• Title/Summary/Keyword: Radiation hardness

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New Boron Compound, Silicon Boride Ceramics for Capturing Thermal Neutrons (Possibility of the material application for nuclear power generation)

  • Matsushita, Jun-ichi
    • Proceedings of the Materials Research Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.15-15
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    • 2011
  • As you know, boron compounds, borax ($Na_2B_4O_5(OH)_4{\cdot}8H_2O$) etc. were known thousands of years ago. As for natural boron, it has two naturally occurring and stable isotopes, boron 11 ($^{11}B$) and boron 10 ($^{10}B$). The neutron absorption $^{10}B$ is included about 19~20% with 80~81% $^{11}B$. Boron is similar to carbon in its capability to form stable covalently bonded molecular networks. The mass difference results in a wide range of ${\beta}$ values between the $^{11}B$ and $^{10}B$. The $^{10}B$ isotope, stable with 5 neutrons is excellent at capturing thermal neutrons. For example, it is possible to decrease a thermal neutron required for the nuclear reaction of uranium 235 ($^{235}U$). If $^{10}B$ absorbs a neutron ($^1n$), it will change to $^7Li+^1{\alpha}$ (${\alpha}$ ray, like $^4He$) with prompt ${\gamma}$ ray from $^{11}B$ $^{11}B$ (equation 1). $$^{10}B+^1n\;{\rightarrow}\;^{11}B\;{\rightarrow}\; prompt \;{\gamma}\;ray (478 keV), \;^7Li+4{\alpha}\;(4He)\;\;\;\;{\cdots}\; (1)$$ If about 1% boron is added to stainless steel, it is known that a neutron shielding effect will be 3 times the boron free steel. Enriched boron or $^{10}B$ is used in both radiation shielding and in boron neutron capture therapy. Then, $^{10}B$ is used for reactivity control and in emergency shutdown systems in nuclear reactors. Furthermore, boron carbide, $B_4C$, is used as the charge of a nuclear fission reaction control rod material and neutron cover material for nuclear reactors. The $B_4C$ powder of natural B composition is used as a charge of a control material of a boiling water reactor (BWR) which occupies commercial power reactors in nuclear power generation. The $B_4C$ sintered body which adjusted $^{10}B$ concentration is used as a charge of a control material of the fast breeder reactor (FBR) currently developed aiming at establishment of a nuclear fuel cycle. In this study for new boron compound, silicon boride ceramics for capturing thermal neutrons, preparation and characterization of both silicon tetraboride ($SiB_4$) and silicon hexaboride ($SiB_6$) and ceramics produced by sintering were investigated in order to determine the suitability of this material for nuclear power generation. The relative density increased with increasing sintering temperature. With a sintering temperature of 1,923 K, a sintered body having a relative density of more than 99% was obtained. The Vickers hardness increased with increasing sintering temperature. The best result was a Vickers hardness of 28 GPa for the $SiB_6$ sintered at 1,923K for 1 h. The high temperature Vickers hardness of the $SiB_6$ sintered body changed from 28 to 12 GPa in the temperature range of room temperature to 1,273 K. The thermal conductivity of the SiB6 sintered body changed from 9.1 to 2.4 W/mK in the range of room temperature to 1,273 K.

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Design and Fabrication of X-band Broadband Array Antenna for SAR Applications (SAR를 위한 X-band 광대역 배열 안테나의 설계 및 제작)

  • Won, Young-Jin;Lee, Young-Ju;Kong, Young-Kyun;Kim, Young-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Electromagnetic Engineering Society Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.317-322
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    • 2005
  • Synthetic Aperture Radars(SAR) are used mainly for high-resolution imaging of the terrain. This paper describes the 16$\times$16 array antenna designed for an X-band, automobile-based SAR(AutoSAR) system. This antenna has the structure of several layers such as radome, radiators, slots, feed network, and honeycomb cores. Each layer is adhesively bonded to meet different combination of structural and electrical design requirements. Using the Strip-Slot-Foam-Inverted-Patch(SSFIP) structure and dogbone slots, a wide bandwidth and a structural hardness were achieved. Measurement results were compared with simulation results. It was observed that the SAR antenna had a bandwidth of 1.7 GHz, side-lobe levels of less than -20 dB, half-power beamwidth of 5$^{\circ}$, and gains of 25.0 dBi. The observed results show that the designed array antenna is suitable for the broadband AutoSAR system.

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A study on the growth of $Al_2{O_3}$ insulation films and its application ($Al_2{O_3}$절연박막의 형성과 그 활용방안에 관한 연구)

  • 김종열;정종척;박용희;성만영
    • Electrical & Electronic Materials
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 1994
  • Aluminum oxide($Al_2{O_3}$) offers some unique advantages over the conventional silicon dioxide( $SiO_{2}$) gate insulator: greater resistance to ionic motion, better radiation hardness, possibility of obtaining low threshold voltage MOS FETs, and possibility of use as the gate insulator in nonvolatile memory devices. We have undertaken a study of the dielectric breakdown of $Al_2{O_3}$ on Si deposited by GAIVBE technique. In our experiments, we have varied the $Al_2{O_3}$ thickness from 300.angs. to 1400.angs. The resistivity of $Al_2{O_3}$ films varies from 108 ohm-cm for films less than 100.angs. to 10$_{13}$ ohm-cm for flims on the order of 1000.angs. The flat band shift is positive, indicating negative charging of oxide. The magnitude of the flat band shift is less for negative bias than for positive bias. The relative dielectric constant was 8.5-10.5 and the electric breakdown fields were 6-7 MV/cm(+bias) and 11-12 MV/cm (-bias).

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Experimental Studies of Wrinkle Formation in the UV Cured Coating Around Film-Substrate Insterface (자외선 경화코팅 필름-기질 계면에서의 주름현상에 대한 연구)

  • Hong, Jin Hu;Lee, Haeng U
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.480-484
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    • 1994
  • The durability of UV radiation cured coatings near the film-substrate interface has been studied. Particularly, the influence of the reactive diluent and oligomer in the UV-cured urethane acrylate formulation on the wrinkle formation of coating films was investigated. Results showed that wrinkle resistance increases when DMTA loss peaks of coating network are broad and has shoulder. When modified aromatic urethane acrylate oligomer is used to replace the aliphatic one, resulting cured network provides coating film of high hardness and flexibility. Therefore, the high values of loss modulus as low temperature are considered to be the main reason for wrinkle resistance improvements. The SEM and instron data support above conclusion.

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UV Blocking Coatings by Combination of Organic-inorganic Hybrid Materials and UV absorbers (유-무기 하이브리드 재료와 자외선 흡수제의 배합에 의한 자외선 차단 코팅)

  • Yu, Dong-Sik;Lee, Ji-Ho;Ha, Jin-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1296-1301
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    • 2006
  • The human eye is exposed to UV and visible light. UV light exposure becomes harmful to the eye. Protection for eyes should block all ultraviolet rays. In our study, organic-inorganic hybrid materials have been applied to UV blocking coatings with UV absorbing materials on transparent plastics. The optical properties of UV blocking coatings were investigated in PMMA, CR 39 and PC substrates. In case of all UV absorbers, the transmission of UV light decreases with an increased amount of absorber. Our findings indicate that PMMA significantly reduced the transmission of UV radiation, CR 39 showed moderate decrease, while UV-uncoated PC had some UV blocking properties. Adhesion, hot water resistance and chemical resistance of the UV-coated CR 39 lenses were good. Pencil hardness were 4H. Abrasion resistance were poor.

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Rapid Product Fabrication using Wire Welding with CO2 Laser Irradiation and Milling Process Technology (레이저 용접공정과 밀링공정에 의한 쾌속 금속 시작품)

  • Choi, Du-Seon;Lee, Su-Hong;Sin, Bo-Seong;Yun, Gyeong-Gu;Hwang, Gyeong-Hyeon;Park, Jin-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.104-110
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    • 2001
  • The rapid prototyping and tooling technology has been developed. However, most commercial ones currently use resins or waxes as the raw materials. These days, the direct metal deposition methods are being investigated as new rapid prototyping and tooling technology. A fundamental study on rapid prototyping and tooling with wire welding technology using CO2 laser radiation was carried out in this paper. The main focus is to develop a simple commercial rapid prototyping and tooling system with the exiting laser welding technology as output and their microstructure, hardness and tensile strength are examined for the reliability. In addition, its advantages and disadvantages are discussed as a rapid prototyping and tooling system.

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Studies on the Storage of Apple -(V) On the Harvesting Date of Spur Golden Delicious Apple- (사과저장(貯藏)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -(V) Spur Golden Delicious의 수확기(收穫期)에 관(關)하여-)

  • Park, Nou-Poung;Kim, Yun-Jin;Rhee, Chong-Ouk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 1976
  • A determination of proper maturity is a significant factor for a good quality and storage. This study is aimed at a determination of optimum harvest date related to a decisive measuring of maturity in Spur Golden Delicious. In this case, respiratory status and other characteristics are taken as a indicator for maturing determination. The results are as follows. 1. Respiratory rate has been decreased through a fruit development and come to its minimized point on Sep. 25. at last. On the contrary its tendency has been increased after Sep. 25. It is also estimated that the former is pre-climacteric, the latter climacteric rise based on dimacteric minimum Sep. 25. 2. A flesh hardness has maintained comparably high value until Sep. 18. But in the point of climacteric minimum, Sep. 25, curve of flesh firmness has rapidly been broken down, and after Sep. 25, tendency has slowly decreased at the sucessive date. 3. Pectin content, optimum acidity are remarkably decreased after Sep. 25, Oct. 2 respectively. 4. When water soluble sugar content shows to be swung from climacteric minimum, any resonable tendency are not found. 5. In this experiment, optimum harvest time is found by Oct. 2, in time of 145 days after flowering.

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Modification of Water-borne Polyurethane Using Benzophenone Crosslinker (Benzophenone 가교제를 이용한 수분산 폴리우레탄 개질)

  • Kim, HyeokJin;Kim, Jin Chul;Chang, SangMok;Seo, BongKuk
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.221-226
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    • 2016
  • Production of eco-friendly and biologically harmless materials is strongly required in all industries. In particular, reducing volatile organic compounds in coating processes is extremely important to secure worker's safety. During recent two decades, extensive research works on water-borne polyurethane dispersion (PUD) have been continuously developed as an alternative to solvent-borne polyurethane. However, PUD was shown inferior mechanical properties to the organic solvent-borne polyurethane due to a limit to the molecular weight increase, which resulted in the limit of applications. To overcome this drawback, several approaches have been examined such as polymer blends and thermal/radiation induced crosslinking. Among these methods, the radiation curing system was suitable for industrialization because of the high crosslinking density and fast curing speed. In this study, we overcame the drawback for PUD via introducing benzophenone radiation curable units to PUD. We synthesized PUD films which possessed good dispersion in water for 30 days, increased Tg and Td more than $5^{\circ}C$ after UV curing film as well as improved young's modulus more than double.

Quality Characteristics of Sweet Potato Varieties Baked and Freeze Thawed (원적외선으로 구운 군고구마의 품종별 냉·해동 후 품질 특성)

  • Jang, Gwi Yeong;Li, Meishan;Lee, Sang Hoon;Woo, Koan Sik;Sin, Hyun Man;Kim, Hong Sig;Lee, Junsoo;Jeong, Heon Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.403-409
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    • 2013
  • We investigated the quality characteristics of sweet potatoes [Shinyulmi (SM), Yeonhwangmi (HM) and Yunmi (YM) variety] baked and subsequently freeze thawed. Baking was performed with a far infrared radiation oven at $250^{\circ}C$ for 40 minutes. Baked sweet potatoes were frozen at $-18^{\circ}C$ for 30 days, and thawed by a microwave oven for 3 minutes. The crude fat and protein content of HM were higher than the SM and YM varieties. Total sugar, reducing sugar, and free sugar content were increased after baking. Lightness, redness, and yellowness, as well as content of ${\beta}$-carotene, decreased after baking and freeze-thawing. Hardness, gumminess, and cohesiveness decreased during thawing after freezing, except for the YM variety. In a sensory evaluation, appearance, flavor, sweetness and overall acceptance were higher from baking and freeze-thawing the SM variety, instead of the HM and YM variety. From the results, the SM variety is preferred for the production of baked sweet potatoes.

A Commissioning of 3D RTP System for Photon Beams

  • Kang, Wee-Saing
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.119-120
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    • 2002
  • The aim is to urge the need of elaborate commissioning of 3D RTP system from the firsthand experience. A 3D RTP system requires so much data such as beam data and patient data. Most data of radiation beam are directly transferred from a 3D dose scanning system, and some other data are input by editing. In the process inputting parameters and/or data, no error should occur. For RTP system using algorithm-bas ed-on beam-modeling, careless beam-data processing could also cause the treatment error. Beam data of 3 different qualities of photon from two linear accelerators, patient data and calculated results were commissioned. For PDD, the doses by Clarkson, convolution, superposition and fast superposition methods at 10 cm for 10${\times}$10 cm field, 100 cm SSD were compared with the measured. An error in the SCD for one quality was input by the service engineer. Whole SCD defined by a physicist is SAD plus d$\sub$max/, the value was just SAD. That resulted in increase of MU by 100${\times}$((1_d$\sub$max//SAD)$^2$-1)%. For 10${\times}$10 cm open field, 1 m SSD and at 10 cm depth in uniform medium of relative electron density (RED) 1, PDDs for 4 algorithms of dose calculation, Clarkson, convolution, superposition and fast-superposition, were compared with the measured. The calculated PDD were similar to the measured. For 10${\times}$10 cm open field, 1 m SSD and at 10 cm depth with 5 cm thick inhomogeneity of RED 0.2 under 2 cm thick RED 1 medium, PDDs for 4 algorithms were compared. PDDs ranged from 72.2% to 77.0% for 4 MV X-ray and from 90.9% to 95.6% for 6 MV X-ray. PDDs were of maximum for convolution and of minimum for superposition. For 15${\times}$15 cm symmetric wedged field, wedge factor was not constant for calculation mode, even though same geometry. The reason is that their wedge factor is considering beam hardness and ray path. Their definition requires their users to change the concept of wedge factor. RTP user should elaborately review beam data and calculation algorithm in commissioning.

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