• Title/Summary/Keyword: RA value

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Experimental Evaluation on Occurrence Possibility of Pollutants from Aggregates (순환골재의 오염물질 발생 가능성에 관한 실험적 평가)

  • Park, Jeong-Ho;Seong, Jin-Uk;Park, Je-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2013
  • This study was on leaching test(KSLT, TCLP) of the aggregate for the products(RA-1) and for the site(RA-2) to evaluate the characteristics of contaminants and the possibility of contamination arising from the aggregate. On the basis pH, conductivity and heavy metal contents in the aggregate, RA-1 indicated higher than RA-2. As a result of the leaching test, the pollutants were eluted from the aggregate increased as the particle size of the aggregate was smaller. The pH in the aggregate had a strong alkali by a pH value of 9.0~12.3, the conductivity was higher in less than 10mm RA-1 due to the leaching of dissolved inorganic ions. The heavy metals satisfied the leaching standards of KSLT and less 10% was eluted from the aggregate. As a result of evaluating water pollution possibility of the aggregate, the pH displayed in items with a very high possibility of contamination, conductivity and turbidity did in item with a low possibility of contamination and on the other hand the heavy metals did in item with a very low possibility of contamination.

Research on Antineoplastic Compounds Obtained from Natural sources Especially from Higher Plants

  • 이토가
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.8-22
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    • 1988
  • Vincristine and vinblastine isolated from Vinco spp. , and podophyllotoxine derivatives isolated from Podophyllum spp. are usefulas anticancerous components obtaned from higher plants. More thanten antineoplastic compounds are now following them as anticancerousagents from higher plants. In my laboratory, Sarcoma 180A has beenused as the first screening test. By this method, I have found outsome kinds of antineoplastic constituents from active plants extracts .For instance, bisaborane type compounds were isolated from Curcumaxanthorrhiza, one of Indonesian plants; a morphinane type compoundfromCocculus trilobus; cyclic hexapeptides from Rubia akane and R.cordiorta. Seven components having antineoplastic actirity wereisolated from Rubia spp. except. R. tinctoria. Their structures wereelucidated except RA-Vl by chemical reaction and variovs instrumentalanalysis as shown in Fig. Among of them, RA-Vll showed strong activityagainst P388 Lymphocytic leukemia, L2O, B16 melanoma, Lewis lungcarcinoma, colon 38 and Ehrlich carcinoma. RA-V revealed excellentactivity against MM2 mammary carcinoma. The· value of acute LD5O ofRA-ViI were 10. Omg/kg( iP) and 16.5mg/kg( po ) respectiveIy . Therapruticratio was 400, compared with 10 of mitomycin C. QSAR was also appliedto these compounds by elongation of ether and ester side chains atR'. Mechanism of action of RA-Vll was also investigated and wasassumed to be inhibition of protein biosynthesis .

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NUMERICAL STUDY ON NATURAL CONVECTION IN A CUBICAL-CAVITY WITH A DIAMOND-TYPE ORIENTATION : Ra = $1{\times}10^5$ (다이아몬드형태의 3차원 캐비티내 자연대류 유동에 관한 수치적 연구 : Ra = $1{\times}105$)

  • Kim, J.E.;Myong, H.K.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.10a
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    • pp.83-88
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    • 2006
  • Natural convection flows in a cubical air-filled cavity that has one pair of opposing faces isothermal at different temperatures, $T_h\;and\;T_c$ respectively, the remaining four faces having a linear variation from $T_c\;to\;T_h$ are numerically simulated by a solution code(PowerCFD) using unstructured cell-centered method. An extension to a previously published work, special attention of this work is paid to three-dimensional flow and thermal characteristics in nature convection according to new orientation at Ra= $1{\times}105$. Comparisons of the average Nusselt number at the cold face are made with benchmark solutions and experimental results found in the literature. It is demonstrated that the average Nusselt number on the cold face has a maximum value around the diamond-type inclination angle of $43.2^{\circ}\;at\;Ra=1{\times}105$. We also report the effect of new orientation on the type of flow and temperature structure in a cubical-cavity.

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Natural radioactivity of surface sediments by source regions of the asian dust (황사지역 발원지에 따른 표층퇴적물의 자연방사능 특성)

  • Lee, Kil Yong;Yoon, Yoon Yeol;Cho, Soo Young;Koh, Kyung Seok;Kim, Yongje
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.474-479
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    • 2008
  • Radioactivity of naturally occurring radioactive nuclides (NORN) such as $^{226}Ra$, $^{228}Ac$ and $^{40}K$ were investigated for surface sediments collected from Ordos, Alashan, Taklimakan deserts and Loess plateau regions in China. By a Gamma-ray spectrometry, specific activity (SA) and SA ratio (SAR) of the NORN were determined for each source region of Asian dust. Characterization of the source regions of Asian dust was performed with the SA and SAR values. SA of $^{226}Ra$ in the three desert regions have almost same values in the range of mean value 17.9~21.9 Bq/kg, however, the SA in Loess Plateau has much higher values in the mean value of 35 Bq/Kg. SA of $^{228}Ac$ in the Ordos and Alashan desert regions have almost same values in the range of mean value 27.1~27.2 Bq/kg, and those in Taklimakan desert and Loess Plateau were 31.7 and 49.0 Bq/kg, respectively. In case of 40K, the SA in all regions have similar values in the range of 636~943 Bq/kg. The mean SAR value of $^{226}Ra/^{228}Ac$ in four source regions was almost same in the range of 0.708-0.721. It is shown that relationship between $^{226}Ra$ and $^{228}Ac$ is clearly presented in the source regions. The mean SAR values of $^{226}Ra/^{40}K$, $^{228}Ac/^{40}K$ are 0.0209-0.056, 0.0287-0.0773, respectively.

Evaluation of 226Ra analysis methods using a gamma-ray spectrometer and a liquid scintillation counter (감마선분광분석기와 액체섬광계수기를 이용한 226Ra 분석법 비교 연구)

  • Ju, Byoung Kyu;Kim, Moon Su;Kim, Hyun Koo;Kim, Dong Su;Cho, Sung Jin;Yang, Jae Ha;Park, Sun Hwa;Kim, Hyoung Seop;Kwon, Oh Sang;Kim, Tae Seung
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.228-235
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    • 2015
  • The efficiency and applicability of the solid phase extraction disk method in a 226Ra analysis were examined by the gamma ray spectrometer (GRS) method using a Marinelli beaker and the liquid scintillation counter (LSC) method for groundwater. The recovered 226Ra, which was filtered by the solid phase extraction disk, was analyzed using gamma ray spectrometer The disks, which were pretreated for caulking the daughter nuclide, were sealed with polyethylene film. Distilled water was used for the blank value of the 226Ra activity. The recovery values of 214Bi and 214Pb in the solid phase extraction disk, which used 226Ra standard material, were 80% (295.21 Kev) and 104% (351.92 Kev), respectively, which were higher than 75% determined by the LSC. The injection of nitrogen gas into the measuring chamber reduced the interference values by about 10%. The detection limits of the 226Ra activity in a blank sample of 5 L were 0.17~0.40 pCi/L after 80,000 seconds of measuring time. The relationship of the 226Ra activity in the solid phase extraction disk method and in the LSC method in seven groundwater samples showed a correlation coefficient value 0.987, which implies the applicability of the solid phase extraction disk method. The results showed that 226Ra activity in groundwater using the solid phase extraction disk method has the following benefits: simple pretreatment, time saving, high recovery values, a low detection limit, and so on. Compared with the LSC method and the GRS method using the Marinelli beaker for the 226Ra analysis, the solid phase extraction disk method could be useful in groundwater samples with low levels of activities of radionuclides because the method is not restricted by the volume of the sample.

The Effect of Finished Surface orientation on Friction Characteristics (가공방향에 따른 마찰특성에 관한 연구)

  • 유응대;김태완;조용주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.367-373
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    • 2001
  • The effect of characteristic of surface roughness and roughness patterns on friction and sliding wear was studied experimentally under reciprocating boundary lubricant sliding conditions. The test was conducted with specimens which have various arithmetic mean value and roughness pattern under the condition of different normal load. The experimental results show that the friction coefficient is decreased because of oxidation mass and valley effect as the normal loads increasing It was found that the specimens with surface roughness with a transverally oriented pattern have a smaller firction coefficient than the other two roughness patterns under the condition of the roughness values of Ra=0.5 and Ra=0.2 .

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A Study on the Mirror Surface Finishing System Using Micro Abrasive Film (마이크로 연마 필름을 이용한 경면 가공 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hong-Bea;Kim, Ki-Soo;Namgung, Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.68-74
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    • 1997
  • The surface finishing system using the micro abrasive film was designed and manufactured to make the mirror surface of the cylindrical workpices. An experimental study of srface finishing was carried out to investigate the performance of mirror surface finishing system. The surface roughness value of stainless steel was about 0.2 .approx. 0.25 .mu. m Rmax, 0.02 .approx. 0.04 .mu. m Ra, using abrasive grain size of 12, 9 .mu. m. The surface roughness value of chrome coated workpiece was about 0.07 .approx. 0.11 .mu. m Ra using abrasive grain size 3 .mu. m. In the same condition, the chrome coated workpiece has obtained better surface roughness charateristics than the one of stainless steel.

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Effect of Surface Roughness of Al5052/CFRP Composites on the Adhesion and Mechanical Properties (Al5052/CFRP 복합소재의 표면특성이 접착성과 기계적특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Min-Sik;Kim, Hyun-Ho;Kang, Chung-Gil
    • Composites Research
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.295-302
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    • 2013
  • In this study, Al5052/CFRP composites were fabricated for an automobile component by compression molding process inside a U-channel mold. Al5052 sheet were treated by sand blasting with two different particle sizes. Accordingly, surface roughness (Ra) values of $4.25{\mu}m$ and $1.85{\mu}m$ were obtained for the treated Al5052 sheets. The effect of surface roughness of Al5052 sheets on the adhesion and mechanical properties of Al5052/CFRP composites have been evaluated. Shear lap test and 3-point bending test were conducted. Results showed that the shear load for the composite fabricated by using the treated Al5052 sheets with Ra value of $1.85{\mu}m$ and $4.25{\mu}m$ were 3 and 5 times higher than Ra value of $0.73{\mu}m$ of the composite fabricated by using the untreated sheet. The bending stress of 200MPa was obtained for the composite fabricated with untreated Al5052 sheets. The bending stress increased to 400MPa when the composite fabricated from treated sheets. However, the bending stress was not influenced by treating condition through sand blasting.

Roughness and micro pit defects on surface of SUS 430 stainless steel strip in cold rolling process

  • Li, Changsheng;Zhu, Tao;Fu, Bo;Li, Youyuan
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.215-226
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    • 2015
  • Experiment on roughness and micro pit defects of SUS 430 ferrite stainless steel was investigated in laboratory. The relation between roughness and glossiness with reduction in height, roll surface roughness, emulsion parameters was analyzed. The surface morphology of micro pit defects was observed by SEM, and the effects of micro pit defects on rolling reduction, roll surface roughness, emulsion parameters, lubrication oil in deformation zone and work roll diameter were discussed. With the increasing of reduction ratio strip surface roughness Ra(s), Rp(s) and Rv(s) were decreasing along rolling and width direction, the drop value in rolling direction was faster than that in width direction. The roughness and glossiness were obtained under emulsion concentration 3% and 6%, temperature $55^{\circ}C$ and $63^{\circ}C$, roll surface roughness $Ra(r)=0.5{\mu}m$, $Ra(r)=0.7{\mu}m$ and $Ra(r)=1.0{\mu}m$. The glossiness was declined rapidly when the micro defects ratio was above 23%. With the pass number increasing, the micro pit defects were reduced, uneven peak was decreased and gently along rolling direction. The micro pit defects were increased with the roll surface roughness increase. The defects ratio was declined with larger gradient at pass number 1 to 3, but gentle slope at pass number 4 to 5. When work roll diameter was small, bite angle was increasing, lubrication oil in micro pit of deformation zone was decreased, micro defects were decreased, and glossiness value on the surface of strip was increased.

Numerical analysis of matural convection in inclined rectagular cavity using F.E.M. (유한요소법을 이용한 경사진 직사각형 단면 공동내부의 자연대류현상의 수치해석)

  • ;;Lee, Dong Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.329-337
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    • 1981
  • Natural convection within inclined high aspect-ratio rectangular cavity was analysed by using finite element method. For a cavity of sapect-ratio 20, the flow patterns of secondary vortices and the heat transfer characteristics on the wall were obtained with the variation of tilt angle as well as Ra and Pr. The observation on the governing equations shows that the increase of Ra/Pr and the existence of nonzero tilt angle make the flow pattern more complicated and so it becomes difficult to obtain converging solution. The max. value of Ra/Pr attained in this study was 3x10$\^$4/at 0$\^$0/ tilt angle and 1.1x10$\^$4/ at 45.deg. tilt angle for aspect ratio 20and Pr=0.7. Finally an empirical formula for Nusselt number which can accout for the effect of tilt angle is obtained for laminar flow regime.