• Title/Summary/Keyword: Revisit Patients

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Determinants of Patient Satisfaction and Intent to Revisit at National University Hospitals in Korea (국립대학교병원의 환자만족도 및 재이용 의사 결정요인)

  • Jung, Seung-Won;Seo, Young-Joon;Lee, Hae-Jong;Lee, Kyun-Jik
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2005
  • This study purports to investigate the determinants of patient satisfaction and intent to revisit at national university hospitals in Korea. A total of 8 independent variables for outpatients, 9 independent variables for inpatients, and an intervening variable of overall patient satisfaction were selected through literature review. The independent variables for outpatients contain the level of satisfaction with physicians, nurses, ancillary staff, administrative procedure, medical cost, physical environment, facility convenience. and health recovery. With regard to the independent variables for inpatients, the quality of ward services was added to those of outpatients. Each variable contains 3 to 8 items measuring the level of satisfaction with various aspects of the variable. The sample used in this study consisted of 879 outpatients and 821 inpatients. Data were collected with interview survey and analyzed using path analysis. The major findings of the study are as follows: 1) The following variables have significantly positive effect on the intent to revisit of outpatients: health recovery, overall satisfaction, satisfaction with physicians, and ancillary staff. 2) The following variables have significantly positive effect on the intent to revisit of inpatients: health recovery, satisfaction with nurses and physicians, overall satisfaction, and administrative procedure. 3) The following variables of admission procedure, satisfaction with ancillary staff, facility convenience, quality of ward services were found to have significantly positive effect only on the level of overall satisfaction, even though they do not have significant total effect on the intent to revisit. The results of the study indicate that national university hospitals in Korea should make an effort to improve the satisfactory level of patients with clinical outcome, services provided by physicians, nurses, and ancillary staff, and the quality of administrative procedure for enhancing the intent to revisit of patients.

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Factors upon revisit and intention of recommendation for dental care service (치과의료 재이용 및 권유의사 관련 요인)

  • Lee, Hyang-Nim;Shim, Hyung-Sun
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.317-326
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : This study aims to examine satisfaction of dental treatment and revisit and intention of recommendation to dental patients and to supply as a basic resource for dental management improvement. Methods : 645 dental patients to dental hospitals in G City were subjects of this study. 27 dental hospitals were randomly chosen per 5 or 6 in 5 Districts. The intention of the survey was explained to 645 patients and it was agreed to have questionnaire survey. Questionnaire survey was carried out for 2 weeks in April 2011. Total 593 were used for the analysis except for insufficient answer sheets. The analysis was executed by using SPSS 18.0 and the results are as follows. Results : 1. The highest figures are as follows: female was 53.29% in sex, 20-29 age group was 44.52%, graduates of university were 38.62%, students were 28.50%, monthly family income with 300-399 million won was 31.70%. As to the treatment, dental caries were highest with 46.21% followed by scaling with 40.81%. As to the number of visit, 39.80% were over 5 times, and as to the opportunity to use, 29.34% answered it because it is close to home. 2. As to satisfaction, male was 4.15, over 60years old was 4.58, self-employed was 4.33, friendship with dentist as opportunity to use was 4.37. And as to revisit intention, over 60 years old was 4.60, over postgraduate in education level was 4.38, self-employed was 4.43, over 5 times visit was 4.32, and fame as opportunity to use was 4.39 which were the highest. As to the intention of recommendation to others, female was 4.24, over 60 years old was 4.65, self-employed was 4.36, friendship with dentist as opportunity was 4.43 which were the highest and showed significant differences (p<0.05). 3. As to patient satisfaction, there were strong relevance between revisit intention and intention of recommendation with 0.769 and 0.744 respectively. And, as to revisit intention, it had significant relation with revisit intention with 0.791. 4. The explanatory power of the regression analysis on the factors affecting revisit intention was 61.20%. The revisit intention was high when the satisfaction of dental hospital was high (${\beta}$=0.767, p<0.001), the number of visit (${\beta}$=0.026, p<0.01), reason for a visit (${\beta}$=0.070, p<0.01), education level (${\beta}$=-0.063, p<0.05) and occupation (${\beta}$=0.078, p<0.05). 5. The explanatory power of the regression analysis on the factors affecting intention of recommendation was 59.9%. The intention was taken patients satisfaction(${\beta}$=0.601, p<0.001), dental hygienist's kindness (${\beta}$=0.218, p<0.001), female (${\beta}$=0.079, p<0.05), reason for a visit(${\beta}$=-0.059, p<0.05), dissatisfaction treat(${\beta}$=0.084, p<0.05), dentist's kindness (${\beta}$=-0.080, p<0.05), age (${\beta}$=0.054, p<0.05). Conclusions : To improve revisit rate of patients, the refurbishing hospital facility, treatment and kindness of dental hygienists and satisfaction of treatment must be improved. And it also needs to accept complaint from female patients in a positive manner, and understand and correct complaints actively from the perspective of patients.

Relationship among Nursing Service Quality, Medical Service Satisfaction, and Hospital Revisit Intent (간호서비스 질, 의료서비스 만족, 병원 재이용 의도간의 관계)

  • Lee, Mi-Aie;Gong, Soung-Wha;Cho, Su-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.96-105
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study was done to examine the influence of nursing service quality and medical service satisfaction on intent to revisit the hospital, and to identify mediating effects of medical service satisfaction between nursing service quality and intent to revisit the hospital. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional survey. Participants were 390 hospitalized patients at one general hospital in Gyeonggi Province. Data were collected from July 21 to September 10, 2010 and analyzed using SPSS/PC version 18.0. Results: The score for nursing service quality continuously improved but the scores for medical service satisfaction and intent to revisit the hospital did not changed significantly after estimated. Factors influencing intent to revisit the hospital were nursing service quality, medical service satisfaction, 'same religion', and 'Christian', and the explanation power of these four factors was 79.7%. Medical service satisfaction had a partial mediating effect between nursing service quality and intent to revisit the hospital. Conclusion: Findings indicate that nursing service quality is a very important factor to improve both medical service satisfaction and intent to revisit the hospital. Nursing managers should develop strategies to improve nursing service quality.

A Study of the Effects upon Satisfaction, Intention to Revisit and Perceived Value by Cerebrovascular Disease Patients through the Quality of Medical Services (뇌혈관질환 환자가 인지하는 의료서비스 질이 지각하는 가치, 만족도 및 재이용 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Ji, Kyung-Ja;Park, Chun-Man
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to analyze the effect of quality of health care on perceived value, patient satisfaction and revisit intention. Especially, it was focused on outdoor environment, admission procedure, hospital image, service quality of physicians that patients perceived. For inpatients, hospital image and service quality of medical technicians have an effect on perceived value. Service quality of physicians has an effect on the patient satisfaction. For outpatients, hospital image and service quality of physicians and medical technicians have an effect on perceived value. Outdoor environment, hospital image, service quality of physicians and medical technicians, and perceived value have an effect on patient satisfaction. Perceived value and patient satisfaction have an effect on revisit intention. They should evaluate customer satisfaction on their services and analyze various factors that affect on it to improve specialty hospitals.

Impact of Medical Service Quality by Attribute on Overall Satisfaction -Focused on Out-patient and In-patient in High-level general Hospital- (의료서비스 속성에 따른 품질이 전체만족도에 미치는 영향 -일개 상급종합병원의 외래 및 입원환자를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Jung-Hee;Ji, Kyung-Ja;Park, Chun-Man
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.18-41
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    • 2013
  • This study was aimed to identify the current status of medical service quality of medical institutes; propose improvements; and find out the impact of medical service quality by its attribute on overall customer satisfaction. The research was conducted on the out-patients and in-patients in a high-level general hospital located in A city. To examine the research, the IPA was utilized to identify the priority requirements for improving the medical service quality. The study also applied an extended theory to the analysis on mismatch between the level of satisfaction and importance recognized by the clients, to examine the impact of the above mentioned factors on the overall satisfaction and intention to revisit and recommend the hospital. For out-patients, the result showed that "hospital hygiene" had a positive and negative impact on the clients' intention to revisit the hospital in priority improvements. In terms of the sustainable improvements, "doctor's skill" had a negative impact on the overall service satisfaction, whereas "state-of-the-art facility" and "nurse's instruction" had a positive impact on the intention to revisit the hospital. In long-term improvements,"complaint remedy" had a positive impact on the intention to recommend the hospital but there were no relevant factors in excessive investment. On the other hand, for in-patients, the result demonstrated that there were no relevant factors in priority improvements and sustainable improvements. The factor of"service procedure speed"had a positive as well as negative impact on the intention to revisit the hospital. In excessive investment,"nurse's empathy"had a positive impact on the intention to recommend the hospital.

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Effects of Selection Factors of Hospitals for the Elderly upon Satisfaction of Patients and their Intent of Revisit and Information by Word of Mouth (노인요양병원 선택요인이 환자만족도와 재이용 및 구전의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.301-311
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    • 2011
  • This paper is aimed at providing fundamental data for marketing strategies needed to determine the direction of policy to operate hospitals in an effective way. From the analysis, it was found that: first, expectation toward hospitality of the staff, facilities, environment and administrative service of hospitals for the elderly exercises significantly positive(+) effects on satisfaction of patients; second, trust in and satisfaction with administrative service of hospitals for the elderly exerts significantly positive(+) effects on the intent of patients for revisit and information by word of mouth; and third, the intent for revisit influences positively the intent for information by word of mouth significantly. It is therefore needed to try to understand the motives and tendencies of the elderly in selecting hospitals, to promote their satisfaction and to cultivate the spirit for patient-oriented service. Furthermore, efforts should be made to gain trust of medical staff, effects of medical treatment as well as medical equipment in addition to laborious endeavors to work out marketing strategies backed up by price competitiveness of paradigm.

A Study on Medical Service Quality affecting percieved value, Satisfaction and Intention of Revisit in Middle Hospitals (중소병원 환자가 인지하는 의료서비스 품질이 서비스 가치, 고객만족, 재이용 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Ji, Kyung-Ja
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.18-38
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to analyze the effect of quality of health care on perceived value, patient satisfaction and revisit intention. Especially, it was focused on outdoor environment, indoor environment, admission procedure, hospital image, service quality of physicians nurses medical technicians medical staff that patients perceived. Inpatients and outpatients were selected from three hospital in D city Questionnaire survey was employed to collect data from the subjects. For inpatients, indoor environment, admission procedure, hospital image and service quality of physicians have an effect on perceived value. Admission procedure, hospital image and service quality of physicians nurses medical technicians has an effect on the patient satisfaction. Hospital image and service quality of physicians nurses medical technicians have an effect on revisit intention. Perceived value have an effect on the patient satisfaction. Perceived value have an effect on revisit intention. Patient satisfaction have an effect on revisit intention. For outpatients, Admission procedure, hospital image and service quality of physicians medical technicians have an effect on perceived value. Indoor environment, hospital image and service quality of physicians medical technicians medical staff has an effect on the patient satisfaction. Indoor environment, hospital image and service quality of physicians medical technicians have an effect on revisit intention. Perceived value have an effect on the patient satisfaction. Perceived value have an effect on revisit intention. Patient satisfaction have an effect on revisit intention. They should evaluate customer satisfaction on their services and analyze various factors that affect on it to improve middle hospitals.

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The Effect of Perception on the Quality of Nosocomial Infection Control on the Intention to Revisit : Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Perceived Risk and Trust (병원감염관리 질에 대한 인식이 재이용의도에 미치는 영향 -지각된 위험과 신뢰의 매개효과를 중심으로-)

  • Kang, Jae-Shin;Kim, Kwang-Jum
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.11-26
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the perception on the quality of nosocomial infection control on perceived risk, trust, and the intention to revisit among the medical consumers. Method: 361 patients and their guardians who were hospitalized in women's hospital, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, participated in this study. The data was analyzed using SPSS Statistics 21.0. Results: The perception on the quality of nosocomial infection control had a negative(-) effect on perceived risk, a positive(+) effect on trust, a positive(+) effect on the intention to revisit. The perceived risk had a negative(-) effect on trust, a negative(-) effect on the intention to revisit. The trust had a positive(+) effect on the intention to revisit. The perceived risk was partially mediated by the perception on the quality of nosocomial infection control and the intention to revisit, while the trust was fully mediated by the perception on the quality of nosocomial infection control and the intention to revisit. Thus, it indicated that the perceived risk and trust had dual mediated effects as well as full mediated effects in the relationship between the perception on the quality of nosocomial infection control and the intention to revisit. Conclusions: The nosocomial infection control can be an important factor to contribute to hospital management by attract the loyal medical customers, not just cost-expenditure. The nosocomial infection control can help hospital revenue and customer management strategy. Thus, it will contribute to the effective marketing strategy in the medical field.

The Components of Metabolic Syndrome according to the Resting Heart Rate in Hypertensive Patients without Cardiovascular Disease Complication after 12month Follow-up: First Visit and Revisit Hypertensive Patients (심혈관계 질환 합병증을 동반하지 않은 본태성 고혈압 환자의 안정시 심박수에 따른 대사증후군 세부 요인 변화에 대한 12개월 추적조사: 고혈압 초진과 재진)

  • Ok, Jong Sun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.401-410
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    • 2020
  • This study is to conduct a 12-month f/u survey on changes of metabolic syndrome (MetS) components according to the resting heart rate (RHR) in patients with essential hypertension (HTN) without cardiovascular disease (CVD) complication. We used the KorHR (Korean Hypertension Registry) data and a total of 951 subjects were analyzed using the R statistical program. As a result of this study, it was found that the risk and changes of MetS components differs according to the RHR group with first and revisit hypertensive patients. Therefore, guidelines for customized RHR control for first and revisit hypertensive patients should be prepared. Also, it is necessary to prepare various interventions to control the RHR. Through this, it is intended to prevent the occurrence of CVD caused by HTN, which is a representative chronic disease, to improve the quality of life of patients and their families as well as to contribute to increasing the efficiency in the health care.

A Comparison of Factors Affecting Hospital Revisit Intention in Comprehensive Nursing Care Unit and General Care Unit (간호·간병통합서비스병동과 일반병동환자의 병원재이용의사 영향요인 비교)

  • Lee, Ji-Su;Lee, Ji-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2020
  • This study compared nursing service satisfaction and revisit intention of comprehensive nursing care unit and general care unit patients and confirmed the impact of nursing service satisfaction on revisit intention. We used data from 201 survey questionnaires collected from four general hospitals located in B-metropolitan area. Data were collected from Jun 1 to 30, 2019. The data were analyzed using x2-test, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, and Stepwise multiple regression. The results show that nursing service satisfaction was significantly higher in patients admitted to the comprehensive nursing care unit than in the general care unit. There was a significant correlation in increased nursing service satisfaction being associated with increased revisit intention. Among subcategories of nursing service satisfaction, Empathy and Tangibles were cited by 56% of the comprehensive nursing care unit and 40% of the general care unit. As a result of this study, it is necessary to prepare a nursing system that can continuously monitor nursing service satisfaction in order to increase hospital revisit intention and expand the implementation of a comprehensive nursing care unit system.