• Title/Summary/Keyword: Recognition and Perception

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The Expression 'Yeok-goon-eun[亦君恩]' and the World of Experience ('역군은(亦君恩)' 표현과 경험의 세계 -관념적 표현의 교육적 자질에 대한 소고(小考)-)

  • Choi, Hong-won
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.16
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    • pp.117-145
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    • 2008
  • This study aims at searching for educational quality of abstract expression from the expression 'Yeok-goon-eun'[亦君恩/ also the king's mercy] which appears frequently in the classics. I clarified that the expression can be used to mean not only eulogy and missing the king, which is a conventional phrase, but also cynicism or excuse for oneself, curative response and so forth. In other words, the symbol, 'Yeok-goon-eun', has a variety of meanings according to readers and contexts. Like the example of the expression 'Yeok-goon-eun', the expressions of the classics in itself imply deep meanings to experience. They do not correspond to contemporary words which are familiar to current readers. Thus, the expressions of the classics have to be experienced by learners. In specific, 'Yeok-goon-eun' provides the present learners with special experience such as perception and attitude about the world, relationship between the nature and human beings, and cultural practices which attribute to the other. Such perspective of experience has been focussed on that the expressions in the classics have the world of understanding and recognition which is quite different from the present beyond the side of communication and delivery. It offers significant viewpoint in relation to value and quality of classic literature education.

A Study on Colour Properties for Colour Recognition in Digital Media Environments (디지털 미디어 환경에서 색상을 인지하는 색채 속성 연구)

  • Ji-Young Hong
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2024
  • Hue, value, and chroma are the fundamental colour components used in colour property research to identify colour in the digital media environment. In the Munsell colour system, which is based on the characteristics of visual perception, the basic properties are classified into hue, value, and chroma. The methods for recording these three properties can be divided into the colour appearance system and the colour mixing system: in the former, they are documented based on a colour chart that focuses on visual perception, and in the latter, accurate numerical records are kept without concern for discolouration. Colour terminology is crucial for conveying and expressing colours, and colours can be classified and defined according to the combination of hue, value, and chroma. With the development of various media, it has become possible to represent a range of colours previously unachievable, necessitating basic research into the characteristics of colour perception by further subdividing digital-oriented colour studies. In this study, we conducted psychophysical experiments to identify and analyse the categories of value and chroma needed to recognise each colour among the ten representative colours of the Munsell colour system, based on visual perception on a display. This study analyses the results of these experiments, defines their significance as foundational research data on colour perception characteristics, and suggests directions for future research.

Government Legitimacy and International Image: Why Variations Occurred in China's Responses to COVID-19

  • Shaoyu Yuan
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.18-38
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    • 2023
  • This paper examines the Chinese government's response to four epidemic crises, including COVID-19, and analyzes the similarities and differences in these responses. It argues that while the Chinese government learned from previous epidemics and improved its handling of subsequent outbreaks, a significant variation occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, which had a detrimental impact globally. Existing scholarly research on China's epidemic responses has often been limited in scope, focusing on individual crises and neglecting the central-local government relationship in crisis decision-making. By adopting a comprehensive approach, this paper delves into the nuanced dynamics of China's responses to these epidemics. It highlights the variations in responses, attributing them to the Chinese government's fear of undermined legitimacy and its consideration of its international image. The government's recognition of the importance of public perception and trust, both domestically and globally, has shaped its crisis management strategies. Through a detailed analysis of these factors, this paper contributes to a deeper understanding of the variations observed in China's epidemic responses. It emphasizes the significance of the central-local government relationship and the government's international image in determining its actions during epidemics. Recognizing these factors can provide policymakers and researchers with insights to shape future epidemic response strategies and foster effective global health governance.

A Study on the Impact of Nunchi on Interpersonal Skills and Learning Outcomes of College Students Majoring in Aviation Service (항공서비스전공 대학생의 눈치인식이 대인관계능력, 학습성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Ha Young Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2024
  • The college age is an important developmental stage for achieving personal growth through interaction with people. In this study, we analyze the impact of the level of nunchi awareness on the interpersonal skills and learning outcomes of college students majoring in aviation services. For analysis, a survey is conducted targeting college students majoring in aviation services attending universities in the metropolitan and Chungcheong areas. To test the research hypothesis, demographic characteristics are identified based on the questionnaire, the reliability and validity of the measurement items were verified, and structural equation model analysis was performed to verify the hypothesis. The analysis results are as follows. First, nunchi behavior, which is a sub-factor of nunchi recognition among college students in the Department of Aviation Service, is found to have a positive (+) effect on temperament of others, communication, and relationship promotion of interpersonal skills. However, the significance of the influence relationship between nunchi perception factors and interpersonal skills is not confirmed. Second, among the sub-factors of interpersonal skills, only temperament with others and communication are found to have a positive effect on major commitment. Based on the research results, we aim to present practical strategies for designing effective major learning and developing competencies related to the work environment.

A Study of Research Ethics Related to Plagiarism among University Students

  • Soyeon PARK
    • Journal of Research and Publication Ethics
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aims to investigate and identify the current awareness of plagiarism among university students in their assignments and find ways to take measures against it. This study can be used as a basis for plagiarism prevention education for instructors and learners at universities, as well as for providing standards for plagiarism in assignment design and for dealing with distrust and conflict among students due to plagiarism. Research design, data and methodology: This study was conducted in July 2024 with a survey of 347 students majoring in aviation and tourism at a university in the Chungcheong-do region. In order to investigate the current status and perception of plagiarism in college students' class work, this study referred to previous studies on plagiarism among college students and conducted a questionnaire consisting of 22 questions, including 3 questions on general matters, 7 questions on plagiarism perception, 5 questions on reasons for plagiarism, and 7 questions on research ethics experience. Results: In the survey results through this study, it was found that most of the university students were aware of the concept of plagiarism, but more students were unable to accurately distinguish the recognition of specific content such as citations. The reason for plagiarism in assignments was found to be the easiest to use Internet data. Regarding the research ethics experience, it was found that most of the students lacked experience at school or during class.

A Freight Company Management Model based on Perception Difference between Freight Company and Consigned Vehicle Owners (화물자동차 회사와 위수탁차주의 인식차이에 기반한 화물자동차 운송회사 경영모델)

  • Park, Doo-Jin;Kim, Jung-Yee
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.91-105
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    • 2023
  • This paper identified the difference in perception of the consignment system between the freight company and the consigned vehicle owners, derived factors that urgently need to improve the difference in perception, and presented the basis for establishing a management model based on this. A management model based on the difference in perception of consigned borrowers was established, and research hypotheses were established to conduct reliability, validity, and confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, and mediation effect verification. As a result of the analysis, out of 58 questions, 56 of the total 65 questions showed a difference in perception of the consignment system between trucking companies and consigned vehicle owners, and the questions were input as management model factors. As a result of conducting confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, and mediating effect verification using only recognition data, 5 hypotheses were adopted, and it was analyzed that the factor had no mediating effect. It can be analyzed that the appropriateness of the compensation system affects the improvement of each other's relationship, and the improvement of each other's relationship leads to the improvement of transportation services. However, since the mediating effect was rejected because it was not significant, this effect should not be exaggerated.

Health Education Strategies for Adoption of Moderate Drinking Habits among Rural Residents (농촌주민의 적정음주를 위한 보건교육 전략)

  • 김미혜;정문희
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.171-188
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    • 2003
  • This study, based on stages of behavioral change, was aimed at suggesting strategies for the adoption of moderate drinking habits for community-based health education designed to help rural people. An interview survey was conducted during the period from March 4 to April 5, 2002 by sampling 467 rural people living in 6 villages covered by a public healthcare clinic. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; 1. The perceived non-moderate drinkers were less prepared for behavioral change. 2. The heavier drinking habits were ‘drinking alone’, ‘meals accompanied by drinking’ and ‘drinking twice or more at a time’. The agricultural off-season and the custom of brewing liquor at home were negative environmental factors for moderate drinking. 3. The predisposing factors affecting moderate drinking were recognition of health, expectation of the drinking effect, etiquette encouraging overdrinking and control of drinking. The reinforcing factors were stress from ordinary life and perception of being loved. The enabling factor was accessibility to the public healthcare clinic. 4. Rural residents are less motivated to participate in health education for moderate drinking. Based on the above findings, health education strategies for each stage can be suggested as follows: 1) Pre-contemplation stage: improvement of perception, motivation, sharing of experiences, and reawakening. 2) Contemplation/preparation stag e: measurement of value, departure from the inertia against a change, formation of a habit, and reinforcement of the behavior. 3) Action/maintenance stage: creation of a social atmosphere, encouragement of participation, change of life style, and improvement of environment.

A Study on the Stress and Coping with Farm Work of Rural Women (여성농업인의 농작업 스트레스와 대처방법에 관한 연구)

  • 조현숙;김경미;최규련
    • Korean Journal of Rural Living Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 1999
  • The objectives of this study were to understand the working stress of rural women and their coping strategies, and to provide basic data related with rural welfare policy. The data were obtained through 318 samples of rural women under sixty years old who work full-time at their farms with their husbands. The questionnaire employed Likert-type scale with four-point, and then the data were analyzed by statistical methods of frequency, percentage, mean score, analysis of variance, t-test and Duncan test through SAS program. The significance level was p < .05. The results of this study are as follows ; 1) The average stress level of rural women was over 2.9 points out of 4. 2) The stress level showed meaningful correlation with such variables as age, education, perception on economic status, and recognition by their husbands and other family members. The rural women who are over forty years old, below high school, disregarded from their family members were marked high stress level. 3) The level of rural women's stress coping strategies was quite as low as 1.95 out of 4. 4) The level of coping strategies showed meaningful correlation with such socio-demographic variables as age, perception on economic status and job satisfaction level. Those who aged over 40, perceives low economic staus, lives together with husbands'parents, and shows “average” job satisfaction scored significantly lower coping strategy levels. 5) The level of stress didn't indicate significant relation with the type of coping strategy.

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Readability of Health Messages and Its Communicative Effect (건강 메시지의 독이성과 소통 효과)

  • You, Myoung Soon;Ju, Young Kee
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: Developing efficient health messages is important for improving health behaviors at a societal level. This study attempts to test a few variables that could constitute the elements for measuring readability of health message. The number of subject-verb relationships in a sentence, placement of jargon, i.e., explication before or after each jargon, and the number of less familiar Chinese characters were manipulated to hypothetically differentiate readability. Methods: In a $2{\times}2$ mixed factorial experiment, 152 college students read two health messages regarding side effect of health functional food and energy drink. The participants' perceived readability was asked, and eight questions were developed to measure the participants' recognition of the health information. Results: Those who read messages manipulated to have high readability rated the message significantly higher than those who read messages with low readability. Also, the former answered the questions more correctly than the latter, implying the association between readability and knowledge acquisition regarding health. Conclusions: Readability is suggested as a factor determining the effect of health messages in affecting the public's health risk perception and relevant behaviors. Further studies to sophisticate the measurement itself and to examine the effect of actual public messages with different readabilities are suggested.

Developing Internet Shopping Mall Strategy through CSF Analysis Based on Cognitive gap between Customers and Managers (CSF 분석을 통한 인터넷쇼핑몰 전략 -고객과 기업의 인식차이를 중심으로-)

  • 서영호;채영일;이현수
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.160-172
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a successful strategy that can satisfy customer needs effectively based on the recognition of cognitive gaps toward the Internet shopping mall between managers and customers. Internet shopping mall becomes a main cyber space for future shopping, Despite some pessimistic view on the future of cyber shopping, the amount of purchase in Internet shopping has increased continuously and dramatically. In order to compare and analyze the cognitive difference between managers and customers, this study investigates the view of managers as Internet shopping mall operators as well as that of customers. Questionnaires and brief interviews were carried out to collect empirical data. Empirical results find the significant cognitive gap in the perception of importance of factors affecting shopping malls between managers and customers. After analysing the empirical data with statistical methods, this study finds that six of nine factors show significantly different views in perception of Internet shopping mall between managers and customers. The findings of this study can be employed to implement an Internet shopping mall strategy to better serve customer needs and requirements to gain competitive advantage in this emerging market with growing competition.

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