• Title/Summary/Keyword: Resolution improvement

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Evaluation of the Satellite-based Air Temperature for All Sky Conditions Using the Automated Mountain Meteorology Station (AMOS) Records: Gangwon Province Case Study (산악기상관측정보를 이용한 위성정보 기반의 전천후 기온 자료의 평가 - 강원권역을 중심으로)

  • Jang, Keunchang;Won, Myoungsoo;Yoon, Sukhee
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2017
  • Surface air temperature ($T_{air}$) is a key variable for the meteorology and climatology, and is a fundamental factor of the terrestrial ecosystem functions. Satellite remote sensing from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) provides an opportunity to monitor the $T_{air}$. However, the several problems such as frequent cloud cover and mountainous region can result in substantial retrieval error and signal loss in MODIS $T_{air}$. In this study, satellite-based $T_{air}$ was estimated under both clear and cloudy sky conditions in Gangwon Province using Aqua MODIS07 temperature profile product (MYD07_L2) and GCOM-W1 Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) brightness temperature ($T_b$) at 37 GHz frequency, and was compared with the measurements from the Automated Mountain Meteorology Stations (AMOS). The application of ambient temperature lapse rate was performed to improve the retrieval accuracy in mountainous region, which showed the improvement of estimation accuracy approximately 4% of RMSE. A simple pixel-wise regression method combining synergetic information from MYD07_L2 $T_{air}$ and AMSR2 $T_b$ was applied to estimate surface $T_{air}$ for all sky conditions. The $T_{air}$ retrievals showed favorable agreement in comparison with AMOS data (r=0.80, RMSE=7.9K), though the underestimation was appeared in winter season. Substantial $T_{air}$ retrievals were estimated 61.4% (n=2,657) for cloudy sky conditions. The results presented in this study indicate that the satellite remote sensing can produce the surface $T_{air}$ at the complex mountainous region for all sky conditions.

A Study on Act on Certified Detective and Certified Detective Business (공인탐정 관련 법률(안)의 문제점과 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Bong-Soo;Choo, Bong-Jo
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.61
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    • pp.285-305
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    • 2019
  • In the bill of [Act on Certified Detective and Certified Detective Business] (hereinafter referred to as the Certified Detective Act) proposed and represented by the member of National Assembly, Lee Wan-Yong in 2017, the legislative point of view showed that various incidents and accidents, including new crimes, are frequently increasing as society develops and becomes more complex, however, it is not possible to solve all the incidents and accidents with the investigation force of the state alone due to manpower and budget, and therefore, a certified detective or private investigator are required. According to the decision of the Constitutional Court in June 2018, Article 40 (4) of the Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information is concerned with 'finding the location and contact information of a specific person or investigating privacy other than commerce relations such as financial transactions' are prohibited. It is for the purpose of preventing illegal acts in the process of investigation such as the location, contact information, and the privacy of a specific person and protecting the privacy and tranquility of personal privacy from misuse and abuse of the personal information etc. Such 'privacy investigation business' currently operates in the form of self-employment business, which becomes a social issue as some companies illegally collect and provide such privacy information by using illegal cameras or vehicle location trackers and also comes to be the objects of clampdown of the investigative agency. Considering this reality, because it is difficult to find a resolution to materialize the legislative purpose of the Act on the use and protection of credit information other than prohibiting 'investigation business including privacy etc' and it is possible to run a similar type of business as a detective business in the scope that the laws of credit research business, security service business, the position of the Constitutional Court is that 'the ban on the investigations of privacy etc' does not infringe the claimant's freedom to choose a job. In addition to this decision, the precedent positions of the Constitutional Court have been that, in principle, the legislative regulation of a particular occupation was a matter of legislative policy determined by the legislator's political, economic and social considerations, unless otherwise there were any special circumstances, and. the Constitutional Court also widely recognized the legislative formation rights of legislators in the qualifications system related to the freedom of a job. In this regard, this study examines the problems and improvement plans of the certified detective system, focusing on the certified detective bill recently under discussion, and tries to establish a legal basis for the certified detective and certified detective business, in order to cultivate and institutionalize the certified detective business, and to suggest methodologies to seek for the development of the businesses and protect the rights of the people.

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Using Single Portal Technique (단일 입구를 이용한 내시경적 수근관 감압술)

  • Cheon Sang-Jin;Kim Hui-Taek;Suh Kuen-Tak;Suh Jeung-Tak;Yoo Chong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.159-165
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : Endoscopic carpal tunnel release technique was developed and has being used to decrease postoperative morbidity and complications. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical results and clinical usefulness of endoscopic carpal tunnel release using single portal technique. Methods and Materials : 18 carpal tunnel syndrome patients who were diagnosed by means of clinical symptoms, physical examination, and electrodiagnostic study had endoscopic carpal tunnel release using single portal technique with about 1 cm oblique wrist incision on 30 hands. And then they were followed-up and reviewed in the same way. Late results of operation were analysed by grading system according to patient's own assessments of relief of symptoms at the final fellow-up. The follow-up period ranged 6 to 13 months from surgery. Results : There were postoperative improvements with respect to clinical symptoms, physical examination, and electrodiagnostic study. 23 of 30 hands$(76.7\%)$ had complete resolution of symptoms. 27 hands$(90\%)$ were able to return to normal activities and work within 6 weeks, and 30 hands$(100\%)$ returned within 8 weeks. In grip strength study, 29 hands$(96.6\%)$ regained preoperative strength in 6 months. 12 of 22 hands$(55\%)$ had improvement with respect to thenar atrophy within 6 months. Late results were as follows . 23 hands$(76.7\%)$ was graded as excellent, 6 hands$(20\%)$ graded as good and 1 hand$(3.3\%)$ graded as fair, and there was no poor result. Conclusion : We think that endoscopic carpal tunnel release with single portal technique is technically safe and simple, if the surgeon takes step to stay within the safety zone based on local anatomy and selects an appropriate patient and that endoscopic carpal tunnel release does have advantages over open release. We agree that the surgeon must be prepared to perform an open technique, if technical difficulties arise, difficulty in introducing the device into the carpal tunnel is encountered, or the transverse fibers of the transverse carpal ligaments are not clearly seen.

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Very short-term rainfall prediction based on radar image learning using deep neural network (심층신경망을 이용한 레이더 영상 학습 기반 초단시간 강우예측)

  • Yoon, Seongsim;Park, Heeseong;Shin, Hongjoon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.12
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    • pp.1159-1172
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    • 2020
  • This study applied deep convolution neural network based on U-Net and SegNet using long period weather radar data to very short-term rainfall prediction. And the results were compared and evaluated with the translation model. For training and validation of deep neural network, Mt. Gwanak and Mt. Gwangdeoksan radar data were collected from 2010 to 2016 and converted to a gray-scale image file in an HDF5 format with a 1km spatial resolution. The deep neural network model was trained to predict precipitation after 10 minutes by using the four consecutive radar image data, and the recursive method of repeating forecasts was applied to carry out lead time 60 minutes with the pretrained deep neural network model. To evaluate the performance of deep neural network prediction model, 24 rain cases in 2017 were forecast for rainfall up to 60 minutes in advance. As a result of evaluating the predicted performance by calculating the mean absolute error (MAE) and critical success index (CSI) at the threshold of 0.1, 1, and 5 mm/hr, the deep neural network model showed better performance in the case of rainfall threshold of 0.1, 1 mm/hr in terms of MAE, and showed better performance than the translation model for lead time 50 minutes in terms of CSI. In particular, although the deep neural network prediction model performed generally better than the translation model for weak rainfall of 5 mm/hr or less, the deep neural network prediction model had limitations in predicting distinct precipitation characteristics of high intensity as a result of the evaluation of threshold of 5 mm/hr. The longer lead time, the spatial smoothness increase with lead time thereby reducing the accuracy of rainfall prediction The translation model turned out to be superior in predicting the exceedance of higher intensity thresholds (> 5 mm/hr) because it preserves distinct precipitation characteristics, but the rainfall position tends to shift incorrectly. This study are expected to be helpful for the improvement of radar rainfall prediction model using deep neural networks in the future. In addition, the massive weather radar data established in this study will be provided through open repositories for future use in subsequent studies.

3D Point Cloud Reconstruction Technique from 2D Image Using Efficient Feature Map Extraction Network (효율적인 feature map 추출 네트워크를 이용한 2D 이미지에서의 3D 포인트 클라우드 재구축 기법)

  • Kim, Jeong-Yoon;Lee, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.408-415
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we propose a 3D point cloud reconstruction technique from 2D images using efficient feature map extraction network. The originality of the method proposed in this paper is as follows. First, we use a new feature map extraction network that is about 27% efficient than existing techniques in terms of memory. The proposed network does not reduce the size to the middle of the deep learning network, so important information required for 3D point cloud reconstruction is not lost. We solved the memory increase problem caused by the non-reduced image size by reducing the number of channels and by efficiently configuring the deep learning network to be shallow. Second, by preserving the high-resolution features of the 2D image, the accuracy can be further improved than that of the conventional technique. The feature map extracted from the non-reduced image contains more detailed information than the existing method, which can further improve the reconstruction accuracy of the 3D point cloud. Third, we use a divergence loss that does not require shooting information. The fact that not only the 2D image but also the shooting angle is required for learning, the dataset must contain detailed information and it is a disadvantage that makes it difficult to construct the dataset. In this paper, the accuracy of the reconstruction of the 3D point cloud can be increased by increasing the diversity of information through randomness without additional shooting information. In order to objectively evaluate the performance of the proposed method, using the ShapeNet dataset and using the same method as in the comparative papers, the CD value of the method proposed in this paper is 5.87, the EMD value is 5.81, and the FLOPs value is 2.9G. It was calculated. On the other hand, the lower the CD and EMD values, the better the accuracy of the reconstructed 3D point cloud approaches the original. In addition, the lower the number of FLOPs, the less memory is required for the deep learning network. Therefore, the CD, EMD, and FLOPs performance evaluation results of the proposed method showed about 27% improvement in memory and 6.3% in terms of accuracy compared to the methods in other papers, demonstrating objective performance.

Improvement of turbid water prediction accuracy using sensor-based monitoring data in Imha Dam reservoir (센서 기반 모니터링 자료를 활용한 임하댐 저수지 탁수 예측 정확도 개선)

  • Kim, Jongmin;Lee, Sang Ung;Kwon, Siyoon;Chung, Se Woong;Kim, Young Do
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.11
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    • pp.931-939
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    • 2022
  • In Korea, about two-thirds of the precipitation is concentrated in the summer season, so the problem of turbidity in the summer flood season varies from year to year. Concentrated rainfall due to abnormal rainfall and extreme weather is on the rise. The inflow of turbidity caused a sudden increase in turbidity in the water, causing a problem of turbidity in the dam reservoir. In particular, in Korea, where rivers and dam reservoirs are used for most of the annual average water consumption, if turbidity problems are prolonged, social and environmental problems such as agriculture, industry, and aquatic ecosystems in downstream areas will occur. In order to cope with such turbidity prediction, research on turbidity modeling is being actively conducted. Flow rate, water temperature, and SS data are required to model turbid water. To this end, the national measurement network measures turbidity by measuring SS in rivers and dam reservoirs, but there is a limitation in that the data resolution is low due to insufficient facilities. However, there is an unmeasured period depending on each dam and weather conditions. As a sensor for measuring turbidity, there are Optical Backscatter Sensor (OBS) and YSI, and a sensor for measuring SS uses equipment such as Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST). However, in the case of such a high-tech sensor, there is a limit due to the stability of the equipment. Therefore, there is an unmeasured period through analysis based on the acquired flow rate, water temperature, SS, and turbidity data, so it is necessary to develop a relational expression to calculate the SS used for the input data. In this study, the AEM3D model used in the Water Resources Corporation SURIAN system was used to improve the accuracy of prediction of turbidity through the turbidity-SS relationship developed based on the measurement data near the dam outlet.

Gridding of Automatic Mountain Meteorology Observation Station (AMOS) Temperature Data Using Optimal Kriging with Lapse Rate Correction (기온감률 보정과 최적크리깅을 이용한 산악기상관측망 기온자료의 우리나라 500미터 격자화)

  • Youjeong Youn;Seoyeon Kim;Jonggu Kang;Yemin Jeong;Soyeon Choi;Yungyo Im;Youngmin Seo;Myoungsoo Won;Junghwa Chun;Kyungmin Kim;Keunchang Jang;Joongbin Lim;Yangwon Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_1
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    • pp.715-727
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    • 2023
  • To provide detailed and appropriate meteorological information in mountainous areas, the Korea Forest Service has established an Automatic Mountain Meteorology Observation Station (AMOS) network in major mountainous regions since 2012, and 464 stations are currently operated. In this study, we proposed an optimal kriging technique with lapse rate correction to produce gridded temperature data suitable for Korean forests using AMOS point observations. First, the outliers of the AMOS temperature data were removed through statistical processing. Then, an optimized theoretical variogram, which best approximates the empirical variogram, was derived to perform the optimal kriging with lapse rate correction. A 500-meter resolution Kriging map for temperature was created to reflect the elevation variations in Korean mountainous terrain. A blind evaluation of the method using a spatially unbiased validation sample showed a correlation coefficient of 0.899 to 0.953 and an error of 0.933 to 1.230℃, indicating a slight accuracy improvement compared to regular kriging without lapse rate correction. However, the critical advantage of the proposed method is that it can appropriately represent the complex terrain of Korean forests, such as local variations in mountainous areas and coastal forests in Gangwon province and topographical differences in Jirisan and Naejangsan and their surrounding forests.

Studies on the Method of Ground Vegetation Establishment of Denuded Forest Land in the Mudstone Region - The Characteristics of Mudstone and Speeded-up Reforestation - (니암지대황폐림지(泥岩地帶荒廢林地)의 지피식생(地被植生) 조성방법(造成方法)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 니암특성((泥岩特性)과 조기녹화(早期綠化) -)

  • Chung, In Koo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 1973
  • The results of ground vegetation experiment conducted at completely denuded forestland in the mudstone region are summerized as follows: On the reaults of soiling quantity the effect of soiling was observed where depth of soiling over 10 cm was practiced, and a plot where treated with 15cm soiling and without fertilizer showed poor growth and it was even worser than the plot where soiling was practiced only 1 cm in thikness but applied adequate amount of fertilizers. The depth of slits between 30cm and 40cm showed no significant difference in the effect. A plot where covered with vegetation bag showed somewhat better results in seed loss and early growth but no differences observed in the fall result over the none covered plot. And then, it is recommendable to have soiling over 10cm in thikness with slit of 30cm and 30cm in depth and to apply 30 gram of fertilizer (22;22:11, 50 gram) per slit. On various soiling materials trial there were no striking differences in the effect of soiling between weathered granite soil, wheathered tuffs soil and weathered mudstone soil. In the treatment with various green materials, a plot treated with straw mat showed a significant difference at 1 percent. The results show that weathered mudstone soil is effective to use as soiling materials and straw mat treatment was better. On forest fertilization trial, in the mudstone region where red and black pine trees already existing at a rate of 2,000-3,000 trees per hectare had applied 110kg of compound fertilizers (9:12:3 and 22:22:11) per hectare basis in terms of plant nutrient. As a result, the difference in effect between the compound fertilizers was not found however the leaf color and leaf length of the fertilizer added plot showed darker and longer at 30 percent over the no fertilizer received plot. Compound fertilizers, 14:37:12 and 9:12:3 were applied to alder trees at a rate of 20 gram and 40 gram per tree in terms of plant nutrient and a remarkable growth accelerantion was observed where 40 grams of plant nutrient applied. The effect difference between the compound fertilizers was not found. On investigation of tree root elongation, forty years old red pine trees showed only 15cm tap root elongation through mudstone while black pine had 23 cm tap root elongation. The total length of supporting root elongtion of red and black pines showed 20 and 13 meters, respectively. The tap roots of Black locusts were not able to elongate through mudstone, however, the supporting roots tended to develop to the underneath of pine tree where some moisture content is available. Black locusts And grown on the residual soil of mudstone normally die between 8 to 10 years. The red pine trees show flat in tree shape while black pine had triangle in the shape. With the results it can be said that in an artificial reforestation in denuded forest land of the mudstone region the adequate slit and enough amount of fertiliizer application must be provided for the succesful performance of the program. On integrated experimental results of 1972. for the establishment of ground vegetation on the completely denuded forest land in mudstone region, soiling could be effectively practiced with weathered mudstone soil and it would not specially necessiate to have either weathered granite or tuffssoil for the soiling. And the soiling depth should be more than 10 cm in thickness. Among green materials used the straw mat proved to be the most effective reatment. Three major factors which enable to establish ground vegetation by the shortest period of time: A. Physical improvement of soil is necessary to breakdown of the horizontal cracks sushas Slit, contour line plot, seeding hole and etc., and soiling with weathered mudstone soil. B. Chemical improvement of soil: is needed sufficient amount of fertilizer application 300~400kg ha, $N+P_2O_5+K_2O$), and increased production of ground covering and expedite resolution of the vegetation (ground vegetation, fallen leaves and twigs). C. Complete establishment of the basic structure for the erosion control (Prevention of surface soil erosion)

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Scale and Scope Economies and Prospect for the Korea's Banking Industry (우리나라 은행산업(銀行産業)의 효율성분석(效率性分析)과 제도개선방안(制度改善方案))

  • Jwa, Sung-hee
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.109-153
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    • 1992
  • This paper estimates a translog cost function for the Korea's banking industry and derives various implications on the prospect for the Korean banking structure in the future based on the estimated efficiency indicators for the banking sector. The Korean banking industry is permitted to operate trust business to the full extent and the security business to a limited extent, while it is formally subjected to the strict, specialized banking system. Security underwriting and investment businesses are allowed in a very limited extent only for stocks and bonds of maturity longer than three year and only up to 100 percent of the bank paid-in capital. Until the end of 1991, the ceiling was only up to 25 percent of the total balance of the demand deposits. However, they are prohibited from the security brokerage business. While the in-house integration of security businesses with the traditional business of deposit and commercial lending is restrictively regulated as such, Korean banks can enter the security business by establishing subsidiaries in the industry. This paper, therefore, estimates the efficiency indicators as well as the cost functions, identifying the in-house integrated trust business and security investment business as important banking activities, for various cases where both the production and the intermediation function approaches in modelling the financial intermediaries are separately applied, and the banking businesses of deposit, lending and security investment as one group and the trust businesses as another group are separately and integrally analyzed. The estimation results of the efficiency indicators for various cases are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2. First, security businesses exhibit economies of scale but also economies of scope with traditional banking activities, which implies that in-house integration of the banking and security businesses may not be a nonoptimal banking structure. Therefore, this result further implies that the transformation of Korea's banking system from the current, specialized system to the universal banking system will not impede the improvement of the banking industry's efficiency. Second, the lending businesses turn out to be subjected to diseconomies of scale, while exhibiting unclear evidence for economies of scope. In sum, it implies potential efficiency gain of the continued in-house integration of the lending activity. Third, the continued integration of the trust businesses seems to contribute to improving the efficiency of the banking businesses, since the trust businesses exhibit economies of scope. Fourth, deposit services and fee-based activities, such as foreign exchange and credit card businesses, exhibit economies of scale but constant returns to scope, which implies, the possibility of separating those businesses from other banking and trust activities. The recent trend of the credit card business being operated separately from other banking activities by an independent identity in Korea as well as in the global banking market seems to be consistent with this finding. Then, how can the possibility of separating deposit services from the remaining activities be interpreted? If one insists a strict definition of commercial banking that is confined to deposit and commercial lending activities, separating the deposit service will suggest a resolution or a disappearance of banking, itself. Recently, however, there has been a suggestion that separating banks' deposit and lending activities by allowing a depository institution which specialize in deposit taking and investing deposit fund only in the safest securities such as government securities to administer the deposit activity will alleviate the risk of a bank run. This method, in turn, will help improve the safety of the payment system (Robert E. Litan, What should Banks Do? Washington, D.C., The Brookings Institution, 1987). In this context, the possibility of separating the deposit activity will imply that a new type of depository institution will arise naturally without contradicting the efficiency of the banking businesses, as the size of the banking market grows in the future. Moreover, it is also interesting to see additional evidences confirming this statement that deposit taking and security business are cost complementarity but deposit taking and lending businesses are cost substitute (see Table 2 for cost complementarity relationship in Korea's banking industry). Finally, it has been observed that the Korea's banking industry is lacking in the characteristics of natural monopoly. Therefore, it may not be optimal to encourage the merger and acquisition in the banking industry only for the purpose of improving the efficiency.

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A Mobile Landmarks Guide : Outdoor Augmented Reality based on LOD and Contextual Device (모바일 랜드마크 가이드 : LOD와 문맥적 장치 기반의 실외 증강현실)

  • Zhao, Bi-Cheng;Rosli, Ahmad Nurzid;Jang, Chol-Hee;Lee, Kee-Sung;Jo, Geun-Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2012
  • In recent years, mobile phone has experienced an extremely fast evolution. It is equipped with high-quality color displays, high resolution cameras, and real-time accelerated 3D graphics. In addition, some other features are includes GPS sensor and Digital Compass, etc. This evolution advent significantly helps the application developers to use the power of smart-phones, to create a rich environment that offers a wide range of services and exciting possibilities. To date mobile AR in outdoor research there are many popular location-based AR services, such Layar and Wikitude. These systems have big limitation the AR contents hardly overlaid on the real target. Another research is context-based AR services using image recognition and tracking. The AR contents are precisely overlaid on the real target. But the real-time performance is restricted by the retrieval time and hardly implement in large scale area. In our work, we exploit to combine advantages of location-based AR with context-based AR. The system can easily find out surrounding landmarks first and then do the recognition and tracking with them. The proposed system mainly consists of two major parts-landmark browsing module and annotation module. In landmark browsing module, user can view an augmented virtual information (information media), such as text, picture and video on their smart-phone viewfinder, when they pointing out their smart-phone to a certain building or landmark. For this, landmark recognition technique is applied in this work. SURF point-based features are used in the matching process due to their robustness. To ensure the image retrieval and matching processes is fast enough for real time tracking, we exploit the contextual device (GPS and digital compass) information. This is necessary to select the nearest and pointed orientation landmarks from the database. The queried image is only matched with this selected data. Therefore, the speed for matching will be significantly increased. Secondly is the annotation module. Instead of viewing only the augmented information media, user can create virtual annotation based on linked data. Having to know a full knowledge about the landmark, are not necessary required. They can simply look for the appropriate topic by searching it with a keyword in linked data. With this, it helps the system to find out target URI in order to generate correct AR contents. On the other hand, in order to recognize target landmarks, images of selected building or landmark are captured from different angle and distance. This procedure looks like a similar processing of building a connection between the real building and the virtual information existed in the Linked Open Data. In our experiments, search range in the database is reduced by clustering images into groups according to their coordinates. A Grid-base clustering method and user location information are used to restrict the retrieval range. Comparing the existed research using cluster and GPS information the retrieval time is around 70~80ms. Experiment results show our approach the retrieval time reduces to around 18~20ms in average. Therefore the totally processing time is reduced from 490~540ms to 438~480ms. The performance improvement will be more obvious when the database growing. It demonstrates the proposed system is efficient and robust in many cases.