• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quantitative interpretation

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컴퓨터지원협동학습(CSCL) 환경 하에서 사회연결망분석(SNA)을 이용한 학습자 상호작용연구

  • 정남호
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.361-368
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of the study was to explore the potential of the Social Network Analysis as an analytical tool for scientific investigation of learner-learner, or learner-tutor interaction within an Computer Supported Corporative Learning (CSCL) environment. Theoretical and methodological implication of the Social Network Analysis had been discussed. Following theoretical analysis, an exploratory empirical study was conducted to test statistical correlation between traditional performance measures such as achievement and team contribution index, and the centrality measure, one of the many quantitative measures the Social Network Analysis provides. Results indicate the centrality measure was correlated with the higher order learning performance and the peer-evaluated contribution indices. An interpretation of the results and their implication to instructional design theory and practices were provided along with some suggestions for future research.

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Analyzing Public Transport Network Accessibility

  • Jun, Chulmin
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.53-57
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    • 2004
  • Due to the traffic congestion and public-oriented transportation policies of Seoul, public transportation is receiving attention and being used increasingly. However, current transport routes configuration is showing unbalanced accessibility throughout the city area creating differences in time, expenses and metal burden of users who travel the same distances. One of the reasons is that transport route planning has been partially empirical and non-quantitative tasks due to lack of relevant methods for assessing the complexity of the transport routes. This paper presents a method to compute the connectivity of public transport system based on the topological structure of the network of transport routes. The main methodological issue starts from the fact that the more transfers take place, the deeper the connectivity becomes making that area evaluated as less advantageous as for public transport accessibility. By computing the connectivity of each bus or subway station with all others in a city, we can quantify the differences in the serviceability of city areas based on the public transportation. This paper is based on the topological interpretation of the routes network and suggests an algorithm that can automate the computation process. The process is illustrated using a simple artificial network data built in a GIS.

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Schentific analysis and interpretation of visual structure of feng-shui : Case study of Hahoi and Yangdong villages (풍수지리의 시각적 구조의 과학적 분석파 해석 -하회, 양동 마을의 사례 연구-)

  • 현중영;박찬용
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.124-134
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    • 1997
  • The primary purpose of this research is to scientifically investigate visual structure of Korean feng-shui at the level of village settlement. This study deals with Hahoi and Yangdong villages of which feng-shui is regarded highly fit to traditional feng-shui principles. Methodologically this research utilizes analytical tools of geographical information systems and statistical analysis methods, Visual structures of the villages'feng-shui are analyzed in terms of elevation, orientation, gradient of slope and relative dominance of visibility of major hills. A mathematical model is suggested to quantify facets of the villages'lung-shui with reference to slope trends. The quantitative analysis results indicate that both villages have good feng-shui. Hahoi village has an excellent feng-shui attributable to a near perfect harmony between water and terrain while Yangdong village has an effective feng-shui facet for conserving energy in terms of microclimate. Principles of fang-shui have potentials to be developed as a holistic planning and design language. Further in-depth research on feng-shui needed to accomplish this goal.

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Polarimetric Parameters Extraction to Understand the Scattering Behavior of NASA/JPL AIRSAR Data

  • Yang, Min-Sil;Moon, Wooil-M.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.442-447
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    • 2002
  • When a SAR system operates in a full-polarimetic mode, the amount of the information one can extract is so complex that the effective presentation of the information is important. However, the information acquired from the polarimetric SAR data is often difficult to interpret by itself, because it is consisted of both the amplitude information and the phase information. Polarimetric parameters are the good way of representing the polarimetric SAR information in a quantitative manner. Also they can characterize the scattering behavior of the ground scatterer. In this research, extraction of polarimetric parameters, evaluation and interpretation of the scattering behavior of the ground with respect to polarimetric SAR signal are carried out. Using the NASA/JPL AIRSAR data, we estimated the polarimetric parameters and compared them in terms of the ground features. In general, extracted parameters well represent the characteristics of the different features on the ground.

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Vector Analysis of the Xiangsheng Xiangke(相生相剋) of the Yinyang Wuxing(陰陽五行) Theory (음양오행설 상생상극론(相生相剋論)의 벡터 해석(解析))

  • Heo Jae-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.41-56
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    • 2024
  • Objectives : The purpose of this paper is to model each Xíng(行) of the Yīnyáng Wǔxíng(陰陽五行) theory as a vector, to interpret the Xiāngshēng Xiāngkè(相生相剋) theory as a vector sum, and argue the objectivity and universal applicability of the Xiāngshēng Xiāngkè(相生相剋) theory. Methods : The five xíngs of the Wǔxíng were modeled and expressed as vectors, and the Xiāngshēng Xiāngkè theories were quantitatively explained by vector summation. Results : We calculated the Wǔxíng vectors using the vector sum formula, and found that the Xíng vectors that received mutual support increased in size by about 62%, and the Xíng vectors that received opposition decreased in size by about 38%. Conclusions : This result could be considered as quantitative interpretation of the contents of the Xiāngshēng Xiāngkè(相生相剋) theory which has mostly been explained qualitatively. The results of this study could hopefully provide ideas to quantify various theories based on the Yinyangwuxing theory such as Korean Medicine and other traditional fields in East Asian culture.

Yield Load Interpretation for Drilled Shaft Foundations by Hyperbolic Approximation (쌍곡선 근사에 의한 현장타설말뚝의 항복하중 판정)

  • Won, Sang-Yeon;Hwang, Seong-Il;Jo, Nam-Jun
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 1996
  • This study develops a new method for interpreting the yield load from load tests on drilled shaft foundations ended on general soils, which is defined as a point where the maximum curvature on the hyperbolic-approximated load-settlement curve occurs. How ever, the point of maximum curvature is a variable depending on the units and scales of the load and settlement. Therefore, to obtain a unique maximum curvature point, both the load and settlement must be normalized by proper parameters, respectively, and be expressed on the same scaled arses(1:1). Normalization has been processed so that the yield load by the new interpretation is to be close to the average of yield loads interpreted by other methods investigated in this study. The quantitative comparison between the new criterion and other conventitonal methods is presented.

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Interpretation of the Chemical Transformation of Individual Asian Dust Particles Collected on the Western Coast of Korean Peninsula

  • Ma, Chang-Jin;Kim, Jong-Ho;Kim, Ki-Hyun
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.14-22
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    • 2012
  • This paper is focused on the comprehensive and detailed interpretation for the chemical transformation of individual Asian dust (hereafter called "AD") particles during long-range transport from source regions to receptor area. A multi-stage particle sampler was operated at a ground-based site in Taean, Korea directly exposed to the outflow of air masses from China during AD period in April 2003. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses for size-classified individual particles were carried out by a microbeam X-ray fluorescence (XRF) method and a microbeam Particle Induced X-ray Emission (micro-PIXE), respectively. Among major characteristic elements, the elemental masses of soil derived components, sulfur, and chloride varied as a function of particle size showing the monomodal maximum with a steeply increasing at 3.3-4.7 μm particle size. Although the details on chemical composition of AD particle collected on a straight line from source area to our ground-based site are needed, a large amount of Cl coexisted in and/or on AD particles suggests that AD particles collected in the present study might be actively engaged in chemical transformation by sea-salt and other Cl containing pollutants emitted from the China's domestic sources. Through the statistical analyses it was possible to classify individual AD particles into six distinct groups. The internally mixed AD particles with Cl, which has various sources (e.g., sea-salt, coal combustion origin HCl, gaseous HCl derived from the adsorption of acids to sea-salt, and Cl containing man-made particles) were thoroughly fractionated by the elemental spectra drivened by the double detector system of micro-PIXE.

The Research in the Study Method of Fashion through Popular Culture Theory (대중문화 이론을 통해 본 복식 문화의 연구방법에 대한 연구)

  • 엄소희;김문숙
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.99-123
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to present the study method in order to analysis the fashion phenomena in ppular culture by popular culture theory. The method of this study is showed the method fo fashion culture, after it was examined that the trends of popular cultural method, the type of Korean popular culture discussion, and the relationship of fashion and popular culture. The results of this study are following as ; 1. Analysis of this study are structuralism stand and culturalism stand, and the application of criticism about the cultural technology in a new stand by means of the composition of Gramscic, A and Foucault. 2. Application of the ethnographic access method as anthroppological approach method about C. Geertz'culture. This si to describe and interpret the practice of subject through directive observation and conduct on a spot, thus is likely to be useful in the fashion study. 3. It needs a historical access method for that purpose, If it applicate Weber's methodology, it will have the use of both meaning interpretation and explanation of cause and effect on the use of both meaning interpretation and explanation of cause and effect on the basis of realistic conditions (historical data), and would appear that the peculiar apportunity of mental (cultural) progressional process became definitive explanation. 4. It must be mad up of the discussion (which is) based on the durability of tradition and culture. It is undeniable that the discussion, which related to popular culture up to the present, showed the disconnectedness of the past tradition and culture, and naturally accepts it's connection to epistemology. The cultural study is a theory interested in what it brings about, what way it's organized and what way it's used. The research of the fashion's connection to popular culture is composed of such topic ; how fashion is produces, how it is consumed, and then, the proposition which is concerned in what meaning it produce is made up of. The regulation of the realm of this research will be to help a researcher explain where to begin and how to do it. Although this cultural study method is more or less quantitative, or despite the expense of the accuracy of statistical analysis, this means that such method of cultural research needs to give attention to both aspects of phenomena and basic problems.

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A Study on the Applicability of Concept Mapping in the Planning of Network Outcomes Measurement (네트워크 성과측정 기획을 위한 개념도 연구법(Concept Mapping) 적용가능성)

  • Kim, Ji-Young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.281-304
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the applicability of concept mapping in the process of planning of network outcomes in social welfare. Planning and evaluation of network outcomes involve many stakeholders. Recognizing the value and range of individuals' perspectives in the creation of a common framework is one of the biggest methodological challenges for planning of network outcomes. Concept mapping is a kind of methodology that creates a stakeholder-authored visual geography of ideas from a group. It uses both a quantitative and qualitative approach, including brainstorming, structuring the statement, specific analysis and data interpretation methods to produce maps that can then be used to guide planning and evaluation efforts on the issues that matter to the group. 13 network managers who work in the social welfare centers in Busan are core participants. The 50 statements on network outcomes from brainstorming session fell into six distinct clusters. After the interpretation session these clusters were rated according to the seven rating scales. This paper explores applicability of concept mapping in the process of planning of network outcomes in social welfare. Concept mapping helps stakeholders with different value and ideas about network outcomes to consensus on common conceptual framework. In addition, a multidimensional conceptualization of network outcomes was made. It will assist in designing future outcomes evaluation and guide the evaluators through a selection of key activities and outcomes.

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Simple Interpretation of VLF Data (VLF 전자탐사 자료의 해석)

  • Kim Hee Joon;Nam Myung Jin;Song Yoonho;Suh Jung Hee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.184-190
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    • 2005
  • We have attempted to give some physical into the factors that control the response of subsurface target to plane wave excitation at VLF (very low frequency) frequencies. Although the VLF technique has some serious disadvantages, such as a lack of penetration depth and limited frequencies, its advantages are also extremely important to have made it by far the most popular electromagnetic technique in current use. In the magnetic-field measurement mode these lightweight, relatively low-priced tools allow us to survey large areas rapidly and inexpensively, to locate and roughly define subsurface electrical conductors. When used in the electric-field mode the technique is, in simple environments, capable of quantitative interpretation and once again the speed and relative cheapness of these devices makes them a natural 'first electromagnetic tool ' to use in reconnaissance mapping.