• Title/Summary/Keyword: SPOT DEM

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A Study on the Improvements of Positioning Accuracy of Digital Elevation Model Using SPOT Satellite Triplet Images (SPOT 3중 입체위성영상을 이용한 수치표고모형의 정확도 개선)

  • Cho, Bong-Whan;Lee, Yong-Woong;Shin, Dae-Shik
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.1 s.5
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 1995
  • Most studies using satellite images have been performed to determine three dimensional positioning by stereoscopic analysis for stereo-pair or to extract digital elevation model by stereo matching using image correlation techniques. Because the small errors on the ground control points have a great impact on the results, however, it is hard to get reliable products when we analyze satellite orbital parameters or acquire digital elevation model by using only stereo-pair. Also, if there are noises, shadows, or clouds on the one of stereo pair, it is difficult to produce DEM(digital elevation model) on the area under analysis or to have good accuracy. In these case, it can be solved by systematic analysis of the multiple stereo images. This paper suggests the improvements on the accuracy of the digital elevation model by the developments of stereoscopic analysis techniques for the triplet of SPOT satellite images on the same area.

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A Study on the Improvements of Positioning Accuracy of Digital Elevation Model Using SPOT Satellite Triplet Images (SPOT 3중 입체위성영상을 이용한 수치지형표고 정확도 개선)

  • Cho, Bong-Whan;Lee, Yong-Woong;Shin, Dae-Shik
    • 한국지형공간정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.99-119
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    • 1995
  • Most studies using satellite images have been performed to determine three dimensional positioning by stereoscopic analysis for stereo-pair or to extract digital elevation model by stereo matching using image correlation techniques. Because the small errors on the ground control points have a great impact on the results, honorer, it is hard to get reliable products when we analyze satellite orbital parameters or acquire digital elevation model by using only stereo-pair. Also, if there are noises, shadows, or clouds on the one of stereo pair, it is difficult to produce DEM(digital elevation model) on the area under analysis or to have good accuracy. In these case, it can be solved by systematic analysis of the multiple stereo images. This paper suggests the improvements on the accuracy of the digital elevation model by the developments of stereoscopic analysis techniques for the triplet of SPOT satellite images on the same area.

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Development of Value-added Product Generation Software from Satellite Imagery: 'Valadd-Pro' (고부가 정보 추출을 위한 위성 영상 처리 소프트웨어의 개발: '발라드-프로')

  • Lee, Hae Yeoun;Park, Wonkyu;Kim, S.A.B.;Kim, Taejung;Yoon, Taehun;Shin, Dongseok;Lee, Heungkyu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 1999
  • To extract value-added products from satellite images for the benefit of science and human life, the Satellite Technology Research Center at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology has developed an integrated software 'Valadd-Pro'. In this paper, the 'Valadd-Pro' software is briefly introduced and its main components such as geometric correction, ortho correction and digital elevation model extraction are described. The performances of the 'Valadd-Pro' was assessed on $60km{\times}60km$ SPOT panchromatic images using ground control points from GPS measurements. Also, the height accuracy was measured by comparing our results with the $DTEDs^3$ produced by USGS and the DEM generated from the digitized countours of maps produced by the National Geographic Institute. In geometric correction, the 'Valadd-Pro' software needed fewer ground control points than a commercial software 'P' for the satisfactory results. In ortho correction, the 'Valadd-Pro' software show the similar performance to a commercial software 'P'. In digital elevation model extraction, the 'Valadd-Pro' software is two times more accurate and four times faster than a commercial software 'P'.

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A Study on Factor Extraction of Green-Network by Assessment Indicators -For the purpose of Biotop creation- (평가지표를 통한 녹지네트워크 인자도출에 관한 연구 -비오토프 조성을 위하여-)

  • Kim, E-Shin;Lee, Dong-Kun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2001
  • This study selected Yangpyung as a target site because Yangpyung is a area of high value blessed with well preserved natural resources and beautiful natural scene and where thoughtless development and malformed use of land are in progress under the mask of hotel, accommodations and sales facility which fits the interests of land owner. As for the method used for this study, I inquired into domestic/international instances and the concept of existing environmental indicators and assessment of suitability with a view to establish assessment indicators and pose the concept through theoretical investigation of green-network and to establish green-network. 17 articles of environmental indicators such as aspect analysis, contour, greenbelt, DEM, NDVI, nature conservation area, reservoir and area for the promotion of agriculture were chosen as a actual analysing n data for setting up assessment indicators. From the result of analysis, as anticipated, green zone in Yongmusan areas within Youngmun and Seojong areas were the center of green-network in the wide area green-network in Yangpyung and the restricted area by basin system, road and legal regulation was selected as spot area and finally arable land and reservoir were selected as base which connects core with spot.

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Exterior Orientation Parameters Determination from Satellite Imagery RPC Camera Model (위성영상 RPC 카메라 모델로부터 외부표정요소 결정)

  • Lee Hyo Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes method for determining exterior orientation parameters (EOPs) from the RPC mathematical camera model of the satellite image. SPOT satellite stereo pair is pre-tested using the proposed method. As results that, geopositioning errors are similar with those of the original EOPs. Differences between EOPs determined from the RPC and original EOPs were small. IKONOS Geo-level stereo pair is tested by the proposed method. Results of this method are compared with those of the RPC block adjustment method which have been verified in reported studies. Consequently, the proposed method showed accuracy similar to the RPC block adjustment method. The digital elevation models (DEMs) of sample area acquired by the two method almost did not have a difference.

DEM Generation from IKONOS Satellite Imagery (IKONOS 위성영상의 수치고도모형 생성)

  • Kim, Eui-Myoung;Kim, Seong-Sam;Yoo, Hwan-Hee
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.369-374
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    • 2005
  • 정사영상 생성, 도시 공간의 모형화 등 도면화의 다양한 응용분야에 적용을 위해서는 위성 영상으로부터 수치고도모형을 생성하는 것은 중요하며, SPOT-5, IKONOS, QUICKBIRD, ORBVIEW 등의 고해상도 위성영상은 효율적이고 경제적으로 수치고도모형을 생성할 수 있는 정보를 제공하고 있다. 그러나, 이들 고해상도 위성영상으로부터 수치고도모형을 생성하기 위해서는 센서모형화, 에피폴라 영상 생성 그리고 영상정합에 대한 사전지식이 필요하다. 이들 중 에피폴라 영상생성은 중요한 인자이며 이에 대한 연구는 아직 미흡한 실정이다. 뿐만 아니라, IKONOS 위성영상으로부터 수치고도모형을 생성하는 연구는 다항식비례모형에 기반한 연구가 주로 이루어졌다. 이에 본 연구에서는 센서 독립적이면서 적은 수의 기준점만으로 센서모형화와 에피폴라 영상생성이 가능한 평행투영모형을 이용하여 수치고도모형을 생성하는 일련의 처리과정을 새롭게 제안하였다. 제안된 방법론은 IKONOS 위성영상을 이용하여 적용하고 평가하였다.

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The matching algorithm with the satellite images using a dynamic triangular image warping method (동적 삼각형 영상 왜곡 보상 방법을 이용한 위성 영상 정합 알고리듬)

  • Jeon, Byung-Min;Lee, Heung-Jae;Lee, Kwae-Hi
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1998.07g
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    • pp.2209-2211
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    • 1998
  • This paper presents the matching algorithm with the satellite images using the image warping method. Two stereo images, which are used for the DEM(Digital Elevation Model) extraction, are generally distorted because the images are acquired at different locations and angles. Therefore, the matching Process can't be executed with the original images. To solve this problem, a dynamic triangular image warping method is proposed. At first, the initial matching is executed with seed point, and then, using the matched points from the initial matching, the distorted images is compensated. We experimented this algorithm with the parts of the $6000{\times}6000$ SPOT satellite images. The experiment results show this algorithm is superior to other warping algorithm.

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Analyzing Characteristics of Forest Damage within the Geum-buk Mountain Range (금북정맥의 산림훼손 특성 분석)

  • Jang, Gab-Sue;Jeon, Seong-Woo;Kim, Sang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2008
  • The characteristics of forest damage in the Geum-buk Mountains were analyzed by using satellite images and a field survey for landscape conservation purposes. A survey scope was fixed using DEM, and areas of damage in the mountain range were analyzed via ArcMap v. 9.2 using SPOT 5 images, a high resolution satellite image. All damaged areas were reviewed and corrected in a field survey. As a result, 75 roads were found to completely fragment forest patches. Of those roads, 26 have the width under 3m, which means that the fragmentation of the forest by these roads may have a minor effect on forest habitat and its ecosystems, while other roads such as two-lane roads may have broader detrimental influences on the ecosystem. Two thousand eighty-three sections of accounted for a total area of about 5,760.7ha. Orchard areas including chestnut tree plantations were ranked as the largest in the damaged area within the Geum-buk Mountains, followed by public facility areas and grassland areas. This means that man-made land usage has progressed in the area regardless of slope and elevation.

Development of New Photogrammetric Software for High Quality Geo-Products and Its Performance Assessment

  • Jeong, Jae-Hoon;Lee, Tae-Yoon;Rhee, Soo-Ahm;Kim, Hyeon;Kim, Tae-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.319-327
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we introduce a newly developed photogrammetric software for automatic generation of high quality geo-products and its performance assessment carried out using various satellite images. Our newly developed software provides the latest techniques of an optimized sensor modelling, ortho-image generation and automated Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generation for diverse remote sensing images. In particular, images from dual- and multi-sensor images can be integrated for 3D mapping. This can be a novel innovation toward a wider applicability of remote sensing data, since 3D mapping has been limited within only single-sensor so far. We used Kompsat-2, Ikonos, QuickBird, Spot-5 high resolution satellite images to test an accuracy of 3D points and ortho-image generated by the software. Outputs were assessed by comparing reliable reference data. From various sensor combinations 3D mapping were implemented and their accuracy was evaluated using independent check points. Model accuracy of 1~2 pixels or better was achieved regardless of sensor combination type. The high resolution ortho-image results are consistent with the reference map on a scale of 1:5,000 after being rectified by the software and an accuracy of 1~2 pixels could be achieved through quantitative assessment. The developed software offers efficient critical geo-processing modules of various remote sensing images and it is expected that the software can be widely used to meet the demand on the high-quality geo products.

An Uncertainty Analysis of Topographical Factors in Paddy Field Classification Using a Time-series MODIS (시계열 MODIS 영상을 이용한 논 분류와 지형학적 인자에 따른 불확실성 분석)

  • Yoon, Sung-Han;Choi, Jin-Yong;Yoo, Seung-Hwan;Jang, Min-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2007
  • The images of MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) that provide wider swath and shorter revisit frequency than Land Satellite (Landsat) and Satellite Pour I' Observation de la Terre (SPOT) has been used fer land cover classification with better spatial resolution than National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration/Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (NOAA/AVHRR)'s images. Due to the advantages of MODIS, several researches have conducted, however the results for the land cover classification using MODIS images have less accuracy of classification in small areas because of low spatial resolution. In this study, uncertainty of paddy fields classification using MODIS images was conducted in the region of Gyeonggi-do and the relation between this uncertainty of estimating paddy fields and topographical factors was also explained. The accuracy of classified paddy fields was compared with the land cover map of Environmental Geographic Information System (EGIS) in 2001 classified using Landsat images. Uncertainty of paddy fields classification was analyzed about the elevation and slope from the 30m resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) provided in EGIS. As a result of paddy classification, user's accuracy was about 41.5% and producer's accuracy was 57.6%. About 59% extracted paddy fields represented over 50 uncertainty in one hundred scale and about 18% extracted paddy fields showed 100 uncertainty. It is considered that several land covers mixed in a MODIS pixel influenced on extracted results and most classified paddy fields were distributed through elevation I, II and slope A region.