• Title/Summary/Keyword: Root S

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Expression Patterns of CaMV 35S Promoter-GUS in Transgenic Poatoes and Their Clonal Progenies

  • Lee, Kwang-Woong
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 1994
  • Two potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars were transformed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens harboring cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter and $\beta$-glucuronidase (GUS) gene. Expression patterns of the CaMV 35S promoter according to tissue types and developmental stages, and genetic stability of GUS gene were investigated in the clonal progenies of transgenic potatoes. Kanamycin-resistant shoot emerged from tuber disc after 4 weeks of culture, and root was induced 6 weeks after culture on the selection medium. Shooting frequency of cvs. Superior and Dejima were 43% and 27%, respectively. Mature transformants and their clonal progenies showed no phenotypical abnormality. GUS activity was expressed primarily at parenchymatous cells of phloem tissue around the vascular cambium in the stem and root, and higher activity was found at the apical meristem of shoot, root and adventious shoot bud. GUS activity was higher at tubers of young explants than at stored tubers. These facts indicate that expression level of the CaMV 35S promoter differed according to tissue types and developmental stages of the organs. The GUS gene was stably inherited to each clonal progeny and normally expressed.

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Differences in Root Growth Characteristics of Creeping Bentgrass and Kentucky Bluegrass Sod (크리핑 벤트그래스와 켄터키 블루그래스 뗏장의 뿌리생육 특성 차이)

  • Woo, Jong-Goo;Lee, Dong-Ik;Lee, Song-Ho
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.23-37
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of root growth in Kentucky bluegrass sod(KBS) and creeping bentgrass sod(BGS) transplanted in summer(August 9) and fall(September 19), respectively. Hydroponic system was also used to observe rooting development in the study. Root development differed in KBS by transplanting time. It reached to more than 5 cm after 100 days In summer and 50 days in fall. However, BGS's root grew over 6cm after 40 days, regardless of the season. There was no significant differences in BGS, regardless of any cutting treatment. In the case of KBS, it was best with sod culled with 0.5cm deep and 1.5cm long. But it grew beyond 5 cm in root growth under any treatment after 40 days in transplanting. In a hydroponic study, BGS produced root over 100cm for 80 days through a summer season. However, the root of KBS did only grow in condition below $20^{\circ}C$. These results indicated that root growth characteristics were variable in BGS and KBS. It was considered that rooting development of BGS might be improved with sufficient irrigation in summer, and KBS grows well in lower temperature of $10{\sim}18^{\circ}C$, as compared with BGS. As to establishing the lawn with a sodding method, it should be careful in transplanting time, especially KBS.

Accurate CMOS-based square root extractor

  • Riewruja, Vanchai;Guntapong, Rojanakorn;Kaewpoonsuk, Anucha;Fongsamut, Chalermpan
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.256-258
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    • 1999
  • In this article, an integrable circuit technique for implementing square root extractor for analog signal processing is described. The realization method makes use of the characteristic of MOS translinear principle. The proposed scheme achieves a wide dynamic range, wide-band capability and high accuracy. Simulation results demonstrating the performance of the proposed scheme are also presented.

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Study on Antimicrobial and Antimutagenic Activity of Horseradish ( Wasahia japonica) Root Extracts (고추냉이 뿌리의 항균활성 및 항변이원활성에 관한 연구)

  • SHIN Il Shik;LEE Jung Mo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.835-841
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    • 1998
  • The antimicrobial activities of horseradish ( Wasahia japonica) root extract against 4 kinds of food poisoning bacteria and 3 kinds of molfs were examined. The antimutagenic activity of horseradish ( Wasahia japonica) root extracts was also examined by Ames test with Salmonella tyhimurium TA 98 The antimicrobial activities of distilled water extracts from horseradish root were stronger than those of ethanol extracts, and stronger against molds than bacteria. Of the kinds of bacteria, Vibrio parahaemolyticus was best inhibited by the distilled water extracts from horseradish root. The antimicrobial activity of distilled water extracts from horseradish root were stronger against 3-Amino-1, 4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido{4,3-b}indole than 2-Amino-3,-8-dimethylimidazo-[4,5-f]quinoxaline.

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Biosynthesis of Sesquiterpene in Hairy Root and Cell Suspension Cultures of Hyoscyamus muticus by Elicitation Using Rhizoctonia solani Extracts (Rhizoctonia solani 추출액 첨가에 의한 Hyoscyamus muticus의 현탁세포배양 및 모상근배양에서 Sesquiterpene 생합성)

  • BACK, Kyoungwhan;SHIN, Dong Hyun;KIM, Kil Ung;De HAAS Cynthia R.;CHAPPELL Joseph;CURTIS Wayne R.
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.279-284
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    • 1997
  • The extracellular sesquiterpenoids were accumulated in cell and hairy root cultures of Hyoscyamus muticus by elicitation using extracts of Rhizoctonia solani. The vetispiradiene synthase (VS) which is the first committed step in biosynthetic pathway leading to formation of solavetivone, lubimin, and rishitin from isoprenoid intermediate farnesyl pyrophosphate was induced upon elicitation, whereas no sesquiterpenoids and VS activity were detected in both control cell and hairy root cultures. VS activity increased rapidly and reached its maximum 12 h in both cell and hairy root cultures upon elicitor treatment. VS activities were paralleled with the absolute levels of VS polypeptide(s). Interestingly, the profiles of sesquiterpenoid accumulation in hairy root cultures were different from those in cell cultures. The hairy root culture seemed to fail to metabolize solavetivone further to lubimin.

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The Dyeing Properties of Cellulose and Protein Fabrics by Yellow Natural Dyes (황색계 천연염료에 의한 셀룰로스, 단백질계 섬유의 염색)

  • Shin, Young-Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2017
  • In order to analysis on color difference of yellow natural dyes, I have dyed cellulose and protein fabrics. The results of experiment have been analysed by wavelength of maximum absorption, amounts of dye uptake, color difference, Hunter's value and Munsell's value. The results from these analyses are as follows : Bud of pagoda tree, Amur cork, and Curcuma showed greenish yellow color, Gardenia Jasminoides showed reddish yellow color. Barberry root showed reddish yellow color with post-mordanting method on cellulose fabric. Moreover, Dupioni silk was dyed in reddish yellow color by Barberry root and Rhubarb. In addition to Chroma index, Gardenia Jasminoides and Curcuma showed clear color overall. However, dyeing rayon and silk by Barberry root, and dyeing silk by Rhubarb showed clear color. Comparing all the results to actual dyed materials, Bud of pagoda tree had small dye uptake, and both ${\Delta}a$ and ${\Delta}b$ value were short which can't recognized the yellow color easily. Dye uptake of Amur cork and Gardenia Jasminoides was small just like Bud of pagoda tree. However, ${\Delta}b$ value order was Gardenia Jasminoides>Amur cork>Bud of pagoda tree. Therefore, Gardenia Jasminoides recognized reddish yellow because of big value of red color and yellow color. In case of Barberry root and Rhubarb which have larger dye uptake, Baberry root recognized yellow color on rayon only, and couldn't recognized yellow color on bleached cotton fabric, ramie, silk, and dupioni silk. Rhubarb recognized yellow color on rayon with pre-mordanting method only, but recognized silk and dupioni silk as brown like color. Moreover, we could not analyze color by dye uptake, Lab, and H(v/c) for Barberry root and Rhubarb. As a result, I think we need to attach color table for the research paper which handled the color of dyeing materials.

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Optimal Culture Conditions for Transformed Root Growth and Trichosanthin Formation in Trichosanthes kirilowii Max. (하늘타리 형질전환근의 생장 및 Trichosanthin의 생합성을 위한 최적화)

  • Hwang, Sung-Jin;Na, Myung-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.46-50
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    • 2007
  • Transformed hairy roots were induced from in vitro grown plantlets of Trichosanthes kirilowii by infection with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain ATCC15834. Transformed hairy roots exhibited active growth with high branching of roots on plant growth regulators-free medium. Cloned line (TR-03) of hairy root was tested for its growth and extracellular protein accumulation in medium under various culture conditions. Among the culture media tested, a full-strength MS medium had a pronounced effect on root biomass and extracelluar protein accumulation in medium. The maximum root biomass (2.4 g DRW/flask) and extracellular total protein contents $(28.3ug/m\ell)$ in medium was obtained at inoculum size of 2 g (FRW) and in MS medium supplemented with 4% sucrose. In addition, the optimal shaking speed for root growth and extracellular protein accumulation in medium were 100 rpm. The total extracellualr protein concentration reached a maximum of $28.3ug/m\ell$ at 4 weeks and decreased thereafter. Protein translation inhibitory activity was observed in culture broths and reached levels of 21.3 unit. These studies demonstrate that the transformed hairy roots can be utilized for the in vitro production of ribosome-inactivating proteins.

Guided endodontics: a case report of maxillary lateral incisors with multiple dens invaginatus

  • Ali, Afzal;Arslan, Hakan
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.38.1-38.8
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    • 2019
  • Navigation of the main root canal and dealing with a dens invaginatus (DI) is a challenging task in clinical practice. Recently, the guided endodontics technique has become an alternative method for accessing root canals, surgical cavities, and calcified root canals without causing iatrogenic damage to tissue. In this case report, the use of the guided endodontics technique for two maxillary lateral incisors with multiple DIs is described. A 16-year-old female patient was referred with the chief complaint of pain and discoloured upper front teeth. Based on clinical and radiographic findings, a diagnosis of pulp necrosis and chronic periapical abscess associated with double DI (Oehler's type II) was established for the upper left lateral maxillary incisor (tooth #22). Root canal treatment and the sealing of double DI with mineral trioxide aggregate was planned for tooth #22. For tooth #12 (Oehler's type II), preventive sealing of the DI was planned. Minimally invasive access to the double DI and the main root canal of tooth #22, and to the DI of tooth #12, was achieved using the guided endodontics technique. This technique can be a valuable tool because it reduces chair-time and, more importantly, the risk of iatrogenic damage to the tooth structure.

Formation of Teleomorph of the White Root Rot Fungus, Rosellinia necatrix, and the Potential Role of its Ascospores as Inocula

  • Lee, J.S.;Han, K.S.;Park, J.H.;Park, Y.M.;Naoyuki, Matsumoto
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.152-158
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    • 2003
  • Stromata of the white root rot fungus, Rosellinia necatrix, were produced on diseased roots although they were reported to develop rarely in nature. Forty-two (42) out of 47 samples produced synnemata while 23 developed stromata. Forty-seven (47) isolates obtained from diseased root samples were divided into 24 mycelium compatibility groups (MCGs). Sixteen (16) out of 24 MCGs produced stromata. Single ascospore isolates from 10 stroma samples produced dsRNA-containing isolates from diseased tissue beneath stromata. The frequency of synnema production on axenic culture varied among isolates with different origin. The dsRNA was not transmitted vertically to the ascospore offspring despite the infection of various dsRNA in the parental isolates. The dsRNA was absent in 35 ascospore isolates in two stroma samples that originated from the isolates, in which dsRNA was not eliminated by hyphal tip isolation. Consequently, sexual reproduction in the white root rot fungus was suggested to produce propagules as a new infection source and to have the function to eliminate infectious factors such as mycoviruses.

Study on The Drug Processing of Aconiti Root(天雄) (천웅(天雄)의 포제에 관하여)

  • Choi Jung-Hyun;Jung Byung-Ha;Seong Man-Jun;Kwon Dong-Yeul
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2004
  • Aconiti Root(AR), has been used for about 2000 years, since recorded for low grade in 'Shinnongbonchokyung(Divine Husbandman's Herbal Foundation canon)'. It also recorded for Poisonous Drug in 'Myunguibyullok', 'Yaksungron', etc, and they advised when the AR is using for clinical desease it has to be processed. There are more than 13 processing methods, in records that related 39 parts which is recorded in ancient documents. In China, there are no standard of herb that using for clinical, cause of the traditional processing methods was cut since 1960s. In these days, they are using AR that recorded in Aconiti Tuber part of the processing records, in Guangdong and Shantung. In addition, the modification of Processed Aconiti Root(PAR) is also used for goods in Hongkong, Macao, and Southeast Asia. We studied the PAR for enhancing the importance of it, and multiply using. In this study, we search for the history of processing of AR, traditional theories of processing and clinical adaptation.

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