• Title/Summary/Keyword: Remote Sensing Imagery

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Detection of Arctic Summer Melt Ponds Using ICESat-2 Altimetry Data (ICESat-2 고도계 자료를 활용한 여름철 북극 융빙호 탐지)

  • Han, Daehyeon;Kim, Young Jun;Jung, Sihun;Sim, Seongmun;Kim, Woohyeok;Jang, Eunna;Im, Jungho;Kim, Hyun-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1177-1186
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    • 2021
  • As the Arctic melt ponds play an important role in determining the interannual variation of the sea ice extent and changes in the Arctic environment, it is crucial to monitor the Arctic melt ponds with high accuracy. Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2), which is the NASA's latest altimeter satellite based on the green laser (532 nm), observes the global surface elevation. When compared to the CryoSat-2 altimetry satellite whose along-track resolution is 250 m, ICESat-2 is highly expected to provide much more detailed information about Arctic melt ponds thanks to its high along-track resolution of 70 cm. The basic products of ICESat-2 are the surface height and the number of reflected photons. To aggregate the neighboring information of a specific ICESat-2 photon, the segments of photons with 10 m length were used. The standard deviation of the height and the total number of photons were calculated for each segment. As the melt ponds have the smoother surface than the sea ice, the lower variation of the height over melt ponds can make the melt ponds distinguished from the sea ice. When the melt ponds were extracted, the number of photons per segment was used to classify the melt ponds covered with open-water and specular ice. As photons are much more absorbed in the water-covered melt pondsthan the melt ponds with the specular ice, the number of photons persegment can distinguish the water- and ice-covered ponds. As a result, the suggested melt pond detection method was able to classify the sea ice, water-covered melt ponds, and ice-covered melt ponds. A qualitative analysis was conducted using the Sentinel-2 optical imagery. The suggested method successfully classified the water- and ice-covered ponds which were difficult to distinguish with Sentinel-2 optical images. Lastly, the pros and cons of the melt pond detection using satellite altimetry and optical images were discussed.

Detection of Surface Changes by the 6th North Korea Nuclear Test Using High-resolution Satellite Imagery (고해상도 위성영상을 활용한 북한 6차 핵실험 이후 지표변화 관측)

  • Lee, Won-Jin;Sun, Jongsun;Jung, Hyung-Sup;Park, Sun-Cheon;Lee, Duk Kee;Oh, Kwan-Young
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_4
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    • pp.1479-1488
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    • 2018
  • On September 3rd 2017, strong artificial seismic signals from North Korea were detected in KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration) seismic network. The location of the epicenter was estimated to be Punggye-ri nuclear test site and it was the most powerful to date. The event was not studied well due to accessibility and geodetic measurements. Therefore, we used remote sensing data to analyze surface changes around Mt. Mantap area. First of all, we tried to detect surface deformation using InSAR method with Advanced Land Observation Satellite-2 (ALOS-2). Even though ALOS-2 data used L-band long wavelength, it was not working well for this particular case because of decorrelation on interferogram. The main reason would be large deformation near the Mt. Mantap area. To overcome this limitation of decorrelation, we applied offset tracking method to measure deformation. However, this method is affected by window kernel size. So we applied various window sizes from 32 to 224 in 16 steps. We could retrieve 2D surface deformation of about 3 m in maximum in the west side of Mt. Mantap. Second, we used Pleiadas-A/B high resolution satellite optical images which were acquired before and after the 6th nuclear test. We detected widespread surface damage around the top of Mt. Mantap such as landslide and suspected collapse area. This phenomenon may be caused by a very strong underground nuclear explosion test. High-resolution satellite images could be used to analyze non-accessible area.

Surface Change Detection in the March 5Youth Mine Using Sentinel-1 Interferometric SAR Coherence Imagery (Sentinel-1 InSAR 긴밀도 영상을 이용한 3월5일청년광산의 지표 변화 탐지)

  • Moon, Jihyun;Kim, Geunyoung;Lee, Hoonyol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.531-542
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    • 2021
  • Open-pit mines require constant monitoring as they can cause surface changes and environmental disturbances. In open-pit mines, there is little vegetation at the mining site and can be monitored using InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) coherence imageries. In this study, activities occurring in mine were analyzed by applying the recently developed InSAR coherence-based NDAI (Normalized Difference Activity Index). The March 5 Youth Mine is a North Korean mine whose development has been expanded since 2008. NDAI analysis was performed with InSAR coherence imageries obtained using Sentinel-1 SAR images taken at 12-day intervals in the March 5 Youth Mine. First, the area where the elevation decreased by about 75.24 m and increased by about 9.85 m over the 14 years from 2000 was defined as the mining site and the tailings piles. Then, the NDAI images were used for time series analysis at various time intervals. Over the entire period (2017-2019), average mining activity was relatively active at the center of the mining area. In order to find out more detailed changes in the surface activity of the mine, the time interval was reduced and the activity was observed over a 1-year period. In 2017, we analyzed changes in mining operations before and after artificial earthquakes based on seismic data and NDAI images. After the large-scale blasting that occurred on 30 April 2017, activity was detected west of the mining area. It is estimated that the size of the mining area was enlarged by two blasts on 30 September 2017. The time-averaged NDAI images used to perform detailed time-series analysis were generated over a period of 1 year and 4 months, and then composited into RGB images. Annual analysis of activity confirmed an active region in the northeast of the mining area in 2018 and found the characteristic activity of the expansion of tailings piles in 2019. Time series analysis using NDAI was able to detect random surface changes in open-pit mines that are difficult to identify with optical images. Especially in areas where in situ data is not available, remote sensing can effectively perform mining activity analysis.

A Performance Comparison of Land-Based Floating Debris Detection Based on Deep Learning and Its Field Applications (딥러닝 기반 육상기인 부유쓰레기 탐지 모델 성능 비교 및 현장 적용성 평가)

  • Suho Bak;Seon Woong Jang;Heung-Min Kim;Tak-Young Kim;Geon Hui Ye
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.193-205
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    • 2023
  • A large amount of floating debris from land-based sources during heavy rainfall has negative social, economic, and environmental impacts, but there is a lack of monitoring systems for floating debris accumulation areas and amounts. With the recent development of artificial intelligence technology, there is a need to quickly and efficiently study large areas of water systems using drone imagery and deep learning-based object detection models. In this study, we acquired various images as well as drone images and trained with You Only Look Once (YOLO)v5s and the recently developed YOLO7 and YOLOv8s to compare the performance of each model to propose an efficient detection technique for land-based floating debris. The qualitative performance evaluation of each model showed that all three models are good at detecting floating debris under normal circumstances, but the YOLOv8s model missed or duplicated objects when the image was overexposed or the water surface was highly reflective of sunlight. The quantitative performance evaluation showed that YOLOv7 had the best performance with a mean Average Precision (intersection over union, IoU 0.5) of 0.940, which was better than YOLOv5s (0.922) and YOLOv8s (0.922). As a result of generating distortion in the color and high-frequency components to compare the performance of models according to data quality, the performance degradation of the YOLOv8s model was the most obvious, and the YOLOv7 model showed the lowest performance degradation. This study confirms that the YOLOv7 model is more robust than the YOLOv5s and YOLOv8s models in detecting land-based floating debris. The deep learning-based floating debris detection technique proposed in this study can identify the spatial distribution of floating debris by category, which can contribute to the planning of future cleanup work.

Estimation of Fractional Urban Tree Canopy Cover through Machine Learning Using Optical Satellite Images (기계학습을 이용한 광학 위성 영상 기반의 도시 내 수목 피복률 추정)

  • Sejeong Bae ;Bokyung Son ;Taejun Sung ;Yeonsu Lee ;Jungho Im ;Yoojin Kang
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_3
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    • pp.1009-1029
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    • 2023
  • Urban trees play a vital role in urban ecosystems,significantly reducing impervious surfaces and impacting carbon cycling within the city. Although previous research has demonstrated the efficacy of employing artificial intelligence in conjunction with airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data to generate urban tree information, the availability and cost constraints associated with LiDAR data pose limitations. Consequently, this study employed freely accessible, high-resolution multispectral satellite imagery (i.e., Sentinel-2 data) to estimate fractional tree canopy cover (FTC) within the urban confines of Suwon, South Korea, employing machine learning techniques. This study leveraged a median composite image derived from a time series of Sentinel-2 images. In order to account for the diverse land cover found in urban areas, the model incorporated three types of input variables: average (mean) and standard deviation (std) values within a 30-meter grid from 10 m resolution of optical indices from Sentinel-2, and fractional coverage for distinct land cover classes within 30 m grids from the existing level 3 land cover map. Four schemes with different combinations of input variables were compared. Notably, when all three factors (i.e., mean, std, and fractional cover) were used to consider the variation of landcover in urban areas(Scheme 4, S4), the machine learning model exhibited improved performance compared to using only the mean of optical indices (Scheme 1). Of the various models proposed, the random forest (RF) model with S4 demonstrated the most remarkable performance, achieving R2 of 0.8196, and mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.0749, and a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.1022. The std variable exhibited the highest impact on model outputs within the heterogeneous land covers based on the variable importance analysis. This trained RF model with S4 was then applied to the entire Suwon region, consistently delivering robust results with an R2 of 0.8702, MAE of 0.0873, and RMSE of 0.1335. The FTC estimation method developed in this study is expected to offer advantages for application in various regions, providing fundamental data for a better understanding of carbon dynamics in urban ecosystems in the future.

원격탐사 자료 공공 활용을 위한 한-유럽 국제협력

  • Kim, Yun-Su;Lee, Gwang-Jae;Triebnig, Gerhard;Hoersch, Bianca
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.220-229
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    • 2005
  • The Earth observation imagery from satellite provide valuable informations for the central government, local governments and diverse public organizations. The analysis of applications and data, which are sold by commercial distributors of Earth observation satellite data, shows this phenomenon clearly. The Government of Republic of Korea established and carried out a national space development plan to meet the national needs for remotely sensed imagery. After this national space development plan and on behalf of Korean government KARI has developed and launched successfully the KOMPSAT-1 and operates it up to now. KARI is now to launch by the end of year 2005 another optical remote sensing satellite with very high resolution and named as KOMPSAT-2. For the application of such very high resolution remotely sensed data the product validation should be done carefully and this product validation require lots of ancillary data such as in-situ measurements. For the purpose of diverse ancillary data acquisition joint work with other nations, related institutes and international bodies is essential. In this paper the status of Korean European Cooperations will be introduced, which are derived by KARI, ARCS and ESA for the wide use of KOMPSAT data in Europe.

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Unsupervised Classification of Landsat-8 OLI Satellite Imagery Based on Iterative Spectral Mixture Model (자동화된 훈련 자료를 활용한 Landsat-8 OLI 위성영상의 반복적 분광혼합모델 기반 무감독 분류)

  • Choi, Jae Wan;Noh, Sin Taek;Choi, Seok Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2014
  • Landsat OLI satellite imagery can be applied to various remote sensing applications, such as generation of land cover map, urban area analysis, extraction of vegetation index and change detection, because it includes various multispectral bands. In addition, land cover map is an important information to monitor and analyze land cover using GIS. In this paper, land cover map is generated by using Landsat OLI and existing land cover map. First, training dataset is obtained using correlation between existing land cover map and unsupervised classification result by K-means, automatically. And then, spectral signatures corresponding to each class are determined based on training data. Finally, abundance map and land cover map are generated by using iterative spectral mixture model. The experiment is accomplished by Landsat OLI of Cheongju area. It shows that result by our method can produce land cover map without manual training dataset, compared to existing land cover map and result by supervised classification result by SVM, quantitatively and visually.

Enhancement of Spatial Resolution to Local Area for High Resolution Satellite Imagery (고해상도 위성영상을 위한 국소영역 공간해상도 향상 기법)

  • Kang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Ihn-Cheol;Kim, Jea-Hee;Park, Jong Won
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2013
  • The high resolution satellite images are used in many fields such as weather observation, remote sensing, military facilities monitoring, cultural properties protection etc. Although satellite images are obtained in same satellite imaging system, the satellite images are degraded depending on the condition of hardware(optical device, satellite operation altitude, image sensor, etc.). Due to the fact that changing the hardware of satellite imaging system is impossible for resolution enhancement of these degraded satellite after launching a satellite, therefore the method of resolution enhancement with satellite images is necessary. In this paper the resolution is enhances by using a Super Resolution(SR) algorithm. The SR algorithm is an algorithm to enhance the resolution of an image by uniting many low resolution images, so an output image has higher resolution than using other interpolation methods. But It is difficult to obtain many images of the same area. Therefore, to solve this problem, we applied SR after by applying the affine and projection transform. As a results, we found that the images applied SR after affine and projection transform have higher resolution than the images only applied SR.

A Study on the Determination of Exterior Orientation of SPOT Imagery (SPOT 위성영상(衛星映像)의 외부표정요소(外部標定要素) 결정(決定)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Yeu, Bock Mo;Cho, Gi Sung;Kwon, Hyon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 1990
  • The application of remote sensing in small scale mapping has recently been widened to various fields such as information analysis of landuse, environmental conservation and natural resources. SPOT imagery, in particular, offers data which can be processed for 3-dimensional point determination. This is made possible by its high resolution, appropriate swatch width/altitude ratio and stereo imaging capabilities. This study aims to develop a suitable polymonial and an algorithm in the determination of exterior orientation which is essential in the 3-dimensional point determination of SPOT imgery. An algorithm is presented in this study to determine the exterior orientation of a preprocessed level lB film of the satellite image. It was found that a polynominal of 15 parameters is the best fit polynominal for exterior orientation determination, where 1st order line function is used for positon ($X_o$, $Y_o$, $Z_o$) and 2nd order line function is used for orientation (${\kappa}_o$, ${\phi}_o$, ${\omega}_o$).

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A Study on the Feature Extraction Using Spectral Indices from WorldView-2 Satellite Image (WorldView-2 위성영상의 분광지수를 이용한 개체 추출 연구)

  • Hyejin, Kim;Yongil, Kim;Byungkil, Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.363-371
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    • 2015
  • Feature extraction is one of the main goals in many remote sensing analyses. After high-resolution imagery became more available, it became possible to extract more detailed and specific features. Thus, considerable image segmentation algorithms have been developed, because traditional pixel-based analysis proved insufficient for high-resolution imagery due to its inability to handle the internal variability of complex scenes. However, the individual segmentation method, which simply uses color layers, is limited in its ability to extract various target features with different spectral and shape characteristics. Spectral indices can be used to support effective feature extraction by helping to identify abundant surface materials. This study aims to evaluate a feature extraction method based on a segmentation technique with spectral indices. We tested the extraction of diverse target features-such as buildings, vegetation, water, and shadows from eight band WorldView-2 satellite image using decision tree classification and used the result to draw the appropriate spectral indices for each specific feature extraction. From the results, We identified that spectral band ratios can be applied to distinguish feature classes simply and effectively.