• Title/Summary/Keyword: Q-방법

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Types of literary therapy's subjective perceptions utilized by Q-methodology (Q-방법론을 활용한 문학치료에 대한 주관적 인식 유형)

  • Park, Jeong Hye;Choi, Kyoungho
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.1465-1477
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    • 2015
  • In Korea, the word, 'Literary Therapy' can be replaced by 'Bibliotherapy', 'Journal Therapy', 'Writing Therapy', 'Poem Therapy', 'Integrated Literary Therapy', or 'Imaginary-Oriented Poetry Therapy', and so on. This study, intended on people related to literary therapy, uses Q-methodology as useful research method of objectifying abstract concepts which can be perceived differently according to individual experience or perception, to investigate types of literary therapy's subjective perceptions. The result of study can be analyzed by four types: The first type is 'Pursuing Generalization', the second type is 'Considering the Therapist', the third type is 'Emphasizing the Integration', and the forth type is 'Maximizing the literary therapy'. Through this result of the study, we can find the responsibility of literary therapy as a leader of cultural, artistic therapy to break down various pathological situations which contemporary society have.

User Types of Shared Mobility Services and UX Design Strategies: an application of Q Methodology (Q방법론을 적용한 공유 모빌리티 서비스의 이용자 유형 연구 및 모빌리티 서비스 UX 디자인 전략)

  • Hong, Seung-Hye;Byun, Young-Si;Lee, Jeong-Myeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.568-580
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    • 2019
  • With mobility-as-a-service(MaaS) drawing attention to its influence and ripple effect around the world, the mobility service market is currently growing rapidly mainly focusing on mobility sharing. In order to preemptively dominate the mobility service market following the full-scale spread of MaaS, it is important to first identify the recognition and experience of users in personal mobility sharing services, which are currently in the early stages of diffusion, and through which to understand the characteristics of potential consumers of the extended mobility service market. Therefore, the study aims to classify the user types of mobility service and establish a future user experience-oriented mobility service strategy using a subjectivity study method, Q methodology.

An Analysis on Confucian Values of China Normal University Students - focused on the Q Methodology - (중국 사범대학생의 유교적 가치관 유형 분석 - Q방법론적 접근 -)

  • Yeo, Sang Woon;Li, Zhangpei;Li, Xiaohui
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.273-283
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to analysis the types of features of confucian values of China normal university students. To achieve this purpose, Q methodology is applied. This study was conducted at Sichuan Normal University in China. Total 42 students and 47 statements collected through literature research. The implementation were formed in four types, statism, traditionalism, nominalism, and naturalism. Through this study, from the perspective of international relations, family relations, and friendship, all four type of features were presented intellectualized intelligentiae. The common feature of the four types is gender role, and the cognition of gender role is changing, and women will becoming an independent individual. Although confucian values had made great contribution for the development of Chinese traditional culture, it is an undeniable fact that some ideas not according with the modern social demand for development are hidden in the back.And we should look at and appreciate confucian values from a comprehensive and dialectic view.

A Study on the Comparison for the Child Occupant Safety from Frontal Crash Test Protocol (정면충돌 시험방법에 따른 어린이 탑승객 충돌안전성 비교연구)

  • Kim, Siwoo
    • Journal of Auto-vehicle Safety Association
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2016
  • Recently, development in vehicle safety could increase interest in children's safety in vehicle collisions. But the research of children safety in vehicle collisions is not being conducted as many as that of adult's. Especially the study for the vehicle crash was not much. This study focused on the comparison of child safety between test protocols to evaluate children's safety in crash test. Injuries of Q6 and Q10 dummy were evaluated using FFRB (Full frontal rigid barrier) test and 40% ODB (Offset deformable barrier) test with one model vehicle. Even though the limit number of test, the tendency of injury criteria of Q6 and Q10 dummy between the test protocols was not conformed but injury criteria of Q6 and Q10 were not same between FFRB and 40% ODB.

Fuzzy LQRQL Control (퍼지 LQRQL 제어)

  • 김영일;김종호;박주영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.125-128
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    • 2004
  • Q-learning은 강화학습의 한 방법으로서, 여러 분야에 널리 응용되고 있는 기법이다. 최근에는 Linear Quadratic Regulation (이하 LQR) 문제에 성공적으로 적용된 바 있다. 특히 시스템 모델의 파라미터에 대한 구체적인 정보가 없는 상태에서 적절한 입력과 출력만을 가지고, 학습을 통해 문제를 해결할 수 있어서 상황에 따라서 매우 실용적인 대안이 될 수 있다. 이에 따라 본 논문에서는 이러한 일반적인 LQR Q-learning(이하 LQRQL) 학습방법에 퍼지 모델을 이용하여 제어기를 설계하는 방법을 고려하고, 일반적인 LQROL 기법과 본 논문에서 제시한 방법의 결과를 비교하여 응용 가능성을 살펴보았다.

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Q방법론의 특성과 적용

  • 김범종;박철용
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association for Survey Research Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.109-127
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    • 2001
  • 그 동안 사회과학 분야에서의 연구는 논리실증주의의 객관성 중시 사고가 지배해왔다. 그 결과 객관적인 측정과 변수들 간의 관계에 대한 타당성에 중점을 개인간 (interindividual)의 비교에 대한 연구가 주를 이룸으로써 개인의 주관성이 반영되어 나타나는 다양한 자극들에 대한 개인내(intraindividual)의 반응의 차이에 대한 연구가 부진하였다. 사회과학분야에서 중요한 연구대상이 되는 인간의 독특성은 바로 개별 주체들이 가지고 있는 주관성에 있다고 해고 과언이 아닌데 실증주의자들이 사용해 온 계량적 접근방법으로는 인간의 본질적 속성인 주관성에 대한 연구에 한계가 있다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 Q 방법의 방법론적 특성과 실제 적용에 대해 알아본다.

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Subjectivity Study on Spanish Restaurant Perception of Restaurant Industry Consumer (외식 소비자의 스페인 레스토랑 인식에 대한 주관성 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Yong;Kim, Ho-Seok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.576-584
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    • 2020
  • The effect of conducted using Q research method, which is one of qualitative analysis methods that can approach in-depth and essential meaning of Spanish restaurant's perception of dining out consumers. The purpose of this study is to classify Spanish restaurant's perceptions of catering consumers by type, to find out the characteristics among them, and to suggest future improvement directions. An exploratory study was conducted using Q-methodology to analyze the subjective perceptions of restaurant customers in Spanish restaurants. To this end, the Q-sort, which consists of a statement card, a P-sample, and a classification process, was analyzed through Q factor analysis using the PC QUANL program. The results were classified into two types. Type 1 (N=10): Spanish restaurant preference, Type 2 (N=7): The name of the factor was set as the type of professionalism in Spanish restaurants. Each type was found to have different characteristics. Each subjective perception detected through this analysis can be used as basic data for various studies.

Subjectivity Study on Consumer Perception of Processed Meat Food (육가공식품의 소비자 인식에 관한 주관성 연구)

  • Park, Sang-un;Kim, Ho-Seok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.404-412
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted by using the Q research method, one of the qualitative analysis methods, in order to approach consumers' perceptions of processed meat food in an essential and in-depth approach. To this end, Q-sort, which goes through the task of distributing responses by setting P samples by creating a question-and-answer table of positive and negative, was analyzed by using the PC QUANL program and analyzing the Q factor. As a result of the analysis, it was divided into three single types. Type 1 (N= 10) : Preferred types of processed meat food, Type 2 (N= 7) : Types of Pursuing Functionality of Processed Meat Food, Type 3 (N= 4) : The name of the factor was set as the non-preferred type of processed meat food. Each type has different characteristics, and the subjective perception of each factor detected through this analysis can be used as various basic research data in the future, and for the purpose of the study, the perceptions of consumers who use processed meat foods were classified and classified by type. It is to suggest future improvement directions by checking the characteristics of the variables.

Extended Q-larning under Multiple Tasks (복수의 부분 작업을 위한 확장된 Q-Learning)

  • 오도훈;윤소정;오경환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2000.04b
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    • pp.229-231
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    • 2000
  • 많은 학습 방법 중에서 비교적 최근에 제시된 강화학습은 동적인 환경에서 뛰어난 학습 능력을 보여주었다. 이런 장점을 바탕으로 강화학습은 학습을 기초로 하는 에이전트 연구에 많이 사용되고 있다. 하지만, 현재까지 연구 결과는 강화학습으로 구축된 에이전트로 해결 할 수 있는 작업의 난이도에 한계가 있음을 보이고 있다. 특히, 복수의 부분 작업으로 구성되어 있는 복합 작업을 처리할 경우에 기존의 강화학습 방법은 문제 해결에 한계를 보여주고 있다. 본 논문에서는 복수의 부분 작업으로 구성된 복합 작업이 왜 처리하기 힘든가를 분석하고, 이런 문제를 처리할 수 있는 방안을 제안한다. 본 논문에서 제안하고 있는 EQ-Learning은 강화학습 방법의 대표적인 Q-Learning을 개량하고 기존의 문제를 해결한다. 이 방법은 각각의 부분 작업 해결 방안을 학습시키고 그 학습 결과들의 적절한 적용 순서를 찾아내 복합 작업을 해결한다. EQ-Learning의 타당성을 검증하기 위해 격자 공간에서 복수의 부분작업으로 구성된 미로 문제를 통하여 실험하였다.

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The Area Extraction of Car-Licence Plates using U Component of LUV Color Coordinate System (LUV 칼라 좌표계의 U성분을 이용한 차량 번호판 영역 추출)

  • 정송균;김성준;김정엽;현기호
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2003.05b
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    • pp.641-645
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    • 2003
  • 본 논문은 일반적으로 차량의 번호판이 차종에 따라 녹색계통과 노란색계통 등 일정한 색상을 가지고 있다는 특징을 이용하여, 복합 칼라 좌표계의 성분을 결합한 차량 번호판 영역 추출에 대한 방법을 제안하였다. LUV와 HSI 및 YIQ 칼라 좌표계에서 번호판 영역을 검출하기 위해 사용한 색상은 U, H, Q영역이고 이진화 작업을 위한 임계치 조정의 효율성을 높이기 위해 각 영역의 평균 자기 값을 기준이 되는 값으로 보정하는 방법을 사용하였다. 처리과정의 효율성을 높이기 위해 번호판 후보 영역을 선정하여 번호판 크기의 마스크영역을 수직, 수평 라인으로 검색하여 추출하는 방법을 사용하였다. 실험 결과 H와 Q성분으로만 실험대상에 대하여 결합한 경우는 72.58%의 추출률을 보인 반면, 제안한 방법인 U와 H 및 Q성분의 결합에 의한 경우는 100%의 추출률을 보였다.

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