• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quotation Management

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Verification Method for Quantity Takeoff Results of Concrete Works using Design Drawing Information (도면정보 기반 건축공사 콘크리트 물량산출 성과물 검증방안 개발)

  • Lim, Haejin;Choi, Chang-Hoon;Han, Choong-Hee;Lee, Junbok
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.20-28
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    • 2020
  • In construction project, an error in quantity information immediately leads to an error in the quotation, highly reliable quantity calculation is required for successful performance of a project. But there is a difficulty in the current situation for the person in charge to review all calculation sheets for quantity review as the quotation work has to be performed in a short period of time. Accordingly, it is thought that a review plan is required to secure reliability on calculated results and the review plan should be able to be carried out within insufficient quotation periods. In the present paper, it is intended to present a plan that enables quantity to be reviewed with the minimum number of persons within the shortest period of time through an algorithm of calculating a verification quantity. The suggested algorithm allows the result of quantity calculation work carried out earlier based on 2-dimensional drawing to be compared, not with an accurate quantity, but within an error range.

Order Promising Methods Considering Scheduling and Order Releasing in Parallel Machine Shops (병렬 기계 공정에서 일정 계획과 투입 계획을 고려한 납기 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Shim, Sang-Oh;Lee, Geun-Cheol
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we consider an order promising problem at parallel machine shops where orders arrive dynamically. We develop methods for the problem, which instantly quote the due-dates of arrived orders. In this study, we first propose methods which can estimate flow times of orders, in which the current and future inventory status as well as the specific scheduling scheme used in the shop are taken into account, and then the due-dates are set by the order promising methods using the estimation results. The quoted due-dates of orders are compared with the actual completion times of those which are obtained from the simulation runs. The series of computational experiments show that the superior performance of the proposed methods in terms of the accuracy of due-date quotation.

Study on the Satisfaction Analysis for Development of Construction Estimating Manager based on 3D Data (BIM기반 건축적산 매뉴얼 개발을 위한 만족도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Chang-Hoon;Lee, Junbok;Han, Choong-Hee;Soh, Ji-Yoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2014.11a
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    • pp.222-223
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    • 2014
  • According to the improvement of IT technology, an enhanced efficiency of management system in the construction industry is expected since a quotation system with BIM (Building Information Modeling) technique effectively estimates construction materials. For an enhanced efficiency of management system, related guidelines, standards, and manuals based on BIM are required, but the lack of this information causes difficulty to utilize in practice. In the paper, the satisfaction analysis was performed in order to promote the completeness of construction estimating manager that can be presented criteria and details of BIM-based quantity-takeoff, classification criteria.

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Development of the Collaborative Electronic Quotation System in the Mold Plant (금형공장의 협업적 전자주문처리 시스템 개발)

  • Choi Yong-Ju;Leem Chun-Seong;Shin Ki-Tae;Heo Young-moo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.1116-1121
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    • 2003
  • 현재 금형공장에서는 변화하는 시장에 빠른 반응을 보이고, 생산하고 있는 제품의 높은 품질과 낮은 가격을 보장하기 위하여 기존 시스템과 인터넷을 접목하려는 많은 시도를 하고 있다 금형공장에는 ETO(Engineering To Order) 방식의 제조방식과 사출금형의 특수성으로 인하여 표준견적 시스템의 개발이 어렵다. 그리고 영업과 수주에 반영할 객관적인 정보가 없으며 고객의 요청 시 실시간으로 확인가능한 정보가 존재하지 않는다. 이러한 금형공장의 특징을 반영하고, 문제점을 극복할 수 있는 협업적 전자주문 처리 시스템의 프레임웍(framework)을 설계하고, 또한 각 세부 모듈인 견적가격 산정기능(Cost Estimation Tool), 납기 가능일자 산정기능(Leadtime Tool), 주문상황 응답처리 기능(Order Status Tool), 작업상황 파악기능(Shop Status Tool)을 설계한다. 그리고 현장 적용이 가능하도록 하기 위하여 금형공장의 업무 프로세스를 분석한다. 그리고 주문처리 프로세스의 UMM 방법론 모델링을 통하여 원형(prototype) 시스템을 설계 및 개발하고자 한다.

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A Product BOM Management Scheme Due to Specification and Engineering Changes in Customer-Oriented Make-To-Order Manufacturing Environments (고객지향 수주생산 환경에서 사양 및 설계 변경에 따른 제품 BOM 관리 방안)

  • Shin, Jung-Bum;Kim, Jae-Gyun;Jang, Gil-Sang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.121-133
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    • 2008
  • In manufacturing companies, engineering information is a central data which defines a product to be produced. This is changed by various factors such as changes of product configuration, changes of drawings information of a technology's licensor, etc, and these changes essentially accompany the changes of a product BOM (Bill of Materials) structure. Thus, engineering changes gives a heavy burden to information management within enterprise because the changes of product BOM have an influence on each departmental BOM such as a procurement BOM, a manufacturing BOM, a quotation BOM, etc. Especially, these changes of product BOM due to the engineering changes is inevitably and frequently happened by a customer's requirements in a customer-oriented make-to-order manufacturing environments. In these manufacturing environments, information gap among each department from the first contact point of customer to engineering, materials, production, quality, and management is very close, and thus it is very important that the change information of product BOM due to changes of product specification and engineering information are efficiently communicated among each department. This paper describes a procedure of determining product specification and of generating product BOM, and proposes an efficient management scheme for the change process of product BOM information due to changes of product specification and engineering. Also, to show the effectiveness of the proposed product BOM management scheme, a product BOM management system is implemented for the ship engine division of 'H' company, one of customer-oriented make-to-order manufacturing enterprises.


  • Yan-Chyuan Shiau;Yu-Min Hsu;Shu-Jen Sung;Chih-Kun Chu;Hsiang-Lun Cheng;Tsung-Pin Tsai
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.1028-1035
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    • 2005
  • Traditional Industries were planning the major role for Taiwan's economy. However, we need to face the competition from developing countries. Moving manufacturing department to other low salary countries, such as China, can only temporarily release some limited pressure. The final and complete solutions are to equip on R&D, refine techniques, improve management capabilities, upgrade business, and reform physique. Currently there are some ERP systems on the market; however, they are designed for common purpose and difficult to introduce into industry. The expensive price is another factor to make them be popular. In this research we will Object Oriented, Visual Modeling, ER Model and Windows Environment to develop an Integrated Management System for Sports Requisites Industries (IMSSRI). We will integrate all information from all departments such as development, business, material administration, manufacture, shipping, and financial. When development people construct the all modules, components, cutting molds, materials and accessories, IMSSRI will calculate all needed materials and cost for each product. This cost will be used for quotation to report to our customers. When customers confirm the order, system will transfer all necessary materials into Material Administration System. IMSSRI can generate manufacturing forms and material raw lists for manufacture department. All related information such as stocking, returning goods, material requesting, and material returning can be integrated so we can control all details of the whole enterprise. Through the help of this system, we hope we can save man-power, reduce human mistakes, raise management capabilities for tradition manufacturing industries and create another possibility of eternal operating for Taiwan's Industries.

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Study of Quotations From Western Media in Disaster Report: Focusing on Covid-19 Outbreak

  • Hyun Ban
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2024
  • The Covid 19 pandemic officially broke out in Jan 2020 and ended in Mar.2023, following the WHO, claiming 7 million lives. For the three years, while the world made concerted effort to fight against the deadly virus, South Korea was praised as a model country in that the country effectively contained the spread of the virus. Given this, the paper aims to figure out how South Korea's story was quoted by looking at six editorials in the New York Times and the Washington Post. For this aim, we have analyzed linguistic expressions within White (2003)'s appraisal theory and then conducted a key word frequency analysis. The analysis results as follows: first South Korea's story was quoted to criticize the U.S. government of its wrong management to the Covid-19, also giving some lessons to the world; second, both newspapers attribute the South Korea's success to its swift and rapid response to the pandemic; and third, the Washington Post showed more positive attitude to South Korea than the New York Times by quoting the country's success more frequently with more positive words in evaluating the country's responses to the pandemic while both newspapers showed negative attitudes to the U.S. government to the issue. Thus, it can be concluded that linguistic expressions in quotations are effectively used in showing the newspapers' attitude toward South Korea and the U.S.

Development of Intelligent ATP System Using Genetic Algorithm (유전 알고리듬을 적용한 지능형 ATP 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Tai-Young
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 2010
  • The framework for making a coordinated decision for large-scale facilities has become an important issue in supply chain(SC) management research. The competitive business environment requires companies to continuously search for the ways to achieve high efficiency and lower operational costs. In the areas of production/distribution planning, many researchers and practitioners have developedand evaluated the deterministic models to coordinate important and interrelated logistic decisions such as capacity management, inventory allocation, and vehicle routing. They initially have investigated the various process of SC separately and later become more interested in such problems encompassing the whole SC system. The accurate quotation of ATP(Available-To-Promise) plays a very important role in enhancing customer satisfaction and fill rate maximization. The complexity for intelligent manufacturing system, which includes all the linkages among procurement, production, and distribution, makes the accurate quotation of ATP be a quite difficult job. In addition to, many researchers assumed ATP model with integer time. However, in industry practices, integer times are very rare and the model developed using integer times is therefore approximating the real system. Various alternative models for an ATP system with time lags have been developed and evaluated. In most cases, these models have assumed that the time lags are integer multiples of a unit time grid. However, integer time lags are very rare in practices, and therefore models developed using integer time lags only approximate real systems. The differences occurring by this approximation frequently result in significant accuracy degradations. To introduce the ATP model with time lags, we first introduce the dynamic production function. Hackman and Leachman's dynamic production function in initiated research directly related to the topic of this paper. They propose a modeling framework for a system with non-integer time lags and show how to apply the framework to a variety of systems including continues time series, manufacturing resource planning and critical path method. Their formulation requires no additional variables or constraints and is capable of representing real world systems more accurately. Previously, to cope with non-integer time lags, they usually model a concerned system either by rounding lags to the nearest integers or by subdividing the time grid to make the lags become integer multiples of the grid. But each approach has a critical weakness: the first approach underestimates, potentially leading to infeasibilities or overestimates lead times, potentially resulting in excessive work-inprocesses. The second approach drastically inflates the problem size. We consider an optimized ATP system with non-integer time lag in supply chain management. We focus on a worldwide headquarter, distribution centers, and manufacturing facilities are globally networked. We develop a mixed integer programming(MIP) model for ATP process, which has the definition of required data flow. The illustrative ATP module shows the proposed system is largely affected inSCM. The system we are concerned is composed of a multiple production facility with multiple products, multiple distribution centers and multiple customers. For the system, we consider an ATP scheduling and capacity allocationproblem. In this study, we proposed the model for the ATP system in SCM using the dynamic production function considering the non-integer time lags. The model is developed under the framework suitable for the non-integer lags and, therefore, is more accurate than the models we usually encounter. We developed intelligent ATP System for this model using genetic algorithm. We focus on a capacitated production planning and capacity allocation problem, develop a mixed integer programming model, and propose an efficient heuristic procedure using an evolutionary system to solve it efficiently. This method makes it possible for the population to reach the approximate solution easily. Moreover, we designed and utilized a representation scheme that allows the proposed models to represent real variables. The proposed regeneration procedures, which evaluate each infeasible chromosome, makes the solutions converge to the optimum quickly.

A Study on the Extended Fair Use of Copyrighted Digital Contents (디지털 콘텐츠 저작물의 공정이용 확대에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Mook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.217-222
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    • 2020
  • The concept and discussion of copyright should reflect changes in using environments of digital properties and developments of technology. Further discussions are required about protection, transfer and usage of copyright for user created contents or digital activities. Digital archives should clarify the ranges of permitted usage or guides to quotation. One should not be biased toward regulating digital copying, but consider the value of diverse transformation of digital properties. This will trigger tension between private and public usage, or sharing of digital fabrications, which leads to the necessity of discussions on policy level. The interpretation of copyright is limited to protecting the copyright owner's right, but it should be suggested to widen the range to permitting fair use. The extended fair use of digital contents and by clarifying specific rules will activate creation and distribution of digital contents and contribute to more productive usage of innovation.

A Case Study of the CR based e-Marketplace Implementation in Nuclear Parts Company (CR 기반의 원전부품제조업체 e-Marketplace 구현)

  • Jung, Lee-Sang;Ha, Chang-Seung;Lee, Seok-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2009
  • Manufacturer's competitiveness in the MRO industry, which is to stimulate the growth of the business-to-business e-commerce market, has recently become more important. A nuclear parts manufacturer was supplying products based on irregular demand from clients which differs from ordinary MRO business practices. The reason for this is the Nuclear Parts Manufacturer has fallen behind the e-commerce performance of other industries, and they lack global competitiveness due to the low efficiency of the individual companies within it. In this study, we developed an MRO based a-Marketplace system to minimize repetitive ordering of raw materials, lack of reusability and inefficiency of transaction processing which was a result of the former legacy business practice, In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, we implemented a web based automated CR system which considered the characteristics of the nuclear parts manufacturing: the system has sub modules such as ordering, product management, transaction management, warehousing and raw material handling. As a consequence of the system implementation, H corporate successfully automated ordering of raw materials, quotation processing and inventory management compared to the legacy business process, achieving increased efficiency by reducing wasteful resources.