• Title/Summary/Keyword: SKID

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Discussion of the relationship between adhesion force and braking force in slip condition (제동시 점착력과 제동력의 관계에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Young-Guk;Kim, Seog-Won;Mok, Jin-Yong;Kim, Ki-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.1005-1011
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    • 2007
  • The brake system of train must posses the large braking effort in order to stop the train safely within the limited traveling distance. But, the excessive braking effort has been deteriorated the ride comfort due to high level of deceleration and jerk, and sometimes occurred the skid, because the applied braking force exceeds the allowable adhesive force. This skid causes not only to increase the stopping distance but also to deteriorate the safety of train and damage the rail surface by wheel flat. In the present paper, the braking force for disc brake of Korea High Speed Train (HSR350x) was measured through on-line test and the adhesion force was estimated by using the analytic model in the skid condition. Also, we have discussed the relationship between the actual disc brake force and the adhesion force in real skid condition.

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Estimation of thickness variation due to skid mark Using Speedometer (속도계를 이용한 스키드 마크로 인한 두께 변동량 추정)

  • 이영교;조성은;김상우;홍성철
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.40-40
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    • 2000
  • Generally a RF AGC controls the roll gap using the variation of rolling force caused by the roll eccentricity and the entry thickness of material, but these can not be classified. The Feed- forward AGC method, which controls the next stand roll 9ap by estimation the skid mark of the previous stand output thickness is needed to supplement the shortage of RF AGC. In this paper, an improved filtering method of skid mark which take account of the kinds of materials, the final objective thickness and the roll speed is proposed, In addition, an improved estimation method of control point using the speedometer and looper angle is suggested, Via simulation, the performance improvement of the suggested FF AGC method is verified.

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Skid Resistance Change by Dirt Material on Road Surface of Concrete Pavement (콘크리트포장의 노면 잔류 이물질에 따른 미끄럼저항변화)

  • Lee, Seung-Woo;Kim, Nam-Choul
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.6 no.4 s.22
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2004
  • Skid resistance is an important factor that control braking distance and secure safety by preventing slipperiness between tire and pavement surface. Decrease of skid resistance at wet condition may cause fatal traffic accidents. Dirt materials such as sand and do-icings on the road surface also can be a factor for decrease skid resistance. This study makes an investigation into influence of skid resistance between varied cement concrete pavements about surface texturing method(transverse tining, longitudinal tining, exposed aggregate surface texturing method) and wearing condition of pavement surface texture(new constructed pavement's surface, wore pavement's surface) using accelerate concrete pavement wearing tester when remains of dirt material are obtained between tire and road surface on PCC pavement. As dirt material on road surface of concrete pavement, sand, calcium chloride and old oil were used with different amount of each cases.

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The FE-SM/SONN for Recognition of the Car Skid Mark (자동차 스키드마크 인식을 위한 FE-SM/SONN)

  • Koo, Gun-Seo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, We proposes FE-SM/SONN for recognizing blurred and smeared skid mark image caused by sudden braking of a vehicle. In a blurred and smeared skid marks, tread pattern image is ambiguous. To improve recognition of such image, FE-SM/SONN reads skid marks utilizing Fuzzy Logic and distinguishing tread pattern SONN(Self Organization Neural Networks) recognizer. In order to substantiate this finding, 48 tire models and 144 skid marks were compared and overall recognition ratio was 89%. This study showed 13.51% improved recognition compared to existing back propagation recognizer, and 8.78% improvement than FE-MCBP. The expected effect of this research is achieving recognition of ambiguous images by extracting distinguishing features, and the finding concludes that even when tread pattern image is in grey scale, Fuzzy Logic enables the tread pattern recognizable.

An Evaluation of Skid Resistance Properties of Asphalt Concrete Pavement (아스팔트콘크리트 포장의 노면 미끄럼 저항성 평가)

  • Kim, Nakseok;Jeong, Haesoo
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2011
  • The skid resistant of pavement surface is an important parameter since it is directly related to the traffic safety under moving vehicular loads. In particular, it should be considered as a major factor in pavement performance evaluations to reduce the traffic accident from vehicular sliding. In this study, a portable and an automatic skid resistance tests were used to evaluate the skid resistances of the in-situ pavements. The test results showed that the skid resistance of the conventional dense graded pavement was more noticeable than the other pavement types such as the drainage pavement and the stone mastic asphalt(SMA) pavement as the service life of pavement was increased.

Development of Domestic Pattern Frame Method for Skid Resistance Pavement (미끄럼 방지 도로 포장을 위한 국내형 패턴 프레임 공법 개발)

  • Lee, TaeMin;Choi, HaJin
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2021
  • As increasing social needs of pavement maintenance, pattern frame method has been constructed in Korea. The pattern frame not only increases the skid resistance of pavements but also improve the scenery. However, construction of the pattern frame currently relies on imported materials. In this paper, we localize the materials used in pattern frame and conduct performance verification on them. The important performance indicators are the adhesion strength of undercoating materials and the skid resistance of finished pattern frames. The adhesion strength was targeted at 1.4MPa, and the localization alternative material met the target performance with 2.35MPa, the skid resistance performance was targeted at 40BPN, and the localization alternative material met the target performance with 75BPN. In the case of localized materials, approximately 40% cost reduction (per 1m2)compared to imported materials was confirmed.

Analysis of the Effectiveness of Simplified Slope Stabilization Methods for the Continuous Utilization of Skid Trails (산림작업로의 지속적 활용을 위한 간이 사면안정처리 효과분석)

  • Lee, Kwan-Hee;Hwang, Jin-Seong;Ji, Byoung-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.4
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    • pp.582-591
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to develop low-cost, simplified slope stabilization methods for the continuous utilization of skid trails, and to analyze the effect of the developed methods. Slope stabilization methods were created on the fill slopes of skid trails in the Forest Technology and Management Research Center of the National Institute of Forest Science.We measured the settlement and bearing capacity of skid trail surfaces, and the displacement of slope stabilization methods with respect to the number of passes (maximum 100 passes) by a logging truck weighing 17 tons. The constancy of slope stabilization methods was determined by measuring displacement of the stabilization structure with respect to the number of logging truck passes. Results showed that the bearing capacity in most cases was insufficient, but that the settlement of skid trails was less than 150 mm, which was considered reasonable. In addition, the stability of root staking wallswas somewhat low, but the average displacements of all slope stabilization methods were generally around 20 mm or less, indicating no issues regarding structural stability. By applying the simplified stabilization methods to skid trail maintenance following timber harvesting, efficient timber harvesting can be achieved. Additionally, these methods can be utilized as permanent forest management infrastructures and complement insufficient forest road facilities.

Optimal Landing Location and Skid Trail Network Selection in Timber Harvesting Area (목재수확작업지의 적정 집재장 선정 및 작업로 배치)

  • Ji, Byoung-Yun;Oh, Jae-Heun;Park, Sang-Jun;Hwang, Jin-Sung;Cha, Du-Song
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.195-203
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    • 2011
  • Forest in the our country is in the age that needs positive operation in order to foster economical forest. Multiple operations for making valuable forest should be conducted steadily and timely from afforestation to harvesting. In order to execute these kinds of forest operations, the construction of skid trail network that can be effectively used as a pathway for forestry machine and working space is necessary. To investigate facility effect of skid trail network, we executed the location of skid trail network through centroid method by GIS for 50ha of harvesting workplace in mechanized model forest located in Hongcheon, Gangwon Province. As a result of this research, skid trail density in this area changed from 79m/ha with current method to 42m/ha with improved method. It appeared that skid trail density with improved method is nearly half of current method even though the cutting area is the same as the current cutting area. Also, skidding distance changed from 117m with current method to 57m with improved method. It appears that skidding distance with improved method is nearly half of current method even though cutting area was enlarged in adjacent tending cutting area.

Development of Brake System with ABS Function for Aircraft

  • Jeon, Jeong-Woo;Woo, Gui-Aee;Lee, Ki-Chang;Kim, Yong-Joo
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.423-427
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, it is to development of brake system with ABS function for aircraft. The test of brake system is required before applying on aircraft. The real-time dynamic simulator with 5-D.O.F. aircraft dynamic model is developed for braking performance test of ABS (Anti-skid Brake System) control h/w with anti-skid brake functions. The dynamic simulator is real-time interface system that is composed of dynamic simulation parts, master control parts, digital and analog in/out interface parts, and user interface parts. The 5-D.O.F. aircraft dynamic model is composed of a big contour and a little contour by simulation s/w. The big contour represents the interactions of forces in airframe, nose and main landing gear, and engines on the center of gravity. The little contour represents interactions of wheel, braking units, hydraulic units and a control unit. ABS control h/w unit with ABS control algorithm is also developed and is tested with simulator under the some conditions of gripping coefficient. We have known that ABS control h/w unit on wet or snowy runway as well as dry runway very well protects wheel skid.

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Study on Experimental Equipment for Anti-Skid Control Logic Test (활주방지로직 시험장치에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Ho-Yeon;Kang, Chul-Goo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2011
  • To maintain the safety and efficiency of railroad vehicles, it is important to understand the working of the brake system with anti-skid control unit (ASCU) for rolling stocks. In this paper, a HILS (Hardware In-the Loop Simulations) system with ASCU hardware (for logic) and a DSP board (for dynamics) is developed to analyze skidding of the Hanvit-200 train during the process of braking. Experimental results are presented for the case that the skid on one of the four wheels is artificially generated using a Simulink model. A convenient GUI is prepared using ControlDesk of dSPACE.