• 제목/요약/키워드: Relay Location

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A Study on Smart Factory System Design for Screw Machining Management (나사 가공 관리를 위한 스마트팩토리 시스템 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Kyu;Kim, Dong-Wan;Lee, Sang-Wan;Kim, Jae-joong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.329-331
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a monitoring system that starts with the supply of raw materials for threading, is processed into a lathe machine, and checks for defects of the product are automatically performed by the robot with Smart Factory technology through assembly and disassembly. Completion check according to the production instruction quantity and production instruction is made by checking the production status according to whether or not the raw material is worn by the displacement sensor, and checking the pitch and the contour of the processed female and male to determine OK and NG. The robotic system acts as a relay for loading and unloading of raw materials, pallet transfer, and overall process, and it acts as an intermediary for organically driving. The location information of the threaded products is collected by using the non-contact wireless tag and the energy saving system Production efficiency and utilization rate were checked. The environmental sensor collects the air-conditioning environment data (temperature, humidity), measures the temperature and humidity accurately, and checks the quality of product processing. It monitors and monitors the driving hazard level environment (overheating, humidity) of the product. Controls for CNC and robot module PLC as a heterogeneous system.

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University Professor's Experience and Demands of Online Teaching Method Content (대학 교수자의 온라인 교수법 콘텐츠 수강 경험 및 요구)

  • Min, Hyeree
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.744-758
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    • 2021
  • This study is aimed at identifying the possibility and effectiveness of teaching methods education for professors through the development of online teaching content and providing important implications for future online teaching content development and utilization strategies by looking at the differences in the experience and needs of professors who have taken online teaching content. A university surveyed 83 professors who took the seven teaching contents developed between 2015 and 2018, and took them from 2017 to 2019. As a result of the study, professors often took online teaching content for self-development purposes, were satisfied with the overall content, and cited the low psychological burden and resistance of education through personal learning, and the possibility of repeated learning online. The differences between importance and execution in content composition, the areas of statistically significant difference were easy-to-understand delivery, appropriate and sufficient examples, interest and motivation, facilitating interaction between learners, appropriate difficulty, reflection of current trends, appropriate presentation order and ethical composition. The importance level recognized by professors in the area was higher than execution level. In conclusion, opinions for improving online teaching content were appropriate and sufficient examples in the area of content composition, interest and motivation, and reflection of the latest trends. In the area of ease of use, there was stable playback, relay function, and location-independent.