• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quantitative interpretation

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Theoretical Interpretation of the UV Obervations of Elliptical Galaxies from NASA Space Mission

  • Lee, Young-Wook-
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 1993.04a
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    • pp.15-15
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    • 1993
  • During the past two decades, ultraviolet(UV) observations of elliptical galaxies and spiral bulges from the OAO-2 and HE satellites have established that the upturn in the specturm below 2000A is a common feature of these early-type system Because of its important implications for the formation of galaxies, astuonemical literature is replete with nurmerous discussions about the origin of the UV flux yet the situation remains controversal. New light on the problem is shed by the recent observations Some the Astro-1 space shuttle mission which suggest that the metal-poor horizontal-branch(HB) stars merit more detailed consideration for the origin of the UV flux It is shown here that such stars in these systems can indeedexplain the UV flux It is suggested that ttle obserred correlation between the UVupturn and total mass is due to the Possibility that the more massive galaxies tend to form earlier than the less massive galaxies as a result of mere efficient star formation in denser environments. It remains a task of mere detailed population synthesis nudels, now in progress, to put these results on a firmer quantitative basis.

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A Phenomenological Study on the Ecological Restoration Design of Human Environment (生態的 環景復元設計에 關한 現象學的 考察 - 마틴 하이데거의 現象學을 中心으로 -)

  • 변찬우
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.155-176
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    • 1997
  • Today most landscape architects and scientists have approached ecological restoration, only in a scientific way or on aesthetic way so as to deal with the complex phenomena of a site easily. However, 'the real world' as well as 'ecological nature' as it is can not be totally dealt by the scientific approach which is quantitative and reductioinal. ince a site to be restored has the character of 'place' where man 'dwells', it must be designed and built as total phenomenon. In terms of Martin Heidegger's interpretation of "revealing", we might find out how to overcome the dilemma of the 'modern technology'. To the point of the phenomenological integrity between 'modern technology' and 'art', we can reveal 'sense of place' on a site. The phenomenological approach, which is related to the characteristics of the site, implies something more than scientific since it focuses on the development of site-specific data without wasting extra data for ecological restoration. Bodily experiencing a site with the perception, man discloses the site's nature and he also analyzes it in a scientific way. Therefore the phenomenological approach might be a clue of constructing ecological restoration as well as construing the identity of landscape architecture.

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A Method for Measuring the Difficulty of Music Scores

  • Song, Yang-Eui;Lee, Yong Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2016
  • While the difficulty of the music can be classified by a variety of standard, conventional methods are classified by the subjective judgment based on the experience of many musicians or conductors. Music score is difficult to evaluate as there is no quantitative criterion to determine the degree of difficulty. In this paper, we propose a new classification method for determining the degree of difficulty of the music. In order to determine the degree of difficulty, we convert the score, which is expressed as a traditional music score, into electronic music sheet. Moreover, we calculate information about the elements needed to play sheet music by distance of notes, tempo, and quantifying the ease of interpretation. Calculating a degree of difficulty of the entire music via the numerical data, we suggest the difficulty evaluation of the score, and show the difficulty of music through experiments.


  • Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.18-21
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    • 2008
  • Lee (2008) proposed the pansharpening method to reconstruct at the higher resolution the multispectral images which agree with the spectral values observed from the sensor of the lower resolution values. It outperformed over several current techniques for the statistical analysis with quantitative measures, and generated the imagery of good quality for visual interpretation. However, if a small object stretches over two adjacent pixels with different spectral characteristics at the lower resolution, the pixels of the object at the higher resolution may have different multispectral values according to their location even though they have a same intensity in the panchromatic image of higher resolution. To correct this problem, this study employed an iterative technique similar to the image restoration scheme of Point-Jacobian iterative MAP estimation. The effect of pansharpening on image segmentation/classification was assessed for various techniques. The method was applied to the IKONOS image acquired over the area around Anyang City of Korea.

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Risk Acceptability and Criteria for multiple fatality in Urban disaster (도시재해의 위험성 수용한계와 위험성 범주의 선택)

  • 노삼규
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 1997
  • The paper review of the methods used to present in a quantitative way of risk to the public in the vicinity of hazardous operation within urban area. The study concentrated on the calculation, presentation and interpretation of societal risk where multiple concerned population at large. It is also compared the way to use of risk criterias in various countries where the different population density concerned. It is recommended societal risk criteria need to be vastly apply to the exposed population.

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Quantitative Interpretation of Cooling Rate of Clinker and It's Effects on the Cement Strength Development (클링커 냉각속도의 정량적 해석 및 냉각속도가 시멘트 강도발현에 미치는 영향고찰)

  • Kim, Chang-Bum;Choi, Sung-Churl
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.44 no.4 s.299
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    • pp.224-229
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    • 2007
  • To evaluate the cooling rate of clinker quantitatively, several clinkers with different cooling rate were made in the laboratory. The X-ray diffraction pattern of Ferrite 002 reflection were measured and the parameters were calculated by using split type pseudo-Voigt function. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the Ferrite phase in the clinkers from cement manufacturing plant were analyzed by using the parameters and the analysis program was developed to calculate the cooling rate quantitatively. The cooling rate coefficients of the clinkers were calculated by using the profile fitting method of the program and the influence of cooling rate on strength was evaluated. The results show that there is a close relation between the cooling rate of clinker and the strength of cement.

Effectiveness of Excel-based Teaching Method for Management Science (엑셀을 활용한 경영과학 강의방식의 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Chung Ki-Ho
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2005
  • New method has been widely used for teaching Management Science since the mid of 1990s. The new teaching method is distinguished from traditional method in several aspects. The mowt distintion of the new method is that Excel based approach is used in order to model and analyze quantitative problems. Due to the introduction of Excel based teaching method model formulation and interpretation is more emphasized than algorithms. By using this new method students are expected to be more interested in Management Science class and easily use several Management Science techniques in real world problems. Though Excel based teaching method has become more prevalent, there exist no empirical research to analyze the effectiveness of Excel based teaching method. This paper will empirically analyze how effective Excel based teaching method is. For this purpose survey data are collected fro professors teaching Management Science and analyzed by using t-test.

On Combining MOS and Histogram in a Subjective Evaluation Method

  • Sehyug Kwon
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.176-183
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    • 1995
  • Mean opinion score (MOS) method has been used in many areas to quantify opinions of respondents not only in survey research but in evaluating the parameters of population that are not measurable of are technically hard to be measured. Histogram is an important graphical technique because of the role it plays in describing categorical data as well as quantitative. In MOS method, subjective opinions of respondents are quantified by opinion scores and the arithmetic means of opinion scores have been used to describe the interesting population. Since opinion scores are polytomous, the values of arithmetic means have little meanings. In this paper, cumulative percentage curves as a function of the means of opinion scores are derived by combining means of opinion scores and histograms. It is proposed for better interpretation to opinion scores in MOS method, one of subjective evaluation methods.

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An Interpretation of Hydrogeologic Structure Using Geophysical Data from Chungwon Area, Chungcheongbuk-Do (물리탐사자료를 이용한 수리지질구조 해석 -충청북도 청원지역)

  • 송성호;정형재;권병두
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.283-293
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    • 2000
  • A set of geophysical survey results over an area in Bookil-myun, Chungwon-Gun, Chungcheongbuk-Do is presented; resistivity logging, d.c. sounding, dipole-dipole resistivity, and controlled-source magnetotelluric (CSMT) surveys. These surveys were chosen in this research for the estimation of the basement depth and the delineation of the hydrogeologic structure over the survey area. The results provide an optimal input to a hydrogeologic modeling analysis using the strategies built in GIS software. A total of 14 lines of dipole-dipole resistivity surveys, 25 stations of d.c. sounding and 6 stations of CSMT sounding were performed. In addition 10 boreholes were chosen for resistivity logging to correlate the logs to the surface data. A quantitative information on the hydrogeologic structure over the area is provided by synthesizing the results from various geophysical data and attribute layers are constructed by utilizing a GIS software Arc/ Info. The constructed layers match well to the hydrogeologic structures, which were outlined from the drilling data. The methodology tested and adopted in this study would be useful for providing a more reliable input to the hydrogeologic model setup.

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Resistivity and Calibration Error Estimations for Small-Loop Electromagnetic Method

  • Sasaki, Yutaka;Son, Jeong-Sul;Kim, Chang-Ryol;Kim, Jung-Ho
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 2007
  • The frequency-domain small-loop electromagnetic (EM) instruments are increasingly used for shallow environmental and geotechnical surveys because of their portability and speed. However, it is well known that the data quality is generally so poor that quantitative interpretation of the data is not justified in many cases. We present an inversion method that allows the correction for the calibration errors and also constructs multidimensional resistivity models. The key point in this method is that the data are collected at least at two different heights. The forward modeling used in the inversion is based on an efficient 3-D finite-difference method, and its solution was checked against 2-D finite-element solution. The synthetic and real data examples demonstrate that the joint inversion recovers reliable resistivity models from multi-frequency data severely contaminated by the calibration errors.

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