• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rainfall image

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Improvement of Vegetation Index Image Simulations by Applying Accumulated Temperature

  • Park, Jin Sue;Park, Wan Yong;Eo, Yang Dam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2020
  • To analyze temporal and spatial changes in vegetation, it is necessary to determine the associated continuous distribution and conduct growth observations using time series data. For this purpose, the normalized difference vegetation index, which is calculated from optical images, is employed. However, acquiring images under cloud cover and rainfall conditions is challenging; therefore, time series data may often be unavailable. To address this issue, La et al. (2015) developed a multilinear simulation method to generate missing images on the target date using the obtained images. This method was applied to a small simulation area, and it employed a simple analysis of variables with lower constraints on the simulation conditions (where the environmental characteristics at the moment of image capture are considered as the variables). In contrast, the present study employs variables that reflect the growth characteristics of vegetation in a greater simulation area, and the results are compared with those of the existing simulation method. By applying the accumulated temperature, the average coefficient of determination (R2) and RMSE (Root Mean-Squared Error) increased and decreased by 0.0850 and 0.0249, respectively. Moreover, when data were unavailable for the same season, R2 and RMSE increased and decreased by 0.2421 and 0.1289, respectively.

A Study on the Performance Characteristics of Image Vehicle Detectors Depending on the Environment (환경에 따른 영상식 차량검지기의 성능 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Ju-Sam;Kim, Jin-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2021
  • The most typical method to generate traffic information is installing vehicle detectors and collecting various traffic variables. The information collection accuracy of a vehicle detector affects the reliability of the generated traffic information. The most universal vehicle detector is an image detector. This study installed a magnetic detector in the same position as an image detector and evaluated the accuracy of traffic volume and speed data depending on a variety of environment. Based on the evaluation, more errors occurred as the image detector was placed farther from the camera, whereas more errors were found to occur during the night rather than the day. Although rainfall did not affect the collection of traffic volume, it negatively affected speed data collection. Therefore, an analysis of the camera's view angle and its optimization depending on the camera installation position and height are required to enhance the currently operated image detector performance. It is judged that a separate performance evaluation criterion should be prepared in a bad weather environment.

Development of a Practical Surface Image Velocimeter using Spatio-Temporal Images (시공간영상을 이용한 실용적인 표면영상유속계 개발)

  • Yunho Lee;Kwonkyu Yu
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.208-216
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to present the most appropriate hardware and software configurations to produce a practical SIV (surface image velocimeter). To make a practical SIV, we constructed the system with a CCTV, a water stage gauge, and an analysis software installed on an Android board. The camera captures continuously images for 30 seconds with 2 minute intervals. And the 11-parameter projection method was used in the software that analyzes the captured images to reconstruct the exact measurement points according to the changing water stage. In addition, a spatio-temporal image construction method was developed so that the directions of the images could be arranged in the main flow direction at each measurement point. The surface image velocimeter composed of the proposed method was produced and installed at the Insu Stream, Seoul for a test site. And a result of measurement during a heavy rainfall event showed that the proposed system can measure flow discharge in proper, rapid and continuous manner.

Application of SPOT 5 Satellite Image and Landcover Map for the examination of Soil Erosion Source Area (토사유실 원인지역 검토를 위한 SPOT 5 위성영상과 토지피복도의 활용)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Park, Jin-Hyeog;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Koh, Deuk-Koo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.38 no.11
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    • pp.927-935
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    • 2005
  • Soil erosion by rainfall is important factor for basin management because it reduces reservoir capacity and breaks out the contamination of water caused by turbid water. Recently, soil erosion study with GIS is in progress but does not consider soil erosion source area. This study calculated soil erosion amount using GIS-based soil erosion model in Imha basin and examined soil erosion source area using SPOT 5 High-resolution satellite image and land cover map. As a result of analysis, dry field showed high-density soil erosion area and we could easily investigate source area using satellite image. Also we could examine the suitability of soil erosion area by applying field survey method in common areas such as dry field and orchard area those are difficult to confirm soil erosion source area using satellite image.

Downscaling GPM Precipitation Using Finer-scale MODIS Based Optical Image in Korean Peninsula (MODIS 광학 영상 자료를 통한 한반도 GPM 강우 자료의 상세화 기법)

  • Oh, Seungcheol;Jeong, Jaehwan;Lee, Seulchan;Choi, Minha
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_1
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    • pp.749-762
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    • 2020
  • Precipitation is closely related to various hydrometeorological phenomena, such as runoff and evapotranspiration. In Korean Peninsula, observing rainfall intensity using weather radar and rain gauge network is dominating due to their accurate, intuitive and precise detecting power. However,since these methods are not suitable at ungauged regions, rainfall detection using satellite is required. Satellite-based rainfall data has coarse spatial resolution (10 km, 25 km), and has a limited range of usage due to its reliability of data. The aim of this study is to obtain finer scale precipitation. Especially, to make the applicability of satellite higher at ungauged regions, 10 km satellite-based rainfall data was downscaled to 1 km data using MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) based cloud property. Downscaled precipitation was verified in urban region, which has complex topographical and environmental characteristics. Correlation coefficient was similar in summer (+0), decreased in spring (-0.08) and autumn (-0.01), and increased in winter (+0.04) season compared to Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) based precipitation. Downscaling without calibration using in situ data could be useful in areas where rain gauge system is not sufficient or ground observations are rarely available.

Rainfall Correction of Radar Image Data and Estimation Runoff of Urban Stream using Vflo (레이더 자료의 강우보정 및 Vflo를 활용한 도심하천의 홍수량 산정)

  • Kang, Bo-Seong;Yang, Sung-Kee;Kim, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.411-420
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    • 2017
  • This research aims at comparing the accuracy of flood discharge estimation. For this, we focused on the Oedo watershed of Jeju Island and compared flood discharge by analyzing the values as follows: (1) the concentration of the lumped model (HEC-HMS) and distributed model (Vflo), and (2) the in-situ data using Fixed Surface Image Velocimetry (FSIV). The flood discharge estimation from the HEC-HMS model is slightly larger than the Vflo model results. This result shows that the estimations of the HEC-HMS are larger than the flood discharge data by 4.43 to 36.24% and that of the Vflo are larger by 8.49 to 11%. In terms of the error analysis at the peak discharge occurrence time of each mapping, HEC-HMS is one hour later than the measured data, but Vflo is almost the same as the measured data.

Analysis of 2012 Spring Drought Using Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Indices and Satellite-based Vegetation Indices (기상 및 수문학적 가뭄지수와 위성 식생지수를 활용한 2012년 봄 가뭄 분석)

  • Ahn, So-Ra;Lee, Jun-Woo;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • KCID journal
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.78-88
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    • 2014
  • This study is to analyze the 2012 spring drought of Korea using drought index and satellite image. The severe spring drought recorded in May of 2012 showed 36.4% of normal rainfall(99.5mm). The areas of west part of Gyeonggi-do and Chungcheong-do were particularly serious. The drought indices both the SPI(Standardized Precipitation Index) and WADI(WAter supply Drought Index) represented the drought areas from the end of May and to the severe drought at the end of June. The drought by SPI completely ended at the middle of July, but the drought by WADI continued severe drought in the agricultural reservoir watersheds of whole country even to the end of the July. On the other hand, the results by spatial NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and EVI(Enhanced Vegetation Index) data from Terra MODIS, both indices showed relatively low values around the areas of Sinuiju, Pyongyang, and west coast of North Korea and Gyeonggi-do and Chungcheong-do of South Korea indicating drought condition. Especially, the values of NDVI and EVI at Chungcheong-do were critically low in June compared to the normal year value.

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The Construction Method of Precise DTM of UAV Images Using Sobel-median Filtering (소벨-메디언 필터링을 이용한 UAV 영상의 정밀 DTM 구축 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Na, Young-Woo
    • Journal of Urban Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2023
  • UAV have the disadvantage that are weak from rainfall or winds due to the light platform, so use Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) method which extrude keypoints in image matching process. To find the efficient filtering method for the construction of precise Digital Terrain Model (DTM) using UAV images, comparatively analyzed sobel and Differential of Gaussian (DoG) and found sobel is more efficient way to extrude buildings, trees, and so on. And edges are extruded more clearly when applying median additionally which have the merit of preserving edge and eliminating noise. In this study, applied sobel-median filtering which plus median to sobel and constructed the 1st filtered DTM that extrude building and trees and 2nd filtered DTM that extrude cars by threshold of gradient, Analysis of the degree of accuracy improvement showed that standard deviations of 1st filtered DTM and 2nd filtered DTM are 0.32m, 0.287m respectively, and both are acceptable for the tolerance of 0.33m for elevation points of 1/1,000 digital map, and the accuracy was increased about 10% by filtering automobiles. Plus, moving things are changed those position and direction in every image, and these are not target to filter because of the characteristic that is excluded from SIFT method.

Use Plan for a Drought Estimate Using NOAA AVHRR Images (AVHRR 위성영상을 이용한 가뭄평가 활용 방안)

  • Kim, Ok-Kyoung;Choi, Jin-Yong;Jang, Min-Won;Yoo, Seung-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2005
  • This study aims to evaluate applicability of AVHRR NDVI for drought prediction. Drought, one of the typical natural disasters, has damaged almost every year in different places and at time varied. An AVHRR satellite image can be a comprehensive tool to measure the drought because it is easy to obtain the vegetation status over the nationwide. This study explored a possibility of NOAA AVHRR NDVI applicability to drought because NDVI can provide plant vitality. Using May AVHRR imageries in 1998, 1999, and 2000, NDVIs are derived and compared with the rainfall amount to pursue the relationship between NDVI and drought. From the result, AVHRR NDVI showed a possible applicability in using drought prediction.

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A Study on the Elimination Method of Noise Image Caused by Rainfall Using Machine Vision (머신비전을 이용한 판토그래프 습판 마모 측정에 있어서 우천으로 인한 영상노이즈 제거방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seong-Gwon;Lee, Dae-Won;Kim, Gil-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.364-369
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    • 2009
  • Pantograph sliding plate abrasion auto-detect system, one of the electric rail car auto-detecting devices, is a system that decides how much abrasion and when to replace without an inspector physically looking at the abrasion on the wet plate using machine vision, a cutting-edge technology. This paper covers the cause of deteriorating reliability that affects pantograph wet plate edge detection doe to noise added to the video when it rains. In order to remove such noise, problems should be checked through Smoothing, Averaging mask and Median filter using filtering technique and stable edge detection without being affected by noise should be induced in video measurement used in machine vision technology.