus the personal characteristics and environmental attributes played a basic role on the life satisfaction. Implications for future research are discussed, and methodological and analytical weaknesses of this study are identified.

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A study on factors how Christian characteristics affects between christian theology major students and non-major students(focused upon personal profile and college life satisfaction) (신학전공 학생과 비신학전공 학생간의 기독교인성에 미치는 요인에 관한 연구(개인신상과 대학생활 만족도 중심으로))

  • Han, Man-Oh
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제14권7호
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2016
  • This study is based on finding out how christian characteristics affects between christian theology major and non major students upon factors. Among various impacts, we especially have focused on personal profile and college life satisfaction, and what factors could relate to christian characteristics between personal characteristics variable (gender, age, grade, group activities, religion, communication time with parents, interpersonal relationship, ect.) and college satisfaction. Also, this study focused on what could be the differences between the christian theology major and non major students and if there are the differences, the survey will be analyzed and researched to figure out how much it differs from each other. Through this study christian theology major have presented the right christian virtue and had more effects of christian world view than non christian theology major students.