• 제목/요약/키워드: R¨o¨ohrer index

검색결과 34건 처리시간 0.02초

A Study on the Body Characteristics of Korean Obese Women (Part II)

  • Yi, Kyong-Hwa
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제34권6호
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    • pp.982-996
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    • 2010
  • This study classified the body shapes of Korean obese women and investigated the differences of each body shape, using 2004 Size Korea data. For selecting the obesity sample, 7 obesity judgment indices were chosen through previous clothing-related studies. A total of 636 females defined as "obese" by 5 out of 7 indices were selected as subjects and 54 body measurements and obesity judgment indices were used in this study. Firstly, mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum values of each measurement and item were obtained from the descriptive analysis of 53 measurements. According to the descriptive analysis, all measurements and obesity judgment indices of the subjects demonstrated a serious obesity level shown by BMI 27.11, R¨o¨ohrer index 1.76, Vervaeck index 104.77, Relative weight 133.00, WHR 0.90, and waist circumference 86.71cm. In addition, the measurements and indices showed considerable differences between minimum and maximum values. Significant differences were identified in all measurements and items at a significant level, p=.001. Each distribution of body types according to age, stature, bust, and waist circumference groups was provided in this study. Secondly, factor analyses were conducted using 38 measurement items to extract the body characteristics of obese women. Factor 1 was "circumference measurements & obesity judgment indices," Factor 2 was "heights & arm-related lengths," and Factor 3 was "size and ratio of waist circumference & hip circumference." Factor 4 was "lengths in upper body," Factor 5 was "back width in upper body," Factor 6 was "side neck point to bust & bust circumference," Factor 7 was "length in lower body & arm circumferences" and Factor 8 was "neck base circumference & front width in upper body." These 8 factors explained 76.54% of the total variance. Finally, 5 body types were selected in the cluster analysis. Type 1 (with big back widths & arm circumferences) was 15.5% of the entire subjects, Type 2 (the shortest and fattest, with big upper body) was 18.8%, Type 3 (with big breast) was 27.8%, Type 4 (the tallest and longest in arm lengths, with the smallest arm circumferences and lengths in torso) was 22.5%, and Type 5 (with big hips compared to waist circumferences, smaller height and upper body) was 15.5%. Fundamental differences were identified in all measurements and items at the significant level of p=.001. In addition, each distribution of body type according to age, height, bust, and waist circumference groups was provided in this study.

중국 성인여성용 유방유형 및 특성에 관한 연구(제 II보) - 상해지역 20대 전반 여성을 중심으로 - (The study on the breast types and characteristics of Chinese female adults. (Ver. 2) - Focused on the female college students in Shanghai -)

  • 차수정;손희순
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.57-75
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    • 2010
  • This study is done in Shanghai area by sample survey of female college students in their lower 20s. Through direct contact survey, this study collected and analyzed information on figure to understand feature of breasts and measurements of body to provide base information to improve product of brassiere for adult female in China. Data was analyzed by using SPSSWIN 13.0 Program and SAS 9.0. 1. From a result of factor analysis on 40 items of measures to derive the components of the shape of the breast, 6 factors were derived such as the factors to show the obesity of the bust, to show the ratio of the upper and lower area of the lower bust, droop and volume, to show the internal shape and broadness of the bust, to show the location and vertical size of the bust, to show the protrusion of the bust and the eternal shape of the bust. 2. From a result of classification on the shape of the breast of the Chinese women in their early 20s, 4 types were selected. Type 1 is the protrusion type that a woman has a broad drooped breast due to the development in the upper and lower parts of the chest as well as the highest height, a high degree of obesity in the bust part, big volume and much protrusion. Type 2 is the hemisphere type that the degree of obesity in the breast is second to Type 1 and a breast is located at a region higher than Type 1 as the degree of obesity in the breast is secondly highest, the lower part of the bust is bigger than the Type 1 and the degree of being broad and drooped is second to Type 1. Type 3 is the cone type with a breast of being drooped and broad a little bit and a certain degree of a volume. Type 4 is the flat type with the smallest value in the item that shows the obesity of the bust area and with the smallest value in the R¨o¨ohrer index to have the small and slender body type for the bust area, which is somewhat flat due to a low slope at the internal side of the bust.

일부(一部) 대학생(大學生) 신체발육(身體發育) 및 건강상태(健康狀態)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) (A Study on the Physical Growth and Health Status in University Students)

  • 권이혁;차철환
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 1968
  • For the purpose of ascertaining the status of physical growth and health status of the University students, a intensive survey was conducted by the authors towards a total of 2,638(male; 2,228, female; 410) who passed the written entrance examination at the Seoul National University. The items included the measurements on physical growth, various physical indixes, visual acuity, tuberculosis and dental status. The findings and results can be summarized as follows: 1. Physical Growth No significant difference was found in the physical growth between classes(literature and science) and by ages. In males, the means of body height, body weight, chest-girth and sittingheight were 168.0±5.07cm,55.7±5.71kg,85.8±4.4cmand91.5±2.21cm168.0±5.07cm,55.7±5.71kg,85.8±4.4cmand91.5±2.21cm, respectively. In females, these were 157.4±4.57cm,00.4±5.75kg,80.3±4.51cmand86.1±3.30cm157.4±4.57cm,00.4±5.75kg,80.3±4.51cmand86.1±3.30cm, respectively. Basing on the above measurements several physical indixes were calculated as follows ; Relative body weight 33.15 in males and 32.02 in females. Relative chest-girth 51.07 and 51.01, relative sitting-height 54.46 and 54.70 R¨ohrerR¨ohrer index 1.00 and 1.02, Kaup index 1.97 and 2.04, Vervaeck index 83.63 and 83.03, and Pelidisi index 89.94 and 92.45. 2. Visual Acuity Among the students of science classes those of 0.8 and below in vision on left and right occupied 46.4% and 45.0%, those of 0.6 and below 39.1% and 41.2%, respectively. Among the students of literature classes those of 0.8 and below occupied 46.3% and 42.9%, and those of 0.6 and below occupied 41.4% and 39.0, respectively. In males those of 0.8 and below occupied 46.8% and 44.5% and 0.6 and below occupied 41.9% and 39.7%, while in females 0.8 and below occupied 43.9%, and 42.4%, and 0.6 and below occupied 38.3% and 37.3%, respectively. In males those of 0.8 and below in corrected vision occupied 12.1% and 10.3%, while in females 12.9% and 12.2%, respectively. More students of abnormal vision were found among science classes and the proportions of corrected vision were 38.9% and 37.4% in males, and 33.9% and 33.2% in females, respectively. 3. Tuberculosis Among the total, 55 students were diagnosed as tuberculosis, of whom 50 were minimal cases, 2 were moderately advanced cases and 3 were far advanced cases. 4. Dental Status Among the total, 81.2% were of decayed teeth, 20.8% filled, 9.5% missed, 5.0% extraction needed, 9.1% sunplatinum bridges, 3.3% golden bridges and 5.5% golden inlay. Regarding tartar on teeth moderate, heavy and light grades occupied 49.5%, 29.7% and 20.3%, respectively and 0.8% had none. 5. Comprehensive evaluation According to criteria 4 grades were applied to comprehensive evaluation as follows : A...excellent in physical status B...with some physical defects but no difficulties in study C...need treatment D...need treatiment and rest Out of the total, A grade occupied 21.6%, B 76.2% and C. and D 2.2.

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어린이의 식습관(食習慣)이 체위(體位)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 연구(硏究) (The Influence of Food Habits on Body Stature of Children)

  • 이미숙;모수미
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 1976
  • The Purpose of this study was to determine every possible correlation between food habits and body statures of primary school children, aged ten years old. This study was conducted from July to October of 1975. In July, prepared questionaires concerning life style, anthropometry, food preference, and food behavior were distributed through school teachers to 425 children; 219 boys and 206 girls, in the 5th grade of three elementary schools in the city of Seoul. Then, in October, when subjects had been classified into underweight/obese by statistical analysis, mothers of obese or underweight children were interviewed by the authors to determine weaning history, daily food consumption of their children, and opinions of various snacks for children. Analysis of results in terms of correlation coefficient, chisquare test and percentage calculations, are as follows: 1. Physical growth and development Boys Girls Height (cm) 134.8±5.74134.4±5.97134.8±5.74134.4±5.97 Weight (kg) 30.0±4.2729.5±5.1630.0±4.2729.5±5.16 Chestgirth (cm) 64.1±3.5963.3±3.8164.1±3.5963.3±3.81 Arm circumference (cm) 18.3±1.6118.2±1.7018.3±1.6118.2±1.70 Triceps skinfold thickness (mm) 10.9±5.1312.7±4.8610.9±5.1312.7±4.86 Various indices of nutrition such as relative weight, relative chestgirth, R¨ohrers index, Kaup index, Vervaeck index were determined. 2. Food habits 1) Food preferenceA varying number of foods were selected from 60 items were accepted. It was found that the food which children liked best was fruit and snacks were popular one. Lowest ranking among LIKED foods were from strongly flavored vegetables and organ meat. In general, girls had more food dislikes than did boys. Selected as liked foods were fruits, rice noodle soup, biscuits, and peanuts. Disliked foods were liver, green onions, onions, green pepper, mushrooms, oysters, shellfish, and pork. Items which children never ate before were liver, mushrooms, fish cake, boiled rice mixed with sorghum, mayonnaise, and fresh water firsh. Reasons which children gave for dislike were undesirable flavor and odor. 2) Food behaviorIt was found that boys liked sweet and salty flavors more than did the girls who more often liked sour flavor. The majority of children enjoyed evening meals more than lunch and breakfast. A number of children skipped breakfast because of lack of appetite or lack of time before going to school. Snacks were the most popular food, especially among girls. Their snacking habits were formed by the encouragement of the mother, and the relieve boredom. Educational backgrounds of mothers and family economical levels of children were remarkable correlated with mothers' attitudes toward feeding of children. There were several interesting findings relating body stature to some other responses; such as that the obese child has a small number of brothers, higher birth order, higher educated mothers and higher family cultural background. It was also discovered that food perference, except for fat and oil group foods was not related to body stature. Sweet taste was liked best and pepperly taste was mostly disliked. Sour taste was popular in the group of underweight. Underweight children were more finicky, disliked snacking, and didn't get much attention from their mothers. 3) Correlation between body stature and nutrition during their infancy. The majority of children, both from obese and underweight, were breast fed as infant. Twenty five per cent of obese children and 17.4 per cent of underwight children started weaning at 16 months old. The most popular supplemental food of weaning was cereal gruel for the obese group, while boiled white rice and cereal gruel were most common for the underweight group. Highly significant relationships were found between stature of parents and their children. In the obese group 47.8 per cent of fathers and 45.9 per cent of mothers were overweight; however, none of the fathers and only one mother was found to be underweight. In daily food consumption patterns, meals consisting of bread or noodle were popular in the obese group but disliked by the underweight group. The study found clear contrast in that the obese group liked meat and fish while the underweight group liked fruits and vegetables, especially kimchee. The obese children desired to eat cereal foods, milk and milk products, and fat foods while the underweight group desired to eat fruits and vegetables. Frequency of snacks per day was much greater in the obese group. Foods which mothers believed to be good for the health were carrots, cucumbers, fruits, milk, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and breads, while sweet foods such as candies, drinks. chocolate were considered not good for the teeth. Watching television was not significantly related to statures of children. Most significant relationships were found beween frequencies of family guest meals/and eating-out, and children's statures. Nutritional problems which have been considered for the malnourished children in addition to those of children who have a tendency toward obesity, must be taken into consideration in the development of proper nutrition education through the channels of regular school teaching and teaching by parents in the homes. Korean standards of anthropometric measurements for children should be revised, current measurements show much higher figures than present Korean standards.

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