• 제목/요약/키워드: Resources of the Area

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전기 고생대 태백산분지의 분지 진화 (Basin Evolution of the Taebaeksan Basin during the Early Paleozoic)

  • 권이균;권유진;여정민;이창윤
    • 자원환경지질
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    • 제52권5호
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    • pp.427-448
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구는 최근 수행된 퇴적층서학 및 고생물학적 연구결과를 종합하고, 새롭게 분석된 자료를 보강하여, 전기 고생대 태백산분지의 고환경과 고지리를 복원하였다. 또한 순차층서학적 방법을 사용하여 조구조적 운동과 해수면 변동을 추적하여 종합적인 분지해석을 수행하였다. 태백산분지는 태백, 정선-평창, 영월-제천, 문경 지역에 넓게 분포하고 있으며, 암상 및 층서 특성에 따라 태백, 영월, 용탄, 평창, 문경 층군으로 구분되어 조사 및 연구가 진행되어 왔다. 태백산분지의 퇴적체는 탄산염암과 규산쇄설성 퇴적암이 혼합되어 있는데, 최근 쇄설성 퇴적물의 기원과 퇴적 연대에 대한 연구가 집중적으로 이루어졌다. 태백산분지에 공급되는 쇄설성 퇴적물의 근원지는 크게 곤드와나지괴와 한중지괴 기원지로 나누어진다. 태백산분지의 형성 초기에 태백대지와 정선-평창대지는 주로 한중지괴 기원지로부터 퇴적물을 공급 받았으며, 영월-제천 대지는 지리적 혹은 지형적 분리에 의해 한중지괴의 영향이 차단되고, 주로 곤드와나지괴 기원지로부터 퇴적층을 공급받았다. 쇄설성 저어콘 분석 결과는 중기 캠브리아 시기의 전 지구적 해수면 상승으로 인해 태백산분지 전체적으로 곤드와나지괴 기원의 퇴적물이 공급되었으며, 한중지괴 기원의 퇴적물은 공급이 멈추었음을 보여주고 있다. 한편, 태백산분지의 북쪽에 분포하는 정선-평창 대지의 퇴적체는 전기 캠브리아기와 오르도비스기 지층사이에 부정합 관계를 보여주고 있는데, 이것은 중기-후기 캠브리아 시기에 전 지구적 해수면 상승효과를 상쇄할 규모의 지역적 융기 운동이 정선-평창 대지 인근에서 존재했음을 보여준다. 이러한 융기운동은 최후기 캠브리아기와 최전기 오르도비스기에 태백산 분지 전역으로 확대되었다. 최전기 오르도비스기 이후에 태백산 분지는 조구조적으로 안정화되었고, 분지 전체적으로 해수면이 상승하면서 천해 탄산염 퇴적환경이 조성되어 두꺼운 탄산염암이 형성되었다. 전기 고생대 태백산분지의 퇴적작용은 후기 오르도비스기 동안 태백산분지와 한중지괴 전역에서 발생한 융기운동에 의해 종료되었다.

지식 누적을 이용한 실시간 주식시장 예측 (A Real-Time Stock Market Prediction Using Knowledge Accumulation)

  • 김진화;홍광헌;민진영
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.109-130
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    • 2011
  • 연속발생 데이터는 데이터의 원천으로부터 데이터 저장소로 연속적으로 축적이 되는 데이터를 말한다. 이렇게 축적된 데이터의 크기는 시간이 지남에 따라 점점 커진다. 또한 이러한 대용량 데이터에서 정보를 추출하기 위해서는 저장공간, 시간, 그리고 많은 자원이 필요하다. 이러한 연속발생 데이터의 특성은 시간이 지남에 따라 축적된 대용량 데이터의 이용을 어렵고 고비용이 되게 한다. 만약 정보나 패턴을 추출할 때 누적된 전체 발생 데이터 중에서 최근의 일부만 사용 한다면 적은 일부 표본의 사용의 문제로 인하여 전체 데이터 사용에서 발견될 수 있는 유용한 정보의 유실이 있을 수 있다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서 본 연구는 연속발생 데이터를 발생 시점에서 계속 모으기 보다 이러한 발생되는 데이터에서 규칙을 추출하여 효율적으로 지식을 관리하고자 한다. 이 방법은 기존의 방법에 비하여 적은 양의 데이터 저장공간을 필요로 한다. 또한 이렇게 축적된 규칙집합은 미래에 예측을 위해서 언제든 실시간 예측을 할 수 있게 준비가 된다. 여러 예측 모델을 결합시키는 방법인 앙상블 이론에 의하면 본 연구가 제시하는 데로 체계적으로 규칙집합을 시간에 따라 융합시킬 경우 더 나은 예측 성과가 가능하다. 본 연구는 주식시장의 변동성을 예측하기 위하여 주식시장 데이터를 사용하였다. 본 연구는 이 데이터를 이용해 본 연구가 제시하는 방법과 기존의 방법의 예측 정확도를 비교 하였다.

대청호 조류경보제의 녹조현상 동태와 강우-수문학적 영향 (Water-Blooms (Green-Tide) Dynamics of Algae Alert System and Rainfall-Hydrological Effects in Daecheong Reservoir, Korea)

  • 신재기;강복규;황순진
    • 생태와환경
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    • 제49권3호
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    • pp.153-175
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    • 2016
  • 대청호는 담수 초기부터 부영양화와 녹조현상을 겪었고, 조류경보제는 1997년에 도입되었다. 본 연구의 목적은 강우와 수문학적 요인이 녹조현상의 증감 변동과 조류경보제의 장기화에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위하여 대청호에서 19년 (1997년~2015년) 동안 운영되어 온 조류경보제의 현황을 조사하고 분석하였다. 조류경보제의 총 발령횟수는 46회였고 8월과 9월에 각각 22회 (752일), 16회 (431일)로써 82.6%를 차지하였다. 이 기간에 빈도와 일수가 많았던 것은 강우, 유량 및 수위와 관련성이 컸다. 강우 및 수문사상은 장마와 태풍과 연관되어 6월~9월에 집중되었고, 총강수량은 연강수량의 69.9%를 차지하였다. 유입량의 증가는 강우의 강도, 빈도 및 그 양에 의존적이었다. 연간 총 유입량의 68.4%를 차지하여 저수지에서 수문변화가 가장 급변하는 시기였다. 총방류량도 강우량과 밀접한 관련성이 있었고, 발전방류와 수문방류의 특성이 잘 나타났다. 또한, 상류 댐의 조절 방류로 인해 대청호의 상류수역은 녹조현상에 취약할 수 있었다. 조류경보 발령은 저수지의 수문-여수로 방류의 유무와 관련성이 컸다. 수문방류는 총 25회가 있었고, 연중 7월~9월에 17일로써 최대였다. 개방횟수와 기간은 각각 1회~4회와 3일~37일 범위였다. 수문을 개방하였을 때 경보를 울린 해는 13년이었다. 수문개방에 의한 수체 및 녹조의 이동은 비개방 때보다 약 5배 정도 빨랐고, 저수지 내 조류경보제 장기화에 지대한 영향을 주었다. 녹조현상에서 CHU (소옥천의 추소리 수역)는 여전히 심각한 상태에 있으나, JAN (본류의 장계 수역)이 더욱 중요한 것으로 지적되었다. 조류경보제는 수문-여수로 방류를 중심으로 한 강우와 수문학적 영향을 반드시 고려하여 운영되어야 하겠다. 무엇보다 녹조현상의 대응책에 우리나라의 유역과 저수지 특성에 적합한 육수학적 대책이 포함되어야 하겠으며, 이제부터라도 조류경보제 운영지점에 녹조가 도착하기를 기다리는 것보다 장마 전에 녹조현상의 촉발에 근본적 원인이 되는 저수지 내 우심수역의 체계적 관리와 가이드라인이 필요하겠다.

양송이의 균사생장(菌絲生長) 및 자실체(子寶體) 수량(收量)에 미치는 복토재료(覆土材料)의 이화학적(理化學的) 성질(性質)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Studies on the Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Different Casing Materials Affecting Mycelial Growth and Yield of Cultivated Mushroom, Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Sing.)

  • 김동수
    • 한국균학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 1975
  • Since the importance of casing in fruit body formation of Agaricus bisporus has been emphasized, physico-chemical characteristics of casing materials were discussed by many workers and a mixture of peat and mineral soil as proper casing material has been adopted in many of mushroom growing countries. Because of limited resources of peat in Korea, it is necessary to find practical performance and substitutional materials for casing. The effect of casing on mycelial growth and mushroom yield of A. bisporus varied with materials, its combination and practices etc. The experiments to be discussed in this paper are concerned with pH and Ca of casing material which influence A bisporus, and changes of physico-chemical characteristics with mixing ratio of casing materials and its effect on A. bisporus. The optimum range of moisture content of each material, management of watering and application of physico-chemical characteristics casing materials was also investigated and re-use of weathered spent compost for casing material was described. 1. The effect of calcium on mycelial growth of A. bisporus at various pH in Halbschalentest showed different results with calcium sources. Best results were obtained around neutrality and fresh weight of fruit bodies grown in the range of pH 7 to 8 was highest among the tested levels. 2. Available moisture, pore space, organic matter, cation exchangeable capacity and exchangeable cation was increased by an increase of mixing ratio of peat in casing materials, while an adverse effect was obtained by addition of sand. 3. Mycelial growth on clay loam was more rapid at a lower bulk density of 0.75g/cc and at 20% moisture content on a dry weight basis at the same bulk density. 4. Mixing ratio of casing materials, 60 to 80 per cent by volume of peat mixed with 20 to 40 per cent of clay loam produced the highest yield of fresh fruit bodies and sand the lowest. However, per cent of open cap was highest in peat and lowest in sand. 5. Days required for fruit body initiation was shortened in mixtures of peat and clay loam by one to three days compared with other materials and the formation of flushes was clear. 6. The effect of some physico-chemical characteristics of casing materials on the fresh weight of fruit bodies were estimated by a multiple regression equation; Y=-923.86+$8.18X_1+8.04X_2+7.90X_3+0.12X_4+2.03X_5-0.82X_6-0.54X_7$ where $X_1,X_2,X_3,X_4,X_5,X_6,X_7$ are sand, silt, clay, available moistuer, porosity, organic matter and exchangeable cation respectively. The productivity of certain casing material could be predicted from this equation. 7. Fresh weight of fruit bodies was positively correlated with porosity exchangeable cation, organic matter, available moisture, silt and clay of materials; while sand was negatively correlated. On the contrary, sand was the unique factor reducing per cent of open cap. 8. Distribution of three phases of high productive casing material was concentrated in the range of 10 to 30 per cent solids, 15 to 30 per cent liquids, and 50 to 60 per cent in air volume. 9. Fresh weight of fruit bodies from peat was not affected with heavy watering but in clay loam and sandy loam severe crop losses occurred. Fresh weight of individual fruit was increased and open caps were decreased with heavy watering but light watering resulted in adverse effects: its effect was especially great in peat. 10. Optimum range of moisture content by weight on a dry basis was different with each casing material. To maintain optimum moisture content concerned with yield of fruit bodies and open cap, sandy loam and peat mixtures required daily watering of 0.6, 0.6 to 1. 2 and 1.2 to 2.4 liters per $3.3m^2$ of bed area, respectively. 11. Maximum yield of fruit body was recorded in the range of pF 2. 0 to 2. 5 of casing materials if organic matter content was below 4.2 per cent and in pF 1. 3 to 1.8 if above 7.1%. 12. pF curve of a certain casing material could be draws from moisture content at various pF values by multiple regression equations provided texture, organic matter and calcium of the casing material are given. Optimum moisture range of the casing materials also could be estimated by the equation. 13. It was possible to improve the phyico-chemical characteristics of clay loam and sandy loam by addition of weathered spent compost although the effect was less than in the case of peat. Fresh weight of fruit bodies wsa increased by addition of weathered spent compost but its effect was not as remarkable as peat. Accordingly, further studies will be required.

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가상 공동체 사용자의 전자상거래 수용에 대한 연구 (A Study on EC Acceptance of Virtual Community Users)

  • 이형용;안현철
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.147-165
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    • 2009
  • Virtual community(VC) will increasingly be organized as commercial enterprises, with the objective of earning an attractive financial return by providing members with valuable resources and environment. For example, Cyworld.com in Korea uses several community services to enable customers of Cyworld to take control of their own value as potential purchasers of products and services. Although initial adoption is important for online network service success, it does not necessarily result in the desired managerial performance unless the initial usage is continuously related to the continuous usage and purchase. Particularly, the customer who receives relevant online services and is well equipped with online network services, will trust the online service provider and perceive less risk and experience more activities such as continuous usage and purchase. Thus, how to promote continued online service usage or, alternatively, how to prevent discontinuance is a critical issue for VC service providers to consider. By aggregating a wide range of information and online environments for customers and providing trust to its members, the service providers of virtual communities help to reduce the perceived risk of continuous usage and purchase. Drill down, online service managers realize that achieving strong and sustained customers who continuously use online service and purchase on it is crucial. Therefore, the research into this online service continuance will identify the relationship between the initial usage and the continuous usage and purchase. The research of continuous usage or post adoption has recently emerged as an important issue in the IS literature. Individuals' information systems(IS) continuous usage decisions are congruent with consumers' repeat purchase decisions. The TAM(Technology Acceptance Model) paradigm has been strongly confirmed across a wide range from product purchase on EC to online service usage contexts. The analysis of IS usage based on TAM has proven to be successful across almost online service contexts. However, most of previous studies have focused on only an area (i.e., VC or EC). Just little research has tried to analyze the relationship between VC and EC. The effect of some factors on user intention, captured through several theories such as TAM, has been demonstrated. Yet, few studies have explored the salient relationships of VC users' EC acceptance. To fill this gap between VC and EC research, this paper attempts to develop a research model that extends the TAM perspective in view of the additional contributions of trust in the service provider and trust in members on some factors that affect EC and VC adoption. In this extension, we applied the TAM-to-TAM(T2T) model, and analyzed the transfer effect of trust between these two TAMs. The research model was empirically tested on the context of a social network service. The model was to extend TAM with the trust concept for the virtual community environment from the perspective of tasks. By building an extended model of TAM and examining the relationships between trust and the existing variables of TAM, it is aimed to explain a user's continuous intention to use VC and purchase on EC. The unit of analysis in this paper is an individual user of a virtual community. The population of interest is the individual with the experiences in virtual community. The data for this paper was made available via a Web survey of VC users. In total, 281 cases were gathered for about one week, but there were some missing values in the sample and there were some inappropriate cases. Thus, only 248 cases were finally analyzed. We chose the structural equation analysis to test the hypotheses and it is better suited for explaining complex relationships than the other methods. In this test, AMOS was used to test the Structural Equation Model (SEM). Noticeable results have been found in the T2T model regarding the factors affecting the intention to use of virtual community and loyalty. Our result showed that trust transfer plays a key role in forming the two adoption beliefs. Overall, this study preliminarily confirms the salience of trust transfer in online service.

여자만 연성저질의 여름철 대형저서동물 공간분포 (Spatial Distribution of Soft Bottom Macrobenthos of Yeoja Bay in Summer Season, South Coast of Korea)

  • 임현식
    • 한국해양학회지:바다
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.78-91
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    • 2015
  • 여자만 저서동물 군집 구조를 파악하기 위하여 87개 정점에서 2001년 7월 grab 채집을 통한 현장 조사를 수행하였다. 여자만은 만 중앙부를 중심으로 니질 퇴적상이 폭넓게 나타나고 있으며 하천으로부터 담수가 유입되는 하구역에서는 모래 함량이 높았다. 조사기간 동안 총 274종, 평균 2,346 개체/$m^2$$78.2g/m^2$의 저서동물이 출현하였다. 출현종수에서는 다모류가 122종(45%)으로서 가장 우점하였으며, 갑각류가 70종(26%), 연체동물이 57종(21%) 출현하였다. 출현종수 공간분포는 퇴적상 및 저층염분과 유의한 상관관계가 있었다. 출현밀도에서도 다모류가 1,543 개체/$m^2$로서 66%를 점유하였는데 모래 함량과는 양의 상관관계를, 니질 및 평균 입도와는 음의 상관관계를 보였다. 극피동물의 밀도는 염분과 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 반면 생체량에서는 연체동물이 $44.4g/m^2$으로서 57%를 점유하였는데, 실트 및 분급과 음의 상관관계를 보였다. Bio-Env 분석 결과 저층염분과 모래 함량의 조합이 대형저서동물 군집에 영향을 미치는 주된 환경요소로 나타났다. 주요 우점종으로서는 기수성 다모류인 Minuspio japonica가 평균 1,167 개체/$m^2$로서 가장 우점하였으나 벌교천 하구역에만 제한적으로 분포하였으며, 옆새우류인 Eriopisella sechellensis의 밀도는 152 개체/$m^2$로서 여자만 내에 광범위하게 분포하였다. 또한 다모류인 Sternaspis scutata와 이매패류의 Corbiculina sp.도 우점적으로 출현하였다. 종 다양도(H')는 여자도를 중심으로 여자만 남측해역은 3.0 이상의 값을 나타낸 반면, 북측해역은 2.0~3.0 범위의 값을 나타내었으며 염분과 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 집괴분석 결과 5개 정점군으로 구분되었는데, SIMPER 분석결과 Minuspio japonica, Eriopisella sechellensis 그리고 Sternaspis scutata의 기여도가 높았으며 여자만 입구에서부터 내만으로 들어가면서 정점군이 순차적으로 배열되는 양상을 보였다. 본 연구 결과로부터 여자만의 여름철 대형저서동물 군집은 퇴적상과 저층염분에 의해 영향을 받고 있음을 알 수 있으며 여자만의 저서환경 변동을 파악하기 위해 주요 우점종 및 군집 공간 분포에 대한 지속적인 모니터링이 필요하다고 판단된다.

임상 간호원을 위한 실무교육 과정으로서의 가족계획 (Family Planning as a Part of the Nursing-Staff In - Service Education Program)

  • 전춘영
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.112-132
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    • 1975
  • When Korean family planning services began as a part of the National Policy in 1962, the annual population growth was 3.0%. This growth rate has been decreased to 2.0% during last ten year period. And it seems imperative that all hospitals, as well as related organizations, should participate in family planning in order to contribute to achieving the National goal of 1.5% population growth by 1976, the end of the Third Five Year Economic Development Plan. Nurses should be considered the most important human resources in charge of the core of family planning services in any setting. For the family planning services in the general hospital setting, nurses as a core members contribute much as change agent, motivators, counsellors, educators etc. A nurse can work with patients and their relatives when she is equipped with relevant knowledge and skills. Fur the more family planning cannot be ignored even in hospital setting where more comprehensive nursing care is needed Thus, the general objective of this study is to provide baseline data for better programming of In-service education in family planning so that effective hospital family planning nursing services can be made a part of comprehensive nursing care contributing to the national population program and human welfare. In order to meet the general objective, this study has the following specific objectives : 1. To find out the general characteristics of the clinical nurses working in Y Hospital 2. To evaluate their attitudes and practices of family planning 3. To assess their knowledge, attitudes and practices of population and family planning as professional nurses. 4. To examine and compare data collecting methods for the planning of an In-service Educational Program 5. To explore the contents to be included in this In-service Education Program. The study population randomly selected one hundred nurses working in Y Hospital A cross-sectional survey with questionnaires developed for this study was chosen for the study method. To collect reliable data, the questionnaires were distributed to and answered by the study population in a controlled situation. X²test and t-test was employed in analyzing the data. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. Y Hospital nurses had a lower ideal number of children (X=2.02) and showed no strong preference for male children, and 74% of them expressed the desire to use permanent methods of birth control 2. of this thirty Y Hospital nurses who were married 66.7% stated they were already practicing contraceptive methods. Most of them preferred male methods of contraception. 3. According to objective evaluation about knowledge of various aspects of population and family planning, respondents from collegiate programs significantly knew better the subjects on the average than did respondents from diploma programs of nursing. 4. There was a marked difference in the results of self-evaluation and objective evaluation in their family planning knowledge. It was found that the self-evaluation family planning knowledge seemed to be unreliable. Accordingly, the objective test methods appeared to be more reliable in the evaluation of knowledge levels. 5. The subject areas needed to be included in In-service education for the Hospital family planning services in Y Hospital are 1) rhythm methods, 2) tubal-legation, 3) family planning effects of contraceptives, 4) population growth, 5) demographic traction, 6) population structure and 7) infant mortality facts. In addition, 1) various oral contraceptives, 2) basal temperature method, 3) laparoscopic female sterilization, 4) interfering factors of family planning, 5) anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive organs were additional areas to be taught to respondents from 3-year diploma schools of nursing. Demographic transition was one subject area in which the four-year graduates need further study. 6. Population problems guidance and counselling in family planning instruction in the theory and practice of contraceptives should be included in future In-service Education Programs in order to provide more effective hospital Family Planning Services, stated 77.0% of the respondents.

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Wearable Computers

  • Cho, Gil-Soo;Barfield, Woodrow;Baird, Kevin
    • 섬유기술과 산업
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    • 제2권4호
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    • pp.490-508
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    • 1998
  • One of the latest fields of research in the area of output devices is tactual display devices [13,31]. These tactual or haptic devices allow the user to receive haptic feedback output from a variety of sources. This allows the user to actually feel virtual objects and manipulate them by touch. This is an emerging technology and will be instrumental in enhancing the realism of wearable augmented environments for certain applications. Tactual displays have previously been used for scientific visualization in virtual environments by chemists and engineers to improve perception and understanding of force fields and of world models populated with the impenetrable. In addition to tactual displays, the use of wearable audio displays that allow sound to be spatialized are being developed. With wearable computers, designers will soon be able to pair spatialized sound to virtual representations of objects when appropriate to make the wearable computer experience even more realistic to the user. Furthermore, as the number and complexity of wearable computing applications continues to grow, there will be increasing needs for systems that are faster, lighter, and have higher resolution displays. Better networking technology will also need to be developed to allow all users of wearable computers to have high bandwidth connections for real time information gathering and collaboration. In addition to the technology advances that make users need to wear computers in everyday life, there is also the desire to have users want to wear their computers. In order to do this, wearable computing needs to be unobtrusive and socially acceptable. By making wearables smaller and lighter, or actually embedding them in clothing, users can conceal them easily and wear them comfortably. The military is currently working on the development of the Personal Information Carrier (PIC) or digital dog tag. The PIC is a small electronic storage device containing medical information about the wearer. While old military dog tags contained only 5 lines of information, the digital tags may contain volumes of multi-media information including medical history, X-rays, and cardiograms. Using hand held devices in the field, medics would be able to call this information up in real time for better treatment. A fully functional transmittable device is still years off, but this technology once developed in the military, could be adapted tp civilian users and provide ant information, medical or otherwise, in a portable, not obstructive, and fashionable way. Another future device that could increase safety and well being of its users is the nose on-a-chip developed by the Oak Ridge National Lab in Tennessee. This tiny digital silicon chip about the size of a dime, is capable of 'smelling' natural gas leaks in stoves, heaters, and other appliances. It can also detect dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. This device can also be configured to notify the fire department when a leak is detected. This nose chip should be commercially available within 2 years, and is inexpensive, requires low power, and is very sensitive. Along with gas detection capabilities, this device may someday also be configured to detect smoke and other harmful gases. By embedding this chip into workers uniforms, name tags, etc., this could be a lifesaving computational accessory. In addition to the future safety technology soon to be available as accessories are devices that are for entertainment and security. The LCI computer group is developing a Smartpen, that electronically verifies a user's signature. With the increase in credit card use and the rise in forgeries, is the need for commercial industries to constantly verify signatures. This Smartpen writes like a normal pen but uses sensors to detect the motion of the pen as the user signs their name to authenticate the signature. This computational accessory should be available in 1999, and would bring increased peace of mind to consumers and vendors alike. In the entertainment domain, Panasonic is creating the first portable hand-held DVD player. This device weight less than 3 pounds and has a screen about 6' across. The color LCD has the same 16:9 aspect ratio of a cinema screen and supports a high resolution of 280,000 pixels and stereo sound. The player can play standard DVD movies and has a hour battery life for mobile use. To summarize, in this paper we presented concepts related to the design and use of wearable computers with extensions to smart spaces. For some time, researchers in telerobotics have used computer graphics to enhance remote scenes. Recent advances in augmented reality displays make it possible to enhance the user's local environment with 'information'. As shown in this paper, there are many application areas for this technology such as medicine, manufacturing, training, and recreation. Wearable computers allow a much closer association of information with the user. By embedding sensors in the wearable to allow it to see what the user sees, hear what the user hears, sense the user's physical state, and analyze what the user is typing, an intelligent agent may be able to analyze what the user is doing and try to predict the resources he will need next or in the near future. Using this information, the agent may download files, reserve communications bandwidth, post reminders, or automatically send updates to colleagues to help facilitate the user's daily interactions. This intelligent wearable computer would be able to act as a personal assistant, who is always around, knows the user's personal preferences and tastes, and tries to streamline interactions with the rest of the world.

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금강유역(錦江流域) 주요지점(主要地点)의 제(諸) 수문량(水文量)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(I) (Studies on the Some Hydrological Quantities of Principal Locations in the Basin of Geum River(I))

  • 안병기;조성섭
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.281-300
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    • 1975
  • 1. 금강유역(錦江流域)의 평균년강수량(平均年降水量)은 1203.0mm이고, 면적강수량(面積降水量)을 산출(算出)할 때 많이 사용(使用)하는 Thiessen법(法)의 Areal weight는 표(表)-과 같다. 2. 최대연강수량(最大年降水量)은 1501~2000mm인 곳이 24개관측소중(個觀測所中)며 17개소(個所)나 되어 가장 많은 71%이고, 나머지는 1500mm이하(以下)인 곳이 3개소(個所)이며, 2001mm이상(以上)인 곳은 4개소(個所)이다. 3. 최대일강우량(最大日降雨量)은 201~300mm인 곳이 15개소(個所)로 가장 많은 63%의 분포(分布)이다. 4. 최대(最大)2일간연속강우량(日間連續降雨量)은 300mm를 중심(中心)으로 전후(前後) 각각 50%씩 분포(分布)된다. 5. 최대(最大)3일간연속강우량(日間連續降雨量)은 301~400mm인 곳이 15개소(個所)로 63%의 분포(分布)이며 이는 최대일강우량(最大日降雨量)보다 100mm가 더 많은 강우량(降雨量)이다. 6. 최대연속강우량(最大連續降雨量)은 401~600mm인 곳이 14개소(個所)로 가장 많은 58%의 분포(分布)이며 이는 최대일강우량(最大日降雨量)보다 200mm가 더 많은 강우량(降雨量)이다. 7. 확률일강우량(確率日降雨量)은 표(表)-5와 같고, 무주(茂朱)를 중심(中心)으로한 대청(大淸)댐유역(流域)의 확률일강우량(確率日降雨量)이 가장 많으며, 다음으로는 강경(江景) 공주(公州) 및 부여(扶餘)를 연결(連結)하는 지방(地方)이 다우(多雨)인 편(便)이다. 8. 6월(月)1일(日)부터 9월(月)10일(日)까지 100일간(日間)의 논벼 관개기간중(灌漑期間中)의 강우량(降雨量)은 601~800mm 인 곳이 16개소(開所)로 76%의 분포(分布)이며 이는 표(表)-6과 같다. 9. 유효우량(有效雨量)은 501~600mm인 곳이 15개소(個所) 71%의 분포(分布)이며, 유효율(有效率)은 66~75%인 곳이 13개소(個所)로 62%의 비율(比率)이고, 다음으로는 76~85%인 곳이 7개소(個所)로 33%의 비율(比率)이다. 10. 확률유효우량(確率有效雨量)은 각 지방(地方)의 연평균유효우량(年平均有效雨量)은 보다 100mm정도(程度)씩 적고, 301~500mm인 곳이 14개소(個所)로 67%의 분포(分布)이다. 11. 갈수년도(渴水年度)는 유역내(流域內)를 총괄적(總括的) 동일(同一)하게 지정(指定)할수 없다고 여겨진다. 12. 금강유역(錦江流域)의 s/S는 0.53~0.74로 되어 수자원면(水資源面)에서 비교적(比較的) 안정(安定) 편(便)이다.

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마젤란 분지의 백악기 심해저 하도 퇴적계의 퇴적상 및 진화 (Sedimentary Facies and Evolution of the Cretaceous Deep-Sea Channel System in Magallanes Basin, Southern Chile)

  • 최문영;손영관;조형래;김예동
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.385-400
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    • 2004
  • The Lago Sofia Conglomerate encased in the 2km thick hemipelagic mudstones and thinbedded turbidites of the Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation, southern Chile, is a deposit of a gigantic submarine channel developed along a foredeep trough. It is hundreds of meters thick kilometers wide, and extends for more than 120km from north to south, representing one of the largest ancient submarine channels in the world. The channel deposits consist of four major facies, including stratified conglomerates (Facies A), massive or graded conglomerates (Facies B), normally graded conglomerates with intraformational megaclasts (Facies C), and thick-bedded massive sandstones (Facies D). Conglomerates of Facies A and B show laterally inclined stratification, foreset stratification, and hollow-fill structures, reminiscent of terrestrial fluvial deposits and are suggestive of highly competent gravelly turbidity currents. Facies C conglomerates are interpreted as deposits of composite or multiphase debris flows associated with preceding hyperconcentrated flows. Facies D sandstones indicate rapidly dissipating, sand-rich turbidity currents. The Lago Sofia Conglomerate occurs as isolated channel-fill bodies in the northern part of the study area, generally less than 100m thick, composed mainly of Facies C conglomerates and intercalated between much thicker fine-grained deposits. Paleocurrent data indicate sediment transport to the east and southeast. They are interpreted to represent tributaries of a larger submarine channel system, which joined to form a trunk channel to the south. The conglomerate in the southern part is more than 300 m thick, composed of subequal proportions of Facies A, B, and C conglomerates, and overlain by hundreds of m-thick turbidite sandstones (Facies D) with scarce intervening fine-grained deposits. It is interpreted as vertically stacked and interconnected channel bodies formed by a trunk channel confined along the axis of the foredeep trough. The channel bodies in the southern part are classified into 5 architectural elements on the basis of large-scale bed geometry and sedimentary facies: (1) stacked sheets, indicative of bedload deposition by turbidity currents and typical of broad gravel bars in terrestrial gravelly braided rivers, (2) laterally-inclined strata, suggestive of lateral accretion with respect to paleocurrent direction and related to spiral flows in curved channel segments around bars, (3) foreset strata, interpreted as the deposits of targe gravel dunes that have migrated downstream under quasi-steady turbidity currents, (4) hollow fills, which are filling thalwegs, minor channels, and local scours, and (5) mass-flow deposits of Facies C. The stacked sheets, laterally inclined strata, and hollow fills are laterally transitional to one another, reflecting juxtaposed geomorphic units of deep-sea channel systems. It is noticeable that the channel bodies in the southern part are of feet stacked toward the east, indicating eastward migration of the channel thalwegs. The laterally inclined strata also dip dominantly to the east. These features suggest that the trunk channel of the Lago Sofia submarine channel system gradually migrated eastward. The eastward channel migration is Interpreted to be due to tectonic forcing imposed by the subduction of an oceanic plate beneath the Andean Cordillera just to the west of the Lago Sofia submarine channel.