• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rainfall Rate

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Characteristics of inorganic nutrient absorption of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants grown under drought condition

  • Bak, Gyeryeong;Lee, Gyejun;Kim, Taeyoung;Lee, Yonggyu;Kim, Juil;Ji, Samnyeo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2017.06a
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    • pp.181-181
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    • 2017
  • Global warming and climate change have been one of the most important problems last 2 decades. Global warming is known to cause abnormal climate and influence ecology, food production and human health. According to climate change model global warming is causing expansion of drought and increase of evaporation. Therefore, securing water in agriculture has been an important issue for crop cultivation. As potato is susceptible to drought, water shortage generally results in decrease of yield and decrease of biomass. In this research, we investigated characteristics of inorganic nutrient absorption and growth of plants grown under drought condition. Plants were sampled in sites of Cheong-ju and Gangneung, where the severity of drought stress were different. During the growth period in Gangneung, total rainfall in 2016 decreased by 50% compared with those in last 5 years average. Especially, there was almost no rain in tuber enlargement period (from mid-May to mid-June). On the other hand, the total rainfall in of Cheong-ju was is similar to those in last 5 years average. Inorganic components including K, Ca and Mg and plant growth factors such as plant length, stem length, leaf area index and plant biomass were investigated. Tuber yields in both areas were investigated at harvest. Growth period of plants was is longer in Cheong-ju than that in Gangneung. Contents of all inorganic components were higher in plants grown in Cheong-ju than in Gangneung. The results were attributed to higher production of plant biomass in Cheong-ju. Considering the results, severe drought stress conditions in Gangneung accelerated plant aging and resulted in low plant growth. Although total yield was greatly reduced under drought stress the rate of commercial yield was is not significantly different with non-drought conditions.

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Can Agricultural Aid and Remittances Alleviate Macroeconomic Volatility in Response to Climate Change Shocks? (아프리카 국가들의 경제성장률 변동성에 기후변화, 송금 및 농업 원조가 미치는 영향 분석)

  • You, Soobin;Kim, Taeyoon
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.471-494
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates the effect of remittance and agricultural aid inflows on GDP growth rate volatility in response to climate change shocks in twenty-eight African countries by using system generalized method of moments from 1996 to 2013 with three years grouped data. The climate change shocks are indicated by four variables; natural disasters, rainfall variability, fluctuation in temperature and the weighted anomaly standardized precipitation (WASP) index. Consequently, natural disasters and temperature variability have a significant effect on GDP volatility, while rainfall variability and WASP index have no adverse consequence on stabilization of the economy. On the other hand, in general, remittances and agricultural aid are helpful to stabilize the economy and especially remittances inflows can play a crucial role as insurance when natural disasters occur.

Estimation of the WGR Multi-dimensional Precipitation Model Parameters using the Genetic Algorithm (유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 WGR 다차원 강우모형의 매개변수 추정)

  • Jeong, Gwang-Sik;Yu, Cheol-Sang;Kim, Jung-Hun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.473-486
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    • 2001
  • The WGR model was developed to represent meso-scale precipitation. As a conceptual model, this model shows a good link between atmospheric dynamics and statistical description of meso-scale precipitation(Waymire et al., 1984). However, as it has maximum 18 parameters along with its non-linear structure, its parameter estimation has been remained a difficult problem. There have been several cases of its parameter estimation for different fields using non-linear programming techniques(NLP), which were also difficult tasks to hamper its wide applications. In this study, we estimated the WGR model parameters of the Han river basin using the genetic algorithm(GA) and compared them to the NLP results(Yoo and Kwon, 2000). As a result of the study, we can find that the sum of square error from the GA provide more consistent parameters to the seasonal variation of rainfall. Also, we can find that the higher rainfall amount during summer season is closely related with the arrival rate of rain bands, not the rain cell intensity.

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Dam Inflow Forecasting for Short Term Flood Based on Neural Networks in Nakdong River Basin (신경망을 이용한 낙동강 유역 홍수기 댐유입량 예측)

  • Yoon, Kang-Hoon;Seo, Bong-Cheol;Shin, Hyun-Suk
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2004
  • In this study, real-time forecasting model(Neural Dam Inflow Forecasting Model; NDIFM) based on neural network to predict the dam inflow which is occurred by flood runoff is developed and applied to check its availability for the operation of multi-purpose reservoir Developed model Is applied to predict the flood Inflow on dam Nam-Gang in Nak-dong river basin where the rate of flood control dependent on reservoir operation is high. The input data for this model are average rainfall data composed of mean areal rainfall of upstream basin from dam location, observed inflow data, and predicted inflow data. As a result of the simulation for flood inflow forecasting, it is found that NDIFM-I is the best predictive model for real-time operation. In addition, the results of forecasting used on NDIFM-II and NDIFM-III are not bad and these models showed wide range of applicability for real-time forecasting. Consequently, if the quality of observed hydrological data is improved, it is expected that the neural network model which is black-box model can be utilized for real-time flood forecasting rather than conceptual models of which physical parameter is complex.

Analysis of First Flush of Recreation Park and Removal Rate According to Rainfall-Runoff Storage Depth (위락시설지역의 초기세척현상과 초기 강우-유출고 저류에 따른 저감효율 분석)

  • Jung, Jae-Woon;Park, Ha-Na;Choi, Dong-Ho;Baek, Sang-Soo;Yoon, Kwang-Sik;Baek, Won-Jin;Beam, Jin-A;Lim, Byung-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.648-655
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    • 2013
  • Nonpoint source pollution characteristics of recreation park was investigated. Runoff ratio of recreation park ranged 23-57%, which was lower than other urban area since impervious area was less than 37%. The average BOD, COD, TOC, SS, T-N, T-P, were 14.09, 32.86, 12.19, 121.51, 7.78 and 0.72 mg/L, respectively. First flush of recreation park was analyzed by normalized cumulative load - volume curve and mass first flush ratio(MFFn), MFF10 for BOD, COD, SS, T-P, T-N, TOC were 2.90, 1.59, 2.15, 2.74, 2.60, and 1.59, respectively. Observed data showed that 62% of pollutant could be removed by storaging 5 mm rainfall-runoff and even 3 mm depth could store up to 50% of pollutant in runoff.

Characteristics of Particle Size Distribution and Heavy Metal Concentration in Pavement Road Runoff (포장지역 강우유출수에서의 입자성물질의 입도 분포 및 중금속 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hai-Mi;Kim, Young-Jun;Ko, Seok-Oh
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2009
  • Objective of this study was to characterize the particle size distribution(PSD) and quantify the pollutant concentration in highway runoff. Runoff samples during two rainfall events at four road sites in Gyunggi-Do were collected and PSD and associated pollutant distribution was quantified. Also, rainfall amount, flow rate, and other pollutants in samples were analyzed. PSDs in each sample were analyzed and compared with temporal trends of other pollutants. High partial event mean concentrations(PEMC) of particulates were observed at the beginning of runoff and rapid decrease thereafter. Other pollution parameters such as turbidity, TSS, BOD, TN, and TP also have similar temporal runoff trend with the PEMC. Especially PEMC was well correlated with total suspended solids(TSS) and turbidity. Cu, Pb, Zn had high concentration both runoff and sediment. Heavy metals in sediment were strongly bound to fine particles that have the large surface area-to-volume ratios.

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Loading Rates and Characteristics of Litter from Highway Stormwater Runoff (강우로 인해 고속도로로부터 유출되는 폐기물의 성상, 부하량 및 유출 특성)

  • Kim, Lee-Hyung;Kang, Joohyon
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.415-421
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    • 2004
  • Litter wastes on highway runoff are gradually being considered one of the major pollutants of concern in protecting the integrity of receiving waters for beneficial use. The California State Water Resources Control Board has identified in their 303(d) list at least 36 water bodies where trash or litter is considered a pollutant of concern. The first TMDL adopted by the Region 4 (Los Angeles area) of the California State Water Quality Control Board was for trash in the Los Angeles River. The first flush characteristic study was developed to obtain first flush water quality and litter data from representative stormwater runoff from standard highway drainage outfalls in the Los Angeles area. Total captured gross pollutants in stormwater runoff were monitored at six Southern California highway sites over two years. The gross pollutants were 90% vegetation and 10% litter. Approximately 50% of the litter was composed of biodegradable materials. The event mean concentrations show an increasing trend with antecedent dry days and a decreasing trend with total runoff volume or total rainfall. Event mean concentrations were ranged 0.0021 to 0.259g/L for wet gross pollutants and 0.0001 to 0.027g/L for wet litters. The first flush phenomenon was evaluated and the impacts of various parameters such as rainfall intensity, drainage area, peak flow rate, and antecedent dry period on litter volume and loading rates were evaluated. First flush phenomenon was generally observed for litter concentrations, but was not apparent with litter mass loading rates. Litter volume and loading rates appear to be directly related to peak storm intensity, antecedent dry days and total flow volume.

Sensitivity of Runoff and Soil Erosion in the Burnt Mountains (산불지역의 유출 및 토양침식 민감도)

  • Park, Sang-Deog;Shin, Seung-Sook;Lee, Kyu-Song
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2005
  • Mountain watersheds are a lot of problems about soil erosion because of frequent wildfire occurrence. Runoff and soil erosion caused by the rain on a hillslope after wildfire are dependent on cover factor. And these has been a decrease by the cover factor recovery following time passage. The present paper defines the dynamic sensitivity of runoff and soil erosion that is the rate of runoff volume and soil erosion weight to rainfall energy and analyzes characteristics of the sensitivity for variation of cover factor, In according to the correlation analysis between other parameters and sensitivities, the sensitivity is the most dependent on the cover factor and the relation is exponential. The sensitivities after wildfire have suitable relation with treatment method for the mitigation of burnt forest and wildfire intensity. It was confirmed that the variation of soil erosion sensitivities come upon the range of stability in 5 years after wildfire.

Evaluating pollution origins of runoff in urban area by stormwater (강우시 도시지역 강우 유출수 오염부하 기원평가)

  • Hwang, Byung-Gi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.930-934
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    • 2006
  • In this study, we conducted water-quality analysis of wastewater and in-situ flow measurement using automatic flow rate measuring instrument to identify characteristics of wastewater in urban areas, and collected samples in gutter fur storm water drain, rainfall bucket, and aqueduct of pipe from roof, and outfalls of basins to examine the contribution by pollution origins such as base wastewater, atmospheric washing, runoff by roof surface, runoff by road surface, erosion of sewer sediment. In the result, the concentration of pollutants reached peak in the beginning of rainfall due to first flush, was 3 to 10 times higher than average concentration of dry period, and was lower than that of dry period due to dilution of storm water. In the analysis of the contribution by pollution origins, the ratio of load by sewer sediment resuspension to the total pollution load was 54.6% fer COD, and 73.3% fur SS. Accordingly, we can reduce the total pollutant load by periodical dredging and washing of sewer sediment, and control the loadings by overflow of combined sewer overflows.

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Seasonal Changes of Tidal-flat Sediments: Kwangyang Bay, South Coast of Korea (조간대 퇴적물의 계절적 변화 : 한국 남해안의 광양만)

  • 류상옥;김주용;이희준;조영길;안성모
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 2003
  • A continuous monitoring of sedimentation rate and textural characteristics of surface sediments was carried out on the tidal flats in Kwangyang Bay, middle South Sea for two years on an every-two-monthly basis. This study shows that during the winter the tidal flats receive a thin surface layer of which texture becomes finer. In summer, the surface sediments were subject to rather abrupt erosion by occational typhoons and heavy rainfall resulting in a coarse-silt dominated texture. Due to nearly closed geomorphology of Kwangyang Bay, local waves created in the bay during winter are much subdued, in contrast to the rough wave climate and associated sedimentary cycle for open-type tidal flats in the Yellow Sea. In addition, unexpected artificial effects on the tidal-flat sedimentation by construction of a huge industrial complex along the shoreline of the bay are observed from a nearby tidal flat. Here, the sediments were consistently eroded without any sign of natural seasonal variations.