• Title/Summary/Keyword: Radiology science department

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Sex Differences in Cerebellar Structure of Healthy Adults (정상 성인에서 남녀의 소뇌 구조 차이)

  • Kim, Ji-Hyun H.;Bae, Su-Jin;Ryu, Keun-Taik;Kang, Min-Seong;Lim, Soo-Mee;Lee, Sun-Ho;Lee, So-Jin;Ko, Eun;Jeong, Do-Un
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : Although there have been studies that examine sex differences of the brain structures using magnetic resonance imaging, studies that specifically investigate cerebellar structural differences between men and women are scarce. The purpose of current study was to examine sex differences in structures of the cerebellum using cerebellar template and cerebellum analysis methods. Methods : Sixteen men and twenty women were included in the study. A MATLAB based program (MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA), Statistical Parametric Mapping 5 (SPM5) using the spatially unbiased infra-tentorial atlas template (SUIT) as the cerebellum template, was used to analyze the brain imaging data. Results : There was no significant difference in age between men (mean age=28.1) and women (mean age=27.2). Men showed higher gray matter density than women in two left cerebellar areas including the clusters in the lobules IV and V (a cluster located across the lobules IV and V), and the lobule VIIIb (lobules IV and V, t=4.75, p<0.001 ; lobule VIIIb, t=3.08, p=0.004). Conclusions : The current study found differences in cerebellar gray matter density between men and women. The current study holds its significance for applying the template specifically developed for the analysis of cerebellum.

Cone-beam computed tomography findings of impacted upper canines

  • Da Silva Santos, Ludmilla Mota;Bastos, Luana Costa;Oliveira-Santos, Christiano;Da Silva, Silvio Jose Albergaria;Neves, Frederico Sampaio;Campos, Paulo Sergio Flores
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.287-292
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: To describe the features of impacted upper canines and their relationship with adjacent structures through three-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. Materials and Methods: Using the CBCT scans of 79 upper impacted canines, we evaluated the following parameters: gender, unilateral/bilateral occurrence, location, presence and degree of root resorption of adjacent teeth (mild, moderate, or severe), root dilaceration, dental follicle width, and presence of other associated local conditions. Results: Most of the impacted canines were observed in females (56 cases), unilaterally (51 cases), and at a palatine location (53 cases). Root resorption in adjacent teeth and root dilaceration were observed in 55 and 47 impacted canines, respectively. In most of the cases, the width of the dental follicle of the canine was normal; it was abnormally wide in 20 cases. A statistically significant association was observed for all variables, except for root dilaceration (p=0.115) and the side of impaction (p=0.260). Conclusion: Root resorption of adjacent teeth was present in most cases of canine impaction, mostly affecting adjacent lateral incisors to a mild degree. A wide dental follicle of impacted canines was not associated with a higher incidence of external root resorption of adjacent teeth.

Subcutaneous Injection Contrast Media Extravasation: 3D CT Appearance (전산화단층검사에서 조영제의 피하 정맥 혈관외유출 환자의 3D영상)

  • Kweon Dae Cheol;Kim Tae Hyung;Yang Sung Hwan;Yoo Beong Gyu;Kim Myeong Goo;Park Peom
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.47-51
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    • 2005
  • We report a case of an accidental extravasation of contrast material. A large-volume extravasation occurred in an adult during spiral contrast-enhanced CT. The amount of contrast material extravasated was 47 ml. The patient had a swelling of the dorsum right hand. The extravasation injury site was determined by CT scanning. The extavasation case was examined using five separate display techniques: axial, multi planar reformation (MPR), maximum intensity projection (MIP), volume rendering, and shaded-surfaced display (SSD). This paper introduces extravasation with the CT and the three-dimensional appearance.

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MR Images and $^1H$ MR Spectroscopy of Enteric Duplication Cyst of the Pancreas in an Adult (췌장 중복낭의 자기공명영상 소견과 수소자기공명분광법: 증례 보고)

  • Park, Sung-Hee;Kim, Mi-Young;Suh, Chang-Hae;Lee, Keon-Young;Choi, Suk-Jin;Cho, Jae-Young
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 2010
  • Enteric duplications associated with the pancreas are especially uncommon, and the differential diagnosis of pancreatic duplication cysts is often difficult, and may be confused with various cystic lesions of the pancreas. We report a case of pancreatic duplication cyst; present the images and laboratory findings including cyst fluid tumor markers. MR and MRS findings enabled the detection of the location, contour, characteristics of cystic fluid and definition of tissue planes between the lesion and adjacent structures, providing useful information for an accurate surgical approach.

Development of a Femur Neck Bone Mineral Density Measuring Device for Accurate Examination

  • Han, Man-Seok;Seo, Sun-youl;Kim, Yong-Kyun;Jeon, Min-Cheol;Lee, Hyun-kuk;Yoo, Se-Jong
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.298-302
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    • 2016
  • In bone density examinations, a change in the measured BMD occurs owing to the differences between the measured areas. To address this problem, we aimed to develop a new auxiliary device that could be rotated by $15^{\circ}$ by fixing the ankle to the distal femur neck. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) of BMD examinations were performed once a year, but 10 patients were examined over three sessions to analyze the area for measuring the femur neck BMD. The goal of this test was to determine the device's reliability, and the results were expressed in terms of the standard deviation of measurements. After performing bone density measurements using the new auxiliary device on 10 normal patients, with three measurements for each patient, the obtained standard deviation was 0.03. The standard deviation of the measured BMD was 0.19 when using the currently existing auxiliary device, while the standard deviation of the measured BMD was 0.03 when using the new auxiliary device. By using the new auxiliary device, the standard deviation could be reduced by ~80%. Accurate rotation of the femur neck was possible in all examinations, and the standard deviation of BMD measurements could be reduced by up to 80% compared with the measurements performed using the currently existing auxiliary device. We hope that this advantageous new design can be used as a standard auxiliary device for measuring the femur neck BMD.

Influence of CBCT metal artifact reduction on vertical radicular fracture detection

  • Oliveira, Mariana Rodrigues;Sousa, Thiago Oliveira;Caetano, Aline Ferreira;de Paiva, Rogerio Ribeiro;Valladares-Neto, Jose;Yamamoto-Silva, Fernanda Paula;Silva, Maria Alves Garcia
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study evaluated the influence of a metal artifact reduction (MAR) tool in a cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) device on the diagnosis of vertical root fractures (VRFs) in teeth with different root filling materials. Materials and Methods: Forty-five extracted human premolars were classified into three subgroups; 1) no filling; 2) gutta-percha; and 3) metallic post. CBCT images were acquired using an Orthopantomograph 300 unit with and without a MAR tool. Subsequently, the same teeth were fractured, and new CBCT scans were obtained with and without MAR. Two oral radiologists evaluated the images regarding the presence or absence of VRF. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and diagnostic tests were performed. Results: The overall area under the curve values were 0.695 for CBCT with MAR and 0.789 for CBCT without MAR. The MAR tool negatively influenced the overall diagnosis of VRFs in all tested subgroups, with lower accuracy (0.45-0.72), sensitivity (0.6-0.67), and specificity (0.23-0.8) than were found for the images without MAR. In the latter group, the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity values were 0.68-0.77, 0.67-083, and 0.53-087, respectively. However, no significant difference was found between images with and without MAR for the no filling and gutta-percha subgroups (P>0.05). In the metallic post subgroup, CBCT showed a significant difference according to MAR use (P<0.05). Conclusion: The OP 300 MAR tool negatively influenced the detection of VRFs in teeth with no root canal filling, gutta-percha, or metallic posts. Teeth with metallic posts suffered the most from the negative impact of MAR.

A study of contrast agent peak time using biomechanics factors experimental contrast medium infusion test using at contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (조영증강검사 시 생체 요인을 이용한 조영제 peak time에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Soon-Yong;Kim, Yoon-Shin;Choi, Kwan-Woo;Seo, Sung-Mi;Min, Jung-Whan;Yoo, Beong-Gyu;Lee, Jong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.786-792
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    • 2013
  • In this study was explored minimize side effects due to the additional injection of contrast medium and maintaining a high resolution imaging applied to the inspection and analysis of the contrast medium that affect the peak time biomechanics factors. Included 48 patients using the test bolus method, after measuring a patient's biomechanics factors of inspection before and during the test, correlation between contrast medium peak time and learn, matches the regression equation calculated and measured contrast medium peak time was assessed by the Bland Altman plot. Research result, inspections of SBP, HR contrast medium peak time and a significant negative correlation was, step 1, every increase, the contrast medium peak time significantly to -0.018 and -0.159 decreased, a fairly high concordance no difference between the two method. In conclusion, the regression equation using the existing methods, while maintaining excellent image quality that contrast medium is reduced to a patient, it can conclude that the alternative to the existing methods.

Effectiveness of a fast spin echo technique using the signal void in acquisition of black blood images (흑혈류영상 획득 시 신호소실을 활용한 고속스핀에코기법의 유용성)

  • Choi, Kwan-Woo;Kim, Yoon-Shin;Son, Soon-Yong;Lee, Hee-Ju;Min, Jung-Whan;Lee, Jong-Seok;Yoo, Beong-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.4313-4319
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of our study is to shorten the scanning time and minimize the inconveniences of the patients in acquisition of the black blood images using the signal void effect in the fast spin echo technique while keeping the diagnostic value of the test. Thirty-two consecutive patients who underwent black blood MR imaging were examed with additional double inversion recovery (DIR) sequence and the conventional fast spin echo (FSE) sequence. Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and Contrast to Noise Ratio (CNR) of the internal carotid arteries' lumen were compared in T1 and T2 weighted images to determine whether there are differences between the two techniques for depiction of the signal void effect inside the vessel wall. The FSE images showed lower SNR values than the DIR images in both of the T1 and T2 weighted images (11.49% and 13.66% respectively). While the CNR values were higher in the FSE images than in the DIR images in both of the T1 and T2 weighted images (8.69% and 7.55% respectively).There was no significant difference between the two techniques for either of the SNR or CNR (p>0.05, p>0.05 respectively). The DIR and the FSE images demonstrated almost identical imaging patterns. Therefore, it is anticipated that the use of FSE technique in acquisition of the black blood imaging could reduce the inconveniences of the patients during the scanning and minimize exam time while keeping the diagnostic value of the test.

The effectiveness of a pre-procedural mouthrinse in reducing bacteria on radiographic phosphor plates

  • Hunter, Allison;Kalathingal, Sajitha;Shrout, Michael;Plummer, Kevin;Looney, Stephen
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.149-154
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study assessed the effectiveness of three antimicrobial mouthrinses in reducing microbial growth on photostimulable phosphor (PSP) plates. Materials and Methods: Prior to performing a full-mouth radiographic survey (FMX), subjects were asked to rinse with one of the three test rinses ($Listerine^{(R)}$, $Decapinol^{(R)}$, or chlorhexidine oral rinse 0.12%) or to refrain from rinsing. Four PSP plates were sampled from each FMX through collection into sterile containers upon exiting the scanner. Flame-sterilized forceps were used to transfer the PSP plates onto blood agar plates (5% sheep blood agar). The blood agar plates were incubated at $37^{\circ}C$ for up to 72 h. An environmental control blood agar plate was incubated with each batch. Additionally, for control, 25 gas-sterilized PSP plates were plated onto blood agar and analyzed. Results: The mean number of bacterial colonies per plate was the lowest in the chlorhexidine group, followed by the Decapinol, Listerine, and the no rinse negative control groups. Only the chlorhexidine and Listerine groups were significantly different (p=0.005). No growth was observed for the 25 gas-sterilized control plates or the environmental control blood agar plates. Conclusion: The mean number of bacterial colonies was the lowest in the chlorhexidine group, followed by the Decapinol, Listerine, and the no rinse groups. Nonetheless, a statistically significant difference was found only in the case of Listerine. Additional research is needed to test whether a higher concentration (0.2%) or longer exposure period (two consecutive 30 s rinse periods) would be helpful in reducing PSP plate contamination further with chlorhexidine.

Evaluate the diagnostic accuracy in the assessment of coronary artery stenoses using MDCT (MDCT를 이용한 관상동맥협착 진단의 정확성 평가)

  • Yang, Won-Seok;Sin, Sung-Gyu;Park, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.275-279
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    • 2012
  • Methods and results : The suspected patient who have results of CTA and CAG examinations to evaluate coronary stenose to undergo each 16MD CT(n=93) and dual source CT(n=100). As a results of statistic, the highest rank of sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and accuracy in coronary artery with using 16MDCT was displayed in LAD(73.5%), RCA(74.5%), LAD(66.7%), LCX(75%), LCX(67.7%). The mean diagnostic accuracy of dual source CT was more 17% than 16MDCT. Dual source CT was recorded 84% mean of accuracy. In addition to, segments of coronary artery did not show significant differences in all of them. However, distal segment become more and more accurate than proximal site.