• Title/Summary/Keyword: Road information management

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Development of driving simulator modules for driving safely (주행경제를 위한 드라이빙 시뮬레이터 모듈 연구)

  • Chung, Sung-Hak
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.569-578
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    • 2008
  • The aim of this study is to propose economical safety driving speed index which those are geometric road status; examine the levels of which those cost-benefit of driving fuel expenditure; are search road safety design and operational technology for driving simulators. For the objective, we analyzed the current status of driving fuel expenditure and driving scenarios by the road alignments, and reviewed driving and technical specifications by the geometric types of road according to the implementation, and extended completion. Throughout the result of this study, diverse related driving information provision service, efficiently driving system is expected to be implemented in the national highway design system.

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A Study for Construction of Road and Underground Facilities Information Sharing Systems in Local Government (지자체단위의 도로기반시설물 정보공유체계 구축을 위한 연구)

  • 김명호;신동빈;안종욱;김감래
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.347-357
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    • 2002
  • It is required that information sharing and integrated management between roads and underground facilities because there are so many possibilities to happen unexpected accidents. But if there are road excavation work happened, work agency should ask fer other facility information to the facility management company. In the case of local government, it is increasing that the needs for the development of roads and underground facilities management system and information sharing because digital map generation(1/1,000 scale) completed. In this study, as a way of integrated management and information sharing between roads and underground facilities, centralized system based on internet web technique and decentralized system based on closed network technique between the local government are considered. And for the development of information sharing system, action plan and considering points are proposed.

A Road Extraction Algorithm using Mean-Shift Segmentation and Connected-Component (평균이동분할과 연결요소를 이용한 도로추출 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Tae-Hee;Hwang, Bo-Hyun;Yun, Jong-Ho;Park, Byoung-Soo;Choi, Myung-Ryul
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.359-364
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose a method for extracting a road area by using the mean-shift method and connected-component method. Mean-shift method is very effective to divide the color image by the method of non-parametric statistics to find the center mode. Generally, the feature points of road are extracted by using the information located in the middle and bottom of the road image. And it is possible to extract a road region by using this feature-point and the partitioned color image. However, if a road region is extracted with only the color information and the position information of a road image, it is possible to detect not only noise but also off-road regions. This paper proposes the method to determine the road region by eliminating the noise with the closing / opening operation of the morphology, and by extracting only the portion of the largest area using a connected-components method. The proposed method is simulated and verified by applying the captured road images.

Utilizing LiDAR Data to Vehicle Recognition on the Road (도로의 차량 인식을 위한 LiDAR 자료 적용연구)

  • Choi, Yun-Woong;Lee, Geun-Sang;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2007
  • Vehicle recognition is very important preprocess to get vehicle information for traffic management. This is a basic study to apply LiDAR data for extracting traffic information. Hence, this study presents two algorithms, one of them is for extracting road points from LiDAR data and then extracting vehicle points on the road, the other is for estimating the size of extracted vehicle. As a result, in the wide area, the number of vehicles on the road and the size of the vehicles were recognized from the LiDAR data.

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Priority Area Prediction Service for Local Road Packaging Maintenance Using Spatial Big Data (공간 빅데이터를 활용한 지방도 포장보수 우선지역 예측 서비스)

  • Minyoung Lee;Jiwoo Choi;Inyoung Kim;Sujin Son;Inho Choi
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.79-101
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    • 2023
  • The current status of local road pavement management in Jeollabuk-do only relies on the accomplishments of the site construction company's pavement repair and is only managed through Microsoft Excel and word documents. Furthermore, the budget is irregular each year. Accordingly, a systematic maintenance plan for local roads is necessary. In this paper, data related to road damage and road environment were collected and processed to derive possible areas which could suffer from road damage. The effectiveness of the methodology was reviewed through the on-site inspection of the area. According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, in 2018, the number of damages on general national roads were about 47,000. In 2019, it reached around 38,000. Furthermore, the number of lawsuits regarding the road damages were about 93 in 2018 and it increased to 119 in 2019. In the case of national roads, the number of damages decreased compared to 2018 due to pavement repairs. To measure the priorities in maintenance of local roads at Jeollabuk-do, data on maintenance history, local port hole occurrence site, overlapping business section, and emergency maintenance section were transformed into data. Eventually, it led to improvements in maintenance of local roads. Furthermore, spatial data were constructed using various current status data related to roads, and finally the data was processed into a new form that could be utilized in machine learning and predictions. Using the spatial data, areas requiring maintenance on pavement were predicted and the results were used to establish new budgets and policies on road management.

Cost Estimation Model Framework of Road Construction Project through Quantity of Standard Work (대표물량을 활용한 도로공사 개략공사비 산정모델 프레임워크)

  • Kwak, Soo-Nam;Kim, Du-Yon;Han, Seung-Heon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.607-612
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    • 2007
  • Early cost estimation promote efficient budget plan by comparing alternatives and presenting cost information However it is hard to predict accurate cost because of vague cost standard and lack of available information in the early stage. The precious cost model has limitations in the accuracy because they are simple linear model which uses the unit cost per kilometer. This study presents the framework of early cost estimation for road construction projects to overcome the limitation of previous cost model. This study analyzed domestic and foreign cost model and cost data of previous road construction project to present method of cost model framework.

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Automatic Extraction of Road Network using GDPA (Gradient Direction Profile Algorithm) for Transportation Geographic Analysis

  • Lee, Ki-won;Yu, Young-Chul
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.775-779
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    • 2002
  • Currently, high-resolution satellite imagery such as KOMPSAT and IKONOS has been tentatively utilized to various types of urban engineering problems such as transportation planning, site planning, and utility management. This approach aims at software development and followed applications of remotely sensed imagery to transportation geographic analysis. At first, GDPA (Gradient Direction Profile Algorithm) and main modules in it are overviewed, and newly implemented results under MS visual programming environment are presented with main user interface, input imagery processing, and internal processing steps. Using this software, road network are automatically generated. Furthermore, this road network is used to transportation geographic analysis such as gamma index and road pattern estimation. While, this result, being produced to do-facto format of ESRI-shapefile, is used to several types of road layers to urban/transportation planning problems. In this study, road network using KOMPSAT EOC imagery and IKONOS imagery are directly compared to multiple road layers with NGI digital map with geo-coordinates, as ground truth; furthermore, accuracy evaluation is also carried out through method of computation of commission and omission error at some target area. Conclusively, the results processed in this study is thought to be one of useful cases for further researches and local government application regarding transportation geographic analysis using remotely sensed data sets.

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Design and implementation of a GIS-based accident management system using tracking technique

  • Niaraki Abolghasem Sadeghi;Kim Kye-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.8 no.2 s.17
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2006
  • This paper addresses a GIS (Geographic Information System) based system in order to reduce the rate of public transportation accidents occurring in Iranian roads network. Over the years, the road accidents are a major issue throughout the world. Today, particular consideration is given to those technologies which can lead to diminish on the number of critical incidents. One of the main factors resulting in accidents and fatalities rates growth is the speed violation of buses in Iranian road network. The conventional speed controlling approach in Iran based on the Tachograph which records vehicle's speed, time, and stoppage in the mechanical processing has many problems. Hence, this research is intended to design and implement a GIS-based system to manage road accident of Bus transportation system using offline tracking system. This was accomplished using a GIS-based technique that encompasses three steps. The first step is developing a GIS-based accident system. The second step includes designing and applying a tracking system inside 90 buses for recording Bus information for speed controlling. Lastly, by using mentioned system in police center, the illegal drivers' punishment would be considered properly. Overall, this system has been successfully applied in this work. Therefore, the police and transportation office are able to control and make policy to diminish the number of accident. It is anticipated that online tracking system through the Web GIS would be utilized In this system in the near future.

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Factors affecting road construction project performance in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

  • Mekonnen Tibebu CHEKOL;Michael HENRY
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1112-1119
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    • 2024
  • Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, has been lacking an adequate road network to ensure community access to social, political, and economic resources and to facilitate economic development. The road network coverage was about 22.5% in 2022, which is below the minimum international standard of 25%. To improve accessibility and mobility, the Addis Ababa City Roads Authority(AACRA) has engaged its own force crew (contractor), as well as local and foreign road contractors, in the construction of urban roads. However, these road construction projects are rarely completed within the estimated time and cost, along with a variety of other issues that also need to be addressed. This study aims to explore the application of lean construction for improving the performance of urban road construction projects in Addis Ababa City. A survey of road construction stakeholders was carried out to evaluate their perspectives on the importance of project performance indicators, with the goal of identifying key factors affecting road construction project performance. First, a list of performance indicators was prepared based on a review of lean construction literature, and a total of 38 identified factors were grouped into six performance indicator categories. Cross-tabulation analysis of the stakeholder perspectives was then carried out, and it was found that the indicators that affect the performance of urban road infrastructure projects (in descending order of importance) were: time, quality, cost, risk, safety, and sustainability. Through this analysis it was concluded that right-of-way issues, delay to finish, inflation, contractor capacity, and scope change with change order are also major factors that affect the performance of urban roads construction projects. Clarification of these factors will provide AACRA with useful information on what aspects of lean construction should be prioritized when evaluating future construction projects.

A design concept on object database of measurement data for building a safety management network of road bridges (도로 교량의 안전관리 네트워크 구축을 위한 계측자료의 객체 데이터베이스 설계 개념)

  • Park, Sang-Il;An, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Hoy-Jin;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.518-523
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    • 2008
  • In this study, we analyzed applicability of object database, designed the concept model based on object-oriented idea for measurement data management, and applied the design model to object database. The concept model composes three sub models Infrastructure managing information model, Infrastructure measurement data model, and Measurement unit model. The process to expand measurement data of new type was executed easily without changing database schema in object database. The process to expand measurement data of new type was executed easily without changing database schema in object database. Therefore, applicability of new technology to infrastructures for building a safety management network of road bridges could be increased with object database system.

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