• Title/Summary/Keyword: S24-7

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Synthesis and Biological Activities of Carbamate Derivative (Carbamate 화합물의 합성 및 위생학적 연구)

  • 강회양
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 1996
  • Carbamates are generally used as insecticide, thus 5.7-dichloro-8~hydroxyquinolinyl- N-ethylcarbamate was newly synthesized. Its physical properties were determined and chemical structure was identified by means of I.R., nmr in addition to elemental analysis. The yield of addition, using triethylamine as catalyst, 5.7-dichloro-8-hydroxyquinoline and isocyanate was better than that of condensation of 5.7-dichloro-8-hydroxyquinoline with carbamoylchloride. The effct of the compound on rabbit's ileum, and antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Echerichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were examined. The present organic synthesized compound showed the bacteriostatic action on salmonella typhi, escherichia coli, and pseudomonas aeruginosa, but no otherwise effect of contraction of rabbit's ileum in the concentration of $250 \mu g/ml$.

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Site Characterization using Shear-Wave Velocities Inverted from Rayleigh-Wave Dispersion in Wonju, Korea (레일리파 분산을 역산하여 구한 횡파속도를 이용한 원주시의 부지특성)

  • Kim, Chungho;Ali, Abid;Kim, Ki Young
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2014
  • To reveal shear-wave velocities ($v_s$) and site characterization of Wonju, Korea, Rayleigh waves were recorded at 78 sites of lower altitude using 12 to 24 4.5-Hz vertical geophones for 20 days during the period of February to September 2013. Dispersion curves of the Rayleigh waves obtained by the extended spatial autocorrelation method were inverted using the damped least-squares method to derive $v_s$ models. From these 1-D models, the average $v_s$ to a depth of 30 m ($v_s30$), $v_s$ of weathered rocks, depths to these basement rocks, and average $v_s$ of the overburden layer were derived to be $16.3{\pm}0.7m$, $576{\pm}8m/s$, $290{\pm}7m/s$, and $418{\pm}13m/s$, respectively, in the 95% confidence range. To determine adequate proxies for $v_s30$, we computed correlation coefficients of $v_s30$ with topographic slope (r = 0.46) and elevation (r = 0.43). An empirical linear relationship is presented as a combination of individually estimated $v_s30$ with weighting factors of 0.45, 0.45, and 0.1 for topographic slope, elevation, and mapped lithology, respectively. Due to a weak correlation between $v_s30$ obtained from inversion of dispersion curves and the proxy-based estimation (r = 0.50), however, the relatively large error range should be considered for applications of this relationship.

The Results of Treatment of Lateral Meniscus Tear in Tibial Plateau Fracture (경골과 골절과 동반된 외측 반월상 연골 파열의 치료 결과)

  • Kim, Jung-Man;Kwon, Yong-Jin;Choi, Kwang-Chun;Choi, Seong-Pil;Yoo, Ju-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.155-160
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: To evaluate the results of meniscal repair and partial meniscectomy of lateral meniscus injury associated with tibial plateau fracture. Materials and Methods: Between February 1993 and August 2004, 24 cases (23 patients) of lateral meniscus tear with tibial plateau fracture were evaluated retrospectively. The most frequent type of tear was the longitudinal tear of the meniscocapsular junction (14 cases, 66.7%). All fractures were reduced under the control of arthroscopic and image intensifier. Arthroscopic repair of the longitudinal tear of the lateral meniscus or arthroscopic partial meniscectomy was performed. The final results were evaluated with the Ikeuchi criteria and Lysholm score. Results: At the final follow-up, the outcome was excellent in 12 cases (85.7%), good in 1 case (7.1%) and fair in 1 case (7.1%) among 14 cases of meniscal repair, and the excellent in 4 cases (66.7%) and good in 2 cases (33.3%) among 6 cases of partial meniscectomy according to the Ikeuchi criteria, There was a significant improvement of Lysholm score after surgery, 92.3 postoperatively compared with 56.6 preoperatively (p<0.0001, paired t-test). Conclusion: The fracture of the lateral tibial plateau did not seem to affect on the healing of the meniscus repair and partial meniscectomy.

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Analysis of surface emission and oxidation rate of landfill gas by major discharge path of landfill (매립장 주요 배출경로별 매립가스 표면발산량 및 산화율 분석)

  • Seung-Kyu Chun;Jong-Keun Park;Myoung-Gwan Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.425-434
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    • 2023
  • An analysis was conducted on landfill gas generation and surface emission by major routes for three landfill sites of S Landfill in the metropolitan area. LS1, which had a total landfill gas generation ratio of 10.9%, accounted for 49.4% of the total surface emissions. The total surface emission of methane alone was 13.6 Nm3/min in the three landfill sites. Among them, the surface emission of methane at LS1, LS2, and LS3 was 8.4(61.7%), 4.0(29.4%), and 1.2 Nm3/min(8.9%), respectively. By emission path in the upper, slope, and dike, it was 7.3(53.2%), 6.4(46.7%), and 0.02 Nm3/min(0.1%). The dike section of the major surface emission areas showed the largest oxidation rate at 87.5%, followed by the upper at 72.3%, and the slope at 71.8%. Based on methane generation, LS1 had the largest surface emission contribution rate, with 61.7% of the total by S Landfill. By major emission path, the slope section of LS1 accounted for 41.7% of the total, the upper section of LS2 24.4%, and the upper section of LS1 20.0%, which accounted for 86.1% of the total methane surface emission of S Landfill. Therefore, it is concluded that intensive management will be necessary.

A Comparison of Body Types Between Korean and Mongolian Women within the 18 to 24 Age Group(PartII) (18~24세 한국과 몽골 성인여성 체형비교(제2보))

  • Kwon, Soon-Jung;Hong, Jung-Min
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to classify the body types based on the side view. The subjects are 404 Korean and Mongolian women within the 18 to 24 age group. From the results of comparing 28 items of indirect photometric measurements, 15 items were shown to have significant differences. Mongolian women were larger in values for 13 items than were Korean women except two items, which are back projecting point height and abdominal projecting point height. The silhouette of Korean women's front body looks completely different from Mongolian women's. Especially, Mongolian women's fore-breast part is much thicker than that of Korean women. The result of analysing the indirect photometric measurement of 4 types which were previously classified by the direct measurements and index values is as follows; Type 1 is normal type, type 2 is lordosis type, type 3 is swayback type, and finally type 4 is flatback type. The groups of each of the 4 types are further divided into Korean and Mongolian women. Judging from their body types based on the side view, it seems clear that significant differences exist between Korean and Mongolian women's side body shapes in the thickness of their breast part.

Selection of New Cultivars with Red Fall Leaf Color in Zelkova serrata Makino as Street Trees (가로수용 적색 단풍 느티나무(Zelkova serrata Makino) 신품종 선발)

  • 심경구;하유미;박형순;이정호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to develop new cultivars of Z. serrata showing red fall leaf as street trees. Z. serrata which had red fall leaves were selected and then examined for contents of leaf anthocyanin and chlorophyll. In addition, for the progeny test, selected trees were grafted. Of 21 trees having red autumn leaves, three individuals, 'S-6', 'S-20', and 'I-24' were finally selected. They contained higher level of anthocyanin in the leaves. Once developed, the red color remained till late autumn. Grafted plants of the selected strains showed high grafting efficiency and red foliage color in autumn. The soil pH of the survey sites ranged from 5.9 to 7.24. However, other soil characteristics did not show much difference among the sites with regard to inorganic nutrients including N(%), $P_2O_5$, CEC(mg/meq), $K^+$, $Ca^{3+}$, and $Mg^{2+}$, 'S-6', 'S-20', and 'I-24', clonal lines with red fall leaf were selected as new cultivars and propagates by grafting.

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Ultrasound-Assisted Micellar Extraction for Paclitaxel Purification from Taxus chinensis (Taxus chinensis 유래 파클리탁셀 정제를 위한 초음파를 이용한 마이셀 추출)

  • Park, Ji-Min;Kim, Jin-Hyun
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.106-111
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    • 2021
  • In this study, an ultrasound-assisted micellar extraction process was developed to efficiently purify the anticancer substance paclitaxel from the plant cell Taxus chinensis. The problem of many extraction steps and long phase separation time in the traditional micellar process could be dramatically improved. The highest paclitaxel yield (~96%, extracted twice) was obtained at 180 W of ultrasonic power and 1.5 h of ultrasonic irradiation time, which was 24.7% higher than that of the traditional method. In addition, the partition coefficient (K) showed a maximum value (24.0) at 180 W of ultrasonic power and 1.5 h of irradiation time. There was no significant difference in the purity of paclitaxel, and the purity of initial paclitaxel (6.81%) increased to 22.0% after purification. Compared to the traditional method, the phase separation time of the back extraction decreased by 40.7-56.2% (ultrasonic power 80 W), 46.3-67.6% (ultrasonic power 180 W), and 51.9-67.6% (ultrasonic power 250 W), respectively. The phase separation time decreased as the ultrasonic power (80-250 W) and irradiation time (0.5-2.5 h) increased.

Molecular Cloning of a Gene Cluster for Phenanthrene Degradation from Pseudomonas sp. Strain DJ77 and Its Expression in Escherichia coli (Pseudomonas sp. strain DJ77로 부터 phenanthrene 분해 유전자군의 클로닝과 대장균에서의 발현)

  • 김영창;윤길상;신명수;김흥식;박미선;박희진
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1992
  • We cloned a gene cluster encoding phenanthrene-degrading enzymes on a 6.8-kb Xhol fragment from the Pseudomonas sp. DJ77 chromosomal DNA into the vector pBLUESCRIPT SIC(+). The resultant clone, containing the recombinant plilsmid pHENX7, was able to convert 3-methylcatechol to a yellow mela-cleavage compound. Since the pHENX7R in which the DNA insert was cloned in the opposite orientation lacked extradiol dioxygenase activity. the direction of transcription was established. Four polypeptides, PhnC (24 kDa). PhnD (31 kDa), PhnE (34 kDa). and PhnF (15 kDa), were identified in E coli JM101 transformed with several pHENX7-derived plasmids. The locations and extents of ~ndividual genes were determined by subcloning. The gene order was phnC-phnD-phnE-phnF-phnG, and phnC, phnD, phnE, and phnG genes encoded glutathione S-transferase, mrta-cleavage compound hydrolase, extradiol dioxygenase, mera-cleavage compound dehydrogenase, respectively.

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Prospective Diary Survey of Preschool Children's Social Contact Patterns: A Pilot Study

  • Oh, Hyang Soon;Ryu, Mikyung
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.393-401
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This pilot study aimed to describe children's social contact patterns and to analyze factors related to their social contacts. Methods: The participants were 30 children aged ≥13 months to <7 years, whose teachers at childcare centers and parents at home were asked to maintain diaries of their social contacts prospectively for 24 hours. Data were collected from November 30, 2018, to January 7, 2019. Results: The 30 participating children were in contact with 363 persons in a 24-hours period (mean, 12.1±9.1). The number of contacts showed significant relationships with day of the week (p<.001), number of family members/cohabitants (p=.015), area of residence (p=.003), and type of housing (p=.002). A multiple regression model showed significantly higher numbers of contacts on weekdays (B=10.64, p=.010). Physical versus non-physical types of contact showed significant differences in terms of duration, location, and frequency (p<.001). The duration of contacts showed significant relationships with their location and frequency (p<.001), while the frequency of contacts was significantly related to their location (p<.001). Conclusion: This is the first survey describing the characteristics of Korean preschool children's social contacts. Further large-scale social contact studies of children should be conducted.