• Title/Summary/Keyword: RGB color image

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Extraction of figures and characters with the aid of color discrimination

  • Sakai, Y.;Kitazawa, M.;Kuo, Y.
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.303-306
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    • 1995
  • The present paper deals with extraction of figures and characters from their background using the knowledge of color. At each pixel of the image on the CRT sent from a video camera, RGB values are transformed into the values in another color system, HSI, where "H" denotes hue;"S" denotes saturation;"I" denotes intensity. Representing color in HSI color space is advantageous, since a human feels color mainly in hue with the aid of brightness and purity. Comparing HSI data thus obtained with the masked original image detects noise-free edges included in the orginal image. Then setting a set of HSI thresholds and changing it identifies the portion of image of the same color. This color information is used in recongnizing characters and figures as an auxiliary system of a hierachical figure categorization method for characters and figures recognition.cters and figures recognition.

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Development of the Corrosion Deterioration Inspection Tool for Transmission Tower Members

  • Woo, Sangkyun;Chu, Inyeop;Youn, Byongdon;Kim, Kijung
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.293-298
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    • 2016
  • Recently, interests for maintenance of transmission tower are increasing to extend life of structures and reduce maintenance cost. However, existing classical diagnosis method of corrosion deteriorated degree on the transmission tower steel members, visual inspection, has a problem that error often due to difference of inspector's individual knowledge and experience. In order to solve the problem, this study carried out to develop the corrosion deterioration inspection tool for transmission tower steel members. This tool is composed of camera equipment and computer-aided diagnosis system. We standardized the photographing method by camera equipment to obtain suitable pictures for image processing. Diagnosis system was designed to evaluate automatically degree of corrosion deterioration for member of transmission tower on the basis of the RGB color image processing techniques. It is anticipated that developed the corrosion deterioration inspection tool will be very helpful in decision of optimal maintenance time for transmission tower corrosion.

Image Watermarking using Multiwavelet Transform and Color Characteristics of Human vision (인간 시각의 칼라특성과 다중 웨이블릿 변환을 이용한 워터마킹)

  • 전형섭;김정엽;현기호
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.06d
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    • pp.239-242
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    • 2002
  • The rapid expansion of the Internet in the past few years has rapidly increased the availability of digital data such as audio, images and videos to the public. Therefore, The need for copyright protect of digital data are increasing in the internet. In this paper, Color image(RGB model) is transformed into LUV model, it includes the characteristics of, human vision and then the U or V component is transformed into 3-level wavelet transform. we can insert watermark to several objects of an image separately The experimental results showed that the proposed watermarking algorithm was better than to other RGB watermarking algorithm.

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Edge Detection in Color Image Using Color Morphology Pyramid (컬리 모폴로지 피라미드를 이용한 컬러 이미지의 에지 검출)

  • 남태희;이석기
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 2001
  • Edge detection is the most important process that belongs to the first step in image recognition or vision system and can determine the efficiency valuation. The edge detection with color images is very difficult. because color images have lots of information that contain not only general information representing shape, brightness and so on but also that representing colors. In this paper, we propose architecture of universalized Color Morphological Pyramids(CMP) which is able to give effective edge detection. Image pyramid architecture is a successive image sequence whose area ratio 2$\^$-1/(ι= 1, 2, . . . ,N) after filtering and subsampling of input image. In this technique, noise removed by sequential filtering and resolution is degraded by downsampling using CMP in various color spaces. After that, new level images are constructed that apply formula using distance of neighbor vectors in close level images and detection its image.

Effective Fractal-Based Coding of Color Image Using YIQ Model (YIQ 모델을 이용한 칼라 영상의 효율적인 프랙탈 기반 부호화)

  • Kim, Seong-Jong;Lee, Joon-Mo;Shin, In-Chul
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.2 no.2 s.3
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 1998
  • Fractal-based monochrome image coding method can be easily applied for color image compression by splitting the color image into different primary spectral channels such as RGB, YIQ or $YC_bC_r$, and encoding each channel independently According to this method, it needs to repeat the fractal coding for each channel, so it have the problem of encoding time. In this paper, a fractal-based coder for color still image is proposed which features the enhancement of compression rate and the reduction of coding time. As the result of the experiment where the proposed algorithm is applied far color images, the compression rate is enhanced by 28 : 1 above with average PSNR value $28{\sim}29[dB]$, do not lossless encoding process using JPEG. And the encoding time is reduced by maximum 11.5 %.

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Individual Tooth Image Segmentation with Correcting of Specular Reflections (치아 영상의 반사 제거 및 치아 영역 자동 분할)

  • Lee, Seong-Taek;Kim, Kyeong-Seop;Yoon, Tae-Ho;Lee, Jeong-Whan;Kim, Kee-Deog;Park, Won-Se
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.59 no.6
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    • pp.1136-1142
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    • 2010
  • In this study, an efficient removal algorithm for specular reflections in a tooth color image is proposed to minimize the artefact interrupting color image segmentation. The pixel values of RGB color channels are initially reversed to emphasize the features in reflective regions, and then those regions are automatically detected by utilizing perceptron artificial neural network model and those prominent intensities are corrected by applying a smoothing spatial filter. After correcting specular reflection regions, multiple seeds in the tooth candidates are selected to find the regional minima and MCWA(Marker-Controlled Watershed Algorithm) is applied to delineate the individual tooth region in a CCD tooth color image. Therefore, the accuracy in segmentation for separating tooth regions can be drastically improved with removing specular reflections due to the illumination effect.

Machine Vision Based Detection of Disease Damaged Leave of Tomato Plants in a Greenhouse (기계시각장치에 의한 토마토 작물의 병해엽 검출)

  • Lee, Jong-Whan
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.446-452
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    • 2008
  • Machine vision system was used for analyzing leaf color disorders of tomato plants in a greenhouse. From the day when a few leave of tomato plants had started to wither, a series of images were captured by 4 times during 14 days. Among several color image spaces, Saturation frame in HSI color space was adequate to eliminate a background and Hue frame was good to detect infected disease area and tomato fruits. The processed image ($G{\sqcup}b^*$ image) by OR operation between G frame in RGB color space and $b^*$ frame in $La^*b^*$ color space was useful for image segmentation of a plant canopy area. This study calculated a ratio of the infected area to the plant canopy and manually analyzed leaf color disorders through an image segmentation for Hue frame of a tomato plant image. For automatically analyzing plant leave disease, this study selected twenty-seven color patches on the calibration bars as the corresponding to leaf color disorders. These selected color patches could represent 97% of the infected area analyzed by the manual method. Using only ten color patches among twenty-seven ones could represent over 85% of the infected area. This paper showed a proposed machine vision system may be effective for evaluating various leaf color disorders of plants growing in a greenhouse.

Color Correction Using Back Propagation Neural Network in Film Scanner (필름 스캐너에서 역전파 신경회로망을 이용한 색 보정)

  • 홍승범;백중환
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2003
  • A film scanner is one of the input devices for ac acquiring high resolution and high qualify of digital images from the existing optical film. Recently the demand of film scanners have risen for experts of image printing and editing fields. However, due to the nonlinear characteristic of light source and sensor, colors of the original film image do not correspond to the colors of the scanned image. Therefore color correction for the scanned digital image is essential in film scanner. In this paper, neural network method is applied for the color correction to CIE L/sup *//a/sup *//b/sup */ color model data converted from RGB color model data. Also a film scanner hardware with 12 bit color resolution for each R, G, B and 2400 dpi is implemented by using the TMS320C32 DSP chip and high resolution line sensor. An experimental result shows that the average color correction rate is 79.8%, which is an improvement of 43.5% than our previous method, polygonal regression method.

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Color Correction Using Polynomial Regression in Film Scanner (다항회귀를 이용한 필름 스캐너에서의 색보정)

  • 김태현;백중환
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2003
  • Today, the demand of image acquisition systems grows as the multimedia applications go on increasing greatly. Among the systems, film scanner is one of the systems, which can acquire high quality and high resolution images. However due to the nonlinear characteristic of the light source and sensor, colors of the original film image do not correspond to the colors of the scanned image. Therefore color correction mr the scanned digital image is essential in the film scanner. In this paper, polynomial regression method is applied for the color correction to CIE $L^{*}$ $a^{*}$ $b^{*}$ color model data converted from RGB color model data. A1so a film scanner hardware with 12 bit color resolution for each R, G, B and 2400 dpi was implemented by using TMS320C32 DSP chip and high resolution line sensor. An experimental result shows that the average color difference ($\Delta$ $E^{*}$$_{ab}$ ) is reduced from13.48 to

Fuzzy Inference based Digital Color Management of Textile Dye Manufacturing (퍼지 추론에 기반 한 직물 염료 생산공정의 디지털 색상관리)

  • Kyungwon Jang;Jinhyun Kang;Jaemyoung Hwang;Taechon Ahn
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.07d
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    • pp.1533-1536
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, instead of conventional color management method that using spectrum analysis, a simplified color management scheme is proposed that is low-cost required method to reproduce the visual color perception of human. Proposed scheme uses computer color scanner to obtain a bit map image from dyed original color sample, and conducts pixel analysis by image histogram. From obtained image histogram, extract the color and RGB value from histogram that shows dominant pixel distribution of the sample image.

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