• Title/Summary/Keyword: Radiation dose distribution

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Distribution of the Scatter Ray in Fluoroscopy X-ray Room (투시 검사실 내 공간산란선 분포 측정)

  • Cho, Pyong-Kon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.349-354
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    • 2011
  • The results of the scattery distribution in the fluoroscopy X-ray room were as follows. When the measurement was done at the same height with the table, measured value was 0.78 mGy/min ~ 0.04 mGy/min (95%) within 50 cm and 250 cm. At 50 cm below the table, it was 0.17 mGy/min ~ 0.02mGy/min (86%) and at 50 cm above the table was 1.37 mGy/min ~ 0.05 mGy/min (96%), displaying a decrease. At the same time, the amount of rays were reduced in 50 ~ 60% at the same height with the table than the location 50 cm above the table, 90~95% of reduction rate was observed at 50 cm below the table. For the collimator, comparing to the case when it was completely open, the amount of ray was reduced from 0.78 mGy/min to 0.16 mGy/min at 50cm away and 0.04 mGy/min to 0.01 mGy/min at 250cm away thus approximately 80% on average was reduced when the collimator was reduced to 25%. Comparing with the case when there was a object on the table, the amount of scatter ray was reduced by 96.7% at every location when there is not a object on the table.

Effects of Postoperative Radiotherapy on Distribution of Bone Metastases in Breast Cancer (유방암환자에서 수술 후 방사선치료가 골전이 분포에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Bo-Kyoung;Ha, Sung-Whan
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.211-215
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : This study was done to evaluate the efficacy of low-dose radiation in reduction of thoracic vertebral metastases in patients with breast cancer. Materials and Methods : 109 patients who were treated for bone metastasis from breast cancer from June, 1988 to June, 1998 in the Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Seoul National University were included. Of the 109 patients, 40 patients had been previously treated by postoperative radiotherapy and 69 had not. Postoperative radiotherapy had been given using Co-60 teletherapy device in 30 patients or 6 MV linear accelerator in 10. Thoracic spines from 1 to 10 were usually irradiated except in 1 patient and cervical vertebrae 6 and/or 7 were partially included in ,: patients. A total of 50.4 Gy was given with 1.8 Gy fraction. Metastatic bone diseases were scored in 11 regions, i. e., skull, conical spine, thoracic spine from 1 to 4, from 5 to 8, 9 and 10, 11 and 12, lumbar spine, pelvis, femur, ribs and others. Results : In no postoperative parasternal irradiation group, lumbar vertebrae were the most common metastatic sites $(55.1\%)$ followed by pelvis $(44.9\%)$, ribs $(40.6\%)$, thoracic vertebrae 11 and 12 $(37.7\%)$, thoracic vertebrae between 5 and 8 $(36.2\%)$, thoracic vertebrae 9 and 10 $(34.8\%)$, and thoracic vertebrae between 1 and 4 $(26.1\%)$. In postoperative parasternal irradiation group, lumbar vertebrae and pelvis were also the most common sites of metastases ($55.0\%$, respectively) followed by ribs $(37.5\%)$, and thoracic vertebrae 11 and 12 $(32.5\%)$. But significant less metastases were seen at thoracic vertebrae from 1 to 10. Conclusion : We can find that the were significantly less bony metastases at thoracic vertebrae which had been previously irradiated postoperatively.

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Multi-element Ultrasound Applicator for the Treatment of Cancer in Uterus and Cervix (자궁암 치료용 다채널 초음파 온열치료기)

  • Lee Rena
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.16-23
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this study was to construct multi-element ultrasound applicators for the treatment of gynecologic cancer with high dose rate brachytherapy. For the treatment of uterus, piezo-ceramic crystal transducer (PZT -5A) with outer diameter of 4 mm, wall thickness of 1.3 mm, and length of 24.5 mm was selected. For the treatment of cervix or vagina, it should be possible to insert the applicator into the vagina. Thus, a cylindrical PZT -8 material with outer diameter of 24.5 mm, wall thickness of 1.3 mm, and length of 15.2 mm was selected. The operating frequencies determined by vector impedance measurement were 3.2 MHz for the PZT 5A cylinder (OD=4 mm) and 1.7 MHz for the PZT -8 cylinder (OD: 24.5 mm). The ratios of generated acoustic output power to applied electric power were 33% and 61% for the tandem type crystal and the cylinder type crystal, respectively. The radiated acoustic pressure fields from both transducers were calculated using a Matlab code and measured in water using hydrophone. There was good agreement between measured and calculated acoustic pressure field distribution. For a tandem type transducer, the calculated acoustic pressure field decreased from 0.023 MPa at 10 mm to 0.010 Mpa at 30 mm, the reduction of 57%. For the cylinder type transducer which will be used for the treatment of vagina showed 78% reduction at 15 mm and 66% at 25 mm as compared to values at 5 mm from the surface. Based on the characteristics of the transducers, this study demonstrated the possibility of using the crystals as a heating source. Finally, a 3-element and 4-element prototype applicators were constructed. The 3-element applicator is 75 mm long and 4 mm thick and will be used for the treatment of uterus. The 4-element applicator is 61 mm long and 24.5 mm thick and will be used for the treatment of vagina. Using these applicators, it is possible to generate enough power to increase temperature to therapeutic level.

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Report on the External Audits Conducted by Korean Society of Medical Physics (한국의학물리학회 선형가속기 외부 품질관리 실시 현황보고)

  • Huh, Hyun Do;Cho, Kwang Hwan;Cho, Sam Ju;Choi, Sang Hyoun;Kim, Dong Wook;Hwang, Ui-Jung;Kim, Ki Hwan;Min, Chul Kee;Choi, Tae Jin;Oh, Young Kee;Lee, Seoung Jun;Park, Dahl;Park, Sung-Kwang;Ji, Young Hoon
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this work is to verify the self-quality assurances in medical institutions in Korea through the external audits by the group of experts and have a mutual discussion of the systematic problems. In order to validate the external audits 30 of 80 medical institutions across the nation were picked out considering the regional distribution and the final 25 institutions applied voluntarily to take part in this work. The basic rules were setup that any information of the participants be kept secrete and the measurements be performed with the dosimetry system already verified through intercomparision. The outputs for 2 or more photon beams, the accuracy of gantry rotation and collimator rotation and the poistional accuracy of MLC movement were measured. The findings for the output measurement showed the differences of -0.8%~4.5%, -0.79%~3.01%, and -0.7%~0.07% with respect to that of the verified dosimetry system for the 6MV, 10MV, and 15MV, respectively. For the reference absorbed dose 8 (16%) of 50 photon beams in 25 medical institutions differed 2.0% or greater from the reference value. The coincidences of Field size with x-ray beam and radiation isocenters of Gantry roration and collimator rotation gave the results of within ${\pm}2$ mm for every institute except 2 institutions. The positional accuracy of MLC movement agreed to within ${\pm}1$ mm for every institute. For the beam qualities of 6 MV photon beams kQ values showed the distribution within 0.4% between maximum and minimum. For the protocols 21 institutions (84%) used absorbed dose to water based protocol while 4 insitutions (16%) used air kerma based one. 22 institutions employed the SSD technique while 3 institutions did the SAD one. External audit plays an important role in discovering the systematic problems of self-performing Quality Assurances and having in depth discussion for mutual complementation. Training experts of international level as well as national support system are required so that both the group of experts of medical physicists and government laboratory could perform together periodical and constant external audits.

Activation Analysis of Dual-purpose Metal Cask After the End of Design Lifetime for Decommission (설계수명 이후 해체를 위한 금속 겸용용기의 방사화 특성 평가)

  • Kim, Tae-Man;Ku, Ji-Young;Dho, Ho-Seog;Cho, Chun-Hyung;Ko, Jae-Hun
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.343-356
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    • 2016
  • The Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD) has developed a dual-purpose metal cask for the dry storage of spent nuclear fuel that has been generated by domestic light-water reactors. The metal cask was designed in compliance with international and domestic technology standards, and safety was the most important consideration in developing the design. It was designed to maintain its integrity for 50 years in terms of major safety factors. The metal cask ensures the minimization of waste generated by maintenance activities during the storage period as well as the safe management of the waste. An activation evaluation of the main body, which includes internal and external components of metal casks whose design lifetime has expired, provides quantitative data on their radioactive inventory. The radioactive inventory of the main body and the components of the metal cask were calculated by applying the MCNP5 ORIGEN-2 evaluation system and by considering each component's chemical composition, neutron flux distribution, and reaction rate, as well as the duration of neutron irradiation during the storage period. The evaluation results revealed that 10 years after the end of the cask's design life, $^{60}Co$ had greater radioactivity than other nuclides among the metal materials. In the case of the neutron shield, nuclides that emit high-energy gamma rays such as $^{28}Al$ and $^{24}Na$ had greater radioactivity immediately after the design lifetime. However, their radioactivity level became negligible after six months due to their short half-life. The surface exposure dose rates of the canister and the main body of the metal cask from which the spent nuclear fuel had been removed with expiration of the design lifetime were determined to be at very low levels, and the radiation exposure doses to which radiation workers were subjected during the decommissioning process appeared to be at insignificant levels. The evaluations of this study strongly suggest that the nuclide inventory of a spent nuclear fuel metal cask can be utilized as basic data when decommissioning of a metal cask is planned, for example, for the development of a decommissioning plan, the determination of a decommissioning method, the estimation of radiation exposure to workers engaged in decommissioning operations, the management/reuse of radioactive wastes, etc.

Combined Modality Treatment in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (비인강암의 병합요법)

  • Yun, Sang-Mo;Kim, Jae-Cheol;Park, In-Kyu
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.100-106
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : We performed a retrospective analysis to compare short term results of induction chemotherapy-radiotherapy versus concurrent chemo-radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Materials and Methods : From Oct. 1989 to May 1998, 62 patients with locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma were treated with induction chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy (induction group) or concurrent chemo-radiotherapy (concurrent group). Induction chemotherapy was done for 50 patients, and concurrent chemotherapy for 12 patients. Age, sex, performance status, and pathologic types were evenly distributed between two groups. Stage distribution showed $32\%$ with IIB, $32\%$ with III, and $38\%$ with IV in induction group, and $50\%,\;33.3\%,\;and\;16.7\%$ in concurrent group, respectively. Chemotherapy regimen was CF (cisplatin and 5-FU) in both groups, and drug delivery method also same. Cisplatin $100\;mg/m^2$ was intravenously infused on day 1, and 5-FU $1,000\;mg/m^2$ on day $2\~6$. This was repeated at 3 weeks interval. At the end of radiotherapy, total cycles of chemotherapy were $1\~3$ (median 2) in both groups. Conventionally fractionated radiotherapy with daily fraction size $1.8\~2.0\;Gy$ and 5 fractions/week was done. Total dose was $69.4\~86\;Gy$(median 73.4 Gy) for induction group, and $69.4\~75.4\;Gy$ (median 70.8 Gy) for concurrent group. Follow-up time was $9\~116$ months (median 40.5 months) for induction group, $14\~29$ months (median 21 months) for concurrent group, respectively. Results : Overall 2 year survival rate (2YSR) for all patients was $78.7\%$. According to treatment modality, 2YSR were $77\%$ for induction group, $87\%$ for concurrent group (p>0.05). 2 year disease-free survival rate were $56\%$ and $81\%\;(p>0.05)$, respectively. Complete response to treatment were $75.5\%$ for induction group and $91.7\%$ for concurrent group, but there was no statistical difference. The incidence of grade $3\~4$ hematologic toxicity during radiotherapy was not differ between two groups, but grade 2 leukopenia was more frequent in concurrent group $(18\%\;vs\;66.7\%)$Grade $3\~4$ mucositis was more frequent in concurrent group $(4.0\%\;vs\;33.3\%)$. Overall incidence of grade $3\~4$ acute toxicity during radiotherapy was more frequent in concurrent group $(6.0\%\;vs\;41.7\%,\;p=0.005)$. Conclusion : Concurrent chemo-radiotherapy showed a trend of improvement in short-term survival and in treatment response when compared with induction chemotherapy-radiotherapy in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. More controlled randomized trial are needed.

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Methodologic Aspect of LINAC-based Stereotactic Radiosurgery (선형가속기 기반 뇌정위 방사선 수술기법)

  • Choi, Tae Jin
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2012
  • A conversing beam is firstly designed for radiosurgery by a neurosugern Lars Leksell in 1949 with orthogonal x-rays tube moving through horizontal moving arc to focusing the beam at target center. After 2 decades he composits 201 source of the Co-60 for gamma knife which beams focused at locus. Sveral linac-based stereotactic radiosurgery using the circular collimated beam which size range for 0.4~4.0 cm in a diameter by non-coplanar multiarc have been developed over the decades. The irregular lesions can be treated by superimposing with several spherical shots of radiation over the tumour volume. Linac based techniques include the use of between 4 and 11 non-co-planar arcs and a dynamic rotation technique and use photon beam energies in the range of 6~10 MV. Reviews of the characteristics of several treatment techniques can be found in the literature (Podgorsak 1989, Schell 1991). More in recent, static conformal beams defined by custom shaped collimators or a mini- or micro-multileaf collimator (mMLC) have been used in SRS. Finally, in the last few years, intensity-modulated mMLC SRS has also been introduced. Today, many commercial and in-house SRS programs have also introduced non-invasive immobilization systems include the cyberknife and tomotherapy and proton beam. This document will be compared the characteristics of dose distribution of radiosurgery as introduced gamma knife, BrainLab include photon knife in-house SRS program and cyberknife in currently wide used for a cranial SRS.

A Study on the Optimization of Heat Flux in Engine Room of Auxiliary Power Unit for Self-Propelled Artillery (자주포용 보조동력장치 엔진룸의 열유동 최적화에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Sang Wan;Park, Young Min;Kim, Sung Hoon;Lee, Jae Dong;Kim, Byung Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.629-635
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we analyzed the effect of FAN and oil cooler application on APU. MIL-STD-810 was applied to the atmospheric environment and radiation dose in order to perform thermal flow analysis. The heat flow was analyzed for the case in which the inlet / outlet fan was applied (Case 1), the case in which the inlet fan and the oil cooler were applied (Case 2), and the case in which the inlet / outlet fan and the oil cooler were applied (Case 3). As a result, it was confirmed that the cylinder head temperature of Case 3 was 21.4 times lower than that of Case 1 and 8.0 times lower than that of Case 2. Experiments were conducted under the same ambient conditions in order to examine the validity of the results. The numerical values and experimental results showed a difference of less than 7%. Through this, we were able to confirm that the APU heat flow optimization model satisfies the design conditions. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for optimizing heat flow of APU.

Evaluation of the Usefulness of Patient Customized Shielding Block Made with 3D Printer in the Skin Cancer Electron Beam Therapy (전자선치료 시 3D 프린터로 제작한 환자 맞춤형 차폐체의 유용성 평가)

  • Ahn, Ki-Song;Jung, Woo-Chan;Kim, Dae-Hyun;Kim, Moo-Sub;Yoon, Do-Kun;Shim, Jae-Goo;Suh, Tae-Suk
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.447-454
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    • 2019
  • In order to improve and supplement the shielding method for electron beam treatment, we designed a patient-specific shielding method using a 3D printer, and evaluated the usefulness by comparing and analyzing the distribution of electron beam doses to adjacent organs. In order to treat 5 cm sized superficial tumors around the lens, a CT Simulator was used to scan the Alderson Rando phantom and the DICOM file was converted into an STL file. The converted STL file was used to design a patient-specific shield and mold that matched the body surface contour of the treatment site. The thickness of the shield was 1 cm and 1.5 cm, and the mold was printed using a 3D printer, and the patient customized shielding block (PCSB) was fabricated with a cerrobend alloy with a thickness of 1 cm and 1.5 cm. The dosimetry was performed by attaching an EBT3 film on the surface of the Alderson Rando phantom eyelid and measuring the dose of 6, 9, and 12 MeV electron beams on the film using four shielding methods. Shielding rates were 83.89%, 87.14%, 87.39% at 6, 9, and 12 MeV without shielding, 1 cm (92.04%, 87.48%, 86.49%), 1.5 cm (91.13%, 91.88% with PSCB), 92.66%) The shielding rate was measured as 1 cm (90.7%, 92.23%, 88.08%) and 1.5 cm (88.31%, 90.66%, 91.81%) when the shielding block and the patient-specific shield were used together. PCSB fabrication improves shielding efficiency over conventional shielding methods. Therefore, PSCB may be useful for clinical application.

Comparison of Lung Ventilation Scan Using Technegas and $^{99m}Tc-DTPA$ Aerosol (Technegas 환기스캔과 $^{99m}Tc-DTPA$ Aerosol 스캔의 비교)

  • Choi, Yoon-Ho;Kim, Sang-Eun;Lee, Dong-Soo;Chung, June-Key;Lee, Myung-Chul;Kim, Keun-Youl;Koh, Chang-Soon;Koong, Sung-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.237-243
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    • 1990
  • Pulmonary embolism demands rapid and accurate diagnosis. And ventilation imaging has greatly improved the diagnostic accuracy of pulmonary embolism in addition to perfusion imaging. Agents currently used include xenon-133, krypton-81m and technetium-99m radioaerosols. However radioactive gases are compromised by availability and cost for krypton-81m, radiation dose, gamma energy and non?physiologic behaviour for xenon-133. Radioaerosols of technetium-99m componds are rapidly cleared from the lung after inhalation, and their relative low effeciency (specific radioactivity) and wide distribution of particle sizes make them also suboptimum. A new ventilation agent, Technegas is a suspension of structured graphite ellipsoids with diameter below 20nm, labelled with $^{99m}Tc$ in a carrier gas of Argon. This report describes the authors' clinical experience with Technegas. This is the first reported clinical study of this agent in Korea. A comparison of Technegas and $^{99m}Tc-DTPA$ aerosol was performed in 12 patients with various pulmonary diseases such as COPD, pulmonary tuberculosis and pleural effusion. All patients were studied with $^{99m}Tc-DTPA$ aerosol inhalation and Technegas ventilation. In both studies image quality was assessed (1) semiquantitatively by scoring bronchial and gastric activity, (2) subjectively by direct visual comparison of peripheral lung images and (3) quantitatively by computing the peripheral penetration index(PI) for each lungs. The bronchial activites were seen in 7 out of 12 cases with $^{99m}Tc-DTPA$ aerosol and in 5/12 with Technegas. The gastric activities were seen in 5/12 and 1/12 cases respectively. The average values of PI were 61.26% with $^{99m}Tc-DTPA$ aerosol and 69.20% with Technegas (p>0.05). Using $^{99m}Tc-DTPA$ aerosol, COPD patients showed deposition in the central airways with poor visualization of the peripheral areas of the lungs. In Technegas studies these phenomena were less prominent, and the examination is well tolerated by pateients and requires only a minimum of patient cooperation. With superiority of easy availability and handling, better physical characteristics and favorable Image quality, Technegas is a Promising agent for lung ventilation scanning.

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