• 제목/요약/키워드: Resident acceptance

검색결과 21건 처리시간 0.02초

인과지도를 통한 고준위방사성폐기물처분장과 지역주민의 수용성의 관계 고찰 (A Relation between High Level Radioactive Waste Repository Site and Policy Acceptance of Local Residents)

  • 오영민;정경호
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.29-52
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    • 2009
  • This paper reveals the conceptual relation between High Level Radioactive Waste Repository Site(HLRWR) and Policy Acceptance of Local Residents thorough the Causal Loop Diagram. The Resident's policy acceptance depends on the perceived risk of that facility. To reduce the risks, government has to prepare the schemes of the total supporting program including cash and the local development programs.

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정책수용성의 변화와 예측: 고준위방사성폐기물처분장 입지사례 (Policy Acceptance's Change and Forecasting: Simulation Modelling for High Level Radioactive Repository Site)

  • 오영민
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.39-57
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    • 2011
  • This paper is the result of simulation modeling concerning high-level radioactive waste repository(HLRWR) and people's mind for the facility. We describe a procedure of simulation modeling for resident's policy acceptance and perceived risk of HLRWR facility by using System Dynamics approach. To Complete some complicated works, we made the 20 pieces of stock-flow diagrams based on the causal loop diagram that is a blue print of whole variables and relations. The simulation outputs clearly show that cental government efforts to siting the HLRWR will be failed if nothing to give for the region's residents. On the contrary, a monetary incentive and a regional development program help to turn this gloomy situation into a desirable and acceptable condition dramatically. Government has to prepare the schemes considering the HLRWR acceptance and total supporting program including the cash and local development programs.

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국내 재생에너지 연계 수전해 청정수소 생산 발전 전략: 국내외 관련 연구의 비교, 분석을 중심으로 (Development Strategy of Clean Hydrogen Production by Renewable Energy-based Water Electrolysis in Korea)

  • 최영열;정인성;김태진
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.389-397
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    • 2023
  • This study compares domestic and foreign research on renewable energy-based water electrolysis clean hydrogen. Domestic studies from 2010 to 2023 focused on technological efficiency, energy efficiency, and system efficiency, with few analyzing infrastructure and technology trends. Overseas research initially focused on technological efficiency and stability, but has since shifted to economic and environmental impact, policy effectiveness, industry-university-research cooperation, and sustainability. To improve water electrolysis technology production, this study suggests prioritizing technology stability over efficiency, resolving government regulations and resident acceptance issues, promoting industry-university-institute cooperation for rapid commercialization of research results, and developing a strategy for sustainable development of renewable energy-based water electrolysis technology.

전주·완주 수소시범도시 주민수용성 분석 (Analysing the Acceptability of Jeonju-Wanju Hydrogen Demonstration City)

  • 이지훈
    • 신재생에너지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2021
  • It is very important to secure hydrogen acceptability to achieve the hydrogen economy. This study empirically analyzed the factors affecting acceptance by using the results of a questionnaire administered to residents of Jeonju-Wanju Hydrogen Demonstration City. The results indicated that the safety of hydrogen infrastructure and local industry and economic growth positively affected acceptance. In particular, local industry and economic growth were more effective in improving resident acceptance. As policy factors, support for government policies and disclosure of information on projects were also positive factors. As perceptual factors, the higher interest in hydrogen and less safety concerns positively affected acceptability. Therefore, as far as hydrogen safety is concerned, it seems necessary to support local industry development to improve acceptability, disclose information related to industrial development, and introduce targeted experience programs.

사용자의 스마트 주거 기술 선호와 수용에 관한 연구 (Users' Preference and Acceptance of Smart Home Technologies)

  • 조명은;김미정
    • 대한건축학회논문집:계획계
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    • 제34권11호
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzed users' acceptance and intention to use in addition to needs and preferences of smart home technologies, and identified the differences in technology preference and acceptance by different factors. The subjects were residents in the 40s and 60s residing in the Seoul or suburbs of Seoul, and questionnaires were conducted in the 40s while interviews with questionnaires were conducted in the 60s. A total of 105 questionnaires were used as data, and frequency, mean, crossover, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were performaed using SPSS23. The results of this study are as follows. First, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia were the most common diseases among respondents and if there was no discomfort, they would like to continue living in the homes of the current residence. Therefore, the direction of smart home development should support the daily living and health care so that residents can live a healthy life for a long time in their living space. Second, the technologies that residents most need were a control technology of residential environments and a monitoring technology of residents' health and physiological changes. The most preferred sensor types are motion sensors and speech recognition while video cameras have a very low preference. Third, technology anxiety was the most significant factor influencing intention to accept smart home technology. The greater the technology anxiety is, the weaker the acceptance of technology. Fourth, when applying smart residential technology in homes, various resident characteristics should be considered. Age and technology intimacy were the most influential variables, and accordingly there were differences in technology preference and acceptance. Therefore, a user-friendly smart home plan should be done in the consideration of the results.

장기요양인력의 질 향상 정보시스템 수용 측정도구: 신뢰타당도 평가 (Acceptance Measure of Quality Improvement Information System among Long-term Care Workers: A Psychometric Assessment)

  • 이태훈;정영일;김홍수
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.513-523
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: We evaluated the psychometric properties of a questionnaire on the acceptance of the quality improvement information system (QIIS) among long-term care workers (mostly nurses). Methods: The questionnaire composes of 21 preliminary questions with 5 domains based on the Technology Acceptance Model and related literature reviews. We developed a prototype web-based comprehensive resident assessment system, and collected data from 126 subjects at 75 long-term care facilities and hospitals, who used the system and responded to the questionnaire. A priori factor structure was developed using an exploratory factor analysis and validated by a confirmatory factor analysis; its reliability was also evaluated. Results: A total of 16 items were yielded, and 5 factors were extracted from the explanatory factor analysis: Usage Intention, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Social Influence, and Innovative Characteristics. The five-factor structure model had a good fit (Tucker-Lewis index [TLI]=.976; comparative fit index [CFI]=.969; standardized root mean squared residual [SRMR]=.052; root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA]=.048), and the items were internally consistent(Cronbach's ${\alpha}=.91$). Conclusion: The questionnaire was valid and reliable to measure the technology acceptance of QIIS among long-term care workers, using the prototype.

미활용 열에너지의 집단에너지 주민 수용성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Residents' Acceptance of Unutilized Heat in District Heating)

  • 원두환;오세신
    • 자원ㆍ환경경제연구
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.191-215
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구는 미활용 열에너지를 집단에너지 열원으로 활용할 경우 주민 수용성을 비교 평가하는 것에 초점을 두고 있다. 열 부문 탄소중립에 있어 중요한 수단인 미활용 열에너지는 원활한 보급을 위해 주민 수용성의 확보가 중요하기 때문이다. 난방 소비자를 대상으로 한 설문조사를 통해 미활용 열에너지에 대한 인식조사를 수행하였으며, 컨조인트 모형을 이용해 소각열과 수열, 데이터센터 폐열을 기존의 가스 열원과 지불의사액을 평가해 비교하였다. 분석결과 제시된 미활용 열에너지의 보급 활성화가 중요하다고 인식하면서도 미활용 소각열에 비해서 수열과 데이터센터 폐열에 선호도가 높음을 확인하였다.

공공서비스로서 신.구도심지의 공원만족도 차이 - 대전광역시를 대상으로 (Differences of Park Satisfaction in New and Old Downtown as Public Service; Focused on the City of Daejeon)

  • 심준영;이시영
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.481-491
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the urban park and the green spaces within the public service framework. It was investigated by identifying the priority elements as defined by the residents and to figure out the differences of residents' satisfaction for the parks in new and old downtown. This study surveyed 455 residents from 80 dong (neighborhoods) of 5 Gu(districts) in Daejon. In this study, satisfaction on the urban parks and the green spaces in the old downtown was compared with the new town area. The results were as follows: Those who lived in the new downtown areas showed higher satisfaction than those in the old downtown for the urban parks and the green spaces, as well as in all 8 other evaluation sections. Both new and old downtown residents scored high on the 'city landscape and the natural environment' and 'green spaces and facilitats' items, but scored low on 'citizen's respect' and 'acceptance of resident opinions'. The old downtown residents highly valued on easy access to the parks, while the new downtown residents focused on various activities and programs, as well as resident participation, as the parks. The variables affected the resident's satisfaction on the urban parks in old downtown areas consisted of 'information', 'diversity', 'supply decision'. Among these variables, 'diversity' had the most significant influence on the satisfaction level.

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오창산업단지 주변지역 주민의 행정규제에 대한 인식과 악취수용성의 상관성 연구 (A Research on the Relationship between the Perception of Administrative Regulation and Odor Acceptance among Residents who live in Ochang Industrial Complex Area)

  • 박성식;정주용;연익준
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.332-343
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    • 2015
  • 악취로 인한 유해물질의 배출과 이에 따르는 사회적 문제를 해결하는 가장 확실한 방법은 정부기관이 이 문제를 얼마나 적절하게 취급할 수 있는가에 달려 있다고 할 수 있다. 개인마다 악취에 대한 수용성이 다르고, 악취문제 해결을 위한 사회적 비용의 지불의사도 다르기 때문이다. 이는 악취와 같은 부정적 외부효과를 공공부문의 개입에 의해 해결해야하는 이유이기도 하다. 이 연구는 오창산업단지에서 발생하는 악취문제에 대한 주변지역 주민들의 인식을 경험적으로 측정함으로써 행정규제에 대한 인식과 악취수용성의 상관성을 분석해보았다. 분석결과를 살펴보면 첫째, 법적규제에 대한 인식은 악취 수용성에 부정적인 효과를 나타내는 것으로 증명되었다. 즉, 법령과 규제에 대한 문제점을 더 강하게 인식할수록 악취에 대한 수용도가 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 악취물질 배출에 관한 규제를 개선해야한다고 인식하는 주민일수록 악취수용성 판단에 더 많은 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 지방정부의 민원해결에 대한 지역주민들의 만족도는 악취관련 규제에 대한 인식에 영향을 주어 악취 수용성과도 상관관계를 만들어내는 것으로 나타났다.

혁신확산이론을 기반으로 한 농촌 주민들의 태양광 에너지 수용성 연구

  • 안주형;정서용
    • 한국태양광발전학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the acceptance of solar photovoltaic energy use based on the Diffusion of Innovations Theory. The study looks at a total of 27 rural residents - among them 15 who accepted solar photovoltaic energy through a support system and 12 who accepted solar photovoltaic energy through government support of the village. Paper-based interviews were also conducted to gather additional information. The findings of the study indicated that relative advantages and observability are huge factors in a rural resident's decision to accept solar photovoltaic energy. In order to revitalize innovation in the use of solar photovoltaic energy, This study suggests that we must utilize relative advantages and reinforce trialable observations.

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