• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quotation Management

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Development of Function Breakdown Structure of Building Element based on Performance for Idea Connection in Design VE (설계VE Idea 연계를 위한 성능기반 건물 부위별 기능분류체계 개발)

  • Lee, In-Jai;Hyun, Chang-Taek;Son, Myung-Jin;Kim, Dae-Hyun;Kim, Yun-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.12-22
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    • 2011
  • Design value engineering (VE) has been performed in many construction projects according to the changes in the construction for most of the VB function analysis that performed, are problems that focus on function analysis and generating ideas based on individual experience of VE team member than generating ideas and value improvement of systematic function analysis. This may be due to the quotation of previously performed function analysis data, general function analysis, and abstract function definitions that do not cite the concrete characteristics of each facility. Therefore, in this study, the proposed cases from the existing design VE workshops, the current conditions of the connection between functions and ideas and of the idea categorization by building part were studied to determine why functions and ideas are not connected, and to propose pertinent improvement directions. on a performance-based function categorization system by building part that can provide the logical connection between functions and ideas in the function definition/categorization and function arrangement phases in the function analysis phase, the most important phase in VE activities, was developed by reflecting the required performance and functions for each part of the facility.

The Rationalization through Comparative Analysis of Price Fluctuation Adjustment Method (물가변동 조정방법의 비교분석을 통한 합리화 방안)

  • Kim, Seong-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2012
  • There are index adjustment method and item adjustment method in estimation methods for price fluctuation rate of public constructions. A relevant regulation has put item adjustment method as a principle, but in most construction, contract sum adjustment has been made by index adjustment method. Hence, this study, by figuring out width and causes of the gap between index adjustment method and item adjustment method through direct comparative analysis, solved inequality caused by difference between them and suggested a rational way against irrationality of each method. For building operations of public housing construction, a detailed fluctuation rate by index adjustment method and item adjustment method of construction cost elements of the same construction, that is, direct material cost, direct labor cost and historical construction cost was estimated to analyze difference between two adjustments and establish its cause. Across the analysis, it was found that fluctuation rate by item adjustment method was estimated lower than that by index adjustment method and difference between methods for estimating fluctuation rate of quotation unit price and application of index unrelated to construction type and construction nature are main causes of the difference. This study has a significance in that, for smooth contract sum adjustment between contracting parties, it practically proved the real difference between adjustment methods by conducting comparative analysis of the difference in direct correspondence way.

The Information Effect of FDA Approval Announcements on Pharmaceutical and Bio-Health Companies' Stock Prices (FDA 승인 공시가 제약 및 바이오·헬스케어 기업의 주가에 미치는 정보효과)

  • Yu Jeong Song;Sang-Gun Lee;So Ra Park
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.289-313
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    • 2024
  • Korean pharmaceutical and bio-health companies began applying for FDA approval in 2000. However, drug companies in South Korea are not required to obtain FDA approval to market their products on the South Korean market, and the approval process is highly resource-intensive. This study utilizes event study methodology to examine the information effect of US FDA approval announcements on the stock prices of pharmaceutical and bio-health companies listed on South Korean stock markets. The study's results show that FDA approval announcements caused abnormal increases in corporate stock prices, indicating that these announcements have a transnational information effect on South Korean companies' value. Furthermore, the results show that the impact of FDA approval announcements on stock prices is greater for small companies than mid-sized and large companies and in bio and healthcare industries than in the traditional pharmaceutical industry. This impact is also more significant on the KOSDAQ (Korea Securities Dealers Automated Quotation) companies than the KOSPI (Korean Composite Stock Price Index) companies and after the expansion of stock price limits. These findings signal that the information effect is more significant when regulatory controls are weaker. The results also indicate that obtaining FDA approval brings above-normal returns for companies and that FDA application is a high-risk, high-return investment.

Impact of Corporate Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Innovation on the Firms' Innovation Activities and Nonfinancial Performance: A Exploratory Research of KOSDAQ Companies (사내기업가정신, 인적자원혁신성이 기업혁신활동과 비재무적 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Hwangbo, Yun;Bae, Kun Seok
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2017
  • New business management methods different from the past are necessary because of the rapid changes of the corporates' environment. KOSDAQ(Korean Securities Dealers Automated Quotation) companies should be expected the more affirmative business performance of companies by listing, but it is a well-known that they have problems of low business performance mostly. This paper aims to investigate the influential factors on enhancing corporate innovation and nonfinantial business performance, and to clarify practical measures and present a solution of KOSDAQ companies' problems through analysis of previous researches and an empirical research. This research present corporate entrepreneurship and human resources innovation as impact factors on the business performance to apply finely the path of technological innovation for the solution of the relevance investigation limit between the complexity of corporates' innovation paths and the firms' performance. And also knowledge management activities and external networks management or the firms have been adopted as a corporate innovation activities for free from quantitative measures, such as conventional research and development(R&D) activities by considering recent corporates' knowledge business operations. The results of the empirical analysis shows that significant impact factors on corporate innovation activities are the firms' propensities of competitive advantage initiative, risk taking and chief executive officer's innovation. These can be interpreted that the CEOs' innovation propensity should be enhanced for stimulating corporate's innovaton activities, which include the CEOs' interest in the development of new technology, the exploiting new businesses and their support of the innovation discipline for employees. In addition, it can be said that it is necessary to intensify more initiatives within those enterprise for enhancing the competitive advantage in the identical industry. The significant impact factors of corporate entrepreneurship and human resource innovation on the non-financial performance are resulted as the propensities of firms' competitive advantage initiative, CEOs' innovation and employees' innovaton. This shows that the higher propensities of firms' competitive advantage initiative, CEOs' innovation and employees' innovaton, the higher the cognitive degrees of business performance within each corporate, which include the members' awareness about firms' sales growth, market share growth, profit ratio growth, customers' preference and corporates' awareness.

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A Study on Recent Research Trend in Management of Technology Using Keywords Network Analysis (키워드 네트워크 분석을 통해 살펴본 기술경영의 최근 연구동향)

  • Kho, Jaechang;Cho, Kuentae;Cho, Yoonho
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.101-123
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    • 2013
  • Recently due to the advancements of science and information technology, the socio-economic business areas are changing from the industrial economy to a knowledge economy. Furthermore, companies need to do creation of new value through continuous innovation, development of core competencies and technologies, and technological convergence. Therefore, the identification of major trends in technology research and the interdisciplinary knowledge-based prediction of integrated technologies and promising techniques are required for firms to gain and sustain competitive advantage and future growth engines. The aim of this paper is to understand the recent research trend in management of technology (MOT) and to foresee promising technologies with deep knowledge for both technology and business. Furthermore, this study intends to give a clear way to find new technical value for constant innovation and to capture core technology and technology convergence. Bibliometrics is a metrical analysis to understand literature's characteristics. Traditional bibliometrics has its limitation not to understand relationship between trend in technology management and technology itself, since it focuses on quantitative indices such as quotation frequency. To overcome this issue, the network focused bibliometrics has been used instead of traditional one. The network focused bibliometrics mainly uses "Co-citation" and "Co-word" analysis. In this study, a keywords network analysis, one of social network analysis, is performed to analyze recent research trend in MOT. For the analysis, we collected keywords from research papers published in international journals related MOT between 2002 and 2011, constructed a keyword network, and then conducted the keywords network analysis. Over the past 40 years, the studies in social network have attempted to understand the social interactions through the network structure represented by connection patterns. In other words, social network analysis has been used to explain the structures and behaviors of various social formations such as teams, organizations, and industries. In general, the social network analysis uses data as a form of matrix. In our context, the matrix depicts the relations between rows as papers and columns as keywords, where the relations are represented as binary. Even though there are no direct relations between papers who have been published, the relations between papers can be derived artificially as in the paper-keyword matrix, in which each cell has 1 for including or 0 for not including. For example, a keywords network can be configured in a way to connect the papers which have included one or more same keywords. After constructing a keywords network, we analyzed frequency of keywords, structural characteristics of keywords network, preferential attachment and growth of new keywords, component, and centrality. The results of this study are as follows. First, a paper has 4.574 keywords on the average. 90% of keywords were used three or less times for past 10 years and about 75% of keywords appeared only one time. Second, the keyword network in MOT is a small world network and a scale free network in which a small number of keywords have a tendency to become a monopoly. Third, the gap between the rich (with more edges) and the poor (with fewer edges) in the network is getting bigger as time goes on. Fourth, most of newly entering keywords become poor nodes within about 2~3 years. Finally, keywords with high degree centrality, betweenness centrality, and closeness centrality are "Innovation," "R&D," "Patent," "Forecast," "Technology transfer," "Technology," and "SME". The results of analysis will help researchers identify major trends in MOT research and then seek a new research topic. We hope that the result of the analysis will help researchers of MOT identify major trends in technology research, and utilize as useful reference information when they seek consilience with other fields of study and select a new research topic.