• Title/Summary/Keyword: Reaction products

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Formation and Stabilization of Raphasatin and Sulforaphene from Radish Roots by Endogenous Enzymolysis

  • Kim, Jae-Won;Kim, Mi-Bo;Lim, Sang-Bin
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2015
  • The biologically active compounds raphasatin and sulforaphene are formed during the hydrolysis of radishes by an endogenous myrosinase. Raphasatin is very unstable, and it is generated and simultaneously degraded to less active compounds during hydrolysis in aqueous media. This study determined the hydrolysis conditions to maximize the formation of raphasatin and sulforaphene by an endogenous myrosinase and minimize their degradation during the hydrolysis of radish roots. The reaction parameters, such as the reaction medium, reaction time, type of mixing, and reaction temperature were optimized. A stability test for raphasatin and sulforaphene was also performed during storage of the hydrolyzed products at $25^{\circ}C$ for 10 days. The formation and breakdown of raphasatin and sulforaphene in radish roots by endogenous enzymolysis was strongly influenced by the reaction medium, reaction time, and type of mixing. The production and stabilization of raphasatin in radishes was efficient in water and dichloromethane with shaking for 15 min at $25^{\circ}C$. For sulforaphene, the favorable condition was water as the reaction medium without shaking for 10 min at $25^{\circ}C$. The maximum yields of raphasatin and sulforaphene were achieved in a concurrent hydrolysis reaction without shaking in water for 10 min and then with shaking in dichloromethane for 15 min at $25^{\circ}C$. Under these conditions, the yields of raphasatin and sulforaphene were maximized at 12.89 and $1.93{\mu}mol/g$ of dry radish, respectively. The stabilities of raphasatin and sulforaphene in the hydrolyzed products were 56.4% and 86.5% after 10 days of storage in water and dichloromethane at $25^{\circ}C$.

Organotitanium Chemistry (Ⅲ). The Reactions of Titanium Tetrachloride with Piperidine and Diphenylamine (유기티탄 화학 (제3보). 사염화티탄과 피페리딘 및 디페닐아민과의 반응)

  • Young Sun Uh;Hoosung Lee;Youn soo Sohn
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.408-414
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    • 1974
  • The direct reactions of titanium tetrachloride with piperidine and diphenylamine in dichloromethane have been studied by examining the isolated reaction products. In the reaction with piperidine, titanium tetrachloride undergoes both addition and substitution reactions as in the following: $TiCl_4+C_5H_{10}NH{\to}TiCl_4{\cdot}C_5H_{10}NH$$TiCl_4+C_5H_{10}{\to}TiCl_3{\cdot}NC_5H_{10}+HCl$ The addition reaction is relatively fast and completed in minutes whereas the substitution reaction is very slow. The both reaction products coprecipitated with piperidine hydrochloride formed during the substitution reaction were isolated and characterized. The reaction with diphenylamine resembles to the above reaction but the addition compound could be obtained in pure crystal form.

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Effect of Reaction Temperature Program on Thermal Degradation of Low-quality Pyrolytic Oil for Bench-scale Continuous Reaction System (벤치 규모 연속반응시스템에서 저급 열분해유 분해반응에 대한 반응온도 프로그램의 영향)

  • Lee, Kyong-Hwan;Nam, Ki-Yun
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.186-193
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    • 2009
  • The characteristics of product materials obtained from thermal degradation of low-qualify pyrolytic oil were investigated in this study. The reactants were produced by pyrolysis of mixed plastic waste with film type in a commercial rotary kiln reaction system. The properties of reactants were measured by elemental analysis, calorimetry analysis and SIMDIST analyst. The result of degradation experiments with different reaction temperature programs was discussed through product yields, cumulative yields and production rates of oil products. The multi-step reaction temperature program resulted in higher yields of product oils and lower yields of residues than one-step reaction temperature program. The product characteristics such as production yield and the rate of oil products etc. were influenced by reaction temperature program in the continuous thermal degradation.

Studies on the Reactions of Urea with Paraformaldehyde (Urea와 Paraformaldehyde 반응산물(反應産物)의 화학적(化學的) 특성(特性) 연구)

  • Choi, Du-Hoi;Norwood, Verrill M.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 1991
  • The reaction of molten urea with paraformaldehyde in sealed tubes has been examined, and the concentrations of the products obtained from this reaction have been contrasted to previous results from the identical reaction carried out in open beakers. In these studies, high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) and nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) spectroscopy were used to analyze the products formed in the reactions. These products were biuret, triuret, dimethylenetriurea, methylenediurea, and biuretmethyleneurea. The results from the HPLC analyses showed that the concentrations of dimethylenetriurea and methylenediurea in the reaction products increased as the amount of the paraformaldehyde starting material increased. However, the amount of biuret formed in the products decreased as the paraformaldehyde concentration was increased in the urea melt. The results from the NMR analyses showed that the $NH_2$ resonance frequencies for urea, methylenediurea, and dimethylenetriurea all occurred at approximately 5.6 ppm, while the $NH_2$ frequencies for biuret and triuret occurred at approximately 6.9ppm. In the case of biuret and triuret, NH protons absorb between 8.5 and 9.5 ppm, whereas the NH protons in methylenediurea and dimethylenetriurea absorb in the 6.5-6.6ppm region. The melt reaction seems to hold promise as a different technique for ureaform preparation in general.

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Synthesis of new Thebaine Derivatives with Phenylsulfonylpropadiene

  • Kim, Keun-Jae;Lee, Jung-Sei
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.129-132
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    • 1989
  • Reactions of thebaine with phenylsulfonylpropadiene in various solvents were investigated. It was found that Diels-Alder reaction adduct was obtained in nonpolar solvent, while addition reaction adduct was obtained in polar solvent. Transformations of these two products were also carried out.

The Effects of Loss Aversion and Construal Level on the Attitude toward Financial Products (투자자의 손실회피 성향과 해석수준이 금융상품 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Hyunmo
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.49-65
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    • 2017
  • Financial products entail either gains or losses, and customers' psychological reaction to these gains and losses affect the selection of the financial products. This study explains the financial customers' behavior by introducing consumers' psychological variables such as loss aversion and construal levels. According to the construal level theory, people use more abstract and higher levels of construal to represent objects that are more distant on psychological distance. Based on extant research about loss aversion and construal levels, this study proposes two hypotheses and test the hypotheses. The experimental study examines how loss aversion affects the choice between deposit products and fund products in short-term and long-term investment situations. In the long-term condition the respondents prefer fund products to deposit products, whereas in the short-term condition the respondents have showed the opposite result. Also, the effects of loss aversion on preferences for financial products have interacted with the time horizon of investments. Implications and limitations are discussed to establish more effective marketing strategies based on the results of this study.

Rapid Detection Methods for Food-Borne Pathogens in Dairy Products by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR 방법을 이용한 우유 및 유제품에서 발생하는 식중독 균의 신속 검출법)

  • Kwak, Hyelim;Han, Seonkyeong;Kim, Eiseul;Hong, Yeun;Kim, Haeyeong
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2013
  • The dairy industry has consistently grown via the expansion of dairy-based food categories. Dairy product consumption is stable since the nutrient composition in dairy products is ideal for human health. However, dairy products are highly susceptible to food-borne pathogens. Controlling the safety of dairy products is thus important when considering the nutrient-rich matrix of this food category. Currently, immunoassays or molecular biology techniques have been used to evaluate the safety of dairy products in Korea. These methods are based on the detection of proteins and thus have low reproducibility and sensitivity. Recent techniques to detect food-borne pathogens have focused on genetic analyses. Rapid detection methods for food-borne pathogens in milk and dairy products using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques, such as conventional PCR, real-time PCR, repetitive sequence-based (rep)-PCR, PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and digital PCR, are reviewed in this article. The aim of this review was to contribute knowledge of the relationship between microflora and the quality of dairy products. This study will also assist in the immediate monitoring of food-borne pathogens in milk and dairy products when an outbreak related to this food category occurs.

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Antioxidant Activity of Panax Ginseng Browning Products (고려인삼(高麗人蓼) 갈변물질(褐變物質)의 항산화효과(抗酸化效果))

  • Kim, Sang-Dal;Do, Jae-Ho;Oh, Hoon-Il
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 1981
  • Products of ginseng browning reaction were investigated to determine the nature of their antioxidant activity using a model system, White Ginseng and Red Ginseng extracts. In the simulated ginseng model system, the brown color was intensified with an increase in the length of reaction time and the antioxidant activity initially increased in proportion the length of reaction time for up to 17 hrs and then leveled off thereafter. Pararell results were obtained manufacturing of Red Ginseng, Comparison of the antioxidant activity of the inner and outer solutions after dialysis of browning solution showed that the outer solution had a stronger antioxidant activity than the inner one. For further analyses, browning reaction products were fractionated into three peaks on Amberlite CG-120 type I ionexchange resin and designated as fractions I, II and III in order of elution. Partial characterization of the fractions revealed that floe most intense brown fraction (Fraction II) had the strongest antioxidant activity and also exhibited reducing power for Somogyi-Nelson reagents and ninhydrin positive reaction. Both the browning reaction products and Red Ginseng extracts were found to possess potent reactivity with ${\alpha}$,${\alpha}'$-diphenyl-${\beta}$-picrylhydrazyl, whereas White Ginseng extracts showed negligible reactivity.

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