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Effects of Ethephon and Gibberellin on Sex Expression, and Subsequent Changes in Protein Contents, Peroxidase Activities, and Isoperoxidase Isoperoxidase Patterns of Cucumis sativus L. (Ethephon과 Gibberellin 처리(處理)가 오이의 성발현(性發現)과 이에 따른 단백질함량(蛋白質含量), Peroxidase 활성(活性) 및 Isoperoxidase Pattern에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Ku, Woo Seo;Kim, Young Rae
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1985
  • This experiment was conducted to study sex expression and subsequent changes in protein and peroxidase after three cultivars of cucumber plants were treated with ethephon and gibberellin. The three cultivars of cucumber used in this study included 'Sayeup' (monoecious type), 'Sinrokdadaki' (gynoecious type), and 'Seonghowon' (intermediate type). The ethephon at 250 ppm and gibberellin at 100 ppm were treated at the 2-leaf and 4-leaf stages, and subsequent sex expression and changes in protein contents, peroxidase activities and isoperoxidase banding patterns by disc polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were studied. The results can be summarized as follows: 1. Ethephon treatment slightly increased number of pistillate flowers and significantly decreased number of staminate flowers in the three cultivars, while gibberellin treatment significantly increased number of staminate flowers in both gynoecious 'Sinrokdadaki' and intermediate 'Seonghowon' and did not increase number of staminate flowers in monecious 'Sayeup' 2. There were some differences among three cultivars in protein contents, protein banding and isoperoxidase banding patterns of seeds and germinating seeds. However, it was not obvious to differentiate monoecious from gynoecious cultlvars by these characters. 3. Protein contents in the leaves. and stem apex after ethephon and gibberellin treatment increased gradually at the 2-leaf stage, but decreased at the 4-leaf stage. Protein contents in stem apex at the 4-leaf stage without treatment were much higher in 'Sinrokdadaki' and 'Seonghowon' than in monoecious 'Sayeup'. Protein contents in the stern apex at the 4-leaf stage were increased in the ethephon-treated monoecious 'Sayeup' and decreased in 'Sinrokdadaki' and 'Seonghowon' compared with untreated plants. 4. Peroxidase activities in the leaves and stem apex gradually decreased at the 2- leaf stage, but increased at the 4-leaf stage. Peroxidase activities in stern apex at the 4-leaf stage were significantly increased by ethephon treatment. 5. The number of protein bands in the three cuitivars after treatment gradually decreased in leaves and stem apex at the 2-leaf stage, but increased in the 4-leaf stage. The protein banding pat terns of stern apex of the ethephon-treated monoecious 'Sayeup' at the 4-leaf stage were gradually shifted to the banding.

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Study on the Utilization of the Rice-transplanter in the Double Cropping Paddy Field (이모작답(二毛作畓)에 있어서 수도이앙기(水稻移秧機)의 실용화(實用化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Soung-Rai;Kim, Young-Rae;Jo, Jai-Seong;Lee, Sang-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.94-104
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    • 1977
  • In order to investigate the effects of mechanical transplanting on the rice, four rice varieties including Jo-saing Tongil were planted in case nursering bed for three times with 10 days interval beginning from April 16. Fourty days old seedlings were transplanted with rice-transplanter, and growth habits of seedlings in bed and rice plants in main field and yield were examined and summerized as follows: 1. The plant height and number of leaves of the 40 days old seedling in case nursery bed were appeared to be less than those of seedlings grown in ordinary nursery bed. In case nursery, the plant height and number of leaves of seedlings grown in case nursery were apparently higher than those of seedlings grown in upland case nursery. 2. The root of 40 days old seedlings were cut to investigate the rooting ability of seedlings, and the rooting ability of the seedlings grown in the case nursery bed were apparently lower in the rooting ability compared with the seedlings grown in ordinary nursery bed. The rooting ability of the seedlings grown in the lowland case nursery was higher than that of the seedlings grown in the upland case nursery. 3. The tip of leaves of the varieties derived from Indica type were becoming yellow and yellow-red in color 25 to 30 days after planted in the case nursery bed. Those varieties was almost stopped growth. 4. The seedlings transplanted by transplanter had shown more than five to seven days of delay in rooting, compared with the seedlings transplanted by ordinary method. The heading dates was delayed five to seven days when transplanter was used, even though the delay of heading dates was a little different depending on the varieties. 5. The yields of unhulled rice were a little lower than that of Yusin variety which was hand planted. When mechanically transplanted, the yield of Tongil variety was highest in the plot where seedlings were transplanted on May 26. When transplanted on June 15, Milyang#15 was highest in yield, indicating the importance of varietal selection in mechanical transplantation. 6. The rice transplanter could transplant from 73 to 108 seedlings per $3.3m^2$. If the seeds of rice were evenly planted in the bed, the two-row rice transplanter could be used five to six times more effectively with less than one percent of missing plant compared with the hand transplanting. This suggests that rice transplanter could be utilized in the mono cropping area. 7. Since the time of transplantings in the double-cropping area is rather limitted, mechanical transplantation might be possible without reducings yield providing better adapted varieties and improved case-nursery techniques.

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Translocation of Tolclofos-methyl from Ginseng Cultivated Soil to Ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) and Residue Analysis of Various Pesticides in Ginseng and Soil (토양 중 잔류된 Tolclofos-methyl의 인삼(Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer)에 대한 이행 및 잔류 특성)

  • Kim, Ji Yoon;Kim, Hea Na;Saravanan, Manoharan;Heo, Seong Jin;Jeong, Haet Nim;Kim, Jang Eok;Kim, Kwan Rae;Hur, Jang Hyun
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.130-140
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    • 2014
  • Recently, some of the previous studies reported that tolclofos-methyl is still exist in ginseng cultivated soil, even though it is has been banned for ginseng. Therefore, the current study was aimed to examine the levels of absorption and translocation of tolclofos-methyl from ginseng cultivated soil to ginseng root and leaf stem for the period of 1 year. For this study, ginseng plants were transplanted in pots and treated with $5.0mg\;kg^{-1}$ of tolclofos-methyl (50% WP). At the end of each interval periods (every three months) the samples (soil, roots and leaf stems) were collected and analyzed the absorption and translocation levels of tolclofos-methyl using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The limit of quantitation of tolclofos-methyl was found to be $0.02mg\;kg^{-1}$ and 70.0~120.0% recovery was obtained with coefficient of variation of less than 10% regardless of sample types. In this study, a considerable amount of translocation of tolclofos-methyl residues were found in soil (4.28 to $0.06mg\;kg^{-1}$), root (7.09 to $1.54mg\;kg^{-1}$) and leaf stem (0.79 to $0.69mg\;kg^{-1}$). The results show that the tolclofos-methyl was absorbted and translocated from ginseng cultivated soil to ginseng root and ginseng leaf stem and found to be decreased time-coursely. Secondly, we were also analyzed soil, root and leaf stems samples from Hongcheon, Cheorwon, Punggi and Geumsan by GC-MS/MS (172 pesticides), LC-MS/MS (74 pesticides). In this study, 43 different pesticides were detected ($0.01{\sim}7.56mg\;kg^{-1}$) in soil, root and leaf stem. Further, tolclofos-methyl was detected 4 times separately in root sample alone which is less ($0.01{\sim}0.05mg\;kg^{-1}$) than their maximum residual limit (MRL) in ginseng. Consequently, the results from both studies indicate the residues of tolclofos-methyl found in ginseng cultivated soil and ginseng ensuring their safety level. Moreover, long-term evaluations are needed in order to protect the soil as well as ginseng free from tolclofos-methyl residues.

Relationships between inbreeding coefficient and economic traits in inbred line of Duroc pigs (두록 계통조성 집단의 근교수준이 경제형질에 미치는 영향)

  • song, Na-Rae;Kim, Yong-Min;Kim, Doo-Wan;Sa, Soo-Jin;Kim, Ki-Hyun;Kim, Young-Hwa;Cho, Kyu-Ho;Do, Chang-hee;Hong, Joon-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2015
  • The data of Duroc swine species that were born from 2000 to 2014 excluding missing ones collected by Korea National Institute of Animal Science were used in the present study. After removing missing data we used 9756 of productions data and 1728 of reproductive reference of breeding research to study the level of inbreeding and to investigate the impact on the reproductive traits, production traits. The correlation of reproductive traits and inbreeding coefficient are -0.07, -0.08 for total number pigs born, number of pigs born alive respectively and birth weight per litter is -0.10, number of pigs born alive per litter to 21days is -0.06 and body weight per litter to 21days is -0.09. The correlation coefficients of the inbreeding coefficients of reproductive traits are shown within 10% with negative correlation (P < 0.05). Days of 90kg and Backfat in the correlation coefficient and inbreeding coefficient production traits were not observed significant correlations, Average daily gain was investigated by the positive correlation of 0.05. According to the above results, the inbreeding level gave a negative effect on the improvement of the breed traits, investigating a relatively high compared to a negative effect on other traits. But overall correlation degree is less than 10% was observed. This inbreeding coefficient has not been clearly observed due to degeneration of the average inbreeding coefficients of these generations was maintained within 10% of the population. The scale of the experimental group was about 150 degree pig husbandry is very small compared to the advanced countries. However, the level of inbreeding in the population group with the appropriate mating combinations is maintained below 10% of population is thought to be small and can minimize the effects of inbreeding degeneration. further testing utilizing this selection is constantly considered to be necessary.

Korean Local Maize Lines for New Germplasm (새로운 육종자원확보(育種資源確保)를 위(爲)한 재래종(在來種) 옥수수의 연구(硏究))

  • Choe, Bong Ho;Lee, In Sup;Park, Jong Seong;Kim, Yong Rae
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.12-26
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    • 1980
  • A new, improved maize varieties are greatly needed to meet the national demand for the maize, and a new germplasm should be investigated to supply necessary breeding materials for the required maize breeding. The Korean local maize lines, which has never been wholly studied for the purpose of breeding should be enough to supply such breeding materials at least in Korea. The objectives of this study were to maintain useful Korean local lines, to investigate good plant characters and to analyze the Korean local maize lines in the respect of genetic make-up. A total of 820 lines and 200 lines were used for the present study. Lines to maintain were planted at experimental farm of the Crop Experiment Station, Office of Rural Development, Suwon and the lines to study genetic make-up were planted in Dae-jon. The summarized results are as follows : 1. A total of 1200 lines from 820 collections were sibbed for future use. 2. Two hundred collection were sibbed, selfed and testcrossed for genetic study in 1980. 3. Ten lines were surely confirmed as resistant lines to virus disease epidemic in most introduced maize varieties. 4. A dozen Lines were having three to four ears per plant. 5. Five lines were showing three to four tillers per plant. 6. One of the most significant and important finding through the study was to obtain the lines with three to four tillers bearing all together eight to nine ears. The lines of multi-ears and multi-tillers must have great breeding potential for the future use. 7. A great variation was observed in the tasselling days, 100 kernel weight and protein content. 8. From the genetic study of local maize lines for plant height and 100 kernel weight, the following findings were obtained. a. On the average six percent of inbreeding depression expressed in percent decrease over sibbed counterpart were found for the plant height. b. Fourty percent of heterosis expressed in percent increase over sibbed counterpart were observed in the plant height. c. The homogeneity or degree of homozygosity calculated from heterosis minus inbreeding depression was on the average 34 percent for plant height. d. The average inbreeding depression expressed in percent decrease over sibbed counterpart was 15 percent for 100 kernel weight. e. The average heterosis expressed in percent increase over sibbed counterpart was 43 percent for 100 kernel weight. f. The degree of homozygosity calculated from the heterosis minus inbreeding depression was 28 percent for 100 kernel weight.

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The Change of The Effect on The Subcutaneous Fat Area and Visceral Fat Area by The Functional Electrical Stimulation and Aerobic Exercise (기능적 전기 자극과 유산소 운동이 복부비만의 피하지방과 내장지방에 미치는 효과)

  • Oh Sung-tae;Lee Mun-hwan;Park Rae-Joon
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.85-123
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    • 2004
  • Back ground : Subcutaneous fat area is the main factor involved in replacement disease and arteriosclerosis. Simple weight control is the appropriate medical treatment. It's understood that weight reduction does not only reduce the fat concentrations in blood but also reduces blood pressure, improves glucose levels in diabetes patients and reduces incidents of heart disease. there are several methods for reducing fat in the abdominal region but their effectiveness is not folly understood. one method is electrical stimulation of the problem areas. Method : From May 1st 2002 to October 31st. The 15 subjects who received medical examination were aged between 25 and 53 and were of mixed gender. The subjects were divided into two groups one to received functional electrical stimulation and the other a control group. Using Broca's criterion for judging fat grades. I analysed the differences between the two groups before and after the treatment. Subjects received functional electrical stimulation on the abdominal muscle intensity 50Hz. They received this treatment 4 days a week for 40 minutes a day. In the case of aerobic exercise, at the Treadmill, we used it with the intensity of $75\%$ maximum heart rate (220-age). Result 1)After functional electrical stimulation in the case of male subjects, the weight was reduced 1.93kg, obesity $2.60\%$, fat mass 2.73kg, Percent body fat $4.40\%$, waist circumference 6.53cm, circumference of hips 5.53cm. On the other side, the quality of muscle was increased at the rate of 1.03kg, but it's not attentional level. The subcutaneous fat area was reduced by $26.63cm^2$, the visceral fat area was reduced by $43.00cm^2$, In the female subjects, we can see the reduction of fat grade by $26.63cm^2$, the quantity of body fat by 1.5kg, percent body fat by $1.77\%$, circumference of waist by 4.02cm, circumference of hips by 3.67cm, weight by 1.40kg but was increased 0.72kg at the quantity of muscles. We can see the reduction also in the subcutaneous fat area $24.03cm^2$, the visceral fat area by $25.36cm^2$. 2)After aerobic exercise, on the male subjects, we can see reduction of weight by 3.36kg, obesity by $4.00\%$, fat mass by 2.83kg and we can see increase at the soft lean mass by 2.96kg, but we can see reduction, the percent body fat by $3.03\%$, fat distribution by $0.023\%$, circumference of waist by 3.10cm, circumference of hips by 2.23cm. The female subjects show a reduction in the weight by 2.48kg, percent body fat by $2.20\%$, show an increase in the soft lean mass by 1.54kg. We can see a reduction in the quantity of fat mass by 2.32kg, the percent body fat by $2.80\%$, the circumference of waist by 2.16cm, the circumference of hips by 2.68cm, the fat distribution by $0.016\%$, the subcutaneous fat area by $15.25cm^2$ the visceral fat area by $11.52cm^2$. After aerobic exercise, we can't see the attentional change at the total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol. 3)After the application of functional electrical stimulation and aerobic exercise, in result of measurement on the body ingredient, we could see the weight reduction and increase the quantity of muscle with the male group who exercised aerobic. We can see the attentional rate on the electrical stimulation about abdominal fat rate, circumference of waist, circumference of hips. The other hand, I couldn't see the attentional differences between the two groups in the rate of fatness and quantity of body fat and the rate of body fat. There isn't any attentional difference in the area of fat under skin, on the contrary, There is attentional difference in the fat in the internal organs area at the electrical stimulation site. We can't see the attentional change of total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol between electrical stimulation and aerobic exercise. 4)After execution of functional electrical stimulation and aerobic exercise, in result of measurement on change of body ingredient among female objects, We could see weight reduction, increase at muscle quantity in the aerobic exercise group. We could see the attentional differences in the rate of fatness, the rate of abdominal region, the circumference which received electrical stimulation. But, we couldn't see the attentional differences between two groups in the quantity of body fatness, the circumference of hips. The subcutaneous fat area doesn't show the attentional differences. On the Contrary, we could see lots of differences in the visceral fat area of the electrical stimulation group. Conclusion The results show that functional electrical stimulation and aerobic exercise have insignificant differences when if comes to total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol. Though there is affirmative change in body ingredient after both electrical stimulation and aerobic exercise. Functional electrical stimulation is more effective on the subcutaneous fat area and in changing visceral fat area. There fore. It is concluded that the physical therapy is more effective in the treatment of abdominal fatness.

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A New Rice Cultivar with Lodging Tolerance and High Grain Quality "Jongnambyeo" (중만생 고품질 내도복성 신품종 "종남(孮南)벼")

  • Park, No-Bong;Lim, Sang-Jong;Kwak, Do-Yeon;Song, You-Chun;Ha, Woon-Goo;Oh, Byeong-Geun;Yeo, Un-Sang;Kang, Jong-Rae;Yi, Gi-Hwan;Chang, Jae-Ki;Lee, Jeom-Sik;Nam, Min-Hee;Lee, Jong-Hee;Hwang, Heung-Gu;Kim, Ho-Yeong;Yang, Sae-Jun;Kim, Myeong-Ki;Choi, Hae-Chune;Kim, Soon-Chul;Moon, Hun-Pal;Lim, Moo-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.607-611
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    • 2009
  • "Jongnambyeo", a new japonica rice cultivar(Oryza sativa L.), is a mid-late maturing ecotype developed by the rice breeding team of National Yeongnam Agricultural Experiment Station(NYAES) in 2001 and released in 2002. This variety originated from the cross of Milyang96/YR12734-B-B-22-2(in 1991/1992 winter) and was selected by means of a mixed method of bulk and pedigree breeding. The pedigree of Junambyeo, Milyang 169 designated in 1999, was YR15161-B-B-B-57-2-3. It has about 79cm in culm length and tolerant to lodging. And this variety is resistant to bacterial leaf blight($K_1$), stripe virus and moderately resistant to leaf blast disease. Milled rice kernels of "Jongnambyeo" is translucent with non-glutinous endosperm and clear in chalkness and good at eating quality in pannel test. The yield potential of "Jongambyeo" in milled rice is about 5.60MT/ha at ordinary fertilizer level of local adaptability test. This cultivar would be adaptable to the Yeongnam plain and southern coastal of Korea.

Effects of Soil Organic Matter Contents, Paddy Types and Agricultural Climatic Zone on CH4 Emissions from Rice Paddy Field (벼 논에서 토양 유기물 함량, 논 유형 및 농업기후대가 CH4 배출에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Jee-Yeon;Lee, Jae-Saeng;Woo, Koan-Sik;Song, Seok-Bo;Kang, Jong-Rae;Seo, Myung-Chul;Kwak, Do-Yeon;Oh, Byeong-Gun;Nam, Min-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.887-894
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    • 2011
  • To evaluate the effects of abiotic factors of paddy fields on greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions from rice paddy fields, $CH_4$ emission amounts were investigated from rice paddy fields by different soil organic matter contents, paddy types, and agricultural climatic zone in Yeongnam area during 3 years. $CH_4$ emission amounts according to soil organic matter contents in paddy field were conducted at having different contents of 5 soil organic matters fields (23.6, 28.7, 31.0, 34.5, and $38.0g\;kg^{-1}$), The highest $CH_4$ emission amount was recorded in the highest soil organic matters plot of $38.0g\;kg^{-1}$. High correlation coefficient (r=$0.963^{**}$) was obtained between $CH_4$ emissions from paddy fields and their soil organic matter contents. According to paddy field types, $CH_4$ emission amounts were investigated at 4 different paddy fields as wet paddy, sandy paddy, immature paddy, and mature paddy. The highest $CH_4$ emissions was recorded in wet paddy (100%) and followed as immature paddy 64.0%, mature paddy 46.8%, and sandy paddy 23.8%, respectively. For the effects of temperature on $CH_4$ emissions from paddy fields, 4 agricultural climatic zones were investigated, which were Yeongnam inland zone (YIZ), eastern coast of central zone (ECZ), plain area of Yeongnam inland mountainous zone (PMZ), and mountainous area of Yeongnam inland mountainous zone (MMZ). The order of $CH_4$ emission amounts from paddy fields by agricultural climatic zone were YIZ (100%) > ECZ (94.6%) > PMZ (91.6%) > MMZ (78.9%). The regression equation between $CH_4$ emission amounts from paddy fields and average air temperature of Jul. to Sep. of agricultural climatic zone was y = 389.7x-4,287 (x means average temperature of Jul. to Sep. of agricultural climatic zone, $R^2=0.906^*$)

A Study on the Types and Changes of the King's Amusement Activities through 『Annals of The Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄)』 (『조선왕조실록(朝鮮王朝實錄)』을 통해 본 왕의 위락활동 유형과 변천)

  • Kang, Hyun-Min;Shin, Sang-Sup;Kim, Hyun-Wuk;Ma, Yi-Chu;Han, Rui-Ting
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2018
  • "Annals of The Joseon Dynasty" is a book recording the Joseon Dynasty's historical facts in an annalistic format. The King's amusement activities through "Annals of The Joseon Dynasty" which were established by the Ye-ak(禮樂) system were analyzed. The results are as follows. The king's amusement activities that were performed during the Joseon Dynasty period could be classified as state banquets, military banquets, and banquets for play. The analysis of the king's amusement activity was divided into five stages. The characteristic of [1 period : King Taejo~Sejo(Yejong)] was dominated the military banquets of the Goryeo Dynasty. Neo-Confucianism is the establishment of political and social turning of the ballast, considerations of military culture, culture, and Hoeryeyeon Jinpungjeong, a cloud of dust and elders banquets such as Giroyeon and Yangnoyeon on the nature of the party. A lasting ordinance was institutionalized[2 period : King Seongjong~Jungjong]. In the chopper and jeongyujaeran, Hong Kyung Rae led a royal amusement activities are stagnant, often produce isolated storage compute in the gloomy situation[3 period : King Injong~Hyeonjong]. Revival period is pride of the amusement activity through the culture of Joseon Dynasty royal culture [4 period : King Sukjong~Jeongjo]. The throne, crashed due to political power is an ebb of royal amusement activities, while also rapidly waning[5 period : King Seonjo~Seonjong]. During the early Joseon Dynasty, hunting took place around the forest area northeast of Hanyang and during King Seongjong's period, it took place closer to the capital city, while in Lord Yeonsan's period, it was expanded to a 39 kilometer radius area from the palace, and banquets such as various forms of entertainment of Cheoyongmu, and Flower-viewing. The Joseon kings who enjoyed hunting were King Sejong, Sejo, Seongjong, Yeonsan, and Jungjong. Most of hunting objects were tigers, bears, deer and roe deer, leopards, boars, their animals and falconry took, and the purpose of the hunting was to perform ancestral rites to the royal ancestry or the royal tombs. Lord Yeonsan's hunting activities had negative effects after King Jungjong the king's hunting activity decreased sharply. However, there were also positive aspects of Lord Yeonsan's Prohibition of cutting woods ect. In conclusion, the expansion of the King's garden(庭:courtyard${\rightarrow}$園:privacy garden${\rightarrow}$苑:king's garden${\rightarrow}$苑?:national hunting park) is evident which starts from formal and informal activities that took place in Oejo, Chijo, and Yeonjo, which went further to the separate and secret gardens, and then even further, thus setting the amusement activity area as a 39 kilometer radius range from Hanyang.

Removal Velocities of Pollutants under Different Wastewater Injection Methods in Constructed Wetlands for Treating Livestock Wastewater (인공습지 축산폐수처리장에서 주입방법에 따른 오염물질의 제거속도 평가)

  • Kim, Seong-Heon;Seo, Dong-Cheol;Park, Jong-Hwan;Lee, Choong-Heon;Lee, Seong-Tea;Jeong, Tae-Uk;Kim, Hong-Chul;Ha, Yeong-Rae;Cho, Ju-Sik;Heo, Jong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.272-279
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    • 2012
  • In order to effectively treat livestock wastewater in constructed wetlands by natural purification method, removal velocities of pollutants under different injection methods in constructed wetlands were investigated. The removal velocities of chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended solid (SS), T-N and T-P by continuous injection method were slightly rapid than those by intermittent injection method in full-scale livestock wastewater treatment plant. The removal velocity (K; $day^{-1}$) of COD by continuous injection method was $0.38\;d^{-1}$ for $1^{st}$ bed, $0.13\;d^{-1}$ for $2^{nd}$ bed, $0.17\;d^{-1}$ for $3^{rd}$ bed, $0.05\;d^{-1}$ for $4^{th}$ bed and $0.17\;d^{-1}$ for $5^{th}$ bed. The removal velocities (K; $day^{-1}$) of COD in $1^{st}$, $2^{nd}$, $3^{rd}$, $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ beds by intermittent injection method were $0.210\;d^{-1}$, $0.086\;d^{-1}$, $0.222\;d^{-1}$, $0.053\;d^{-1}$ and $0.137\;d^{-1}$, respectively. The removal velocity (K; $day^{-1}$) of SS by continuous injection method was $0.750\;d^{-1}$ for $1^{st}$ bed, $0.108\;d^{-1}$ for $2^{nd}$ bed, $0.120\;d^{-1}$ for $3^{rd}$ bed, $0.086\;d^{-1}$ for $4^{th}$ bed and $0.292\;d^{-1}$ for $5^{th}$ bed. The removal velocities (K; $day^{-1}$) of SS in $1^{st}$, $2^{nd}$, $3^{rd}$, $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ beds by intermittent injection method were $0.485\;d^{-1}$, $0.056\;d^{-1}$, $0.174\;d^{-1}$, $0.081\;d^{-1}$ and $0.227\;d^{-1}$, respectively. The removal velocity (K; $day^{-1}$) of T-N by continuous injection method was $0.361\;d^{-1}$ for $1^{st}$ bed, $0.121\;d^{-1}$ for $2^{nd}$ bed, $109\;d^{-1}$ for $3^{rd}$ bed, $0.047\;d^{-1}$ for $4^{th}$ bed and $0.155\;d^{-1}$ for $5^{th}$ bed. The removal velocities (K; $day^{-1}$) of T-N in $1^{st}$, $2^{nd}$, $3^{rd}$, $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ beds by intermittent injection method were $0.235\;d^{-1}$, $0.071\;d^{-1}$, $0.171\;d^{-1}$, $0.058\;d^{-1}$ and $0.126\;d^{-1}$, respectively. The removal velocity (K; $day^{-1}$) of T-P by continuous injection method was $0.803\;d^{-1}$ for $1^{st}$ bed, $0.084\;d^{-1}$ for $2^{nd}$ bed, $0.076\;d^{-1}$ for $3^{rd}$ bed, $0.118\;d^{-1}$ for $4^{th}$ bed and $0.301\;d^{-1}$ for $5^{th}$ bed. The removal velocities (K; $day^{-1}$) of T-P in $1^{st}$, $2^{nd}$, $3^{rd}$, $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ beds by intermittent injection method were $0.572\;d^{-1}$, $0.049\;d^{-1}$, $0.090\;d^{-1}$, $0.112\;d^{-1}$ and $0.222\;d^{-1}$, respectively.