• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quality of Design

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GIS-based Market Analysis and Sales Management System : The Case of a Telecommunication Company (시장분석 및 영업관리 역량 강화를 위한 통신사의 GIS 적용 사례)

  • Chang, Nam-Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2011
  • A Geographic Information System(GIS) is a system that captures, stores, analyzes, manages and presents data with reference to geographic location data. In the later 1990s and earlier 2000s it was limitedly used in government sectors such as public utility management, urban planning, landscape architecture, and environmental contamination control. However, a growing number of open-source packages running on a range of operating systems enabled many private enterprises to explore the concept of viewing GIS-based sales and customer data over their own computer monitors. K telecommunication company has dominated the Korean telecommunication market by providing diverse services, such as high-speed internet, PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network), VOLP (Voice Over Internet Protocol), and IPTV(Internet Protocol Television). Even though the telecommunication market in Korea is huge, the competition between major services providers is growing more fierce than ever before. Service providers struggled to acquire as many new customers as possible, attempted to cross sell more products to their regular customers, and made more efforts on retaining the best customers by offering unprecedented benefits. Most service providers including K telecommunication company tried to adopt the concept of customer relationship management(CRM), and analyze customer's demographic and transactional data statistically in order to understand their customer's behavior. However, managing customer information has still remained at the basic level, and the quality and the quantity of customer data were not enough not only to understand the customers but also to design a strategy for marketing and sales. For example, the currently used 3,074 legal regional divisions, which are originally defined by the government, were too broad to calculate sub-regional customer's service subscription and cancellation ratio. Additional external data such as house size, house price, and household demographics are also needed to measure sales potential. Furthermore, making tables and reports were time consuming and they were insufficient to make a clear judgment about the market situation. In 2009, this company needed a dramatic shift in the way marketing and sales activities, and finally developed a dedicated GIS_based market analysis and sales management system. This system made huge improvement in the efficiency with which the company was able to manage and organize all customer and sales related information, and access to those information easily and visually. After the GIS information system was developed, and applied to marketing and sales activities at the corporate level, the company was reported to increase sales and market share substantially. This was due to the fact that by analyzing past market and sales initiatives, creating sales potential, and targeting key markets, the system could make suggestions and enable the company to focus its resources on the demographics most likely to respond to the promotion. This paper reviews subjective and unclear marketing and sales activities that K telecommunication company operated, and introduces the whole process of developing the GIS information system. The process consists of the following 5 modules : (1) Customer profile cleansing and standardization, (2) Internal/External DB enrichment, (3) Segmentation of 3,074 legal regions into 46,590 sub_regions called blocks, (4) GIS data mart design, and (5) GIS system construction. The objective of this case study is to emphasize the need of GIS system and how it works in the private enterprises by reviewing the development process of the K company's market analysis and sales management system. We hope that this paper suggest valuable guideline to companies that consider introducing or constructing a GIS information system.

Athermalization and Narcissus Analysis of Mid-IR Dual-FOV IR Optics (이중 시야 중적외선 광학계 비열화·나르시서스 분석)

  • Jeong, Do Hwan;Lee, Jun Ho;Jeong, Ho;Ok, Chang Min;Park, Hyun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.110-118
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    • 2018
  • We have designed a mid-infrared optical system for an airborne electro-optical targeting system. The mid-IR optical system is a dual-field-of-view (FOV) optics for an airborne electro-optical targeting system. The optics consists of a beam-reducer, a zoom lens group, a relay lens group, a cold stop conjugation optics, and an IR detector. The IR detector is an f/5.3 cooled detector with a resolution of $1280{\times}1024$ square pixels, with a pixel size of $15{\times}15{\mu}m$. The optics provides two stepwise FOVs ($1.50^{\circ}{\times}1.20^{\circ}$ and $5.40^{\circ}{\times}4.23^{\circ}$) by the insertion of two lenses into the zoom lens group. The IR optical system was designed in such a way that the working f-number (f/5.3) of the cold stop internally provided by the IR detector is maintained over the entire FOV when changing the zoom. We performed two analyses to investigate thermal effects on the image quality: athermalization analysis and Narcissus analysis. Athermalization analysis investigated the image focus shift and residual high-order wavefront aberrations as the working temperature changes from $-55^{\circ}C$ to $50^{\circ}C$. We first identified the best compensator for the thermal focus drift, using the Zernike polynomial decomposition method. With the selected compensator, the optics was shown to maintain the on-axis MTF at the Nyquist frequency of the detector over 10%, throughout the temperature range. Narcissus analysis investigated the existence of the thermal ghost images of the cold detector formed by the optics itself, which is quantified by the Narcissus Induced Temperature Difference (NITD). The reported design was shown to have an NITD of less than $1.5^{\circ}C$.

Design of Translator for generating Secure Java Bytecode from Thread code of Multithreaded Models (다중스레드 모델의 스레드 코드를 안전한 자바 바이트코드로 변환하기 위한 번역기 설계)

  • 김기태;유원희
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2002.06a
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    • pp.148-155
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    • 2002
  • Multithreaded models improve the efficiency of parallel systems by combining inner parallelism, asynchronous data availability and the locality of von Neumann model. This model executes thread code which is generated by compiler and of which quality is given by the method of generation. But multithreaded models have the demerit that execution model is restricted to a specific platform. On the contrary, Java has the platform independency, so if we can translate from threads code to Java bytecode, we can use the advantages of multithreaded models in many platforms. Java executes Java bytecode which is intermediate language format for Java virtual machine. Java bytecode plays a role of an intermediate language in translator and Java virtual machine work as back-end in translator. But, Java bytecode which is translated from multithreaded models have the demerit that it is not secure. This paper, multhithread code whose feature of platform independent can execute in java virtual machine. We design and implement translator which translate from thread code of multithreaded code to Java bytecode and which check secure problems from Java bytecode.

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A Study on the Design of the Grid-Cell Assessment System for the Optimal Location of Offshore Wind Farms (해상풍력발전단지의 최적 위치 선정을 위한 Grid-cell 평가 시스템 개념 설계)

  • Lee, Bo-Kyeong;Cho, Ik-Soon;Kim, Dae-Hae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.848-857
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    • 2018
  • Recently, around the world, active development of new renewable energy sources including solar power, waves, and fuel cells, etc. has taken place. Particularly, floating offshore wind farms have been developed for saving costs through large scale production, using high-quality wind power and minimizing noise damage in the ocean area. The development of floating wind farms requires an evaluation of the Maritime Safety Audit Scheme under the Maritime Safety Act in Korea. Floating wind farms shall be assessed by applying the line and area concept for systematic development, management and utilization of specified sea water. The development of appropriate evaluation methods and standards is also required. In this study, proper standards for marine traffic surveys and assessments were established and a systemic treatment was studied for assessing marine spatial area. First, a marine traffic data collector using AIS or radar was designed to conduct marine traffic surveys. In addition, assessment methods were proposed such as historical tracks, traffic density and marine traffic pattern analysis applying the line and area concept. Marine traffic density can be evaluated by spatial and temporal means, with an adjusted grid-cell scale. Marine traffic pattern analysis was proposed for assessing ship movement patterns for transit or work in sea areas. Finally, conceptual design of a Marine Traffic and Safety Assessment Solution (MaTSAS) was competed that can be analyzed automatically to collect and assess the marine traffic data. It could be possible to minimize inaccurate estimation due to human errors such as data omission or misprints through automated and systematic collection, analysis and retrieval of marine traffic data. This study could provides reliable assessment results, reflecting the line and area concept, according to sea area usage.

Affective Effect of Video Playback Style and its Assessment Tool Development (영상의 재생 스타일에 따른 감성적 효과와 감성 평가 도구의 개발)

  • Jeong, Kyeong Ah;Suk, Hyeon-Jeong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.103-120
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated how video playback styles affect viewers' emotional responses to a video and then suggested emotion assessment tool for playback-edited videos. The study involved two in-lab experiments. In the first experiment, observers were asked to express their feelings while watching videos in both original playback and articulated playback simultaneously. By controlling the speed, direction, and continuity, total of twelve playback styles were created. Each of the twelve playback styles were applied to five kinds of original videos that contains happy, anger, sad, relaxed, and neutral emotion. Thirty college students participated and more than 3,800 words were collected. The collected words were comprised of 899 kinds of emotion terms, and these emotion terms were classified into 52 emotion categories. The second experiment was conducted to develop proper emotion assessment tool for playback-edited video. Total of 38 emotion terms, which were extracted from 899 emotion terms, were employed from the first experiment and used as a scales (given in Korean and scored on a 5-point Likert scale) to assess the affective quality of pre-made video materials. The total of eleven pre-made commercial videos which applied different playback styles were collected. The videos were transformed to initial (un-edited) condition, and participants were evaluated pre-made videos by comparing initial condition videos simultaneously. Thirty college students evaluated playback-edited video in the second study. Based on the judgements, four factors were extracted through the factor analysis, and they were labelled "Happy", "Sad", "Reflective" and "Weird (funny and at the same time weird)." Differently from conventional emotion framework, the positivity and negativity of the valence dimension were independently treated, while the arousal aspect was marginally recognized. With four factors from the second experiment, finally emotion assessment tool for playback-edited video was proposed. The practical value and application of emotion assessment tool were also discussed.

Evaluation of Growth Characteristics and Yield Potential of Summer Emergency Forage Crops (하계 응급 조사료 자원의 생육특성 및 조사료 생산성 평가)

  • Park, Hyung Soo;Choi, Ki Choon;Yang, Seung Hak;Jung, Jeong Sung;Lee, Bae Hun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.26-31
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    • 2022
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the growth characteristics and forage yield potential for warm season grass as emergency forages. The experimental design was a randomized block design (RBD) with three replications. Two barnyard millet (Echinochloa species cv. Shirohie and Jeju native), a pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum cv Feed milk 2) a proso millet (Panicum miliaceum cv Native), a teffgrass (Eragrostis tef cv. Tiffany) and a kleingrass (Panicum coloratum cv. Selection 75) were compared for forage production and quality at the Mid regions of Korea. Warm season forage crops were sown on May 21 and June 23 respectively, and in 2021, it was sown twice on May 21 and June 21 The number of days to seedling emergence for barnyard millet and teffgrass was observed approximately 10 and 3 days after seeding, respectively. The cultivation period from seeding to harvest was within 60 days for all entry spices except for the late-heading type barnyard millet (within 84 days). As for the dry matter yield by seeding date, the dry matter yield of the late-heading type barnyard millet in May seeding was the highest at 23,872 kg/ha, and the kleingrass was the lowest at 3,888 kg/ha. For the June seeding, the dry matter yield of the late-heading type barnyard millet was 17,032 kg/ha, the highest, and the proso millet, teffgrass and kleingrass showed the lowest at 5,468, 5,442, and 5,197 kg/ha, respectively. The crude protein (CP) content was varied by warm season grass species, but the early-heading type barnyard millet, teffgrass, and kleingrass showed the highest tendency, and the late-heading type barnyard millet showed the lowest at 5.7~5.9%. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) content did not show a significant difference between the seeding in May, but kleingrass in June sowed lower than the others.

A Study on 'Verfremdung' effects in visual advertisements with a special reference to the <017-I-Touch series, The Hand Transformed into a Web >, mobile network advertisement (동영상 광고에서 나타나는 '소격화' 효과에 관한 연구 - 광고 <017-I-Touch편 (손이 물갈퀴) >를 중심으로 -관어영시광고중소출현적‘맥생화’효과적연구(關於影視廣告中所出現的‘陌生化’效果的硏究))

  • Jin, Ri-Long;Ahn, Sang-Soo;Kim, Jong-Deok
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.60
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2005
  • Today's advertisement is dominated by visual images, which deliver messages in the most efficient and engaging way. Vivid and live images, through multimedia, attract the viewer to consume the products being advertised. In this course, the effect of 'Verfremdung' or alienation is often detected. This terminology was at first used in a epic play of Bertolt Brecht to signify a specific effect to block the empathy of the audience by reminding them of their position as the audience separate from the play. 'Verfremdung' helps them to have a sense of objectivity and critical attitude toward the performance. Multimedia commercials nowadays exhibit such a quality together with 'viewer participation:' criticism on reality: and 'speed.' In an advertisement for Shinsegi Communications' mobile system titled <017-I-Touch series, the hand transformed into a web>, the copy, 'my blood type is 'i', ' is accompanied by six unrelated fictitious scenes in which the same ocean appears as a common denominator. Because there is no connection between the scenes, free imagination of the viewer has to be involved and thus plays a significant role in making them into a context. This fact dearly exhibit some characteristics of post- modern advertisement. Momentary 'Gap' and 'Difference' between scenes contribute to 'Verfremdung' or alienation' that makes it hard for the consumers to comprehend the content on the spot. Such an uneasy situation, however, keeps the viewers thinking about the advertisement itself. While repeatedly exposed to the alienated images, the viewers come to get involved in the advertisement, trying to make the fragmented images into a coherent context. In addition, the leaps between the scenes produce a sense of 'speed' in a context, which adds more impact to the way of delivering messages using multimedia. With the help of multimedia, 'Verfremdung: which was originally intended to bring about objective and critical altitude of the audience in a play, plays a crucial role in attracting the viewer's attention and conveying a specific message in a moment in contemporary advertisement.

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Impact Assessment of Agricultural Reservoir on Streamflow Simulation Using Semi-distributed Hydrologic Model (준분포형 모형을 이용한 농업용 저수지가 안성천 유역의 유출모의에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Kim, Bo Kyung;Kim, Byung Sik;Kwon, Hyun Han
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.1B
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2009
  • Long-term rainfall-runoff modeling is a key element in the Earth's hydrological cycle, and associated with many different aspects such as dam design, drought management, river management flow, reservoir management for water supply, water right permission or coordinate, water quality prediction. In this regard, hydrologists have used the hydrologic models for design criteria, water resources assessment, planning and management as a main tool. Most of rainfall-runoff studies, however, were not carefully performed in terms of considering reservoir effects. In particular, the downstream where is severely affected by reservoir was poorly dealt in modeling rainfall-runoff process. Moreover, the effects can considerably affect overall the rainfallrunoff process. An objective of this study, thus, is to evaluate the impact of reservoir operation on rainfall-runoff process. The proposed approach is applied to Anseong watershed, where is in a mixed rural/urban setting of the area and in Korea, and has been experienced by flood damage due to heavy rainfall. It has been greatly paid attention to the agricultural reservoirs in terms of flood protection in Korea. To further investigate the reservoir effects, a comprehensive assessment for the results are discussed. Results of simulations that included reservoir in the model showed the effect of storage appeared in spring and autumn when rainfall was not concentrated. In periods of heavy rainfall, however, downstream runoff increased in simulations that do not consider reservoir factor. Flow duration curve showed that changes in streamflow depending upon the presence or absence of reservoir factor were particularly noticeable in ninety-five day flow and low flow.

Opportunity Tree Framework Design For Optimization of Software Development Project Performance (소프트웨어 개발 프로젝트 성능의 최적화를 위한 Opportunity Tree 모델 설계)

  • Song Ki-Won;Lee Kyung-Whan
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.12D no.3 s.99
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    • pp.417-428
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    • 2005
  • Today, IT organizations perform projects with vision related to marketing and financial profit. The objective of realizing the vision is to improve the project performing ability in terms of QCD. Organizations have made a lot of efforts to achieve this objective through process improvement. Large companies such as IBM, Ford, and GE have made over $80\%$ of success through business process re-engineering using information technology instead of business improvement effect by computers. It is important to collect, analyze and manage the data on performed projects to achieve the objective, but quantitative measurement is difficult as software is invisible and the effect and efficiency caused by process change are not visibly identified. Therefore, it is not easy to extract the strategy of improvement. This paper measures and analyzes the project performance, focusing on organizations' external effectiveness and internal efficiency (Qualify, Delivery, Cycle time, and Waste). Based on the measured project performance scores, an OT (Opportunity Tree) model was designed for optimizing the project performance. The process of design is as follows. First, meta data are derived from projects and analyzed by quantitative GQM(Goal-Question-Metric) questionnaire. Then, the project performance model is designed with the data obtained from the quantitative GQM questionnaire and organization's performance score for each area is calculated. The value is revised by integrating the measured scores by area vision weights from all stakeholders (CEO, middle-class managers, developer, investor, and custom). Through this, routes for improvement are presented and an optimized improvement method is suggested. Existing methods to improve software process have been highly effective in division of processes' but somewhat unsatisfactory in structural function to develop and systemically manage strategies by applying the processes to Projects. The proposed OT model provides a solution to this problem. The OT model is useful to provide an optimal improvement method in line with organization's goals and can reduce risks which may occur in the course of improving process if it is applied with proposed methods. In addition, satisfaction about the improvement strategy can be improved by obtaining input about vision weight from all stakeholders through the qualitative questionnaire and by reflecting it to the calculation. The OT is also useful to optimize the expansion of market and financial performance by controlling the ability of Quality, Delivery, Cycle time, and Waste.

Development of Digital Transceiver Unit for 5G Optical Repeater (5G 광중계기 구동을 위한 디지털 송수신 유닛 설계)

  • Min, Kyoung-Ok;Lee, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.156-167
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we propose a digital transceiver unit design for in-building of 5G optical repeaters that extends the coverage of 5G mobile communication network services and connects to a stable wireless network in a building. The digital transceiver unit for driving the proposed 5G optical repeater is composed of 4 blocks: a signal processing unit, an RF transceiver unit, an optical input/output unit, and a clock generation unit. The signal processing unit plays an important role, such as a combination of a basic operation of the CPRI interface, a 4-channel antenna signal, and response to external control commands. It also transmits and receives high-quality IQ data through the JESD204B interface. CFR and DPD blocks operate to protect the power amplifier. The RF transmitter/receiver converts the RF signal received from the antenna to AD, is transmitted to the signal processing unit through the JESD204B interface, and DA converts the digital signal transmitted from the signal processing unit to the JESD204B interface and transmits the RF signal to the antenna. The optical input/output unit converts an electric signal into an optical signal and transmits it, and converts the optical signal into an electric signal and receives it. The clock generator suppresses jitter of the synchronous clock supplied from the CPRI interface of the optical input/output unit, and supplies a stable synchronous clock to the signal processing unit and the RF transceiver. Before CPRI connection, a local clock is supplied to operate in a CPRI connection ready state. XCZU9CG-2FFVC900I of Xilinx's MPSoC series was used to evaluate the accuracy of the digital transceiver unit for driving the 5G optical repeater proposed in this paper, and Vivado 2018.3 was used as the design tool. The 5G optical repeater digital transceiver unit proposed in this paper converts the 5G RF signal input to the ADC into digital and transmits it to the JIG through CPRI and outputs the downlink data signal received from the JIG through the CPRI to the DAC. And evaluated the performance. The experimental results showed that flatness, Return Loss, Channel Power, ACLR, EVM, Frequency Error, etc. exceeded the target set value.