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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Quantitative interpretation

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Early diagnosis of jaw osteomyelitis by easy digitalized panoramic analysis

  • Park, Moo Soung;Eo, Mi Young;Myoung, Hoon;Kim, Soung Min;Lee, Jong Ho
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.41
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    • pp.6.1-6.10
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    • 2019
  • Background: Osteomyelitis is an intraosseous inflammatory disease characterized by progressive inflammatory osteoclasia and ossification. The use of quantitative analysis to assist interpretation of osteomyelitis is increasingly being considered. The objective of this study was to perform early diagnosis of osteomyelitis on digital panoramic radiographs using basic functions provided by picture archiving and communication system (PACS), a program used to show radiographic images. Methods: This study targeted a total of 95 patients whose symptoms were confirmed as osteomyelitis under clinical, radiologic, pathological diagnosis over 11 years from 2008 to 2017. Five categorized patients were osteoradionecrosis, bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of jaw (BRONJ, suppurative and sclerosing type), and bacterial osteomyelitis (suppurative and sclerosing type), and the control group was 117 randomly sampled. The photographic density in a certain area of the digital panoramic radiograph was determined and compared using the "measure area rectangle," one of the basic PACS functions in INFINITT PACS® (INFINITT Healthcare, Seoul, South Korea). A conditional inference tree, one type of decision making tree, was generated with the program R for statistical analysis with SPSS®. Results: In the conditional inference tree generated from the obtained data, cases where the difference in average value exceeded 54.49 and the difference in minimum value was less than 54.49 and greater than 12.81 and the difference in minimum value exceeded 39 were considered suspicious of osteomyelitis. From these results, the disease could be correctly classified with a probability of 88.1%. There was no difference in photographic density value of BRONJ and bacterial osteomyelitis; therefore, it was not possible to classify BRONJ and bacterial osteomyelitis by quantitative analysis of panoramic radiographs based on existing research. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that it is feasible to measure photographic density using a basic function in PACS and apply the data to assist in the diagnosis of osteomyelitis.

Restoration and Analysis of Chugugi Rainfall Data by 『Gaksadeungnok』 for Gyeonggi Province During the Latter Part of the Joseon Dynasty (1830~1893) (『각사등록』에 의한 조선시대 경기도지역 측우기 우량 관측자료 복원 및 분석(1830~1893))

  • Cho, Ha-Man;Kim, Sang-Won;Park, Jin;Kim, Jin-A;Chun, Young-Sin
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.389-400
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    • 2013
  • Chugugi and Wootaeck rainfall data of Gyeonggi Province from 1830 to 1893 were restored from the "Gaksadeungnok" that is the government records between the central government and the local during the Joseon Dynasty. The restored data periods were 27, 10, 9 and 14 years for Kwangju, Suwon, Ganghwa and Gaeseong, and the total number of restored data was 655 for the Chugugi and 427 for the Wootaek, respectively. The variation pattern of monthly rainfall by Chugugi was investigated and it showed that the monthly rainfall more than 300 mm was recorded 25 times with 18 times in July, 5 times in August and 3 times in June. The cases of more than 500 mm were also recorded 8 times with the maximum 787 mm at the Kwangju in July 1862, showing the similar pattern to Seoul. The monthly mean rainfall for the Gyeonggi Province were 259 mm in July, 204 mm in August and 121 mm in June, which were about one third of that of Seoul. The correlation analysis between the Chugugi and Wootaek data was carried out to derive the quantitative values of Wootaek observations. It revealed that 1 'Ri' of Wootaek observation was equal to approximately 1 'Chon (Chugugi unit)' or 20 mm, while 1 'Seo' was very variable between 2 and 6 'Boon (Chugugi unit)' with the median value approximately 3 'Boon' or 6 mm. Recalculated Wootaek data showed that the monthly rainfall in July, August, and June were 289 mm, 154 mm, and 124 mm, respectively. Through this study, some features of the rainfall variation pattern during 1830~1893 were figured out, and quantitative interpretation of Wootaek data became possible based on the restored rainfall data from the "Gaksadeungnok". Though many pages of the book have been lost during the last hundreds years, "Gaksadeungnok" is still very meaningful and of practical use, for it contains plenty of the local data throughout the whole country during the latter part of Joseon Dynasty. Therefore, further studies are strongly recommended on the restoration of climate related data and on the climatic tendency of 19th century of Korean peninsular.

An introductory study on the urban functions using CHAID technique (CHAID 技法에 의한 都市機能의 試論的 硏究)

  • ;Yang, Soon-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.360-368
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    • 1994
  • To this day, a number of quantitative analytical methods have been employed in clarifying regional characteristics in the discipline of geography. This paper attempted, as a part of application of those quantitative analyses, to make clear the urban functions and consequently the urban characteristics statistically by adopting newly-introduced CHAID, a sort of discriminant analyis technique. The processing of data was sonducted in two phases. To begin with, the urban functions were classified after designating twenty cities - the population of each city counting 250, 000 or more - as predictor variable, and at the same time four major urban functions like administration, marketing, finance and production as response variable. And then, preeminent functions of individual region were discriminated and concurrently classified by treating the remaining traffic, education, medicare, culture and transportation functions as predictor variable, and the following five regions as response variable: Metropolitan Seoul Area. Pusan region, Taegu region, Kwangju region and Chungcheong region. According to the result of this analysis, marketing and administration are emereed as meaningful functions in Seoul and Taegu respectively. As for the finance function only Pusan and Pucheon can be discriminated. Seoul, Pusan and Seongnam reveal their dominancy in production function. To take a look at the result of the latter analysis, the Metropolitan Seoul area shows, among other functions, strong traffic and finance functions. When it comes fo Pusan region, adminstration, education and finance functions are recorded as a leading ones, and Taegu region is preferable in education, medicare and transportation functions. In case of Kwangju region adminstration, production and education functions are discriminated from any other functions. Chungcheong region shows similar aspect with only traffic function replacing the production function of Kwangju region. Based on aforementioned anlysis, it can be said that the CHAID technique, which is capable of processing large amount of categorical data and, by presenting its outcome in the form of dendrogram, facilitates the interpretation work, is an effective, meaningful means to classify and discriminate certain geographical regions and their characteristics.

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A Study on Analysis Method for Performance Evaluation of Double-leaf facade of Office Building (업무용 건물의 이중외피 성능평가를 위한 해석기법의 고찰 - 이중외피 설계안의 에너지 저감 성능 및 환기성능을 중심으로 -)

  • Chung, Hwan-Kyo;Chung, Kwang-Seop;Lee, Yong-Jun;Shin, Seung-Chul;Kim, Young-Il
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.168-178
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study is applied to office buildings to evaluate quantitative evaluation method about performance of double-skin at design stage to establish the basis for the purpose of evaluation performance. Select the evaluation building about design plan for applying the double-skin using the dynamic heat load analysis program the annual heating and cooling load of before and after the double-skin. Using CFD to analyze wind factor and applied ventilation for realistic results. Effects of double-skin to apply, and control techniques that can be done more realistically proposed through to set and control for shade control mode of ventilator and inside cavity wall of double-skin. Apply for the building the double-skin due to interpretation of the annual heating and cooling loads applied to interpret the quantitative effect confirmed the possibility. According to the form of a double skin was confirmed cavity environmental changes.

A Study on the Visual Attention of Popular Animation Characters Utilizing Eye Tracking (아이트래킹을 활용한 인기 애니메이션 캐릭터의 시각적 주의에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Mi-Kyung;Kwon, Mahn-Woo;Park, Min-Hee;Yin, Shuo-Han
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.214-221
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    • 2019
  • Visual perception information acquired through human eyes contains much information on how to view visual stimuli using eye tracking technology, it is possible to acquire and analyze consumer visual information as quantitative data. These measurements can be used to measure emotions that customers feel unconsciously, and they can be directly collected by numerically quantifying the character's search response through eye tracking. In this study, we traced the character's area of interest (AOI) and found that the average of fixation duration, count, average of visit duration, count, and finally the time to first fixation was analyzed. As a result of analysis, it was found that there were many cognitive processing processes on the face than the character's body, and the visual attention was high. The visual attention of attraction factor has also been able to verify that attraction is being presented as an important factor in determining preferences for characters. Based on the results of this study, further studies of more characters will be conducted and quantitative interpretation methods can be used as basic data for character development and factors to be considered in determining character design.

A Study on the Characteristics of Rural Convention in Chungcheong Region - Focused on the Rural Spatial Structure Analysis, Setting of Rural Living Area and Use of Amenity Resource(Facility) - (충청지역의 농촌협약 특성에 관한 연구 - 농촌 공간구조 분석과 농촌생활권 설정, 농촌다움(시설)자원 활용을 중심으로 -)

  • Eom, Sung-Jun;Kim, Sang-Bum;An, Phil-Gyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to present the implications of the rural living area setting and rural spatial structure analysis of the rural spatial strategy plan through case analysis. Following the decentralization of autonomy and the promotion of the transfer of state affairs to local areas, some of the general agricultural and fishing village development projects of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs were transferred to local areas. In addition, in 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs introduced a rural agreement system for 113 cities and counties. However, since the understanding of the field is still low, this study attempted to present implications through a case analysis of the structure of rural space and the establishment of rural living areas in three local governments in Chungcheong. As a result of the study, in the stage of establishing the living zone, it is necessary to comprehensively review the contents reviewed in the analysis of the current status and conditions. However, the two local governments had insufficient interpretation of the axis by function and the establishment of the base area, or were using the upper plan as it was. Second, the source of the data used in the survey on the distribution status of living SOC facilities is unclear. Since the distribution status of living SOC facilities overlaps with accessibility analysis, OD data analysis, and resident survey results and is used as the basis for setting living areas, the data source should be clearly marked, and verification should be possible. Third, amenity (facility) resources were classified and analyzed according to the conditions and characteristics of local governments. The local government that applied the guidelines as they were was A local government, and the remaining local governments conducted surveys and analysis according to the current status. Forth, since the establishment of the rural living area is the minimum unit supported by government policies through future rural agreements, it is necessary to distinguish them based on quantitative standards in the process of establishing them. Only one case area presented clear grounds and standards, and the rest of the case areas presented standards but are based on non-quantitative standards. In order for rural agreements to be sustainable in the future and benefit local residents, it is necessary to use or establish a government-level institution that can collect and produce objective data. In addition, it is necessary to find ways to specify and standardize the standards for setting the living area and specify them in the guidelines.

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Paper-Pencil Test Items for Exploring its Appropriateness as a Selection Tool of the Gifted in Science (과학 영재 선발 도구로서 지필 검사의 적합성 탐색을 위한 질적 및 양적 문항 분석)

  • Lee, Ki-Young;Dong, Hyo-Kwan;Hong, Jun-Eui;Kim, Hyun-Kyung;Jo, Bong-Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.32-46
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to analyse the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of paper-pencil tests for exploring its appropriateness as a selection tool of the gifted in science. For this purpose, we developed two (internal and external) item analysis frameworks, and applied these frameworks to analyse qualitative characteristics. Also, we analysed the relationship between two characteristics. The results of analysing qualitative characteristics revealed that the portion of items with acceleration context exceeding middle school curriculum level was relatively large, which caused low content validity. Furthermore, there was considerable deviation in content and context by subject matter and year, which caused test unstability. Items measuring knowledge domain was the most prevalent, and too much weight on data interpretation & analysis domain in inquiry process skills. In case of creativity test, the portion of items measuring convergent thinking was much larger than that of divergent or associative thinking. Most of these items were represented by using pictures and tables rather than using graphs. Item types of multiple-choice and short answers were superior to essay types. Discrimination index, on the whole, was appropriate (above 0.3), but item difficulty showed a vast deviation (0.010.90). Correlation coefficients among subject matters and test tools were very low, and test reliabilities were also low. Low item difficulty & high discrimination index item types were distinguishable. Items with acceleration context were more discriminating than enrichment context. Implications of developing quality paper-pencil test items in the selection of gifted students are discussed.

Study on the Seismic Random Noise Attenuation for the Seismic Attribute Analysis (탄성파 속성 분석을 위한 탄성파 자료 무작위 잡음 제거 연구)

  • Jongpil Won;Jungkyun Shin;Jiho Ha;Hyunggu Jun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.51-71
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    • 2024
  • Seismic exploration is one of the widely used geophysical exploration methods with various applications such as resource development, geotechnical investigation, and subsurface monitoring. It is essential for interpreting the geological characteristics of subsurface by providing accurate images of stratum structures. Typically, geological features are interpreted by visually analyzing seismic sections. However, recently, quantitative analysis of seismic data has been extensively researched to accurately extract and interpret target geological features. Seismic attribute analysis can provide quantitative information for geological interpretation based on seismic data. Therefore, it is widely used in various fields, including the analysis of oil and gas reservoirs, investigation of fault and fracture, and assessment of shallow gas distributions. However, seismic attribute analysis is sensitive to noise within the seismic data, thus additional noise attenuation is required to enhance the accuracy of the seismic attribute analysis. In this study, four kinds of seismic noise attenuation methods are applied and compared to mitigate random noise of poststack seismic data and enhance the attribute analysis results. FX deconvolution, DSMF, Noise2Noise, and DnCNN are applied to the Youngil Bay high-resolution seismic data to remove seismic random noise. Energy, sweetness, and similarity attributes are calculated from noise-removed seismic data. Subsequently, the characteristics of each noise attenuation method, noise removal results, and seismic attribute analysis results are qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. Based on the advantages and disadvantages of each noise attenuation method and the characteristics of each seismic attribute analysis, we propose a suitable noise attenuation method to improve the result of seismic attribute analysis.

Interpreting Mixtures Using Allele Peak Areas (Mixture에서 봉우리 면적을 활용한 유전자 증거의 해석)

  • Hong, Yu-Lim;Lee, Hyo-Jung;Lee, Jae-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2010
  • Mixture is that DNA profiles of samples contain material from more than one contributor, especially common in rape cases. In this situation, first, the method based on enumerating a complete set of possible genotype that may have generated the mixed DNA profile have been studied for interpreting DNA mixtures. More recently, the methods utilizing peak area information to calculate likelihood ratios have been suggested. This study is concerned with the analysis and interpretation of mixed forensic stains using quantitative peak area information and the method of forensic inference for extension of material from more than or equal to three contributors. Finally, the numerical example will be outlined.

A Study on Safety and Operational Management System for CNG Filling Stations (CNG충전소 안전.운영 관리를 위한 시스템 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Jae-Mo;Kim, Bum-Su;Yong, Jong-Won;Ko, Byung-Seok;Lee, Dong-Hyuk;Ko, Jae-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2011
  • All over the nation, a lot of industrial complex utilize gas as their energy source. Possibilities are fire, explosion, and leakage could happen any time in these large complexes. To prevent these tragic accidents and to minimize the damage when the accident occurs, the development of diagnostic technology for these facilities is imperative. The safety check is conducted on an individual and partial basis, currently. Accordingly, the accumulation and improvement of the safety management technology is necessary in order to make all the different checking techniques and management systems compatible, since checking processes, result interpretation techniques, and subsequent prognoses are not the same. The program provides damage scenarios from gas leakage. The output enables policy makers to predict the degree of infliction. Through this program, engineers are able to design an effective gas safety program to operate and maintain ubiquitous gas facilities.