• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rezoning

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Landscape Urbanism in Special West Chelsea District Rezoning and High Line Open Space Redevelopment Project (웨스트 첼시 개발과 하이라인의 역할에서 나타난 랜드스케이프 어바니즘의 성격)

  • Yoon, Hee-Yeun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.84-97
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    • 2010
  • Landscape urbanism emerges as an alternative to the urban design theories of the past century, emphasizing landscape as an organizing principle, integrating the medium of different elements of the urban environment. However, ongoing criticism of the theory's lack of consideration for physical urban morphology has not supported the integrity of the theory. Large parks, which many proponents of the theory have referred to, possess valuable and interesting points in their design and management. This also shows the limitation of not being able to show the close physical relationship between open space and the city. In this study, the High Line project was analyzed to verify it as founded on landscape urbanism, providing that landscape urbanism drives the urban morphology on a small scale rather than a large one. This paper concludes that landscape urbanism should include small parks as one kind of study model with the small grained interaction between open spaces and the cities under this category to broaden and deepen the perspective. Also, the effort to analyze quantified and physical consequences of the theory through close observation should be followed to extract the design strategies to be applied to future projects.

Landscape Analysis of the Hallasan National Park in a Jeju Island Biosphere Reserve: Fragmentation Pattern (제주 생물권보전지역 내 한라산국립공원의 경관분석 : 단편화 현상)

  • Kang, Hye-Soon;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Chang, Eun-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.309-319
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    • 2008
  • Roads are an indicator of anthropogenic activity causing ecosystem disturbances and often lead to habitat fragmentation, habitat loss, and habitat isolation. The Hallasan National Park(153.4$km^2$) on Jeju Island being distinguished for its unique geology, topography, and biota has also been designated as a core area of UNESCO Man and the Biosphere(MAB) Reserve. Although the high conservation value of this park has contributed to a rapid growth of tourists and road construction, landscape changes due to roads have not been examined yet. We used GIS systems to examine the fragmentation pattern caused by roads, in relation to its zonation, elevation, and vegetation. When a buffer was applied to roads(112m width for paved roads and 60m width for both legal and illegal trails), the park consisted of 100 fragments. The ten fragments generated after applying buffer to only paved roads and legal trails ranged from $0.002km^2$ to $38.2km^2$ with a mean of $14.2km^2$, and about 7% of both nature conservation zone and nature environment zone of the park were edge. Fragments in both east and west ends of the park and around the summit exhibited relatively high shape indices with means of 5.19(for 100 fragments) and 7.22(for 10 fragments). All five legal trails are connected to the pit crater of the mountain and vegetation changed from broadleaf forests and conifer forests to grasslands with elevation, consequently resulting in dramatic fragment size reduction in grasslands at high elevation, in particular above 1,400m, where endemic and alpine plants are abundant. These results show that in Hallasan National Park the risks of habitat deterioration and habitat loss due to fragmentation may be more severe in the nature conservation zone dominated by Baengnokdam than in the nature environment zone. Therefore, current road networks of the park appear to fall short of the goal of the national park for ecosystem conservation and protection. Considering that the entire Hallasan National Park also serves as a MAB core area, conservation efforts should focus, first of all, on park rezoning and road management to mitigate habitat fragmentation.