• Title/Summary/Keyword: REBT(rational-emotive behavior therapy) group counseling

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Effects of a Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Counseling Program on Self-efficacy and Adjustment to College Life for Nursing Freshmen (인지정서행동집단상담 프로그램이 간호대학 신입생의 자기효능감과 대학생활적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Kyunghyun;Kim, Myungah
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.443-452
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) counseling program on self-efficacy and adjustment to college life for nursing freshmen. Methods: This study used a nonequivalent control pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design. Thirty-eight new nursing students were randomly assigned to either an experimental group (n=18) or a control group (n=20) recruited from a four-year nursing college. An REBT counseling program was composed of 8 group sessions of orientation, understanding the theory of REBT, finding irrational beliefs, internalizing rational beliefs, and closing over a duration of 5 weeks. The duration of each session was 90 minutes. Self-efficacy and adjustment to school life were measured by the Sherer's Self-Efficacy Scale and Baker & Siryk's Student Adjustment to College before and after the REBT counseling program. Data were analyzed using t-tests and paired t-tests. Results: The experimental group showed a significant improvement in self-efficacy compared to the control group. There was no significant change in college life adjustment between the experimental and control groups. Conclusion: An REBT counseling program could be applied as an effective program in enhancing self-efficacy resulting in positive and goal-oriented behavior for new nursing students in college.

Effects of REBT Group Counseling on Self-Efficacy and Organizational Effectiveness of Nurses with High Scores on Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (인지${\cdot}$정서${\cdot}$행동(REBT) 집단상담이 비합리적 신념이 높은 간호사의 자기효능감, 조직유효성에 미치는 효과)

  • Baek, Hea-Soon;Yu, Sook-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.415-423
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The purpose of this research is to discover the effects of REBT group counseling on the self-efficacy and organizational effectiveness of nurses with high scores on dysfunctional attitude scale. Method: There wewe 21 subjects in the experimental group and 25 subjects in the control group. This treatment lasted for eight weeks. Each week, a two and half hour long session was cinducted. Results: The experimental groups showed that significant statistical differences compared with the control groups in the score of self-efficacy, job-satisfaction, organizational commitment, and nursing performance. Conclusion: These results imply that REBT group counseling could be utilized as good nursing intervention to enhance self-efficacy, organizational effectiveness at the general hospital.

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Effects of Group Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy on the Nurses' Job Stress, Burnout, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention (집단 인지정서행동요법 프로그램이 간호사의 직무스트레스, 소진, 직무만족, 조직몰입 및 이직의도에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Hye-Lyun;Yoon, Sook-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.432-442
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study aimed to develop a Group REBT program with group counseling for nurses and test the effect of group counseling on their job stress, burnout, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention. Methods: A quasi-experimental study with nonequivalent control group design was employed to identify the effect of the Group REBT program on nurses' job stress, burnout, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention. Data were collected from 47 participants from two hospitals. The data from the experimental (n=23) and control (n=24) groups were analyzed from January 5 to April 3, 2015. The Group REBT program was conducted eight tmes in all, once a week, with each session lasting 180 minutes. The effect of experimental intervention was measured for each group using a series of structured questionnaires at each of the phases: Pre-intervention, post-intervention (immediately after intervention), and post-intervention (four weeks after intervention). Following this, the significance of the changes in the scores was tested. Results: The scores of the experimental group, which received the Group REBT program, were compared with those of the control group; the hypotheses were supported in terms of job stress (F=8.85, p<.001), burnout (F=5.62, p=.022), job satisfaction (F=2.70, p=.042), organizational commitment (F=2.97, p=.048), and turnover intention (F=4.60, p=.012). Conclusion: The Group REBT program was shown to be an effective intervention that could reduce nurses' job stress and burnout and increase job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Therefore, the Group REBT program can be adopted by nursing organizations to strategically decrease nurses' turnover intention.