• Title/Summary/Keyword: Real-time Line Interpolation

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Evaluzation of Model equation Predicting Roll Force and Roll Power during Hot Rolling (열간압연중 압연하중 및 압연동력 예측 모델)

  • 곽우진;황상무
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 1999.08a
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    • pp.308-312
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    • 1999
  • Developed the model equations which calculate roll force, roll power during hot rolling in real time. The variables which mainly effect on the roll force, roll power are shape factor, reduction, roll diameter, roll velocity, strip inlet temperature, carbon content of strip and strip-roll contact friction coefficient. Among these variables roll diameter, roll velocity, inlet temperature, carbon content and friction coefficient can be excluded in interpolated model equation by introducing equation of die force(F'), power(p') of the frictionless uniform plane strain compression which can be calculated without iteration. At the case of coulomb friction coefficient of 0.3, we evaluated coefficient of polynomial equations of {{{{ { F} over {F' } }}}}, {{{{ { Pf} over {Pd }, { Pd} over {P' } }}}} from the result of finite element analysis using interpolation. It was found that the change of values of {{{{ { F} over {F' }, { P} over {P' } }}}} with the friction coefficient tend to straight line which slope depend only on shape factor. With these properties, developed model equations could be extended to other values of coulomb friction coefficient. To verify developed roll force, roll power model equation we compared the results from these model equation with the results from these model equation with the results from finite element analysis in factory process condition.

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