• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rice-straw

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벼 건답직파 재배시 볏짚처리 및 질소분시가 질소 흡수에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Rice Straw Treatment and Nitrogen Split Application on Nitrogen Uptake by Direct Seeding on Dry Paddy Rice)

  • 이경보;김선관;강종국;이덕배;김종구
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.309-313
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    • 1997
  • 벼 건답직파 재배시 볏짚 시용과 질소 분시에 따른 벼 질소 흡수 양상을 검토하고자 호남평야지인 전북통에서 동진벼를 공시하여 포장 시험한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 건답기간중 토양질소의 변화 양상을 보면 요소태질소는 파종후 7일이후에는 검출되지 않았으나, $NH_4-N$는 파종후 7일, $NO_3-N$는 파종후 25일에 최대값을 나타냈다. 2. 토양 깊이 70cm에서 채취된 토양 용액중 $NO_3-N$의 농도는 질소분시가 적은 기비중점인 구에서 파종후 생육초기에 감소되는 양이 많았으며, 볏짚을 처리함 으로써 표토로부터 심토로 이동되는 양을 감소시킬수 있었다. 3. 수확기 질소흡수량은 볏짚시용시 질소3회 분시구에서 가장 많았으며, 시비질소에 의한 질소이용률은 20%였으나, 볏짚 시용으로 27%까지 향상 시킬수 있었다. 4. 질소 분시에 따른 수량은 관행 5070 kg/ha, 질소 전량 기비구 4970 kg/ha, 2회 분시구 5110 kg/ha, 3회 분시구 5150 kg/ha로 관행에 비하여 근소한 차이로 증가 되었다.

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논토양(土壤)의 이화학적(理化學的) 성질(性質)에 미치는 유기물(有機物)의 연용효과(蓮用效果) -II. 생고(生藁) 및 퇴비(堆肥) 연용(蓮用)이 논토양(土壤)의 몇가지 물리적(物理的) 성질(性質)에 미치는 영향(影響) (Effect of long-term organic matter application on physico-chemical properties in rice paddy soil -2. The effect of some physical properties of paddy field by the long-term application of rice straw and compost)

  • 류철현;김종구;박건호;김성조
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.373-379
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    • 1988
  • 유기물연용(有機物連用)이 답토양(畓土壤)의 물리적(物理的) 및 역학성(力學性)과 수량(收量)의 년차간(年次間) 변화(變化)를 구명(究明)코자 하해혼성평탄지(河海混成平坦地) 토양(土壤)인 전북통(全北統)에서 유기물(有機物) 무시용(無施用), 생고(生藁) 500, 퇴비(堆肥) 1,000kg/10a을 처리(處理)하고 질소수준(窒素水準)(0, 15, 20kg/10a)을 달리하여 1979-1987년(年)까지 9년(年)동안 시험(試驗)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 토양(土壤)의 입경조성비(粒徑組成比)는 유기물연용구(有機物連用區)에서 무시용구(無施用區)에 비(比)하여 점토(粘土) 및 미사(微砂)의 조성비(組成比)가 약우(若于) 감소(減少)되었으나 모래의 조성비(組成比)는 증가(增加)하였다. 2. 용적밀도(容積密度)는 질소무시용(窒素無施用)에 유기물(有機物)을 시용(施用)하므로서 표토(表土)에서 낮아졌고 퇴비구(堆肥區)에 비(比)하여 생고연용구(生藁連用區)가 효과적(效果的)이었다. 3. 토양(土壤)의 삼상비(三相比)는 유기물(有機物)을 연용(連用)하므로서 고상(固相)의 비(比)는 낮아지고 액상(液相)과 기상(氣相)의 비(比)는 증가(增加)되었으나 퇴비구(堆肥區)에서 액상(液相), 생고구(生藁區)에서 기상(氣相)이 가장 크게 증가(增加)되었다. 4. 내수성입단(耐水性粒團)은 유기물(有機物)을 연용(連用)하므로서 2mm 이상(以上)의 입단(粒團)이 증가(增加)하였으며, 퇴비구(堆肥區)보다 생고연용구(生藁連用區)에서 증가(增加)하였고, 질소(窒素) 15kg/10a의 생고연용구(生藁連用區)에서 2mm의 누적립단(累積粒團)이 66.5%로서 질소무시용구(窒素無施用區)의 유기물(有機物) 무시용구(無施用區)보다 9.1 %가 증가(增加)하였다. 5. 액성(液性) 및 소성한계(塑性限界)와 소성지수(塑性指數)는 생고(生藁)>퇴비(堆肥)>무시용구(無施用區) 순(順)이며 액성(液性) 지수(指數)는 생고연용구(生藁連用區)보다 퇴비구(堆肥區)에서 크게 낮아졌다. 6. COLE치(値)는 수직(垂直)보다 수평(水平)에서 또 질소(窒素) 15kg/10a시용(施用)의 생고연용구(生藁連用區)에서 가장 크며, 원추(圓錐) 및 전단저항(剪斷抵抗)은 생고연용구(生藁連用區)의 질소(窒素)를 첨가(添加)한 구(區)에서 가장 낮았고 마찰저항(摩擦抵抗)은 유기물(有機物)을 연용(連用)하므로서 무시용구(無施用區)보다 높아졌다. 7. 수량지수(收量指數) 변화(變化)는 질소무시용(窒素無施用)은 퇴비연용구(堆肥連用區)에서 생고연용구(生藁連用區)보다 높았고, 질소(窒素) 15kg/10a는 퇴비(堆肥) 및 생고연용구(生藁連用區) 사이에 년차간(年次間) 경합변화(競合變化)를 보였으며, 질소(窒素) 20kg/10a에서는 6년차(年次)부터 생고연용구(生藁連用區)에서 증가(增加)하였다.

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Bioconversion of Straw Into Improved Fodder: Mycoprotein Production and Cellulolytic Acivity of Rice Straw Decomposing Fungi

  • Helal, G.A.
    • Mycobiology
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 2005
  • Sixty two out of the sixty four species of fungal isolates tested could produce both $exo-{\beta}1,4-gluconase\;(C_1)$ and $endo-{\beta}1,4-gluconase\;(C_x)$ on pure cellulose and rice straw as carbon source in Czapek's medium. Fifty-eight and fifteen species were able to grow at $25^{\circ}C$ and at $45^{\circ}C$, respectively. Eleven species could grow at both $25^{\circ}C$ and $45^{\circ}C$ while, four species appeared only at $45^{\circ}C$. The most cellulolytic species at $25^{\circ}C$ was Trichoderma koningii producing 1.164 $C_1$ (mg glucose/1 ml culture filtrate/1 hr) and 2.690 $C_x$ on pure cellulose, and 0.889 $C_1$, and 1.810 $C_x$ on rice straw, respectively. At $45^{\circ}C$, the most active thermotolerant species were Aspergillus terreus, followed by A. fumigatus. Talaromyces thermophilus was the highest active thermophilic species followed by Malbranchea sulfurea. Most of these species were also active in fermentation of rice straw at 25 and $45^{\circ}C$ (P<0.05). The most active ones were T. koningii, A. ochraceus and A. terreus, which produced 201.5, 193.1 and 188.1 mg crude protein/g dry straw, respectively.


  • Ramirez, C.E.;Kumagai, H.;Hosoi, E.;Yano, F.;Yano, H.;Jung, K.K.;Kim, S.W.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.125-129
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    • 1994
  • A field survey was carried out in Korea to assess the mineral composition of rice straw since it is a cheap and available cattle feedstuff. Forage and soil samples were collected in 4 localities in the Kyongbuk province. Soil analysis were also carried out in order to establish the relationships between soil composition and mineral content in the rice straw. Based on NRC tables, the rice straw samples provided adequate amounts of Mg, Ca, K, S, Mo, Mn and Zn. Percentages of samples deficient in P, Na, Cu and Se were 83, 50, 67 and 83 respectively. Soil samples, whose mean pH was 5.8 and mean organic matter content was 3.99%, were comparatively acidic and had high organic matter content. They also had high amounts of extractable Fe and Mn. Correlation coefficients between mineral content in soil and rice straw were low, i.e., 0.42 for Me (p < 0.05), and 0.37 for Mo (p < 0.05). The low or nonexistent correlation between soil and forage composition indicates the difficulty of establishing appropriate methods of mineral availability to the plants.

볏짚의 화학적 처리와 사일리지 제조가 화학성분 변화 및 한우 반추위 분해율에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Chemical Treatments and Ensiling on the Chemical Composition and Degradation Rate in the Rumen)

  • 이성철
    • 한국초지조사료학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to examine of rice straw after chemical treatments and ensiling on its feeding value, in situ studies using a rumen fistulated Korean cow and nylon bag technique. NaOH treatment greatly improved the degradation the Dry matter and Neutral detergent fiber degradation in the rumen but the intake was not affected. Ammonia treatment did not improve the degradation rate of rice straw in the rumen, but remarkably increased the rice straw digestibility and intake by sheep. Making silage of rice straw did not affect its rumen degradation rate, but the digestibility and its take by sheep were greatly improved especially when a little molasses together with Lactobacillus were supplemented. Degradation rate of rice straw in the rumen measured by nylon bag technique was influenced by various treatments but did not appear to coincide with digestibility by sheep. This would be due to the fact that feed intake affect digestibility as well as the degradation in rumen. Therefore, it can be said that making silage with some molasses and Lactobacillus is one of the easest way of using rice straw for animal feed. (Key words : NaOH, Digestibility, Silage, Molasses )

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전자선 조사를 이용한 볏짚의 친환경 전처리 공정 (Environmentally-Friendly Pretreatment of Rice Straw by an Electron Beam Irradiation)

  • 이병민;이진영;김두영;홍성권;강필현;전준표
    • KSBB Journal
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.297-302
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    • 2014
  • The autoclaving assisted by an irradiation pretreatment method was developed without toxic chemicals to produce fermentable sugars for their conversion to bioethanol. In the first step, electron beam irradiation (EBI) of rice straw was performed at various doses. The electron beam-irradiated rice straw was then autoclaved with DI water at $120^{\circ}C$ for 1 h. A total sugar yield of 81% was obtained from 300 kGy electron beam-irradiated rice straw after 72 h of enzymatic hydrolysis by Cellulase 1.5L (70 FPU/mL) and Novozyme-188 (40 CbU/mL). Also, the removal of hemicellulose and lignin was 32.0% and 32.5%, respectively. This result indicates that the environmentally-friendly pretreatment method of rice straw by an electron beam irradiation could be applied for bioethanol production in plant.

볏짚을 이용한 유동장 여재제조 및 제지폐수처리 (Manufacture of the Fluidizing Media Using Rice Straw and Paper Wastewater Treatment)

  • 윤병태;김기윤;김성보;최명재
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2007
  • Biological treatment using the activated sludge method and biofilm process has been developed for paper wastewater treatment. It is known that a water treatment using biofilm process has a high efficiency be-cause a great deal of microorganism could adhere to media. It is also known that various plastics such as polyurethane and polyethylene have been used as the media. In this study polyethylene was used as a media and rice straw an additive agent to improve porous and hydrophilic properties of the media for waste water treatment. Porosity and hydrophilic characteristics of polyethylene was increased as rice straw was added to polyethylene. Paper wastewater was then treated with newly developed environment materials. Rice straw showed excellent results in waste water treatment in various media. This environmentally friendly material prepared by polyethylene and rice straw could show similar results to those of a commercial porous polyurethane foam in wastewater treatment.

농부산물 바이오매스를 이용한 연료물질의 생성 (Production of Fuels from an Agricultural by-Product Biomass)

  • 이종집
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2007
  • Rice straw, produced as an agricultural by-product, is usable biomass as fuels if depolymerized to monomer unit, because the chemical structure are similar to high octane materials found in gasoline. In this study, parameters of thermochemical degradation by solvolysis reaction of rice straw such as the effect of reaction temperature, reaction time and type of solvent on conversion yield and degradation products were investigated. It was found that the effectiveness of the solvent on the solvolysis reaction was as follows; acetone>cresol>butanol. When acetone was used as a solvent, the highest rice straw conversion was observed to be 91.5% at $500^{\circ}C$, 40 min. Combustion heating value of liquid products from thermochemical conversion processes was in the range of 7,380 cal/g. The energy yield and mass yield in acetone-solvolysis of rice straw was as high as 69.0% and 38.2 g-oil/100g-raw material after 40 min of reaction at $350^{\circ}C$. Various aliphatic and aromatic compounds were detected in the rice straw solvolysis products. The major components of the solvolysis products, that could be used as fuel, were 4-methyl-2-pentanone, 3,5,5-trimethyl-2-cyclopentan-1-one as ketones.

폐섬유자원의 발효공학적 이용에 관한 연구 (제3보) 볏짚, 왕겨및 전분박 당화액을 이용한 효모배양 (Studies on the Fermentative Utilization of Cellulosic Wastes (part III) Production of Yeast from the Hydrolyzate of Rice straw, Rice hull and Corn Starch Pulp.)

  • 성낙계;심기환;이천수
    • 한국미생물·생명공학회지
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.152-158
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    • 1976
  • 전분박을 첨가한 왕겨및 볏짚의 산당화액을 이용하여 효모생육조건을 검토하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 왕겨와 볏짚에 전분박을 첨가하여 당화시킴으로써 당화액의 당농도가 각각 9.12%, 7.98%까지 증가되었다. 2. 산당화액을 중화할 때 사용한 중화제로서는 CaCO$_3$, Ca(OH)$_2$, NH$_4$OH순으로 효모생육이 좋았다. 3. 당화액을 기질로 하여 무기영양요구성을 검토한 결과 (NH$_4$)$_2$SO$_4$0.3%, $K_2$HPO$_4$0.4%, MgSO$_4$ㆍ7$H_2O$0.02%, NaCl 0.02%, CaCl$_2$0.02%를 가하였을 때 효모의 생육도가 가장 좋았다. 4. 전분박을 첨가한 왕겨와 볏짚의 당화액을 기질로 하여 효모를 배양하였을 때 48시간 이내에 각각 91.2% 90.8%의 당을 소화하였고 당에 대한 수율은 각각 46.5 %, 45.4%이었다.

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벼 건답직파재배에서 물관리와 볏짚 및 퇴비가 메탄배출에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Water Management Rice Straw and Compost on Methane Emission in Dry Seeded Rice)

  • 고지연;강항원;박경배
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.212-217
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    • 1996
  • 건답직파 재배시 물관리 및 유기물원별 볏짚의 시용시기를 달리하여 메탄배출량을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 건답직파재배시 논토양에서 발생하는 메탄가스의 배출양상은 3엽기 이전까지는 마이너스 배출치를 나타내다가 생육의 진전과 기온의 상승에 따라 계속 증가하여 출수기에 최대Peak를 나타내었다. 2. 유기물원별 메탄가스의 배출량은 볏짚 시용구에서 가장 많았으며 퇴비시용은 NPK시용에 비해 크게 증가하지 않았다. 또한 볏짚 시용시기별로는 파종 한달전 시용함이 파종직전 처리에 비해 약40%의 메탄배출저감효과를 보았다. 3. 물관리별로는 간단관개가 상시담수에 비해 약19% 저감되었다.

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