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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Quantitative interpretation

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A Study of formative character of Art Nouveau Through the works of Renˊe Lalique, Emile Galle, Louis Comfort Tiffany, Victor Horta (아르누보양식의 조형적 특성연구 - 르네랄리크.에밀갈레.루이스 컴포트 티파니.빅토르오르타의 작품을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Bun-Jung
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.11
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    • pp.5-35
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    • 2007
  • When it comes to art, the two conflicting themes of 'scientific progress' and the 'nature' have often motivated the advent of the new mode of arts. By the late 20th century, uniform and simplified mode of arts, inspired by scientific and technological progress of that time, was gradually disillusioned by the contemporaries due to the adverse effect of science on human life. In this context, naturalism pursuing for harmony of human and the nature came up as an alternative to those living in the 21st century. The pendulum has swung from minimalism to naturalism. Though the quantitative improvement of human life cannot be denied, the uprise of such problems as environmental pollution and exhaustion of natural resources degraded the quality of human life, which, eventually, shifted the attention to the theme - 'revival of naturality.' Therefore, this thesis intends to represent the modem interpretation of the 'revival of naturality' by applying the major expressions of Art Nouveau that also emphasized naturalism. Art Nouveau found its motifs from organic figures of natural beings and put them to designs of decorative arts. This carries a historical significance in that Art Nouveau boldly revolutionized historicism, which only repeated adoption and modification of the existing modes of arts, and opened it to the modem design with new attempts to practical applications of the arts. Art Nouveau, which means 'new art', prospered from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, and even after one century, it is highly appreciated, reviving as novel and vivid forms in this contemporary art. Art Nouveau based on naturalism has revisited our contemporary period when naturalism and feminized romanticism came into fashion and its common motifs revive in different jenre of arts such as fashion, furniture, glass works, and jewelry works. This study illustrates and analyzes the works of four major artists who gave a specific attention to botanical motifs of Art Nouveau and applies decorative beauty of highly sophisticated and organic curved lines and the expressional forms of botanical figures to design. Art Nouveau proved this; the nature herself is as beautiful as she can be. Within Art Nouveau, the true humanism can be revitalized with the 'revival of naturality'. This study rediscovered the boundless potential of modern interpretation and application of Art Nouveau in decorative art and design.

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Interpretation on Making Techniques of Some Ancient Ceramic Artifacts from Midwestern Korean Peninsula: Preliminary Study (한반도 중서부 출토 일부 고대 세라믹 유물의 제작기술 해석: 예비 연구)

  • Lee, Chan Hee;Jin, Hong Ju;Choi, Ji Soo;Na, Geon Ju
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.273-291
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    • 2016
  • Some ceramic artifacts representing time-wise from comb pattern pottery in the Neolithic Age to white porcelain in Joseon Dynasty were selected from 7 sites in the north and south area of Charyeong Mountain Range in order to making techniques interpretation and development process of ancient ceramics through physicochemical and mineralogical quantitative analysis. Studied pottery samples in the Prehistoric times showed trace of ring piling in soft-type, and pottery in the Three Kingdoms Period had both soft and hard-type but kettle-ware and storage-ware were made with ring piling, but table-ware was made by wheel spinning. Different from pottery after the Three Kingdom Period when refinement of source clay was high, pottery in the Neolithic Age and in the Bronze Age exhibited highly mineral content in sandy source clay, which showed a lot of larger temper than source clay. Groundmass of celadon and white porcelain almost did not reveal primary minerals but had high content of minerals by high temperature firing. Ceramic samples showed some different in major and minor elements according to sites irrespective of times. Geochemical behaviors are very similar indicating similar basic characteristics of source clay. However, loss-on-ignition showed 0.01 to 12.59wt.% range with a large deviation but it rapidly decreased moving from the Prehistoric times to the Three Kingdom Period. They have correlation with the weight loss due to firings, according to burning degree of source clay and detection of high temperature minerals, estimated firing temperatures are classified into 5 groups. Pottery in the Neolithic Age and in the Bronze Age belongs from 750 to 850C group; pottery in the Three Kingdom Period are variously found in 750 to 1,100C range of firing temperature; and it is believed celadon and white porcelain were baked in high temperature of 1,150 to 1,250C. It seems difference between refinement of source clay and firing temperature based on production times resulted from change in raw material supply and firing method pursuant to development of production skill. However, there was difference in production methods even at the same period and it is thought that they were utilized according to use purpose and needs instead of evolved development simply to one direction.

Usefulness of Dynamic 18FFDG PET Scan in Lung Cancer and Inflammation Disease (폐암과 폐 염증성질환의 동적양전자방출단층검사 (Dynamic 18FFDG PET)의 유용성)

  • Park, Hoon-Hee;Roh, Dong-Wook;Kim, Sei-Young;Rae, Dong-Kyeong;Lee, Min-Hye;Kang, Chun-Goo;Lim, Han-Sang;Oh, Ki-Back;Kim, Jae-Sam;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.249-255
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The diagnostic utility of fluorine-18 2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomograhpy (18FFDGPET) for the non-invasive differentiation of focal lung lesions originated from cancer or inflammation disease by combined visual image interpretation and semi-quantitative uptake value analysis has been documented. In general, Standardized Uptake Value(SUV) is used to diagnose lung disease. But SUV does not contain dynamic information of lung tissue for the glucose. Therefore, this study was undertaken to hypothesis that analysis of dynamic kinetics of focal lung lesions base on 18FFDG PET may more accurately determine the lung disease. So we compared Time Activity Curve(TAC), Standardized Uptake Value-Dynamic Curve(SUV-DC) graph pattern with Glucose Metabolic Rate(MRGlu) from Patlak analysis. Methods: With lung disease, 17 patients were examined. They were injected with 18FFDG over 30-s into peripheral vein while acquisition of the serial transaxial tomographic images were started. For acquisition protocol, we used twelve 10-s, four 30-s, sixteen 60-s, five 300-s and one 900-s frame for 60 mins. Its images were analyzed by visual interpretation TAC, SUV-DC and a kinetic analysis(Patlak analysis). The latter was based on region of interest(ROIs) which were drawn with the lung disease shape. Each optimized patterns were compared with itself. Results: In TAC patterns, it hard to observe cancer type with inflammation disease in early pool blood area but over the time cancer type slope more remarkably increased than inflammation disease. SUV-DC was similar to TAC pattern. In the result of Patlak analysis, In time activity curve of aorta, even though inflammation disease showed higher blood activity than cancer, at first as time went by, blood activity of inflammation disease became the lowest. However, in time activity curve of tissue, cancer had the highest uptake and inflammation disease was in the middle. Conclusion: Through the examination, TAC and SUV-DC could approached the results that lung cancer type and inflammation disease type has it's own difference shape patterns. Also, it has outstanding differentiation between cancer type and inflammation in Patlak and MRGlu analysis. Through these analysis methods, it will helpful to separation lung disease.

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Reflection and perspective of the geomorphology in Korea (한국 지형학의 50년 회고와 전망)

  • ;Oh, Kyoung-Seob
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.106-127
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    • 1996
  • In Korea, modern geomorphology has developed as one of main subjects in geography, such as in Europe. Geomorphology is one of the most advanced specialties in the geography dicipline, since foundation of Korean Geographical Society in 1945. Untill 1960's study, first generation of the Korean geomorphologists trained the younger ones, together with energetic research activities. Their great works in education and research established the base of ulterier development of the geomorphology in Korea. Since 1970s, research manpower and quality has incresed rapidly, partly due to the various international activities and cooperations of Korean geomorphologists. Owing to above development, Korean geomorphologist was able to found "The Geomorphological Association of Korea" in 1990 and publish "Journal of GAK", since 1994. Furthermore, geomorphologists are playing important roles in interdisciplinary academic societies, such as "The Korean Quaternary Assocition". Still 1960s, our research had focused on the identification and interpretation of erosional surfaces in Korea Peninsular. Of course, W.M. Davis's "Geographical Cycle Theory" and L.C. King's "Pedimentation Theory" had a great influence on the Koerans' works. After 1970s, the study of erosional surface played the important role in setting up the morphoclimatic viewpoint and methodology. Research scope tend to be notably broad and various than it was untill 1960's. Disposotion of the scientific methods and techniques become more and more apparent. These trends of research has settled precise descreption and interpretation of actual landforms, based on the careful field works, scientific measuring, and analisis, rather than methodology focused on the particular master theories. Recent geomorphological researches show the scope from climatic geomorphology and Quaternary geomorphology to granite and limestone weathering, pedo-geomorphogenic environment and periglacial landforms, focused on the small-to-medium scales. And then there have been new trying to interprete erosional surfaces such as hillslopes and terraces. Also, studies of coastal and plain landforms have been successfully developed. Recent new trends show the quantitative and analytic modelling using field measurement and laboratory work, and study on the human impacts on the natural landforms.y on the human impacts on the natural landforms.

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Interpretation of Soil Catena for Agricultural Soils derived from Sedimentary Rocks (퇴적암 유래 농경지 토양에 대한 카테나 해석)

  • SONN, Yeon-Kyu;LEE, Dong-Sung;KIM, Keun-Tae;HYUN, Byung-Keun;JUN, Hye-Weon;JEON, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2017
  • In Korea, the soil series derived from sedimentary rocks are classified into seven soil series of coarse loamy soil such as Dain, Danbug, Dongam, Imdong, Jeomgog, Maryeong, and Yonggog; seventeen soil series of fine loamy soil such as Angye, Anmi, Banho, Bigog, Deoggog, Dogye, Dojeon, Gamgog, Gugog, Jincheon, Maji, Mungyeong, Oggye, Samam, Yanggog, Yeongwol, and Yulgog; six soil series of fine silty soil such as Goryeong, Bonggog, Juggog, Gyeongsan, Yuga, and Yugog; and four soil series of clayey soil such as Mitan, Pyeongan, Pyeongjeon, and Uji. All thirty-four soil series have different drainage rates and topography. However, the soil texture depends on the parent rock. The buffer functions in GIS (Geographic Information System) techniques were used to calculate adjacent soil series from a soil series. The length of the adjacent soil series was adjusted because a side of the buffer area was one meter long. The cluster analysis was conducted using the CCC (Cubic Clustering Criterion) method, in which the number of clusters is calculated based on the individual soil series ratio. Soil survey has been carried out since 1964 as "The reconnaissance soil survey", and 1:5,000 detailed soil survey was completed in 1999 with a five-years plan in Korea. Today, all the soil survey information has been computerized. GIS techniques were used to establish a digital soil map; however, there have not been any studies to interpret pedogenesis using the GIS technique. In this study, the area of the adjacent soil series were obtained using the GIS technique. The area of the adjacent soil series can be calculated based on the information area. The similarities of soil originated from sedimentary rocks were estimated using the length. As a result, the distribution of grain size was different based on the types of sedimentary rocks and the location. The clusters were distinguished into limestone, sandstone, and shale. In addition, the soil derived from shale was divided into red shale and gray shale. This means that quantitative interpretation of the catena and this established method can be used to interpret the relationship between soil series.

An Interpretation of a Social Implication on the Transition of the Urban Park in Daegu (대구 도시공원의 변천에 나타난 사회적 의미 해석)

  • Lee, Jung-Youn;Jung, Tae-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.72-82
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    • 2013
  • This study was done for analyzing processes on the planning and opening of chronological urban parks in Daegu City since the 1960s, and for interpreting the social meaning on changes of the urban parks with regards to historical circumstances during that period. In the 1960s, urban parks, which were recognized as one of urban planning facilities, were only designated for creating rather than created, although nationally several laws including urban planning act and park act were newly legislated. Rapid urbanization and increasing population in the 1970s led to create many urban parks. However, the policy for increasing parks had been not successful because of the lack of enough funds. In the 1980s, multi-purpose urban parks including stable area as well as active facilities were created for getting several attractions to urban residents. During this period, urban parks were recognized on an aesthetic perspective through vegetating plans on the city-beautiful movement for hosting consecutive international games. The citizen participation in urban parks and the increasing concern about urban environment were started in the 1990s, and the people living in an urban area were interested in the quantitative expansion and qualified renovation of the urban parks as well. Finally, modernistic urban parks were first introduced in the late period of Chosun Dynasty, however their substantial introduction was done in the 1960s. Through this study, the concept of an urban park as a public resting place for citizen in Daegu was thought to be mostly established in the 1990s as we have investigated on the social meaning derived from the periodical changes of urban parks.

Global ginseng research

  • Nguyen, Phuoc Long;Nguyen, Hoang Anh;Park, Jeong Hill
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • v.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2020
  • We conducted a comprehensive analysis of research papers on ginseng to provide an overview of global ginseng research. The qualitative and quantitative interpretation was carried out using collected data of Panax species and six other herbal plants from the Web of ScienceTM Core Collection. We summarized and classified them by country/territory and institutions based on the corresponding author's institution. The first ginseng paper appeared in 1905 and since then, 8,090 papers have been published until 2019. Among them 7,385 papers were published in recent 24 years from 1996 to 2019. It was 18 papers in 1980, 53 in 1990, 97 in 2000, 369 in 2010, and increased to 678 in 2019. Proportion of ginseng papers in total number of scientific papers were also greatly increased, namely, 0.0008% in 1970, 0.0044% in 1980, 0.101% in 1990, 0.0141% in 2000, and 0.0422% in 2019. 7,099 original research papers including notes and 286 review papers were published during last 24 years. Total 3,286 institutions in 78 countries and 1,274 journals contributed to the publication of ginseng papers. Korea was the leading country in ginseng papers up to 2013, however, China took over the top from 2014. Chinese institutions contributed 40.3% of total papers followed by Korea (34.7%), USA (6.0%), Japan (4.1%), and Canada (2.9%). Ginseng was the most studied medicinal plant during last 24 years followed by tea, garlic, ginkgo, and ginger whose number of papers were 6,499, 3,641, 2,590, and 1,945, respectively.

Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Anomalies in the Southwestern Part of the Ogcheon Belt, Korea (옥천대 남서지역의 항공자력자료해석)

  • Baag Chang-Eob;Kang Taeseob;Lee Jung Mo
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.4 no.1_2 s.5
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 1996
  • In order to uncover the subsurface geological structure in the southwestern rim of the Ogcheon Fold Belt including the Cretaceous Neungju Sedimentary Basin, we analysed and interpreted the aeromagnetic anomalies over the region. The study area belongs to Muan-gun, Yeongam-gun, Gangjin-gun, Jangheung-gun, and eastem Haenam-gun. From the qualitative analysis and quantitative modeling of the reduced-to-the-pole magnetic anomalies, following things are revealed or suggested; Even though the porphyry of higher susceptibility is not crop out in the Donggang Myeon in the northwestern part of the study area, it is supposed to have intruded the Precambrian gneiss and the Cretaceous Bulgugsa granite of lower susceptibility. Two-dimemsional modeling of profile data across the sedimentary basin of Neungiu Group reveals that the northern part of the basin is deeper than the southern part, and that the maximum depth of the basin is supposed to be 3km below the surface. The western flank of the basin bottom is steeper than the eastern flank. The high susceptibility value of the Neungju Group sedimentary rocks indicates that the rocks comprises large amount of volcanic materials. This fact implies that it is hard to expect hydrocarbon reservoir in the sedimentary rocks of the Neungiu Basin.

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Study for Analyzing Defense Industry Technology using Datamining technique: Patent Analysis Approach (데이터마이닝을 통한 방위산업기술 분석 연구: 특허분석을 중심으로)

  • Son, Changho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2018
  • Recently, Korea's defense industry has advanced highly, and defense R&D budget is gradually increasing in defense budget. However, without objective analysis of defense industry technology, effective defense R&D activities are limited and defense budgets can be used inefficiently. Therefore, in addition to analyzing the defense industry technology quantitatively reflecting the opinions of the experts, this paper aims to analyze the defense industry technology objectively by quantitative methods, and to make efficient use of the defense budget. In addition, we propose a patent analysis method to grasp the characteristics of the defense industry technology and the vacant technology objectively and systematically by applying the big data analysis method, which is one of the keywords of the 4th industrial revolution, to the defense industry technology. The proposed method is applied to the technology of the firepower industry among several defense industrial technologies and the case analysis is conducted. In the process, the patents of 10 domestic companies related to firepower were collected through the Kipris in the defense industry companies' classification of the Korea Defense Industry Association(KDIA), and the data matrix was preprocessed to utilize IPC codes among them. And then, we Implemented association rule mining which can grasp the relation between each item in data mining technique using R program. The results of this study are suggested through interpretation of support, confidence lift index which were resulted from suggested approach. Therefore, this paper suggests that it can help the efficient use of massive national defense budget and enhance the competitiveness of defense industry technology.

Antispastic Effect of Electroacupuncture on Upper Extremity in Stroke Patients by T-reflex Study : A Single-Blind, Randomized Controlled, Preliminary Study

  • Cho, Min Kyoung;Lee, In;Kwon, Jung Nam;Shin, Byung Cheul;Ko, Sung Hwa;Ko, Hyun Yoon;Shin, Yong Il;Hong, Jin Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.8-18
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: There have been several studies evaluated effect of electroacupuncture (EA) on spasticity but most studies could not assess spasticity quantitatively because they used clinical rating scales for assessment spasticity. The objective of this study is to evaluate effect of EA on poststroke spasticity quantitatively using tendon reflex (T-reflex). Methods: 29 stroke patients with upper extremity spasticity were randomized to EA group and control group. The EA group received combined EA and rehabilitation therapy 5 times a week for 3 weeks. Acupuncture treatment was given at Jian Yu (LI 15), Qu Chi (LI 11), Shao Hai (HT 3), Wai Guan (TE 5), He Gu (LI 4), Lie Que (LU 7), Hou Xi (SI 3) of the affected side, 30 minutes of electrical stimulation with a frequency of 40/13 Hz was applied at Qu Chi (LI 11), He Gu (LI 4). The control group received only rehabilitation therapy. The efficacy of treatment was assessed using T-reflex latency and amplitude, modified Ashworth scale (MAS) of biceps brachii, brachioradialis and triceps brachii. Fugl-Meyer motor function assessment (FMA) and functional independence measure (FIM) were also measured to assess motor function and functional independence. All outcomes were measured before treatment, immediately after 3 weeks of treatment and 1 week after 3 weeks of treatment. Results: No statistically significant differences were found in outcomes including T-reflex between the study groups except for FIM values immediately after 3 weeks of treatment (p=0.037). Conclusions: These results suggest that 3 weeks of EA does not reduce poststroke upper extremity spasticity electrophysiologically and clinically. However, small sample sizes and contradictory tendency between results from T-reflex and those from MAS require cautious judgement on interpretation of the results. A larger, well-designed clinical trials for quantitative evaluation of effect of EA on poststroke spasticity will be needed.