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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: RELATIVE MOMENTUM

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Influence of Spine Orthosis and Sit-to-Stand Motor Strategies on Ground Reaction Force and Lower Extremity Muscle Activity (척추보조기 착용과 일어서기 운동전략이 지면반발력과 하지근활성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Do-Kyun;Kim, Tack-Hoon;Roh, Jung-Suk;Cynn, Heon-Seock
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of spine orthosis and sit-to-stand motor strategies on ground reaction force (GRF) and lower extremity muscle activity. Twenty healthy adult men participated, and subjects randomly performed sit-to-stand motions in three different conditions: Momentum-transfer strategy (MTS); MTS with spine orthosis; and zero-momentum strategy (ZMS) with spine orthosis. GRF data, onset time, and muscle activity were determined and compared using force plate and electromyography. Data were statistically analyzed by the SPSS version 13.0. One-way repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the statistical significance, and least significant difference was used as a post hoc test. The level of significance was .05. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Peak GRF and relative time to peak GRF were not significantly different in the three different conditions (p>.05). 2. Onset time of four muscles, tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, biceps femoris and rectus femoris, in the three different conditions were significantly different (p<.05). 3. The tibialis anterior and rectus femoris muscle activity before hip-off and tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, and rectus fermoris muscle activity after hip-off were significantly different in the three different conditions (p<.05).

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2005
  • A new ion transport code for planetary ionospheric studies has been developed with consideration of velocity differences among ion species involving ion-ion collision. Most of previous planetary ionosphere models assumed that ions diffuse through non-moving ion and neutral background in order to consolidate continuity and momentum equations for ions into a simple set of diffusion equations. The simplification may result in unreliable density profiles of ions at high altitudes where ion velocities are fast and their velocity differences are significant enough to cause inaccuracy when computing ion-ion collision. A new code solves explicitly one-dimensional continuity and momentum equations for ion densities and velocities by utilizing divided Jacobian matrices in matrix inversion necessary to the Newton iteration procedure. The code has been applied to Martian nightside ionosphere models, as an example computation. The computed density profiles of O+,OH+, and HCO+ differ by more than a factor of 2 at altitudes higher than 200 km from a simple diffusion model, whereas the density profile of the dominant ion, O+2, changes little. Especially, the density profile of HCO+ is reduced by a factor of about 10 and its peak altitude is lowered by about 40 km relative to a simple diffusion model in which HCO+ ions are assumed to diffuse through non-moving ion background, O+2. The computed effects of the new code on the Martian nightside models are explained readily in terms of ion velocities that were solved together with ion densities, which were not available from diffusion models. The new code should thus be expected as a significantly improved tool for planetary ionosphere modelling.

Atmospheric Icing Effects on the Aerodynamic Characteristics and Performance of Wind Turbine Blade (풍력 블레이드의 결빙에 의한 공력특성 및 성능 변화)

  • Park, Ji-Ho;Myong, Rho-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.134-143
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    • 2014
  • A significant degradation in the aerodynamic performance of wind turbine system can occur by ice accretion on the surface of blades operated in cold climate. The ice accretion can result in performance loss, overloading due to delayed stall, excessive vibration associated with mass imbalance, ice shedding, instrumental measurement errors, and, in worst case, wind turbine system shutdown. In this study, the effects of ice accretions on the aerodynamic characteristics of wind turbine blade sections are investigated on the basis of modern CFD method. In addition, the computational results are used to predict the performance of three-dimensional wind turbine blade system through the blade element momentum method. It is shown that the thickness of ice accretion increases from the root to the tip and the effects of icing conditions such as relative wind velocity play significant role in the shape of ice accretion.

Atomization Characteristics in Pneumatic Counterflowing Internal Mixing Nozzle

  • Lee, Sam-Goo;Rho, Byung-Joon
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.1131-1142
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    • 2000
  • In an effort to illustrate the global variation of SMD (Sauter mean diameter, or D32) and AMD (Arithmetic mean diameter, or D10) at five axial downstream locations (i. e., at Z=30, 50, 80, 120, and 170 mm) under the different experimental conditions, the radial coordinate is normalized by the spray half-width. Experimental data to analyze the atomization characteristics concerning with an internal mixing type have been obtained using a PDPA(Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer). The air injection pressure was varied from 40 kPa to 120 kPa. In this study, counterflowing internal mixing nozzles manufactured at an angle of 15with axi-symmetric tangential-drilled four holes have been considered. By comparing the results, it is clearly possible to discern the effects of increasing air pressure, suggesting that the disintegration process is enhanced and finer spray droplets can be obtained under higher air assist. The variations in D32 are attributed to the characteristic feature of internal mixing nozzle in which the droplets are preferentially ejected downward with strong axial momentum, and dispersed with the larger droplets which are detected in the spray centerline at the near stations and smaller ones are generated due to further subsequent breakup by higher shear stresses at farther axial locations. The poor atomization around the centre close to the nozzle exit is attributed to the fact that the relatively lower rates of spherical particles are detected and these drops are not subject to instantaneous breakup in spite of the strong axial momentum. However, substantial increases in SMD from the central part toward the edge of the spray as they go farther downstream are mainly due to the fact that the relative velocity of droplet is too low to cause any subsequent disintegration.

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Characteristics of the Atomization in Counter-Swirl Internal Mixing Atomizer

  • Lee, Sam-Goo;Kim, Kyu-Chul;Park, Byung-Joon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.27-27
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    • 1999
  • To illustrate the global variation of the droplet mean diameters and the turbulent flow characteristics in counterflowing internal mixing pneumatic nozzle, the experimental measurements at five axial downstream locations(i.e., at Z=30, 50, 80, 120, and 170mm) were made using a PDPA(Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) under the different air injection pressures ranging from 40 ㎪ to 120 ㎪. A nozzle with axi-symmetric tangential-drilled four holes at an angle of 15 has been designed and manufactured. The distributions of velocities, turbulence intensities, turbulence kinetic energy, turbulent correlation coefficients, spray angle, droplet mean diameters, volume flux, number density are quantitatively analyzed. It is possible to discern the effects of increasing air pressure. It indicates that the strong axial momentum in spite of more or less disparity between the velocity components means more reluctant to disperse radially, and that axial fluctuating velocities are substantially higher than those of radial and tangential ones, suggesting that the disintegration process is enhanced under higher air assist. The larger droplets are detected in the spray centerline at the near stations and smaller ones are generated due to further subsequent breakup at farther axial locations are attributed to the internal mixing type nozzle characteristics. Despite of the strong axial momentum, the poor atomization around the centre close to the nozzle exit is attributed to the lower rates of spherical particles which are not subject to instantaneous breakup. As it goes downstream, however, substantial increases in SMD(Sauter Mean Diameter) from the central part toward spray periphery are understandable because the droplet relative velocity is too low to bring about any subsequent disintegration.

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Effects of Reagent Rotation on Stereodynamics Information of the Reaction O(1D)+H2 (v = 0, j = 0-5) → OH+H: A Theoretical Study

  • Kuang, Da;Chen, Tianyun;Zhang, Weiping;Zhao, Ningjiu;Wang, Dongjun
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.31 no.10
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    • pp.2841-2848
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    • 2010
  • Quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) method has been used to investigate stereodynamics information of the reaction O(1D)+H2OH+H on the DK (Dobbyn and Knowles) potential energy surface (PES) at a collision energy of 23.06 kcal/mol, with the initial quantum state of reactant H2 being set for v = 0 (vibration quantum number) and j = 0-5 (rotation quantum number). The PDDCSs (polarization dependent differential cross sections) and the distributions of P(θr), P(ϕr), P(θr, ϕr) have been presented in this work. The results demonstrate that the products are both forward and backward scattered. As j increases, the backward scattering becomes weaker while the forward scattering becomes slightly stronger. The distribution of P(θr) indicates that the product rotational angular momentum j' tends to align along the direction perpendicular to the reagent relative velocity vector k, but this kind of product alignment is found to be rather insensitive to j. Furthermore, the distribution of P(ϕr) indicates that the rotational angular momentum vector of the OH product is preferentially oriented along the positive direction of y-axis, and such product orientation becomes stronger with increasing j.


  • No, Hee-Cheon;Yoon, Ho-Joon;Kim, Seung-Jun;Lee, Byeng-Jin;Kim, Ji-Hwang;Kim, Hyeun-Min;Lim, Hong-Sik
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.41 no.7
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    • pp.875-884
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    • 2009
  • We present three nuclear/hydrogen-related R&D activities being performed at KAIST: air-ingressed LOCA analysis code development, gas turbine analysis tool development, and hydrogen-production system analysis model development. The ICE numerical technique widely used for the safety analysis of water-reactors is successfully implemented into GAMMA, with which we solve the basic equations for continuity, momentum conservation, energy conservation of the gas mixture, and mass conservation of 6 species (He, N2, O2, CO, CO2, and H2O). GAMMA has been extensively validated using data from 14 test facilities. We developed a tool to predict the characteristics of HTGR helium turbines based on the throughflow calculation with a Newton-Raphson method that overcomes the weakness of the conventional method based on the successive iteration scheme. It is found that the current method reaches stable and quick convergence even under the off-normal condition with the same degree of accuracy. The dynamic equations for the distillation column of HI process are described with 4 material components involved in the HI process: H2O, HI, I2, H2. For the HI process we improved the Neumann model based on the NRTL (Non-Random Two-Liquid) model. The improved Neumann model predicted a total pressure with 8.6% maximum relative deviation from the data and 2.5% mean relative deviation, and liquid-liquid-separation with 9.52% maximum relative deviation from the data.

Development of Hydrologic Simulation Model to Predict Flood Runoff in a Small Mountaineous Watershed (산지 소유역의 홍수유출 예측을 위한 모의발생 수문모형의 개발)

  • 권순국;고덕구
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.58-68
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    • 1988
  • Most of the Korean watersheds are mountaineous and consist of various soil types and land uses And seldom watersheds are found to have long term hydrologic records. The SNUA, a hydrologic watershed model was developed to meet the unique characteristics of Korean watershed and simulate the storm hydrographs from a small mountaineous watershed. Also the applicability of the model was tested by comparing the simulated storm hydrographs and the observed from Dochuk watershed, Gwangjugun, Kyunggido The conclusions obtained in this study could be summarized as follows ; 1. The model includes the simulation of interception, evaporation and infiltration for land surface hydrologic cycle on the single storm basis and the flow routing features for both overland and channel systems. 2. Net rainfall is estimated from the continuous computation of water balance at the surface of interception storage accounting for the rainfall intensities and the evaporation losses at each time step. 3. Excess rainfall is calculated by the abstraction of infiltration loss estimated by the Green and Ainpt Model from the net rainfall. 4. A momentum equation in the form of kinematic wave representation is solved by the finite differential method to obtain the runoff rate at the exit of the watershed. 5. The developed SNUA Model is a type of distributed and event model that considers the spatial distribution of the watershed parameters and simulates the hydrograph on a single storm basis. 6. The results of verification test show that the simulated peak flows agree with the observed in the occurence time but have relative enors in the range of 5.4-40.6% in various flow rates and also show that the simulated total runoff have 6.9-32% of relative errors against the observed. 7. To improve the applicability of the model, it was thought that more studies like the application test to the other watersheds of various types or the addition of the other hydrologk components describing subsurface storages are needed.

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  • Park, J.S.;Lee, S.W.
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2011
  • The importance of shear thinning non-Newtonian blood rheology on the hemodynamic characteristics of idealized cerebral saccular aneurysms were investigated by carrying out CFD simulations assuming two different non-Newtonian rheology models (Carreau and Ballyk models). To explore effects of vessel curvature, a straight and a curved vessel geometry were considered. The wall shear stress(WSS), relative residence time(RRT) and velocity distribution were compared at the different phases of cardiac cycle. As expected, blood entered the aneurysm at the distal neck and created large vortex in both aneurysms, but with higher momentum on the curved vessel. Hemodynamic characteristics such as WSS, and RRT exhibited only minor effects by choice of different rheological models although Ballyk model produced relatively higher effects. We conclude that the assumption of Newtonian fluid is reasonable for studies aimed at quantifying the hemodynamic characteristics, in particular, WSS-based parameters, considering the current accuracy level of medical image of cerebral aneurysm.

Modeling flow and scalar dispersion around Cheomseongdae

  • Kim, Jae-Jin;Song, Hyo-Jong;Baik, Jong-Jin
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.315-330
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    • 2006
  • Flow and scalar dispersion around Cheomseongdae are numerically investigated using a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model with the renormalization group (RNG) kε turbulence closure scheme. Cheomseongdae is an ancient astronomical observatory in Gyeongju, Korea, and is chosen as a model obstacle because of its unique shape, that is, a cylinder-shaped architectural structure with its radius varying with height. An interesting feature found is a mid-height saddle point behind Cheomseongdae. Different obstacle shapes and corresponding flow convergences help to explain the presence of the saddle point. The predicted size of recirculation zone formed behind Cheomseongdae increases with increasing ambient wind speed and decreases with increasing ambient turbulence intensity. The relative roles of inertial and eddy forces in producing cavity flow zones around an obstacle are conceptually presented. An increase in inertial force promotes flow separation. Consequently, cavity flow zones around the obstacle expand and flow reattachment occurs farther downwind. An increase in eddy force weakens flow separation by mixing momentum there. This results in the contraction of cavity flow zones and flow reattachment occurs less far downwind. An increase in ambient wind speed lowers predicted scalar concentration. An increase in ambient turbulence intensity lowers predicted maximum scalar concentration and acts to distribute scalars evenly.