• Title/Summary/Keyword: Reports

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Comparison of Electrical Properties of β-Gallium Oxide (β-Ga2O3) Power SBDs with Guard Ring Structures (Guard Ring 구조에 따른 β-산화갈륨(β-Ga2O3) 전력 SBDs의 전기적 특성 비교)

  • Hoon-Ki Lee;Kyujun Cho;Woojin Chang;Jae-Kyoung Mun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.208-214
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    • 2024
  • This reports the electrical properties of single-crystal β-gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3) vertical Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) with a different guard ring structure. The vertical Schottky barrier diodes (V-SBDs) were fabricated with two types guard ring structures, one is with metal deposited on the Al2O3 passivation layer (film guard ring: FGR) and the other is with vias formed in the Al2O3 passivation layer to allow the metal to contact the Ga2O3 surface (metal guard ring: MGR). The forward current values of FGR and MGR V-SBD are 955 mA and 666 mA at 9 V, respectively, and the specific on-resistance (Ron,sp) is 5.9 mΩ·cm2 and 29 mΩ·cm2. The series resistance (Rs) in the nonlinear section extracted using Cheung's formula was 6 Ω, 4.8 Ω for FGR V-SBD, 10.7 Ω, 6.7 Ω for MGR V-SBD, respectively, and the breakdown voltage was 528 V for FGR V-SBD and 358 V for MGR V-SBD. Degradation of electrical characteristics of the MGR V-SBD can be attributed to the increased reverse leakage current caused by the guard ring structure, and it is expected that the electrical performance can be improved by preventing premature leakage current when an appropriate reverse voltage is applied to the guard ring area. On the other hand, FGR V-SBD shows overall better electrical properties than MGR V-SBD because Al2O3 was widely deposited on the Ga2O3 surface, which prevent leakage current on the Ga2O3 surface.

Renal Epithelioid Angiomyolipoma with Epithelial Cysts Mimicking Cystic Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report of Combination of Two Rare Entities (상피낭종을 동반한 신장의 상피모양 혈관근지방종: 두 희귀 질환의 조합에 대한 증례 보고)

  • Sang Hoon Lee;Jeong Sub Lee;Jeong Jae Kim;Su Yeon Ko;Kyung Ryeol Lee;Im Kyung Hwang;Chang Lim Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.83 no.5
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    • pp.1109-1115
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    • 2022
  • Renal angiomyolipomas (AMLs) are typically solid tumors, but there have been few reports of a rare cystic variant of AML. AML with epithelial cysts, where the epithelial cyst has a cuboidal epithelial lining, account for the majority of them. Next, epithelioid AML (EAML) with cystic changes due to hemorrhage and necrosis, which is composed of epithelioid cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, have also been reported. These rare cystic types of AML can be mistaken for other cystic tumors, such as cystic renal cell carcinoma, in preoperative imaging. We report the imaging findings of a rare case of EAML with epithelial cysts.

Immunoglobulin G4-Related Lung Disease Mimicking Lung Cancer: Two Case Reports (폐암으로 오인된 면역글로불린 G4 연관 폐 질환: 2예에 대한 증례 보고)

  • Dae Yun Park;Su Young Kim;Suk Hyun Bae;Ji Young Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.83 no.5
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    • pp.1168-1174
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    • 2022
  • Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-related disease is a rare systemic fibroinflammatory condition characterized by elevated serum IgG4 levels and infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells in various organs. IgG4-related lung disease shows varied radiologic features on chest CT. Patients usually present with a solid nodule or mass mimicking lung cancer; therefore, distinguishing between IgG4-related disease and other conditions is often challenging. Additionally, co-existing radiologic findings of IgG4-related lung disease may mimic metastasis or lymphangitic carcinomatosis of the lung. We report two cases of histopathologically confirmed IgG4-related lung disease mimicking lung cancer. Chest CT revealed a solid nodule or mass with ancillary radiologic findings, which suggested lung cancer; therefore, IgG4-related lung disease was radiologically indistinguishable from lung cancer in both cases. Measurement of serum IgG4 levels and clinical evaluation to confirm involvement of various organs may be useful to establish the differential diagnosis. However, surgical biopsy evaluation is needed for confirmation.

Imaging Findings of Metaplastic Breast Carcinoma with Chondroid Differentiation: A Case Reports (연골성 분화를 보이는 화생성 유방암의 영상의학적 소견: 증례 보고)

  • Ji-Young Kim;Soung Hee Kim;Myeong Ja Jeong;Ji Hae Lee;Mi-Jin Kang;Geumhee Gwak;Su Hyun Yoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.83 no.6
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    • pp.1385-1393
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    • 2022
  • Metaplastic carcinoma of the breast is a heterogeneous group of neoplasms with mixed epithelial and mesenchymal differentiation. Metaplastic carcinoma of the breast is a rare and aggressive malignancy, with high recurrence and metastasis. Metaplastic carcinoma with chondroid differentiation is an uncommon subtype that tends to have a relatively good prognosis than that of other subtypes. We report the imaging features of three cases of pathologically proven metaplastic carcinoma with chondroid differentiation as follows: a high-density mass with amorphous or coarse heterogeneous calcifications on mammography; a microlobulated or partially indistinct, complex cystic, and solid mass on sonography; and a relatively circumscribed or partially indistinct, irregular mass with heterogeneous T2 high-signal intensity and heterogeneous or rim enhancement with initial fast enhancement and delayed washout on MRI.

Computed Tomography of the Left Atrium and Left Atrial Appendage: A Pictorial Essay on the Anatomy, Normal Variants, and Pathology (좌심방과 좌심방이의 전산화단층촬영 소견: 해부학, 정상변이 및 질환에 관한 임상화보 )

  • Minji Song; Sung Jin Kim;Hyun Jung Koo;Moon Young Kim;Jin Young Yoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.81 no.2
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    • pp.272-289
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    • 2020
  • Current advances in CT techniques allow thorough evaluation of the beating heart. The strengths of cardiac CT relative to echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging are its high availability in most institutions, rapid production of high-quality images, and outstanding delineation of the anatomy. For many normal variants and pathologic conditions, such as thrombi, masses, and congenital abnormalities of the left atrium, CT findings are sufficient to make a presumptive diagnosis. Assessments of the left atrium and left atrial appendage are particularly important for the management of atrial fibrillation, as various catheter-based procedures are aimed at the mechanical and electrical isolation of these structures. CT offers information crucial to a successful catheter-based procedure or surgery. Therefore, a comprehensive review of the geometry (shape, size, and relative position), along with various CT imaging features of pathologic states, should be provided in radiology reports to be of clinical value.

Clinical Impact of a Quality Improvement Program Including Dedicated Emergency Radiology Personnel on Emergency Surgical Management: A Propensity Score-Matching Study

  • Gil-Sun Hong;Choong Wook Lee;Ju Hee Lee;Bona Kim;Jung Bok Lee
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.23 no.9
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    • pp.878-888
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    • 2022
  • Objective: To investigate the clinical impact of a quality improvement program including dedicated emergency radiology personnel (QIP-DERP) on the management of emergency surgical patients in the emergency department (ED). Materials and Methods: This retrospective study identified all adult patients (n = 3667) who underwent preoperative body CT, for which written radiology reports were generated, and who subsequently underwent non-elective surgery between 2007 and 2018 in the ED of a single urban academic tertiary medical institution. The study cohort was divided into periods before and after the initiation of QIP-DERP. We matched the control group patients (i.e., before QIP-DERP) to the QIP-DERP group patients using propensity score (PS), with a 1:2 matching ratio for the main analysis and a 1:1 ratio for sub-analyses separately for daytime (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on weekdays) and after-hours. The primary outcome was timing of emergency surgery (TES), which was defined as the time from ED arrival to surgical intervention. The secondary outcomes included ED length of stay (LOS) and intensive care unit (ICU) admission rate. Results: According to the PS-matched analysis, compared with the control group, QIP-DERP significantly decreased the median TES from 16.7 hours (interquartile range, 9.4-27.5 hours) to 11.6 hours (6.6-21.9 hours) (p < 0.001) and the ICU admission rate from 33.3% (205/616) to 23.9% (295/1232) (p < 0.001). During after-hours, the QIP-DERP significantly reduced median TES from 19.9 hours (12.5-30.1 hours) to 9.6 hours (5.7-19.1 hours) (p < 0.001), median ED LOS from 9.1 hours (5.6-16.5 hours) to 6.7 hours (4.9-11.3 hours) (p < 0.001), and ICU admission rate from 35.5% (108/304) to 22.0% (67/304) (p < 0.001). Conclusion: QIP-DERP implementation improved the quality of emergency surgical management in the ED by reducing TES, ED LOS, and ICU admission rate, particularly during after-hours.

The Influence of IoT Technological Characteristics on Expected Achievement and Adoption Intention of SCM: On the Perspectives of Chinese Physical Supply Chain and Distribution Industry (사물인터넷(IoT) 기술특성이 SCM 기대성과 및 도입의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 중국 물류공급망 및 유통업체를 대상으로)

  • Shang Meng;Yong Ho Shin;Chul Woo Lee;Jun Ho Mun
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2017
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) analysis aims to verify the technical characteristics, performance expectations, and adoption intentions of IoT. This work refers to IoT data from foreign and domestic publications and websites as well as aims to benefit related organizations by referring to reports from agencies. The literature review summarizes the relevant theories and background of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. The SPSS 22.0 software and structural equation models (smart PLS 2.0) are used in the data analysis. Technical statistics analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, structural equation models, and statistical methods are employed to test the research hypotheses, that is, the technical characteristics of IoT will have positive effects on its performance expectations. This study introduces the characteristics and expected performance of IoT to present relevant IoT guidelines for companies that aim to adopt such technology.

Induction of Unique STAT Heterodimers by IL-21 Provokes IL-1RI Expression on CD8+ T Cells, Resulting in Enhanced IL-1β Dependent Effector Function

  • Dong Hyun Kim;Hee Young Kim;Won-Woo Lee
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.33.1-33.19
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    • 2021
  • IL-1β plays critical roles in the priming and effector phases of immune responses such as the differentiation, commitment, and memory formation of T cells. In this context, several reports have suggested that the IL-1β signal is crucial for CTL-mediated immune responses to viral infections and tumors. However, little is known regarding whether IL-1β acts directly on CD8+ T cells and what the molecular mechanisms underlying expression of IL-1 receptors (IL-1Rs) on CD8+ T cells and features of IL-1R+ CD8+ T cells are. Here, we provide evidence that the expression of IL-1R type I (IL-1RI), the functional receptor of IL-1β, is preferentially induced by IL-21 on TCR-stimulated CD8+ T cells. Further, IL-1β enhances the effector function of CD8+ T cells expressing IL-21-induced IL-1RI by increasing cytokine production and release of cytotoxic granules containing granzyme B. The IL-21-IL-1RI-IL-1β axis is involved in an augmented effector function through regulation of transcription factors BATF, Blimp-1, and IRF4. Moreover, this axis confers a unique effector function to CD8+ T cells compared to conventional type 1 cytotoxic T cells differentiated with IL-12. Chemical inhibitor and immunoprecipitation assay demonstrated that IL-21 induces a unique pattern of STAT activation with the formation of both STAT1:STAT3 and STAT3:STAT5 heterodimers, which are critical for the induction of IL-1RI on TCR-stimulated CD8+ T cells. Taken together, we propose that induction of a novel subset of IL-1RI-expressing CD8+ T cells by IL-21 may be beneficial to the protective immune response against viral infections and is therefore important to consider for vaccine design.

The First Neonatal Case of Panton-Valentine Leukocidin-Positive Staphylococcus aureus Causing Severe Soft Tissue Infection in Korea

  • You Hoon Kim;Seung Hyun Shin;Hyeri Seok;Dae Won Park;Young Hwan Park;Yoonsun Yoon;Yun-Kyung Kim
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.152-158
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    • 2023
  • Staphylococcus aureus (SA) is a common cause of skin and soft tissue infections. Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) toxin-producing strain of SA has been discovered worldwide and is known to cause serious infections. However, reports of neonatal infections caused by PVL-positive SA are rare. Here, we report a case of severe skin and soft tissue infection caused by PVL-positive SA in a 7-day-old neonate. The patient was admitted to the emergency room with a history of fever for one day, tenderness, and sensation of buttocks heating. The infant presented with fever, tachycardia, poor general health, progressive tenderness, and edema of the buttocks on the day of admission. Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed necrotizing fasciitis involving the skin, soft tissue, and muscles. Specimens drained from the buttock lesions confirmed the presence of PVL-positive methicillin-resistant SA (MRSA), and there was no bacteremia. She recovered after one month of intravenous antibiotics and surgical drainages. One month after discharge, she was rehospitalized for otitis externa and was infected with MRSA again. Considering the PVL-positive strain, the patient was treated with intravenous linezolid and dressing. The patient underwent decolonization therapy in a 0.5% chlorhexidine bath and recovered completely without sequelae. This case suggests that aggressive drainage and antibiotic treatment are essential for PVL-producing MRSA infections, and additional decolonization is needed to prevent recurrence and community spread.

Identification and functional prediction of long non-coding RNAs related to oxidative stress in the jejunum of piglets

  • Jinbao Li;Jianmin Zhang;Xinlin Jin;Shiyin Li;Yingbin Du;Yongqing Zeng;Jin Wang;Wei Chen
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2024
  • Objective: Oxidative stress (OS) is a pathological process arising from the excessive production of free radicals in the body. It has the potential to alter animal gene expression and cause damage to the jejunum. However, there have been few reports of changes in the expression of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the jejunum in piglets under OS. The purpose of this research was to examine how lncRNAs in piglet jejunum change under OS. Methods: The abdominal cavities of piglets were injected with diquat (DQ) to produce OS. Raw reads were downloaded from the SRA database. RNA-seq was utilized to study the expression of lncRNAs in piglets under OS. Additionally, six randomly selected lncRNAs were verified using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to examine the mechanism of oxidative damage. Results: A total of 79 lncRNAs were differentially expressed (DE) in the treatment group compared to the negative control group. The target genes of DE lncRNAs were enriched in gene ontology (GO) terms and Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) signaling pathways. Chemical carcinogenesis-reactive oxygen species, the Foxo signaling pathway, colorectal cancer, and the AMPK signaling pathway were all linked to OS. Conclusion: Our results demonstrated that DQ-induced OS causes differential expression of lncRNAs, laying the groundwork for future research into the processes involved in the jejunum's response to OS.