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An Analysis of Riparian Vegetation Distribution Based on Physical Soil Characteristics and Soil Moisture Content -Focused on the Relationship between Soil Characteristics and Vegetation- (토양의 물리적 특성 및 수분조건에 다른 하반식물의 분포 -토양환경과 식생과의 관계를 중심으로-)

  • 안홍규
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2000
  • This study is to investigate the conditions closely related to the establishment of vegetation in the riparian zone: the soil condition, an important factor along with climate and light. Especially, the soil structure of the microtopographical formations in the specific area known as the riparian microtopographical zone investigated. In addition, the effect of the riparian microtopographical features on the ground water level, soil moisture content, and vegetation was studied. The results of this study are as follows; 1) At all sample sites, below the sand layer, a gravel layer is always present. This is the result of past floods. 2) Although Salix koreensis experiences frequent disturbances such as increase in river level and floods, this vegetation establishes itself in the most secure are in the microtopographical zone. 3) The growth of Phragmites japonica is closely related to the underground water level. 4) It is clear that Miscanthus sacchariflorus grows concentrated in dry areas. 5) The soil accumulation conditions differ according to the soil moisture content of each microtopgraphical feature. Accordingly, the moisture content of the soil is clearly different within the microtopographical zone. The continuous and long-term investigation and research on the relation of riparian reproduction and the relevance with location surrounding factors are necessary in the future.

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Ripening Related Changes in Hot Pepper Fruit Cell Walls Structural Alterations of Cell Wall Polysaccharides and Separation of Galactosidase Isozymes (고추의 성숙에 따른 세포벽 다당류의 변화와 ${\beta}-Galactosidase$ Isozymes의 분리)

  • Kim, Soon-Dong;Kang, Meung-Su;Kim, Kwang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 1985
  • Various cell wall polysaccharides and related enzyme activities in hot pepper fruit were determined at different stages of maturity. The uronic acid content of cell walls decreased between immature green and turning stage fruit and then increased by red ripe stage. In contrast, cellulose content of cell walls changed only a little during ripening. Total neutal sugar content of cell wall material decreased 50% and galactose content of the walls decreased about 80% by the turning stage. Polygalacturonase and ${\beta}-galactosidase$ activities, as well as total hemicellulose from isolated cell walls of ripening hot pepper fruit were studied using gel filtration chromatography. Polygalacturonase activity was not detectable but 5 isozymes of ${\beta}-galactosidase$ were resolved. The activities of the enzymes were relatively high and gel filtration showed that they differed in molecular weight. Hemicellulose content decreased during ripening and softening. The molecular weight profiles shifted from high molecular weight to low molecular weight polymers during ripening. The changes in cell walls that may be associated with fruit softening involve the alteration of hemicellulose prior to the degradation of wall-bound uronic acid. It is suggested that the decrease in cell wall galactose involved changes in turnover of new cell wall components.

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Studies on the change of chemical composition of Poncirus trifoiata ("탱자"의 화학성분변화에 관한 연구)

  • 박명삼
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.31-34
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    • 1969
  • This experimental was undertaken for the purpose to investigate the different chemical composition in developing fruit of Poncirus trifoiata. In the first place, the differences among the content of tannin and qualitative analysis of free sugars and organic acids in the fruit of Poncirus trifoiata fron Kwang-ju are to be investigated and chemical components are analyzed. 1) The differences of the content of tannin are investigated at the four periods of time and gradual decrease in the sample 2 (July 15) take place. 2) In sample 1 (June 20), xylose, mannose and rhamnose are not identified and later, as the fruit age, otehr three sorts of sugars with the former are founded and there is a conspicuous tendency to increase in the content and especially the increase in glucose and rhamnose seems to be related with the decomposition of tannin, while the decrease in the former from sample 2 to sample 4 with the formation of the latter. 3) Tartaric acid, succinic acid and citric acid are appeared and then in sample 1 (June 20( these are not founded and later all of them are identified and gradual increase in the content take place and especially citric acid and succinic acid seems to be increased in the content. These are related with the synthesis of organic materials in plant body.

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Relationship Between Relative Water Content and Ascorbate Redox Enzymes Activity in Lettuce Leaves Subjected to Soil Water Stress (토양 수분 Stress에 따른 상추의 엽중 상대수분 함량과 아스코브산 관련 효소 활성도)

  • Kang, Sang-Jae;Park, Man
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.32-39
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    • 2013
  • The relationship between relative water contents of lettuce leaves and biochemical activities in lettuce was examined in this study to explore an adaptation response of lettuce to water stress from soils. Soil water contents and relative water contents of leaves were positively related to show $R^2$=0.8728. Hydrogen peroxide contents of leaves rapidly increased with reduction of soil water content, whereas soluble protein contents and dry matters rapidly decreased. And chlorophyll a and b contents of leaves decreased with increase in carotenoid content. Furthermore, the activities of ascorbate peroxidase (APX), monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR), and dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) increased dramatically, and mRNA transcript levels of APX, MDHAR and DHAR also increased. Relationship of relative water content of lettuce leaves to hydrogen peroxide, to ascorbate peroxidase activity, to dehydroascorbate reductase activity, and to monodehydroascorbate reductase activity was shown to be positively correlated. It is highly plausible from this study that these enzyme activities could be developed as an indicator of water states in soils.

A Study of PICS/RDF-Based Internet Content Rating System: Issues Related to Freedom of Expression (PICS/RDF 기반 인터넷 내용 등급 시스템 연구: 표현의 자유를 중심으로)

  • Kim, You-Seung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.271-297
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    • 2007
  • Since the use of the Internet has proliferated, the availability of illegal and harmful content has been a great concern to both governments and Internet users. Among various solutions for issues related to such content, Internet content filtering technologies have been developed for enabling users to deal with harmful content. In recent years, commercial filtering has become massively popular. Many parents, teachers and even governments have chosen commercial filtering software as a feasible technical solution for protecting minors from harmful information on the Internet. The Internet content filtering software market has grown significantly. However, Internet content filtering software has led to intense debate among civil liberties groups, They deem this to be censorship and argue that Internet filtering technologies are simply unworkable because they have inherent weaknesses. They are critical of the fact that most filtering has violated free speech rights and will eventually wipe out honor and controversial, yet innocent incidences of free speech on the Internet. In this article Internet content filtering, in particular PICS/RDF-based label filtering, so-called Internet content rating system, will be explored and its advantages and drawbacks relating to end-users' autonomy and freedom of expression will be discussed.

The Analysis of Elementary School Students' Hypotheses in the Field Trip Contest of the Second Korean Youth Science Festival (자연보호답사대회 보고서에 진술된 국민학생의 가설능력의 분석)

  • Koo, Soo-Jeong;Pak, Sung-Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.116-125
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    • 1995
  • This study is to consider hypotheses with integral view on the respect of creative thinking. Subjects of this study are Korean students in the 5th grade who participated in the Field Trip Contest of the second Korean Youth Science Festival, an openended inquiry investigation. Objectives of this study are as follows: 1) to measure the inquiry level of the Field Trip Contest activity 2) to find how many hypotheses were made on different types in the inquiry investigation 3) to measure the quality level of hypotheses made in the scientific inquiry investigation 4) to find out the correlation between the 1st and 2nd hypotheses and the final activity score in the two staged scientific investigation In the consequence of it, inquiry level of the Field Trip Contest was very high with good activity topics and openended way of investigation. Hypotheses were made in the prediction, plan, and conclusion parts in the field trip activity report. They used hypothesis-as-prediction typed statements(3.41/team) more than hypothesis-as-explanation(1.28/team) and descriptive hypothesis(0.03/team) types. Content-related hypothesis(5.03/team) and process-related hypothesis(6.16/team) were usually coupled each other. Most of them had difficulties in hypothesis-from-evidence(0.31/team, 10/32 teams) in the comparison of hypothesis-from-simple conjecture(10.62/team). The quality level of content-related hypotheses(0.74point/statement) and process-related hypotheses(1.98point/statement) were very low by the hypothesis-quality scale(Quinn and George, 1975) for the content-related hypotheses and the process-related hypothesis quality scale developed in this study. There was considerable correlation between the activity score and the 1st and 2nd hypothesis in the 2 staged inquiry investigations with the 2nd and 3rd topics($0.41{\ast}$, $0.59{\ast}{\ast}$ repectively).

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The Advantages of M-Learning Using The Combination of Digital Content and Mobile Device In Education Field

  • Santoso, Markus;Lee, Byung-Gook
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.123-126
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    • 2012
  • In general, there are 3 subjects of discussion in education field; namely past, present and future. Related with those facts, there is several information or knowledge that relatively hard to be presented in the real world. In this matter, digital content shows its contribution especially in the education field. Digital content can virtually represent the information or knowledge that seems to be difficult to be visualized in the real world before. In this project, researcher develops a mobile device's application that consist the skeleton's 3D virtual content. This application is expected to solve the above explained problem that usually appears during learning human skeleton in senior high-school's biology class. Besides, the application of digital content will make the learning process become easier because the student will have a visual learning tool. Last, the mobile device that is used in this prototype has offer an important beneficial namely mobility beneficial, so that the user can access the content anytime and anywhere.

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Contract Guideline for Digital Content Distribution (디지털콘텐츠 유통계약기준 개선 방안)

  • O, Sang-Hun;Park, Yeo-Won
    • 한국디지털정책학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2004
  • On the base of IT growth, competition between countries for preoccupation of digital content market is keen. And it is prospected that the development of digital content industry will be more rapid with the base of telecommunication infra-structure(for example internet, digital broadcasting) which is the main channel for distribution of digital content. The bill of "Act for Development of Online Digital Content Industry", has passed the national assembly jan, 2002, and "Draft Blueprint for Developing Online Digital Content Industry(2003$\sim$2005)" was made on the base on that law feb, 2003. And we can find measures for protect the digital content manufacture in the laws such as "Literary Property Law", "Trademarks Law" and "law for prevention of unfair competition". On this study we suggested three measures to make digital content industry more profitable by the method of research of related law and industry survey.

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Health and Nutrition Messages in the Baby Food Advertisements of Women's Magazines

  • Kim, Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.178-185
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    • 2003
  • Content analysis of food advertisements was undertaken to investigate the nature of the messages related to health, nutrition or consumer-promotion in 2001 women's magazines. Advertisements on baby foods were collected from three women's magazines and the final samples obtained were 42 different copies of advertisements. All the messages in each sample were counted and calculated for their frequency (%). Messages were categorized into four areas (health, nutrition, non-nutrition, consumer promotion), and each area was classified into more detailed categories. Results showed that all the messages in 42 samples and average messages per advertisement were 1288 and 30.7, respectively. The most common type of promotional messages was health related (e.g., appeal to enhanced immune function and disease prevention and brain development), followed by consumer related, nutrition and non-nutrition messages in order. Messages about high quality and all natural ingredients were more emphasized in the consumer related category. Messages on fats (DHA, lecithin and arachidonic acid), proteins (neucleotides, taurine) and mineral (calcium, iron) were most frequently found in nutrition category. Amongst the three kinds of baby foods, formula ads had the most numerous messages related to health and nutrition. There were more consumer related messages in the ads of weaning foods, and more promotional messages about no addition of antiseptic, artificial additives, and food colors in the ads for older infant foods. Messages violating regulation (e.g., exaggerated or inaccurate or non-scientific messages) were frequently found in the advertisements of three kinds of baby foods. In conclusion, tighter supervision of food advertisements and nutrition education is required to protect the consumers from misleading advertisements.

Development of Separating Techniques on Quercetin-Related Substances in Onion(Allium cepa L.) 1. Contents and Stability of Quercetin-Related Substances in Onion (양파의 Quercetin 관련 물질의 분리 기술 개발 1. 양파의 Quercetin 관련 물질의 함량과 안정성)

  • 강성구;김용두;현규환;김영환;송보현;신수철;박양균
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.682-686
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    • 1998
  • To use onion(Allium cepa L.) residue as raw materials of food products, contents and stability of quercetin-related substance in onion were investigated. The amount of quercetin-related substance of onion was richer in the inedible portion(317.99mg%) than the edible protion(4.10mg%). Total quercetin-related substances of juice and residue from fresh onions were 2.26mg% and 1.57mg%, respectively, but they were changed to 1.50mg% and 2.96mg% by heating at 8$0^{\circ}C$ for 10min. Quercetin was found to be stable at 20$0^{\circ}C$ for 60 min, but it was unstable to light. When it was illuminated with 30W, the content was decreased and reached to 80~85% of the original content after 48 hours. Quercetin was not affected by pH, but quercitrin and rutin were unstable below pH 5.

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