• Title/Summary/Keyword: Road layout

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Formation of Don-am district and Adaptation of Hanok Area in Seoul (돈암지구 가구(街區)의 형성과 도시한옥의 적응)

  • Lee, Kyoung wook;Kim, Young Soo;Song, In Ho
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2021
  • The Don-am district is a residential area that was supplied in 1936 as a land readjustment project(Tojiguhoekjeongri). The Don-am district was newly supplied with residential areas and urban hanoks were built in large numbers. The Don-am district was influenced by urban planning and legislation at that time. These affected in the layout and plan of urban hanok. Residential block in the Don-am district were developed sequentially from the late 1930s to the 1960s. Residential block were divided by modern construction company and sold by individual lots. The blocks supplied to the Don-am district made uniformly the corner out-off(Ga gak) for creating a vehicle-centered road. So urban hanoks located in the corner plot was transformed in response to the road. Residential blocks in Don-am district was divided into three to four rows. Therefore, alleys were created inside the block. Newly made alleys consist of a privately owned road(Sa-do), a public road(Gong-Do), and open space in the site. And the alleys were used as an entry space for sharing with neighboring. Urban hanoks of Don-am district have had changed and adapted to the formation of these alleys.

Analysis of Road Pavement Condition and Structural Improvement Plan (서울시 도로포장 상태에 대한 분석 및 구조적 개선방안)

  • Bae, Yoon-Shin;Shin, Kyoung-Yub
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.119-137
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    • 2012
  • In this study, the damages and condition of road pavement were analyzed using pavement management system (PMS) for the structural improvement. Problems of road pavement management were issued by in-depth interview with workers in charge of plant, construction and supervision. By surveying advanced road pavement management, the way how to improve road pavement management in Seoul was discussed. In conclusion, it is necessary to take measures against road heavy traffic and heavy rain in summer. It was found that the problem of early damages of road pavement due to uniform layout with analyzing life cycle cost (LCC). According to the results of survey, it was suggested to strength practical training and to control precisely the temperature of pavement in the process of production and construction.

Performance Analysis of Optical Path Difference on Visible Light Communication System for Intelligent Transport Systems

  • Choi, Jae-Hyuck;Lee, Kye-San;Cha, Jae-Sang;Kim, Jin-Young
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.114-120
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    • 2009
  • In outdoor visible light communication channels and LED road illumination communications for the intelligent transport systems (ITS), inter symbol interference (ISI) due to multipath propagation prevents high data rate transmission. Indoor wireless optical communication systems utilizing white LED lights and on the road illumination have been studying about it. Generally, plural lights are installed in room and considered to the traffic information system using existing LED traffic lights. Therefore, their optical path difference must be considered. In this paper, the influence of an optical path difference has been investigated and two approaches against this problem are introduced. One uses on-off keying, return-to-zero (OOK-RZ) coding and the other uses optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM).

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A Study on the Application and the Forming Factors of the Outdoor-Space of the Mixed-Use Dwellings -Focused on Si-Ji Housing Development District in Daegu- (복합주택의 외부공간 형성요인과 활용방안에 관한 연구 -대구광역시 시지택지개발지구를 대상으로-)

  • 이재기;권소현;최무혁
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2001
  • It seems that outdoor-space has been properly neither planned nor used in the Mixed-Use Dwellings. The purpose of this research is to analyze the present condition and problems of outdoor-space utilization in the Mixed-Use Dwellings to find the application and the correlativity between outdoor-space types and forming factors. The results are as follows; 1) Entire samples of outdoor-space are classified into 6 groups by the road and site jointing type and the building layout type. 2) There are 5 prime factors forming and utilizing outdoor-space, which are the hierarchy of the road, the way of parking area utilization, the types of business in the commercial part, combining type of two uses which are residential and commercial, and the type of access to each part of them. 3) Amongst the factors, the way of parking area utilization, combining type, and the type of access are greatly related to the type of outdoor-space in the Mixed-Use Dwellings.

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Development of VR Simulation Functions for Supporting Optimal Design Information in Road Project (도로공사의 최적 설계정보 지원을 위한 VR시뮬레이션 기능 구축)

  • Kang, Leen-Seok;Moon, Hyoun-Seok;Park, Seo-Young;Bae, Cheol-Won;Kim, Min-Ji
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.662-665
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    • 2008
  • This research attempts to develop 4D CAD function to support optimal road design by expanding the existing 4D CAD utilization system, which focused on construction phase, to the design phase. The functions such as earthwork simulation for selecting of road alignment, alternative route simulation and structure type simulation were suggested as functions to support road design. Through those virtual reality (VR) functions, visual confirmation of the condition of route and earthwork Is possible by the developed system, and an optimal alternative route can be selected by carrying out layout simulation of the alternative route. The functions presented in this research provide the decision making tools based virtual model for efficient support to road design.

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Tie Spatial Structure of Ch'ang-ts'ai-ts'un Village A Case Study on a Rural Village of Korean Immigrants in Yen-pien Area of China (중국(中國) 연변지구(延邊地區) 조선족(朝鮮族)마을의 구성(構成) 룡정시 지신향 장재촌을 대상으로)

  • Lee, Kyu Sung
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.83-99
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    • 1994
  • Ch'ang-Ts'al-Ts'un is a rural Village near Lung-jing City in Yen-pien Korean Autonomous Province of China. It was formed about 100 years ago by Korean Immigrants and has been developed maintaing the characteristics of traditional Korean architecture. Therefore investigating the spatial structure of this village is a meanigful work to confirm and explore one branch of Korean architecture. This study aims at analyzing the spatial structure of the village using direct data collected from the field work and indirect data from books and maps. The field work consists of on-the-site survey of the village layout, interviews of residents, observation notes and photography. Ch'ang-Ts'ai-Ts'un is located 360-370 m high above the sea level and at the side of a long valley. A river flows in the middle of the valley and relatively flat arable land exists at the both sides of the river. The location of the village related to the surrounding river and mountains suggests that the site of the village was chosen according to Feng-Shui, Chinese and Korean traditional architectural theory. The main direction of the house layouts is South-western. The village has been growing gradually until today. Therefore it is meaningful to make the village layout before Liberation(1946 A.D.) because the characteristics of Korean architecture prevailed more in that period. The area of the previous village is limited to the west side of the creek. New houses were later added to the east of the creek, forming a 'New Village'. Previously the village was composed of 3 small villages: Up, Middle and Down. Also the main access roads connecting the village with the neighboring villages were penetrating the village transversely. Presently the main access road comes to the village longitudinally from the main highway located in front of the village. The retrospective layout shows the existence of well-formed Territory, Places and Axes, thus suggesting a coherent Micro-cosmos. The boundary of imaginery territory perceived by present residents could be defined by linking conspicous outside places sorrounding the village such as Five-mountains, Front-mountain, Shin-dong village, Standing-rock, Rear-mountain and Myong-dong village. Inside the territory there are also the important places such as Bus-stop, Memorial tower of patriots, Road-maitenance building and the village itself. And inside it 5 transverse and 1 longitudinal axes exist in the form of river, roads and mountains. The perceived spatial structure of the village formed by Places, Axes and Territory is geometrical and well-balanced and suggests this village is fit for human settlement. The administrative area of the village is about 738 ha, 27 % of which is cultivated land and the rest is mountain area. Initially the village and surrounndings were covered with natural forest But the trees have been gradually cut down for building and warning houses, resulting in the present barren and artificial landscape with bare mountains and cultivated land. At present the area of the village occupied by houses is wedge-shaped, 600 m wide and 220 m deep in its maximum. The total area of the village is $122,175m^{2}$. The area and the rate of each sub-division arc as follow. 116 house-lots $91,465m^{2}$ (74.9 %) Land for public buildings and shops $2,980m^{2}$ (2.4 %) Roads $17,106m^{2}$ (14.0 %) Creek $1,356m^{2}$ (1.1 %) Vacant spaces and others $9,268m^{2}$ (7.6 %) TOTAL $122,175m^{2}$ (100.0 %) Each lot is fenced around with vertical wooden pannels 1.5-1.8 m high and each house is located to the backside of the lot. The open space of a lot is sub-divided into three areas using the same wooden fence: Front yard, Back yard and Access area. Front and back yards are generally used for crop-cultivation, the custom of which is rare in Korea. The number of lots is 116 and the average size of area is $694.7m^{2}$. Outdoor spaces in the village such as roads, vacant spaces, front yard of the cultural hall, front yard of shops and spacse around the creek are good 'behavioral settings' frequently used by residents for play, chatting, drinking and movie-watching. The road system of the village is net-shaped, having T-junctions in intersections. The road could be graded to 4 categories according to their functions: Access roads, Inner trunk roads, Connecting roads and Culs-de-sac. The total length of the road inside the village is 3,709 m and the average width is 4.6 m. The main direction of the road in the village is NNE-SSE and ESE-WNW, crossing with right angles. Conclusively, the spatial structure of Ch'ang-Ts'ai-Ts'un village consists of various components in different dimensions and these components form a coherent structure in each dimension. Therefore the village has a proper spatial structure meaningful and appropriate for human living.

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An Adaptive Approximation Method for the Interconnecting Highways Problem in Geographic Information Systems (지리정보시스템에서 고속도로 연결 문제의 가변적 근사기법)

  • Kim, Joon-Mo;Hwang, Byung-Yeon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.7 no.2 s.14
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2005
  • The Interconnecting Highways problem is an abstract of many practical Layout Design problems in the areas of VLSI design, the optical and wired network design, and the planning for the road constructions. For the road constructions, the shortest-length road layouts that interconnect existing positions will provide many more economic benefits than others. That is, finding new road layouts to interconnect existing roads and cities over a wide area is an important issue. This paper addresses an approximation scheme that finds near optimal road layouts for the Interconnecting Highways problem which is NP-hard. As long as computational resources are provided, the near optimality can be acquired asymptotically. This implies that the result of the scheme can be regarded as the optimal solution for the problem in practice. While other approximation schemes can be made for the problem, this proposed scheme provides a big merit that the algorithm designed by this scheme fits well to given problem instances.

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A Study on Development Standard Calculation Program of Forest Road Drainage Facilities (임도 배수시설 규격 산정 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Yeon-Ho;Lee, Joon-Woo;Kim, Myeong-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.1
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a standard calculation program of forest road drainage facilities that may help forest road designers to design forest road drainage facilities more conveniently and precisely. Especially, the characteristics of this program is that the forest road designers may calculate the amount of outflow in the basin using rainfall intensity data conveniently, without the data designers should acquire through site measurements when they carry out indoor preliminary measurements before they go out for outdoor measurements. In this manner, excessive design may be restrained by offering minimum standard calculation for drainage structures. And also this study was designed to facilitate proper layout of drainage structures by calculating outflow discharge of each basin where forest roads will be installed. Especially, this study will contribute to leveling-up of forest design techniques as the researcher has prepared the reports on whole process of drain pipe installation and provided them in the form of computer file or printout, which show a rational design process, and make it possible to modify in case of an error.

A study on the Development course of guideline for fostering the Rural village roads (농촌마을길 조성을 위한 가이드라인 개발 방향 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Ja;Lee, Yoo-Kyoung;Kim, Sang-Bum;Lim, Chang-Su;Park, Mi-Jung;Choi, Jin-Ah;Lee, Jeung-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.189-207
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    • 2013
  • This study aimed to draw the plan elements and characteristics that should be considered in case when developing guidelines to build up roads in rural villages. Drawing the construction elements necessary for building up roads through the advanced researches, the survey was conducted for relevant experts in order to evaluate the importance of each plan element of route plan, design & construction and operation & management. The result determined total 105 contents that should be considered in case when building up roads in rural villages. The study on building up roads in rural villages as a strategy to vitalize rural areas means universal roads that connect each village with rural amenities in various values like walking tour road, visit roads and observation roads. It is considered that the development of guidelines for building up roads in rural villages could be used as a basic data to build up roads where nature, culture and history of rural areas can be effectively experienced and enjoyed.

Development of Computer Program for the Arrangement of the Forest-road Network to Maximize the Investment Effect on the Forest-road Construction (임도개설(林道開設)에 있어서 투자효과(投資效果)를 최대(最大)로 하는 임도배치(林道配置)프로그램 개발(開發))

  • Park, Sang-Jun;Son, Doo-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.4
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    • pp.420-430
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    • 2001
  • The object of this study is to develop a computer program for the arrangement of the forest-road network maximizing the investment effect in forest-road construction with factors such as terrains, forest physiognomy, management plan, logging system, cost of forest-road construction, capacity of inputted labour, capacity of timber production and so on. The operating system developed by this study is Korean Windows 95/98 and Microsoft Visual Basic ver. 5.0. User interface was designed as systematic structure, it is presented as a kind of GUI(graphic user interface). The developed program has result of the most suitable forest-road arrangement, has suitable forest-road density calculated with cost of logging, cost of forest-road construction, diversion ratio of forest-road, cost of walking in forest. And the most suitable forest-road arrangement was designed for forest-road arrangement network which maximized investment effect through minimizing the sum of cost of logging and cost of forest-road construction. Input data were divided into map data and control data. Digital terrain model, division of forest-road layout plan, division of forest function and the existing road network are obtained from map data. on the other hand, cost of logging related terrain division, diversion ratio of forest-road and working road, cost of forest-road construction, cost of walking, cost of labor, walking speed, capacity of inputted labor, capacity of timber production and total distance of forest-road are inputted from control data. And map data was designed to be inputted by mesh method for common matrix. This program can be used to construct a new forest-road or vice forest-road which compensate already existing forest-road for the functional forestry.

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