• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satisfaction for the program

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The Effects of the Organizational Socialization Education Program on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention of New Nurses (조직사회화 교육 프로그램이 신규 간호사의 직무만족, 조직몰입, 이직의도에 미치는 효과)

  • Choi, Gum-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2014
  • This study was aimed to investigate the effects of Organizational Socialization Education Program on new nurse's job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention. This study was utilized a non equvalent control group post only design. The subjects of this study were total 76 nurses in total. Data were collected from 1st to 31th July, 2012. For the experimental group, 16 hours lectures on Organizational Socialization Education Program was given. Data were analyzed by Frequency, X2, Fisher's Exact test & t-test. The findings of this study were as the followings: As proposed in the hypothesis, the subjects in the experimental group experienced more job satisfaction(t= -2.10, p=.039), more organization commitment(t= -2.68, p=.009), less perceived turnover intention(t= 4.65, p=.000), than those in the control group. The results of this study shows that Organizational Socialization Education Program is considered an effective program to improve job satisfaction, organizational commitment and to lessen turnover intention for new nurses. The Organizational Socialization Education program would be continually necessary to contribute to development of professional nursing occupation.

The Effects of the Non-credit Internship for the Clinical Practice and the Educational Satisfaction (비학점형 실습인 임상 인턴십이 임상실무와 교육만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jae-Hong;Kwon, Won-An;Kim, Gi-Chul;Jeon, Kwon-Il;Lee, Jin-Hwan;Min, Dong-Gi
    • PNF and Movement
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2013
  • Purpose : The purpose of this research was to verify the effects of the clinical practice and the educational satisfaction through internship program on students of health-related majors. Methods : We investigated 120 students using a self-reporting method with experience of internship program. A statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0 for window version. Results : It showed that educational satisfaction had scored 4.18 in curriculum, 4.16 in environment, 4.16 in schedule, 4.32 in teaching and 3.82 in evaluation, 4.21 in satisfaction for clinical practice. Conclusion : It was revealed by this survey that the educational satisfaction of internship program in school hospital had higher score in curriculum, environment, schedule, evaluation, teaching and clinical practice. To maximize the effects of internship program, a clinical internship program in school hospital is needed and further research and attention are suggested.

Patients' Satisfaction with Chuna Manual Therapy in the Pilot Coverage Program of National Health Insurance (건강보험 추나요법 급여 시범사업 참여 환자들의 만족도 조사)

  • Kim, Seunghyun;Ryu, Jiseon;Lee, Kyungmin;Kwon, Byungjo;Lim, Byungmook
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • Backgrounds : In 2017, National Health Insurance implemented the pilot coverage program for Chuna manual therapy(CMT). 65 Korean Medicine(KM) hospitals and clinics were selected in the program to monitor the effectiveness and patients' satisfaction of insured CMT. Objectives : This study aimed to evaluate patients' satisfaction of CMT in the pilot coverage program of National Health Insurance. Methods : Survey participants were recruited among the patients who used CMT at the designated organizations. On-line questionnaire link was sent to the smart phones of patients who agreed to participate in the survey and provide personal contact information. The questionnaire consisted of the basic charactersitics of respondents, imformation on using CMT satisfaction with CMT and willingness to recommend CMT to others. The answers that were automatically coded and saved were statistically analyzed. Results : Of 386 participants who completed the questionnaire, 92.8% satisfied or strongly satisfied with the CMT. Most frequent reason of satisfaction was 'Good effectiveness', and there was no difference in satisfaction between patients of hospital and those of clinics. Patients with the highest and the lowest level of pain satisfied more than those with other pain levels(p=0.003), but the level of copayment and reasons of CMT use did not affect the satisfaction results(p=0.405). The proportions of respondents who had willingness to recommend CMT to others and to revisit for CMT use were 97.8% and 98.8%, respectively. Conclusions : Most patients were satisfied with CMT in the pilot coverage program, and it can provide the rationale for expanding the insurance coverage of CMT to all KM hospitals and clinics.

Effects of Leisure Satisfaction on Health Promotion Behavior and Quality of Life of Participants In the Walking Program "Geod-Jyu" (걷기 프로그램 '걷쥬' 참여자의 여가만족이 건강증진행위 및 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Chi-Sub Hahn;Sung-Min Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2024
  • Purpose : This study aimed to investigate the leisure satisfaction of participants in the Geod-Jyu walking program and to examine the relationship between health promotion behaviors and quality of life. In addition, we investigated the impact of leisure satisfaction with walking among program participants on health promotion behaviors and quality of life. By clarifying these relationships, we aimed to identify factors of leisure satisfaction with walking that could enhance participants' health promotion behaviors and quality of life. Methods : A survey was conducted among 301 participants enrolled in the Geod-Jyu walking program in Chungcheongnam-do, with 288 responses analyzed. Data analysis included Pearson's correlation, confirmatory factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 27.0. Result : Leisure satisfaction exhibited a positive correlation with health promotion behavior (r=.544, p<.01) and quality of life (r=.478, p<.01). Furthermore, health promotion behavior showed a positive correlation with quality of life (r=.636, p<.01). Leisure satisfaction positively influenced quality of life, with physiological satisfaction (β=.16, t=2.32) and relaxation satisfaction (β=.15, t=2.04) emerging as notable contributors. In addition, leisure satisfaction had a significant positive impact on health promotion behaviors, with psychological satisfaction (β=.24, t=3.09) and educational satisfaction (β=.20, t=3.09) playing key roles. Health promotion behavior had a positive impact on quality of life, with all sub variables exhibiting significant positive effects in the following order: self-actualization (β=.24, t=4.16), stress management (β=.22, t=3.97), exercise (β=.22, t=4.05), and health responsibility (β=.12, t=2.14). Conclusion : The findings indicate that factors related to physical and rest satisfaction, as well as health-promoting behaviors facilitated by walking, significantly affected the quality of life among Geod-Jyu participants. Thus, promoting leisure satisfaction and engaging in health-promoting activities through walking can enhance overall well-being. Encouraging participation in the Geod-Jyu walking program is critical for physical and psychological benefits, and for promoting healthier behaviors. Further development of Geod-Jyu is expected to enhance walking satisfaction, promote self-care skills for health management, and positively influence quality of life.

The Comparison of Health Status and Satisfaction with Life according to paticipation in exercise program for the Elderly (일부 노인의 운동참여와 비참여시의 건강상태 및 삶의 만족도 비교)

  • Kong, Hyung-Sik;Lee, Kang-Sook;Lee, Seon-Young;Yu, Jae-Hee;Hong, A-Rum
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2008
  • Objective: The aim of this study was to find out the factors associated with the health status and life satisfaction in the elderly who participated in an exercise program practiced by the National Health Insurance Corporation and the elderly who did not. Methods: The subjects of this study included 105 elderly people in K-city who participated in the elderly exercise program of the National Health Insurance Corporation and 103 elderly who did not. Results: The elderly group that participated in the exercise program showed slightly better physical health than non-participants but the difference was significant only in the item of bowel control. The elderly group that participated in the exercise program displayed slightly better mental health status than non-participants but the difference was significant only in the item of memory and cognitive ability. The elderly group that participated in the exercise program showed significantly higher life satisfaction than non-participants. The factors affecting the satisfaction of life were participation of exercise program, higher level of education, and perception of health, and the attributable rate was 24.6%. Conclusions: In conclusion, this study suggested that the people who participated in elderly exercise program showed higher level of physical and mental health status and life satisfaction than non-participants. Therefore, various National Exercise Program for elderly tailored by characteristics should be implemented.

Effects of a Massage Program on Growth of Premature Infants and on Confidence and Satisfaction in the Mothering Role (미숙아 마사지 교육 프로그램이 미숙아의 성장과 어머니 역할수행에 대한 자신감 및 만족도에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Ji-Young
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.381-389
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: This study was done to investigate the effects of a massage program on the growth of premature infants and on the mothers' confidence and satisfaction in the mothering role. Methods: The participants were 29 mothers of premature infants hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit at CNU Hospital (14 in the massage program group and 15 in control group). Massage was done for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a day for 4 weeks. The data were using the SAS PC+ program. Result: Significant differences were found in the ratios of weight gain (Z=2.24, p=.013), grow in length (Z=2.50, p=.006) and increase in head circumference (Z=1.91, p=.028) between the massage program group and the control group. Confidence in the mothering role was significantly higher for mothers in the massage program group compared to those in the control group (Z=2.69, p=.004), but there was no significant difference in satisfaction with the mothering role between the two groups (Z=.88, p=.191). Conclusion: These results suggest that the massage program enhances growth of premature infants as well as enhancing the mother's confidence in her role as mother. Therefore, the massage program for premature infants can be use as an effective nursing intervention.

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The Study on Development of Service Satisfaction Index - Service User of Community-Development Voucher Program - (서비스 만족도 지표 개발에 관한 연구 - 지역개발형 바우처 서비스 이용자를 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Chang-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.151-177
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    • 2011
  • With the expansion of Voucher program, academic and practical concerns of performance evaluation of voucher service has been more emphasized. Accordingly, client satisfaction survey are expanding these days, but the study of client satisfaction as a performance indicator aimed at service client has not been yet conducted systematically. The purpose of this study is to develop Satisfaction Index, targeting at client of community-development voucher program in Community Service Investment Project conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Data were collected from 1800 client of community-development voucher program. This study summarized theoretically many kinds of satisfaction measurement and composed the Satisfaction Index reflecting characteristics of Voucher. By the item analysis and reliability analysis, the element satisfaction was identified as homogeneous items. General satisfaction were obtained using element satisfaction and overall satisfaction, it was found to be valid through the evaluation of convergent and discriminant validity as a tool for satisfaction. This study suggest using the '1step weighted approach' than '2step weighted approach' having weakness of complex overlapping manner.

Development and Operational Test of the Free Semester Program Education in Arboreta and Botanical Gardens: Focusing on 'Gardener for a Day' Program in Korea National Arboretum

  • Yun, Do-Lee;Yoon, Mi-Jeong
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.289-298
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    • 2019
  • As part of the free semester program, the 'Gardener for a day' program in the Korea National Arboretum was newly developed in 2018. The program was developed as a free semester program reflecting the works of a 'gardener' who performs the planning, preparation, maintenance and management of exhibition gardens. This 'Gardener for a day' program was applied to a total of 106 middle school students in October 2018. Educational elements were extracted from Korea National Arboretum exhibition gardens and career exploration of gardeners. The program was designed to provide education on theory and practices, including watching the gardener video, visiting the gardener booth, meeting with actual gardeners at Korea National Arboretum, visiting two exhibition gardens, and participating in three types of practical training as a gardener. A survey about program satisfaction and education was conducted after the program to analyze the students' satisfaction with the program (contents, management, instructor), free semester program (career planning, occupational attitude, independence), and education (awareness of forest biospecies, preservation will). The analysis showed that the following results: satisfaction with the program (score 4.0), free semester program (score 3.8), and education (score 4.0). Comparative analysis of the pretest-posttest questionnaires showed that there were significant educational effects in career planning, occupational attitude, and awareness of forest biospecies.

A Study of Teacher's Satisfaction Regarding Korean Medicine Doctor's Student Health and Wellness Program in 2016 - In Middle & High School of Seongnam City - (2016년도 한의 교의 프로그램의 교사들의 만족도에 관한 연구 - 성남시 중고등학교를 대상으로 -)

  • Sung, Hyun Kyung;Shin, Seon Mi;Go, Ho-Yeon;Ko, Jae-Un;Kim, Hyo-Sun;Choi, Suk-Hoon;Park, Jeong-Su
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2018
  • Objectives This study aims to build the baseline data for promoting school health care program by identifying satisfaction level and improvement point through the satisfaction survey after Korean medicine doctor's student health and wellness program in 2016. Methods An association of Korean medicine doctor in Seongnam city conducted Korean medicine doctor's student health and wellness program for 12 middle schools, 6 high schools and 1 special-need school in Seongnam city in 2016. The participating Korean medicine doctor visited each school for 8 times and conducted health consultations, health education classes and Korean medicine treatment for the school students and the school employees. Teachers and administrators from the participating schools answered the self-reported satisfaction questionnaires and the results were analyzed by SPSS 22.0. Results 35 people responded the program satisfaction questionnaires, the overall satisfaction average was 9.40±0.88 (out of 10). In the course of the program, satisfaction average regarding the student's health check-ups was 9.05±0.88, satisfaction average regarding the informatory brochures for the parents was 9.08±1.09, satisfaction average regarding the participation enrollment process was 9.06±1.16, and the satisfaction average regarding the questionnaire statistics and the result reports was 8.86±1.93. The satisfaction average of the program was as follows: health consultation (9.20±1.08), treatment (9.31±0.90), and health education classes (8.78±1.68). Some of the good things about program were 'Telling students about their physical condition' (57.1%), 'Curing the sick student quickly' (48.6%), 'Providing students with useful information about the health' (48.6%), 'Teaching students how to manage their health and how to manage symptoms' (42.9%). Average satisfaction about sustainability and needs of the program was 9.15±0.91, and the participant teachers wanted to learn more about how to manage internet addiction (22.9%), stress (45.7%), atopy (28.6%), neck pain (42.9%), allergic rhinitis (37.1%), and low back pain (34.3%) from the future wellness programs. Conclusions Student health care is one of the most important issue in national health policies. We have designed a bridge model that a local community, school, and doctors can work together to develop. After the implementation of the program, the results of the satisfaction survey showed a very high satisfaction level. This study can be the basis for further improvement of the bridge program as well as the expansion of the program in other settings.

A Qualitative Study on Satisfaction with Healthcare Workforce Capacity Building Program: Focusing on Dr LEE Jong-wook Fellowship Program for Clinical Experts (Cambodia Rehabilitation) (보건의료인력 양성 프로그램의 만족도에 대한 질적 연구: 이종욱펠로우십 프로그램 임상과정(캄보디아 재활)을 중심으로)

  • Youmi Kim;Wanho Kim;Eunjoo Kim;Hyejin Jung;Soojin Kim;Onyoo Kim
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2023
  • Background: We aimed to provide basic data for improving the effectiveness of the invitational training and reflecting it in the program in the following year by identifying the satisfaction level of trainees who participated in the "Dr. LEE Jong-wook Fellowship Program" funded by the Korea Foundation for International Healthcare. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted using a questionnaire interview. In the first stage of analysis, only the interview contents related to the research topic were classified by the researcher for the conversations recorded at the interview site, and in the second stage of analysis, the interview contents classified in the first stage were classified into each of those mentioned in this study. Results: The longer the trainees participated in the program and the better the accessibility, the higher the satisfaction with the program. In addition, the level of achievement of the trainees' goals and the level of improvement in their competence affected their satisfaction, and their difficulty in language communication during the training period was identified as a factor affecting the trainees' satisfaction level. In addition, competency improvement and satisfaction were positively correlated (r=0.75, p=0.03). Conclusion: When organizing a rehabilitation workforce capacity training program, it is important to identify trainees' needs, ensure accessibility, organize courses effectively, enhance English proficiency, and expand practical lectures to increase trainees' knowledge and understanding of rehabilitation.